View Full Version : Pahrump
04-21-2008, 05:45 PM
So now that POG V is in the books, whats up with POG VI in Nevada?
I couldn't help but notice the wannabe plastic shield "pee pads":D...the real "buff off" will take place in the land of the slots!
I made several attempts to get a representative from Fingerhut Industries to show, fix us all up with plastic seat covers with stars and diamonds but their sales have been slow and Fingerhut seems to have bitten the dust ala chapter something...too bad!!:mad:
Jon Wehrenberg
04-21-2008, 08:28 PM
I'm coming with bus stands for those that wanted them and I will do the air suspension seminar so nobody will ever have to wonder why their bus is leaning.
I hope we have as good a time as we had in Sevierville.
The dudes with the classy blue plastic shields tried polishing them but they failed. Maybe the Pahrump crew can give them some tips. Of course both guys needed the shields because both are now members of the wide turn club and are co owners of the trophy since both did enough damage without the shields to cover the operating expense of a third world country. Both thought they could also get the damages they did to their coaches repaired so nobody in POG would find out, but we did. We have our ways.
04-21-2008, 08:46 PM
Good on ya Jon!!
I am sorry that I cannot get the boyz from Fingerhut to get JDUB and Mango a nice set of diamond shaped, gold tinted diamond, seat covers....that would have made them both feel SPIFFY!!
I am bringing a can of AJAX and some furniture polish...those shields will shine!!!
04-21-2008, 10:02 PM
I am really looking forward to POG-Pahrump. I have been a member for a 18 months, read 95% of all posts and final get time to go to a rally. I plan on getting in Friday night before the rally, polish the coach, buff the wheels and enjoy life.
04-21-2008, 11:23 PM
I'm looking forward to Pahrump as it has been almost 2 months since I've been out in the Coach. I don't have a Shield (ie; Bib) but I will happily watch anyone who wants to put on a demonstration on how to waste a couple of hours attempting to keep a piece of Acrylic clean.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-22-2008, 07:15 AM
I watched Jim Keller wash his bus. He has a shield.
It was painful.
First he has to wash the front of the shield that has the clarity of milk. Then he has to disassemble the shield, fold it down and wash the back of the shield. Then he has to wash the front of the bus that the shield protects.
Then dry all this. Then reassemble all this. Then dry the front. This took so long I could have polished all my slack adjusters in the same amount of time.
It must be a CC thing. But I do have to admit his shield looked better than the diapers the dynamic duo had on the front of their Marathons.
04-22-2008, 07:46 AM
Jon think of it this way.
Even a milky white shield will absorb a small crunch, say a fire hydrant hit at low speed or a tree stump or any little obstacle. It's your "get out of jail free" card because you can always tear your shield off and leave it at Flying J's and still not have to order new parts from Prevost and certainly you would not have to install a low lustre pee pad to prevent total "loss of face" at the POG Rally:D
Jon Wehrenberg
04-22-2008, 07:52 AM
I think it would have taken less time to repair collision damage than it took Jim to wash the front of his bus.
Care to respond Jim????????
dale farley
04-22-2008, 09:53 AM
I know Jim is in North Carolina at the present time, so he may be out of touch for a few days. He'll hate he misssed the opportunity.
04-22-2008, 05:25 PM
Mike: If you still have a dinged door rub rail we can tackle it as a SS fixit project @ POGVI. Anyone else with SS parts that need fixing bring them. I plan on a little show & tell on metal repair if there is interest.
04-22-2008, 06:45 PM
My dinged rub rail is currently in JDUB's possession posing as the Whiskey Dent Award, since he's the co-awardee this year. I'm sure it's mounted in a place of honor in his palatial office.
I'm not sure if you want to do a session on fiberglass repair, but I think Jon has a red sample somewhere.
04-22-2008, 07:22 PM
I will toss the dinged door rub rail in the coach. I found a new rub rail pretty cheap and bolted it on.
When I sold my company I signed an agreement that I could not perform any metal work, fabrication, and a couple hundred other trades I have no knowledge of. They said I can still watch others work, just not in California.
Will enjoy the demo.
04-22-2008, 07:32 PM
Sorry Harry,
Since I'm so accustomed to people commenting on the "Jimmy Buffett Affair", I thought you were referring to me.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-22-2008, 08:08 PM
For the was not fiberglass but carbon fiber. If I'm going to do damage I do it expensive.
04-22-2008, 08:14 PM
I stand corrected fiberboy. ;)
Jon Wehrenberg
04-22-2008, 08:53 PM
And for further clarification, when I damage a bus I make Mike and JDUB look like amateurs. My last bus damage was an $82,000 oops (sure to be eclipsed by Ray Davis or Buster), compared to the numbers I heard about their combined cost.
The moral of this story is if you want to do impressive damage, fire is an essential element.
04-22-2008, 10:00 PM
The continuing saga; rub rails; isn't that what their for anyway, to rub aginst gas station poles, RV site boulders, plants and shrubs, Water faucets, etc.
Don't know why I haven't used mine yet.
04-23-2008, 08:45 AM
garyde, don't be in a hurry to use your rub rails. It really gives them a case of trhe uglies when they do get damaged.
04-23-2008, 11:03 AM
We pulled into an RV park Saturday right at dark, just east of Memphis. The nice park in West Memphis is flooded out presently and we just needed something for overnight. Anyway, Jan jumps out and gets the park map that shows open sites. We're going to go eat, so I unhook the jeep and send her first to find the site. I tell her, I'll follow you through when you find the site. Well, she finds the site and pulls through with me right on her tail. I see that a large tree is hanging over the right side of the site, so in order to avoid a JDUB/MANGO trick I stay as far left as I can but still a few inches from the power pedestal. Pull up, get level and jump out to plug in. Thats when I see that in my effort to keep left, I have run over the water hook up. That pup is folded in a perfect 90 degree bend, but thankfully is not spraying the whole campground or even leaking. I decided we had plenty of water on board for the trip home on Sunday. I must say that whoever installed the hose bib at that spot gave little or no thought to what they were doing. I wrote a little note on the sign up card that said the water hookup in that site needed some attention.
04-23-2008, 01:37 PM
In regards to stinkodemayo potluck... I make the best red pork this side of Mexico City. So if ya'll want I will whip up a few pounds and bring it along.
Makes great stuffing for tacos, burritos and in actual fact goes damn good with eggs in the mornings!
Not sure who is running the potluck at this point, but whomever you are I would be happy to do that any anything else ya'll need, just let me know what it is!
Jon Wehrenberg
04-23-2008, 02:20 PM
As long as we are bouncing around....I will be bringing the bus supports for Gary D, Ray Davis and Ken Z. with me to Pahrump.
