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dale farley
04-21-2008, 03:49 PM
Thanks to:

Jim S. for putting together such a fine rally.

Jon for providing some leg work and helping me check out a couple buses prior to purchase.

Jim K. for a coax cable and help doing several odds and ends on my coach.

Mango Mike and Brian E. for the rivet and tools to install a rivet on my bus. Dalej for helping me do the job.

Miles and Jim K. for troubleshooting and resolving an electrical problem I had.

Truk for answering numerous questions and solving various problems via phone while I was on my way to the rally.

MM and Jdub for entertainment and some fine food.

Thanks to all our new and older friends that we've made through the POG.

I am sure I forgot someone, so I'll add it later.

All in all, I know much more about my bus than when I arrived at the rally, and I have several things working that weren't before.

Jon Wehrenberg
04-21-2008, 08:23 PM
All we ask is that you pay our invoices in a timely manner.

dale farley
04-21-2008, 09:11 PM
I may have to wait until my ship comes in to pay these kind of debts.

04-21-2008, 09:21 PM
I would like to thank Fast Roger and Jim Keller for helping me buff and polish out the blemish on my paint from the "aluminum XL II" banner that was mysteriously taped to my coach. Roger's Yellow Majic did the trick; along with some elbow grease.:D

04-21-2008, 09:48 PM
Micki wanted to say a great big thanks to Tom Johnson Camping Center/ and the fine folks from Amadas Coach for their participation and the Ladies Lunch at the Chop House.

Thanks for sponsoring an outing for the Ladies, it was great!

04-24-2008, 09:01 AM
Ed and I had a GREAT time,also. It is aways great just getting to socialize with one another and getting to know them more. Of course, meeting new people is always a pleasure! THANKS to ALL for everything!!!:)
Jim and Margaret worked so good together. What a great family affair.
Very sorry to hear about Jerry and Judy from Oklahoma. They were ready to take off for TN and I understand that he went to the hospital instead of TN. Hope you are doing well and OK at this time.