I also have Gary's cooler from Branson.
In addition I will have the working model of a single air bag suspension and Jim Skiff will have Hector's outstanding computer presentation of the suspension system. I guarantee everybody will know and understand why they have the leans and exactly what components will have to be checked to correct the problem.
I will also bring a brake chamber that we can operate to help anyone that needs to understand their brakes a little better.
I just hope I have enough room for the pile of cash needed for fuel.
04-23-2008, 02:53 PM
You bring the meat and I'll bring the tortillas, avos for guac, and Margarita Boy. (Oh, I'm running a little low on BBQ sauce, if you know what I mean.)
See you there,
04-23-2008, 03:09 PM
Not sure who is running the potluck at this point, but whomever you are I would be happy to do that any anything else ya'll need, just let me know what it is!
Warren, my wife Martha,(100% Mexican), said that is a great offer. She thinks making tamales (my request) is a lot of work so if you would kindly do that she will bring the tortilla chips. Oh, are you good a making salsa? That would good too if you also do the Flan. I'll bet Harry and Shirley will bring the beans so all you will have to do is cook 'em. I guess you will be doing this and Kelly Jo will not be involved. Martha sez 'Gracias', Warren es un buen hombre, (a good guy).
The truth is you can thank your lucky stars that I am NOT in charge of the potluck. I suppose Jim Skiff will nominate someone in the next few days.
I think we will be traveling to Parhump with Harry and Shirley on Thursday or Friday of next week. I am going to get in touch with Jim Schoen to see if he and his family want to travel with us. We are looking forward to seeing everyone one there!
Oh Warren, don't worry about the beans, I'll heat 'em in my Micro.
Have a nice trip,
Darl and Martha
04-23-2008, 04:31 PM
The red pork is an all day affair too, but it is worth it! However I can make it in advance and freeze it with no ill effect, so I will.
I am not into flan... With this crew it could cause flan-tulance, and that is rampant already.
If Skiff needs a volunteer (sucker) to run the potluck, I can do it no worries.
Need to know the head count though. I am guessing 18 or so??? And a list of who is coming would be handy.
Are there cooking facilities at this place? Did you guys check it out when you were there?? If so, what is on hand ??
KEN, sounds good, good guacamole is a wonderful thing! Not sure what you mean by bbq sauce? :D
04-23-2008, 04:32 PM
Jon, sounds good. I am interested in the leans, and also am glad the brake chamber class is being repeated as I didn't get to attend the original...
04-24-2008, 11:53 PM
So, at the end of the day...Who the hell is coming to Pahrump???
I am outta here next Friday (Arizona) which means Sunday. Am I one of nine or nine of one???
Inquiring minds want to know...
04-24-2008, 11:55 PM
Hi John. My wife and I will be there. Looking forward to it.
04-25-2008, 10:10 AM
Mornin' John, Martha and I will be there, tamales in tow. Warren, forget your tamales, we're bringing originals. FYI, we'll be traveling with Harry and Shirley Hoppe, leaving on Thursday morning from Reno. I talked to Jim Shoen and he is coming, hopefully with his wife and 2-3 youngsters. Their only problem is they have to leave early Thursday to return to Reno.
We also know Jon and Lady Di will be there. Warren (Jello Jeep) and Kelly Jo are also commited. Warren is bringing 'Red Beef' for the Monday night potluck and is in charge of any food request. In addition to Tamales I am bringing some Margarita fixin's.
Jim Skiff should be posting an update soon of all the participants.
See Ya in Pahrump!!:)
04-25-2008, 01:00 PM
In regards to Monday, here is the scoop.
I spoke with Jim, he said I was dumb enough to volunteer, so I have been self appointed as the HMFWBIC for the Monday Stinko de Mayo feast.
Darl is up with some tamales and bringing backup Marguerita fixins.
I am up with a batch of red pork for tacos / burritos, beans, rice, chips, salsa, and other good stuff.
The clan Hoppee is bringing the tortillas, fresh corn and flour as well as a personal gift of a case of Gentleman Jack for me.
The house of Zittrer is up with guacamole and Marguerita boy! Woo Hoo!
The supposed list of victims will be 20-25 as far as I know at this point.
Harry is checking with the front office to see if we can use the kitchen and dining hall for this.
If anyone else involved wants something, or wants to bring something, post it on here!
Maybe someone has a ghetto blaster with some appropriate Stinko de Mayo type music etc.
Looking forward to it all!
Jim Skiff
04-25-2008, 02:42 PM
Jello et al,
Here is a link to the Pahrump Attendee List: PAHRUMP FOLKS (
Ray Davis
04-25-2008, 05:15 PM
That's excellent Jim. It seems that there is a couple of new signups!
I am debating about trying to come out for one day, just to say hi to everyone, and perhaps pick up my bus stands from Jon. If I can't make it I will give a check to Ken Z for the stands. Jon, if you can fill me in on the final price, that would be helpful.
04-25-2008, 05:27 PM
Tell me what to bring for stinko del mayo.......
I am right on the border so the options are endless....anything save Menudo..I don't do that and it doesn't even ride in the bellies of my bus!
I have seen Mexican Cookies, Genuine "FRESH" Mexican Tortilla's (flour and/or corn) direct from San Luis, Rio de Colorado, Sonora Mexico or,
I can acquire cerveza, tequila (sans worm...I don't do that either) or anything else that seems fitting, oh, I am bringing my wife as well.
Let me know...P.S. I can bring a copy of the lovely Cinco de Mayo tune...the Macarena! I'll leave my support Caesar Chavez bumper stickers at home!
Shouldn't someone bring Lomotil, after all it is a Mexican Celebration and Montezuma and his revenge may be in attendance, speaking from past experience.
John and Linda
04-25-2008, 06:10 PM
Since my wife Martha is 100% Mexican it is 100% sure we will have some good tunes, Mariachi, etc.
John, Monteczuma's Revenge comes from the water so I am bringing some Cuervo Gold to back up Ken in case his Margarita Mixer runs out of air. We don't want anyone sick!
FYI for the purists, the Agave worm comes in the Mescal, not TaKillYa. In any case I won't be bringing any stinkin' worms.:eek:
Jon Wehrenberg
04-25-2008, 06:44 PM
Ray, $124 delivered to the rally. They are alread loaded. I also have Gary's and Ken's on board.
04-25-2008, 06:52 PM
Special dispensation...Menudo in my belly. That's it, tasty Mexican Soup made from (I won't mention that) will be arriving in Pahrump along with Mexican (real) tortilla's. This will be genuine (straight from Createn's in Yuma) with all the trimmings...or are all the trimmings in the soup?
I gots to watch myself around here, still tastes like Chewy tequila, isn't it made from the same cactus?
May the force be with you...
04-25-2008, 08:41 PM
Great acronymn! Would you care to elaborate and share this with the group?
BTW, I get it!
Jim Skiff
04-25-2008, 09:11 PM
We missed you in Sevierville. Get that rig on the road and meet us in Nevada.
04-25-2008, 11:07 PM
I assume you meant HMFWBIC ... It means, Honorary Mexican Food Wrangler, Barbequer, & Interim Chef.
Glad you understood! :D
Great acronymn! Would you care to elaborate and share this with the group?
BTW, I get it!
04-25-2008, 11:10 PM
Fly U, if you are on top of real Mexican stuff, how about a generous supply of Pico de Gallo salsa... Make sure to include some nuclear grade hot stuff, if its not too much of a problem !!
If push comes to shove I can make it there, but what the heck.
04-25-2008, 11:58 PM
Done.....It will burn your throat but it will be legit...
04-26-2008, 01:48 AM
I'm going to drive the car to Pahrump from Vegas one day just to say Hi and tell everyone how good of a time we had in Sevierville.
04-26-2008, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the clarification. I guess I didn't get it of did I?
04-26-2008, 07:03 AM
I am glad somebody missed me! Can't make it NV but Nancy and I are planning to make Spearfish.
04-26-2008, 11:29 AM
Harry, apparently Fly U has a good source for tortillas (hand made fresh corn and burro size flour) so you are off the hook for tortillas.
Hows about you get some re-fried beans & cheese, and some diced tomatoes for the taco/burrito/tamale line.
Okey dokey??
04-26-2008, 11:34 AM
If anyone who is non-assigned wants to jump in, the needs currently are
Paper plates & napkins & throw away utensils.
Drinks & throw away cups.
Table coverings & decorations.
Dessert if anyone cares for it.
Cases of Gentleman Jack for the chef. :D (Can't blame a guy for trying).
04-26-2008, 11:35 AM
Lee, why don't you join us Monday night for Stinko de Mayo dinner. I am sure there will be plenty!
I'm going to drive the car to Pahrump from Vegas one day just to say Hi and tell everyone how good of a time we had in Sevierville.
04-26-2008, 11:43 AM
Chef Warren: Darl informed me we will have cooking facilities available to us. They have a special site for wagon masters with cooking facilities. I will be bringing some special Green Salsa I imported directly from the Santa Cruz Chili & Spice CO. in Tumacacori, AZ. I hope it was green when they bottled it.
We enjoy it any way.
04-26-2008, 11:44 AM
I will bring the paper plates, napkins and throw away utensils.
04-26-2008, 12:17 PM
Thanks Jim, much appreciated!
I will bring the paper plates, napkins and throw away utensils.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-26-2008, 12:25 PM
Di will be the dessert lady. She will do all the work, and I will take all the credit. Count on us.
04-26-2008, 01:35 PM
Let me clarify Harry's post. When Jim Skiff and I inspected Seibt we found BBQ Grills and I think some had a place for pots/pans, etc. I don't know if these will be at the area where we will be staying. It is in the area where we were told is for Rallies. There is also a Palapa with a table and chairs for the Wagon Master. I suggested to Jim that this site be given to Jon because he will most likely need a place, away from his coach, to meet with the "novices", (like me.) I believe that site also has a grill.
Since we all have cooking facilities in our campers this should not be an issue. My wife, Martha and our daughters will be making lots of Tamales tomorrow. They will be frozen and then steamed, most likely in our coach, just prior to dinner on Monday.
Jim is coming to Pahrump early to clarify what facilities we will have for our group and make other arrangements so we will have a great Rally. He will likely have an answer for us for everything before we arrive. On another subject I think Jim arranged for the early arrivals and those staying past Saturday the 10th, a price break for the site. I will let him tell the group what is happening but I assure you all he is really going overboard to make this a rally to remember.
04-26-2008, 04:27 PM
Roger on the dessert Jon, sounds good...
Jim Skiff
04-26-2008, 04:40 PM
I can fill in any gaps we might have so please let me know what is missing.
Jim Skiff
04-26-2008, 05:10 PM
Norm Casson just signed up too!
Warren, thanks for getting a fire lit!
Jim :D
04-26-2008, 06:59 PM
Chef Warren: We are switched to re-fry frijollis, caso, tomatoes & lettuce. Bueno.
04-26-2008, 08:05 PM
Here is a thread describing how red pork comes to be..... :D
04-26-2008, 08:08 PM
Muchismo gracias El Harry
Chef Warren: We are switched to re-fry frijollis, caso, tomatoes & lettuce. Bueno.
04-26-2008, 08:09 PM
Quiet Jim, if Jdub gets wind, he will fly in, put it out, and bill you! :D
Norm Casson just signed up too!
Warren, thanks for getting a fire lit!
Jim :D
04-26-2008, 08:33 PM
Nobody has yet to jump on the case of Gentleman Jack :D:D
Also wasn't quite sure about the facility, so called to see about the clubhouse & kitchen. It is available for rent, but couldn't get details until Monday when the suits are in. I didn't know if it was part of the master plan to use it on Monday or not?
Could make it work either way I suppose, what do you think?
I can fill in any gaps we might have so please let me know what is missing.
04-26-2008, 10:22 PM
CINCO DE MAYOis Lise and my wedding anniversary so we are looking forward to the week and what sounds like a great Monday night dinner. We can bring some wonderful Santa Barbara wine for the occasion.
04-26-2008, 10:49 PM
Wine is a great idea Gary... sounds great!
04-28-2008, 07:51 AM
Unless anyone objects, the charity for the auction will be the Parumph Moose Lodge (helping orphans, look what they did for Truk :) )
On a serious note, their donations are really down due to the economy and such, so dig deep and give big!
Skif has 100 telephone lines being installed to take telephonic bids, and is working on a satellite link for live viewing. :p
So bring your big 'ol checkbook and or something to auction! Hit up all your capitalist business owner buddies! You need not be present to donate items to the charity either! Ups now serves Nevada! :D
04-28-2008, 08:30 AM
Jeep ole boy, you'll have to dig really deep with the charity bucks to top us correct coasters at S'ville. All you have to do is cough up more than 7300.00!
Sounds like your in charge Pork Boy, so get em to dig REALLY deep. Gary D's good for a grand and the new guy (John) does have money, even though he's in the TBC....;)
Now if a smaller group (that would be you guys) could top our 7300.00, you could make POG history. So here's the deal Pork Butt.... You use your charming way and influence to top the 7,300.00 and I'll pay for an Oil and Filter change at Prevost for your black water stinkmobile!
Get er done.......
04-28-2008, 09:55 AM
Well Trukman, I would think to be fair it would be $ per coach, how many did you have?
And if we top it, how about if you match it? I bet skiffer would be happy to put your company logo on the splash page! :)
Can I get an AMEN ? :eek:
Also, for myself, I decline your offer, but the charity auction happily accepts your donation of a oil change/service at Prevost, to be put up for bid!
Group, this is a generous donation from a fellow who can't even make it to the event. Let this be an example to others to do the same.
You can fedex the certificate to Skif for transport to the rally site, and THANK YOU for your donation.
A round of applause folks for TRUKMAN !!
04-28-2008, 12:26 PM
Which level of 'Service" (oil change) at Prevost does this "certificate" provide?
Prevost has several tiers of chassis lube/oil change, ya know.:D Or it maybe just a Mira Loma anomoly.
Ray Davis
04-28-2008, 12:43 PM
Yeah, as I recall the levels are "expensive", "REALLY EXPENSIVE", and "TAKE IT IN THE SHORTS EXPENSIVE".
PS: If you don't mind driving a little further west, I've been dealing with Motor Coach International (MCI) via a member of our church. I've spoken with their general service manager, and they would love to handle routine maintenance for Prevost owners. Contact me if interested.
04-28-2008, 09:23 PM
Well, I guess I'll have to grow a mustache before next week. Thanks Truk for setting the bar, maybe I'll auction off one of my 'Mango hats' or possibly a 'Boots & Coots' hat. Anything for a good cause.
04-28-2008, 09:34 PM
Gary, 30 years off the lip.
04-28-2008, 11:49 PM
You are right Gary, Tom has set the bar high, I might bid on it myself! :)
Mike, telephonic bidding will be allowed, you are on call! :D
04-29-2008, 12:41 AM
I'm driving car to Pahrump from Vegas one day next week to visit y'all.
Since Sevierville I've grown a beard in Mangos honor.
I'll be willing to shave it off for a price!
Leaving Coach, Dogs and Wife at the resort in Vegas.
04-29-2008, 02:03 AM
Your right about the different levels, All filters, air and fluids (like 14), even the inside HVAC, new fluids, new coolant, everywhere including hubs, full gen. service.
$1,675.00, hate to say it but I did not think it was that bad. Took 7-8 hours with one man.
See you in Nevada Sat. We are heading that way tomorrow, via S. California.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-29-2008, 07:01 AM
I have changed every fluid in my bus, all filters, lubed the coach, and did a visual inspection for leaks, road tested, rechecked fluid levels and rechecked for leaks.
I have the benefit of having done this on my buses about 50 to 60 times now to one extent or another depending on the maintenance schedule.
No way can they do a complete job in that amount of time. Ask anybody that has changed coolant or transmission fluid how long just those two tasks take. Throw in an oil change, fuel filters, coolant conditioning filter, transmission fliters, differential oil change, checking hub fluid levels, kissing every grease fitting with grease, cleaning the sediment cups on the AC system, checking tire pressures, power steering filter change, etc.
The price is very reasonable for a full service, but as much as I bitch about how much time they quote just to change an air bag for example, this amount of time and cost strikes me as though something is missing.
04-29-2008, 07:28 AM
I'll be first in for $50 towards Lee's beard.
04-29-2008, 07:58 AM
Bid accepted, who says 75 ?
I'll be first in for $50 towards Lee's beard.
04-29-2008, 10:22 AM
The Hoyum clan has stepped up to furnish these....
I think its all shaping up well.
04-30-2008, 07:51 AM
Lee, do you know the price of fuel at the TA there right next to ORA LV ? :confused:
Gary & Peggy Stevens
04-30-2008, 09:40 AM
Lee, do you know the price of fuel at the TA there right next to ORA LV ? :confused:
Hey Jello, check out their web site.
I think you will find everything you are looking for on that site?
" Las Vegas I-15, Blue Diamond Exit 33 ULSD #2 4.299 " Probably not the price you were hoping for?
Gary S.
04-30-2008, 11:06 AM
Well, it was 4.78 here, so its the lesser of the evils!
Sheesh, what a load of crap, 5 bucks a gal for diesel...:mad:
Remind me to charge someone extra on Monday! :D
04-30-2008, 12:40 PM
:mad: 4.12 at Loves in Yuma.......still awful. Boys here are jumping across the border to Pemex, 2.40 for old fashioned diesel 2, plus about an hours wait to get back across the border but if you need a load of the stuff, probably worth the wait.:cool: What is truly annoying, AVGAS (100LL) is 4.39/gallon full service, they polish the windscreen and the like and Jet A (diesel of sorts) is 3.99. My simple mind does not understand!
Jon Wehrenberg
04-30-2008, 02:06 PM
Do we need this discussion? I've got about 4100 miles (round trip) to contemplate the price of fuel. Last time I was in PIT the avgas was $6.62. Diesel at my local Pilot Truck Stop was $4.02 this AM.
All is not lost however. The suspension seminar and the brake seminar should help POG members save enough Lewbucks to be able to afford the high fuel prices.
Don't be shy about thinking up questions to ask on either the suspension or brakes. Armed with information and answers you should be able to do the repairs or monitor the repairs done by someone else and never be a victim of poor but expensive service. If you haven't got the leans you will, and if you take it in to correct the problem the average repair costs I have been hearing are around $3000. Even if every single possible component in the portion of the system that is leaking is replaced the labor should be around 4 hours and the parts should cost around $600. If you spend more than that you are paying for a tech to do on the job training. Make me prove what I said.
Hector and I will make you an informed owner, not a victim.
04-30-2008, 05:03 PM
Looking forward to the seminar Jon. I just paid PVML to replace an airspriing that I didn't have time or a place to run down..
Would rather understand it!
04-30-2008, 11:33 PM
Boy if you want to suck all the air out of the room, lets talk about the price of fuel.
I hate the idea of paying $500.00 or more for a fill up, but I will cut back else where. Also, Shorter trips and fewer trips will help.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-01-2008, 06:33 AM
Actually as a guy that has supported an aviation habit for years, suffering with the pain of writing checks for fixed costs such as hangars and insurance and charts and databases anyone that owns a bus and is influenced by the price of fuel needs to readjust the thinking.
Consider the cost per mile of your bus bringing depreciation, lost earnings on invested capital (or interest), tires, batteries, insurance, licensing, etc. into the equation based on the average number of miles you drive. These are the costs you pay annually without ever rolling a wheel. Add to that cost the variables such as oil changes and repairs and you will see that the per mile cost will make you want to sell your bus.
But....instead of doing that take another look at what your cost per mile is if you double the mileage you drive, or triple the mileage you drive. Despite the high price of fuel you are now saving money. See how simple it is to ignore fuel costs????????
05-01-2008, 08:19 AM
It is still o.k. to bitch about the price of fuel!
Very few of us use our busses enough to really worry about that issue from owners point of view.
My complaint on 4 plus per dollar diesel is the impact at say the grocery store where those fresh avocado's from the left coast sell at twice the price on the opposite side of the country, when to compared to a year ago. Same holds true for almost anything that has to be shipped be it by truck, rail or air....they all use some form of much more expensive diesel and the consumer, you and I, are paying for it.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-01-2008, 08:33 AM
Without getting this into a political argument I suspect we are seeing high prices across the board due to the idiots we have placed in office.
First, our wizards have managed to cause the dollar to lose value so we may not actually be seeing $4.00 diesel, but $3.00 diesel if we had as much value in the dollar as we had 2 or three years ago. So part of the higher costs are due to the weaker dollar. Maybe they need to stop printing money and let the people that got in over their heads lose their houses.
Then to exacerbate the problem the tree hugging weenies have decided ethanol is the path to environmental purity. So we spend megabucks to create a gallon of fuel that costs as much as or more than petroleum fuel, and which requires abundant amounts of corn (for example) to produce. And that fuel has less energy content so more is required. So instead of planting other crops farmers plant corn, with less going to feed cattle driving up prices of produce across the board due to the ripple effect.
You can blame the fuel for higher prices, but the price of fuel is the symptom, not the disease.
Heading out to burn some of that in a little bit. Maybe there will be less traffic because the American public has said they cannot pay the cost of fuel. Yeah right....there will be as many on the road as before.
05-01-2008, 08:52 AM
Right on Jon,
Careful of that Ethanol. I put some (accidently cause I didn't read the pump) of that crap in my Jeep Wrangler last year in Denver. Bucked and snorted followed by a nice case of vapor lock.....took an Oklahoma Credit Card to it and was not able to syphon all of it out...lighter than gasoline! Took about 4 tanks of fuel to complete the flushing cycle. Absolute junk, costs more to produce than gasoline, diverts corn from cows, lousy performance and lousy mileage....have a look at the E-85 EPA mileage charts to verify that one.
05-01-2008, 09:54 AM
Lee, do you know the price of fuel at the TA there right next to ORA LV ? :confused:
$4.299 is todays price.
05-01-2008, 11:16 AM
Right on Jon,
Careful of that Ethanol. I put some (accidently cause I didn't read the pump) of that crap in my Jeep Wrangler last year in Denver. Bucked and snorted followed by a nice case of vapor lock.....took an Oklahoma Credit Card to it and was not able to syphon all of it out...lighter than gasoline! Took about 4 tanks of fuel to complete the flushing cycle. Absolute junk, costs more to produce than gasoline, diverts corn from cows, lousy performance and lousy mileage....have a look at the E-85 EPA mileage charts to verify that one.
My gosh, JDUB, you gonna let that "Oklahoma Credit Card" statement just sit there and simmer?? You gotta step up here, man.
Unless, of course, it's the truth!! :D:D
05-01-2008, 11:53 AM
Pahrump Diesel Prices ( are a lot less than LV and about the same as Reno. We are leaving early tomorrow morning and will arrive at Siebt about 10 hours later. (Harry and Shirley were planning to leave Reno this morning). I was going to top off my fuel here at The Alamo Truck Stop but fueling in Pahrump is a better option since we will be traveling a little lighter.
Now, I just need to get my son out of bed to help me wash the Tamale Wagon, make some last minute MH adjustments, fix about 40 ft of fence that blew down in our last 85 mile per hour wind and we'll be ready for an early morning departure. Life is so easy!!:)
A little update: Harry just called and they are having a brake problem just outside of Reno. He said the ABS light went on and there was a lot of screeching. The preliminary guess by a mechanic, now there with them, is it may be a wheel bearing. They will probably be towed back to Reno and hopefully leave with us in the morning.
Jerry Winchester
05-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Mel Torme,
Cut the guy a break. He's from Pismo Beach; the summer home of Bugs Bunny.
Anyone steeped in the fine art of the siphon hose has some stories to tell.
05-01-2008, 10:19 PM
Yea, Jerry, your right to let it go I guess. I wasn't up to speed on the rabbit deal. That explains a ton.
Ask me about my siphon hose technique developed over a period of 3 years of delivering the morning paper in my hometown of Ft. Worth. And that was back when gas was 35 cents a gallon. Damn, I can still taste it. Always preferred Ethel myself.
05-02-2008, 01:14 AM
We will be leaving Friday night from Pomona CA. Probably boondock at a casino Friday night.
Should be at the resort sometime Sat. morning.
05-02-2008, 08:11 AM
eek:Shirley and I are very disapointed we could not complete our trip to Pahrump.
Reno's Smith Detroit - Allison repair facility supplied the reason. We had a drivers side rear axel beraing seal replaced on Tuesday. We hit the road to Pahrump on Thursday. 40 miles east of Reno loud scraping noises sounded from the rear. By the time we found a semi safe spot to leave the freewy roadbed smoke was emitting from the rear DS rear axel bearing. I exited with the fire extenguisher and did not have to use it, but the axel bearing was toast. Smith sent the tech that replaced the seal to examine the problem. We checked to see if I could move the coach further away from the roadbed and found it would not move under power. The drive line turned, but no wheel movement. Now the real fun of the day begin. Smith called a tow company. After explaining the problems to them, they dispatched a tractor with a drop-bed trailer and a large wrecker truck. I got busy and removed the all across rear mud flap to allow access to the rear hoisting points. They pulled and scraped the bus on to the trailer 11: oo AM to 3:30 PM. At Smith they pulled and scraped the bus off the trailer. The scraping part did some minor damage to tail pipe extensions and the front SS light bar. There it sits for at least a weeks worth of repairs.
Lesson learned on towing: Our bus bumper sections front and rear are not strong enough to stand the pressures put on them from cables hooked to the frame below and wrapping up under the bumper sections. We need to check with Prevost for detailed instructions on hoisting for towing. It would have been easier to load the bus on the drop trailer if we coud have lifted the rear over hang of the bus with the other wrecker winches. The tow driver said the bumper section would not stand the pressure of the cables wrapped under the with blocking, without bending upwards causing body damage. It took long sections of 4X4's placed under the rear wheels to get the overhang portion of the bus behind the rear wheels off dragging the ground when being pulled onto the tilt trailer ramp.
Darl came to the rescue allowing us to transfer our portions of the Monday evening meal and auction items to him for his trip to Pahrump.
You'all have a good time your hear. God willing we'll work toward seeing you in S.D. @ POGVII.
05-02-2008, 08:26 AM
Bug's Bunny, Pismo Beach, where did you guys hare that?:D
Pismo was a hang out, still is, for folks like Jethro Bodine (Max Baer) who I think is someones role model here; Clark Gable, he and Carol Lombard owned my little place at one time; the Lone Ranger and many more.
Seems that Hal Roach studios shot a bunch of cowboy movies nearby, not to mention DeMile using the beaches for copy of Egypt as far back as the 1920's. Pismo became the local watering hole......
Now you have heard the rest of the story....
P.S. correct syphoning does not include tasting fuel, ask any Oklahoma Card Holder
05-02-2008, 08:37 AM
Now you have me nervous.......
Last week I had the right side drive axle seal replaced! The tech said the bearings were fine and re-installed them. He, the mechanic, found the minor seep during a lube service that I was watching, it was not bad enough to attack the brake and had not leaked onto the tire. My hope here is that his maintenance prowess is as keen as his I said I watched the whole thing, 2 hours from start to finish, no parts left over and used a torking wrench....still in all I will give it a 35 mile check.
Sorry your gonna miss it!
05-02-2008, 08:50 AM
If the guy added about 2 quarts of lube to the hub and you have no leaks, you'll be fine. The problem is when some dimwit puts it all back together dry or forgets to check/add differential oil. Prevost Nashville only has a few guys that do the seals and their good at it... They also learned the hard way.
05-02-2008, 09:11 AM
I was charged for Hypoid so I suspect they refilled the thing.......I was refilling my coffee cup towards the end and really didn't notice that save what is shown on the mechanics invoice. I will still do a 35 mile check...just in case:D
05-02-2008, 09:21 AM
Truk: The sad part the service prior to the seal change they drained and re-filled the differential lube. Smith replaced the passenger side seal on a previous leak problem, 1600 mi later the same seal was leaking. They re-did the seal replacement and noticed the driver side seal was leaking a little. That is when I scheduled the recent driver side seal replacement, hence the current problem. Smith is not a small outfit, the Sparks unit is one of many owned by Smith of Salt Lake City.
05-02-2008, 09:24 AM
So sorry to hear the news.
05-02-2008, 10:46 AM
Is replacing a drive axle seal that complicated? I know that Hector has had several seals replaced at Prevost Texas, and at Sevierville he was thinking the last replacement seal was still leaking. And, it sounds like the Prevost techs are not the only mechanics having problems. Might be time to look at the quality of the seals being used for replacements.
05-02-2008, 11:23 AM
" you can't ride in my red wagon, wheels broken axels dragging, same song second verse, should get better but it could get worse"
What a bummer, the worse part is missing Jons presentation on leans and other subjects. Yah Yah I'm gonna miss seeing some of you other jokers too.
Ray Davis
05-02-2008, 11:36 AM
Very sorry to hear about this. What a jinx! So, is this not repairable in a couple of days? So that you could still come, perhaps a day or two late?
05-02-2008, 11:42 AM
Geez Harry! What a run of bad luck!! Hey, its not that far, why don't you get a room in town, and commute to the rally. Its not very far at all into town?
We don't want to miss you guys! :(
05-02-2008, 12:39 PM
See Harry,
You should have kept the other bus as a backup.
05-02-2008, 05:27 PM
Mango; At this point I don't want one bus much less two. The sympathy I got from Shirley amounted to " well you wanted to run with the big boys. "
05-02-2008, 06:20 PM
Sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations. Hopefully, all will turn out well in the end, and this episode will fade into a distant bad memory.
Keep the faith...
Jim Skiff
05-02-2008, 06:48 PM
You can't replace Harry...period but the agenda has been updated. We have a Michelin Tire rep speaking at 1:30 on Tuesday afternoon. (
05-02-2008, 06:54 PM
Thanks Paul I'm sure it will and thanks to all the well wishers that responded. We had our hearts set on the p rally. It could have been worse, there is a lot of nothing between Reno and Pahrump. Our problem developed 40 miles from the repair shop.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-02-2008, 07:35 PM
Harry that is terrible news.
So that others may learn from your mishap I would like to tell everyone about a company that will come out to you and cut off a burnt spindle and weld on a new one right on the side of the road without having to remove the axle housing or tow your vehicle.
They are called the axle doctors. Google this or
Jon Wehrenberg
05-02-2008, 07:58 PM
Sad to hear that Harry.
I suspect as Tom said that when they changed the seal they di not tip the axle or refill the bearing area with fresh lube. The folks that did your seals owe you the cost of all repairs. If they did replace the lube (doubtful if the bearings were dry) then the other cause directly traceable to them is they overtightened the bearings.
We were looking forward to seeing you and Shirley.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-02-2008, 08:08 PM
If you install NEW (dry) inner and outer hub bearings on a drive axle and do not prelube them and prefill the hub cavity they will be squeaking in a matter of 3 or 4 miles.
I have seen this first hand.
I'm not sure how far you got Harry but take this information into consideration.
05-02-2008, 08:22 PM
Sorry to hear about your situation. Hope everything comes out alright!
I agree with Jon, Smith Detroit/Allison owes you the entire cost of the repairs. Just my .02
05-02-2008, 09:53 PM
3 or 4 years ago I had the very same problem. I had a seal leaking and the mechanics never think you have leake enough gearoil to add any. It only took 9 miles before I siezed up and it took 5 days to get the correct axil. Needed the doctor with the big torch and it scared the crap out of me.
Good luck with the repairs. The initial repair facility covered all of the expenses.
I know you want to listen to Jon's infor on the leaks. Ya know, we're getting old enough to watch out for anal leakage.
05-03-2008, 12:12 AM
Harry, have those professionals get you up and running by Tuesday or else. I was really looking forward to spending time with you and Shirely. I don't know how those knuckleheads can compensate a POG member from missing a POG Rally!
05-03-2008, 12:35 PM
Good luck, looking forward to meeting you. Have a dent SS rub rail for your demo. I was at Mira Loma this week and could of had all the dented rub rail we wanted. Some one hit a short pole and dinged up 3 sections.
We are at Seibt, the park is very different and was build with all the hookups on the wrong side of the coach. I saw something similar in the new Pony Express, Salt Lake City park. The power and sewer were 50' apart. They were digging it up and fixing the SL park.
Jim Skiff
05-03-2008, 07:10 PM
Folks are arriving. It was great to meet Mike & Dee and to see Warren and Kelly again. I forgot how funny Warren is. This is going to be fun!
Alan Hann just registered for Pahrump which is great!
If you can attend we still have spots and want you here!
I talked with Kevin Erion last night who was doing a celebrity gig in Las Vegas. I begged him to drop by the rally. He gave me the "Do you know who I am?" line and said he might be able to grace us for a couple of hours. :D
Jim Skiff
05-04-2008, 11:32 AM
A few early pictures. (
05-04-2008, 05:14 PM
Joe: Thanks for your comments and the info on axle surgeons. I will be contacting Smith on Monday morning and going over your suggestions and planning a plan for proceeding with the repairs. You offer so much experiance with your use of heavy equipment in your work. You are of real value to all of us and we thank you. Several of us look forward to meeting you and Debbie in the future. A future rally in your area should be planned so we all could meet you wonderful people. Thanks again for your advice. I hope every POG member learns something from our axle experiance.
Jim Skiff
05-04-2008, 08:15 PM
More pictures ( :D (
05-05-2008, 09:12 AM
Hey Jim,
How about some captions so we know who's the good looking busses belong to.
05-05-2008, 11:17 AM
Hey, Jim, how come their campground has pavement and we had rocks at Sevierville?? Oh never mind, keeps the rattlesnakes away I'll bet.
You all have fun!!
More Pictures!! (with captions for Mike)
05-05-2008, 02:00 PM
WE are lovin' the photos, Jim, Keep 'em coming!!!
05-05-2008, 03:03 PM
S.S. Repair and polishing: I was supposed to give you a demo on this subject at POG VI. We can do it at future POG Rally's, in the mean time I offer a source for polishing supplies. . Save those dented rub rails and other SS parts from your bus or car restoration projects. We'll eventially get to it. Shirley and I are sure missing beinng with you in Pahrump.
I gotta stay here and control Neandrthals making the repairs on our bus. See you all in S.D. in Sept.
05-05-2008, 06:25 PM
I heard this is Harry's Plan B for making Parumph.
He always makes it happen.
Jim Skiff
05-06-2008, 12:30 AM
Pictures added. More pictures (
05-06-2008, 09:02 AM
Pictures added. More pictures (
Lovin' all the pictures Jim, please keep posting. Parumph certainly has a gorgeous facility....I don't see any granite dust anywhere?:D Have a wonderful time folks, wish we were all there with you!
Jon, loved your t-shirt--LOL
Ray Davis
05-06-2008, 02:26 PM
Not that it matters, but in two of the pictures the captions mentioned that Steve Bennett "brought a coach".
That is Steve's personal Marathon, not a for-sale coach! At least I don't think that it is for sale :)
05-06-2008, 03:14 PM
Ray, I didn't see you, just Kathy in the photos...did I miss you?
Ray Davis
05-06-2008, 05:12 PM
I was in a couple of the pictures, light blue T-shirt, with a sombrero.
Kathy and I went up Sunday afternoon, stayed Monday for the potluck and came home last night about midnight.
Jim Skiff
05-08-2008, 12:03 AM
Winery Tour & Dinner
Jim Skiff
05-08-2008, 01:24 AM
Pictures from the day before. (
05-08-2008, 01:28 AM
Some pix here....
Our bio diesel demo
Jim Skiff
05-08-2008, 01:34 AM
This was a funny moment at dinner.
05-08-2008, 01:41 AM
I yell, people look ??? Funny isn't it!
05-08-2008, 01:47 AM
More stuff
05-08-2008, 01:55 AM
More for your viewing pleasure...
05-08-2008, 02:03 AM
Mo stuff fo' ya'll
05-08-2008, 02:17 AM
Pics Galore
05-08-2008, 02:18 AM
Yes there is mo
05-08-2008, 07:28 AM soon as i turn my back....the bowling alley, not a problem...have a ball....but the WINERY?....someone is holding out on us....i spend a week in a winery one day....have a ball
05-08-2008, 08:18 AM
Anyone else notice how long Jim Skiff's hair is getting ? Looks good, buddy ! Let it grow, let it grow !
Jim Skiff
05-08-2008, 06:17 PM
Alan & Mary Kay Hann have been stirring up some fun here in Pahrump.
I dug up this "old" picture of them cutting the rug in Kerrville.
05-08-2008, 09:47 PM
Never mind the pictures of the winery. We want to see some pictures of the inside of the Chicken Ranch. I have exterior pictures.
Jim Skiff
05-09-2008, 12:21 AM
Some pictures from today. (
Over $4000.00 Dollars Raised for Meals on Wheels and the Pahrump,NV Senior Center. :D
Thanks to all of the generous donations & bids from all POG members and sponsors involved.
Jim Skiff
05-09-2008, 12:23 AM
What a crew!
05-09-2008, 08:45 AM
That's GREAT news fellow poggers, what a group! You guys are doing a great job out there.
05-09-2008, 08:53 AM
Hey, who is that Pogger being paid off by Gary D?:p
05-09-2008, 11:13 AM
More photos
05-09-2008, 11:17 AM
more photos
05-09-2008, 11:30 AM
and more photos
05-09-2008, 12:03 PM
and more photos
05-09-2008, 12:05 PM
and more POG
05-09-2008, 12:08 PM
a few more mugs
05-09-2008, 12:11 PM
mugs and more
05-09-2008, 12:13 PM
good times
05-09-2008, 12:16 PM
more of the same
05-09-2008, 12:18 PM
a few more
05-09-2008, 12:23 PM
Jim Skiff
05-09-2008, 11:44 PM
More pictures from Pahrump. ( I got a call at 1:30am this morning. It was a man who said he was Jerry Winchester. He also said he had Mango Mike with him and they were in Nevada. I didn't believe them until I got a knock on my hotel room door 30 seconds later. Some of the rest is documented in images and I'm sure more pictures will surface shortly.
Cheers to Mike and Jerry!:p
05-10-2008, 12:53 AM
Here is the YouTube Link ( to the bidding action and winner Alan Hann. Great job by all POGers in making this charity auction a record. Thanks Harry and Shirley for this great item and all of the others. Jim even auctioned off the hot sauce! :)
Jim Skiff
05-10-2008, 01:05 AM
More pictures from Friday. (
05-10-2008, 07:48 AM
Who was the Dork in the yellow shirt without any face hair?:o
05-10-2008, 09:04 AM
So, what we have here is Taco Tour II ??
Yes, dear, Pahrump is the town that is famous for more than just a nice RV park, but you can trust Mango and me. :cool:
Jerry Winchester
05-10-2008, 09:09 AM
It's a good disguise as the Jeepster didn't even recognize him when we drove thru their ranks three times in the rent car. Pretty smart thinking of MM to go incognito eh?
Jerry Winchester
05-10-2008, 10:15 AM
You are way behind. This would be about Taco Tour 4 if we are keeping score.
But for the sake of full disclosure, after we landed in Las Vegas Thursday night, we cruised Las Vegas Blvd. until we got to the all night taco stand just north of the Stratosphere where we shut down for some sustanance.
I am sure Mike will post the whole photo pictoral of the event, but we are packing up and heading to the airport; after a stop for breakfast tacos.
I hate it that we missed the Mel Torme Memorial Breakfast and Sheep Toss, but I am sure Darl will get it done for us this morning.
Jim Skiff
05-10-2008, 11:23 PM
A few pics from the Torme breakfast: (
05-11-2008, 04:27 AM
It doesn' matter whether Poggers meet on the East Coast or West Coast or somewhere in the middle........We NEVER miss a meal !
05-11-2008, 08:55 AM
It doesn' matter whether Poggers meet on the East Coast or West Coast or somewhere in the middle........We NEVER miss a meal !
Great pics, ya'll are having way too much fun.....what a gorgeous facility, love the place.
Mango, shaving took 10 years off your life, don't pay any attention to Truk. But, if you start dying your hair to match JDUB's I will begin to worry:D
05-11-2008, 08:57 AM
I hope you were just getting home and not getting up at 4:37 AM. My God man that is zero darkthirty! On second thought maybe you have a paper route and have to get up that early.
05-11-2008, 01:14 PM
One thing that wasn't mentioned were the Pets everyone brought with them. The Pets , Dogs and Cats out numbered the people practically. From one to four pets per Pogger. It's always fun to have our dogs with us, we brought two from the three we have at home, they enjoy playing with the other animals.
Have you ever wondered when your buying a Coach and they say 'no pets' if sales people are stretching the truth a little.
05-11-2008, 04:53 PM
Warren Man,
My god, what happened at the Torme forgot your teeth???
All in all, great rally, lots of great folks...would not miss another. Best to all.
05-11-2008, 06:20 PM
Quiet in the peanut gallery fly boy, or I will send my BN over and have him put a pop knot on ya! :)
Warren Man,
My god, what happened at the Torme forgot your teeth???
All in all, great rally, lots of great folks...would not miss another. Best to all.
05-11-2008, 06:27 PM
Just getting up to another beautiful day at Pahrump, I came outside and there were some shenanigans brewing... Looked a bit like this...
Also you can tell there are some people who are a bit grumpy about this, as witnessed by the hand signals being bandied about...
05-11-2008, 06:31 PM
The perps of this operation left my bus unscathed save for the rubber finger, and a few minor things... Said perps also left incriminating Jello Jeep paraphernalia about...
05-11-2008, 06:34 PM
More mayhem followed...
05-11-2008, 06:40 PM
And the hits keep on coming...
05-11-2008, 06:43 PM
Warren, it didn't help that you were one of the last one's to go to bed, and one of the last one's up that morning!
05-11-2008, 06:44 PM
A Woody Harrelson look a like showed up, and denied any knowledge of the dastardly deed. We knew he had the 411 on the deal though, as he kept smirking..
05-11-2008, 06:50 PM
But then the mystery was solved, as the ever cruising rental car slowed down and the Taco Twins emerged.
We all had a great laugh over the whole thing, as NOBODY suspected them in flying in for an airstrike!
Kenny and Mrs. Z had gone out for a drive after cleaning up their coach, and SOMEONE came up with the idea of nailing them all over again!
I did my best to talk everyone out of it, but to no avail, so here it went again, but this time in broad daylight!
05-11-2008, 06:55 PM
It sure looked like fun!
From the looks of the accuracy Jon displayed in filling the little pool, Di must have a heck of the time with the bathroom floors!
Alan was training his dog to go in the middle of the street, or possibly its just a reaction to Sharon? :)
05-11-2008, 07:03 PM
Eventually the Z's came back to roost. They were looking none too happy about being chosen for shenanigans again....
Then the Taco Twins emerged, they all kissed and made up, and life was good in the park once again....
I love a happy ending... Plus apologies were flying around like bats at dusk.. The Jeepster's good name was restored.... Ahhh...
05-11-2008, 07:11 PM
Well, the Taco Twins showed how they had slithered undetected through the night with stealth glasses... The foursome posed for a photo op in front of the two-time vicitms bus.
Mr Z began swilling Tequila and Corona beer and for some reason fancied taking a pool bath with Emerson. The park cops showed up and hooked him up for contributing to the deliquincy of a blow up doll (take heed Truk, stay out of Pahrump).
05-11-2008, 07:19 PM
Pics for your viewing pleasure..
05-11-2008, 07:23 PM
More for your continued viewing pleasure...
05-11-2008, 07:25 PM
Last of the acution pics.
The last picture was a result of Randy finding out that Nevada requires a license for "Sharons" to be out in public!
05-12-2008, 12:51 AM
Quiet in the peanut gallery fly boy, or I will send my BN over and have him put a pop knot on ya! :)
Well, I will let the truth out...had the Toothbrush been invented anywhere but Menefee California, they would have called it the TEETHBRUSH:D
I guess you didn't want to hurt those choppers during the "First Annual Parumph Memorial Breakfast Sheep Toss" All and all the breakfast was not BAAAHD!
BTW, all of us older folk are requesting that when you have a "photo op" that involves us, you stretch a piece of cheesecloth over the lens ala Doris Day (preserves what little vanity we have left)!!
Jim Skiff
05-20-2008, 08:03 AM
Dear P.O.G. Members,
The Pahrump Senior Center, The Board of Trustees, staff and its members can't thank you enough for your generous donation. It was a pleasure to meet you all and to see you in action. I was impressed to see how much fun you folks had spending money and couldn't be happier to be the receiving organization. We at the Senior Center have been struggling with the increase in fuel prices and your donation has taken some of the edge off that task. Our purpose is to transport the local seniors to their medical appointments in Las Vegas (which can be up to 350 miles round trip 3 days a week.) and for local medical and shopping as well. We also feed approximately 80 to 100 people a day at the center and provide around 80+ meals a week through Meals on Wheels for the Homebound Seniors.
We are a non-profit and depend on kind, caring people like yourselves to help us make a difference in the community and to help us provide the seniors of Pahrump a better living environment.
Again, The Pahrump Senior Center would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity.
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