View Full Version : Monday Night Pot Luck
04-06-2008, 09:04 PM
excited to see you all - and meet those of you coming for the first time. try to keep a low profile - from, well . . . you'll find out!
in an effort to avoid the "we are out of main dishes but we have TONS of dessert" effect, skiffer has encouraged me to post a NEW division of food for our pot luck for arrival monday night based on the attendance list. please note: if you have multiple names on your RSVP, please refer to the female name for the category of what to bring. sorry - we all know who is really preparing the dish to bring. lol.
thanks in advance - hopefully, if everyone complies, we will have more than 4 main dishes and plenty of food for all!!
last names beginning with:
A - C please bring an appetizer
D - H please bring a main dish
I - R please bring a side dish
S - Z please bring a dessert
this is assuming (!) sponsors are not bringing a dish - if all our wonderful sponsors want to contribute - please feel free to bring whatever you would like. alcohol is always good. we love our sponsors!
any thoughts - questions, respond here - no flaming, please. just trying to make sure we all get enough.
see you all soon,
04-06-2008, 09:18 PM
Way to go Jody
Micki just commented to me today that should be changed. Good going!! You know we like to eat!!& lots of it.
04-06-2008, 10:12 PM
Since we are planning on leaving tomorrow (Monday) and stopping at our daughters on the way to Sevierville, my wife went by the old "Who Does What" and made a main dish. Hopefully that does not short the side dishes.
Jon Wehrenberg
04-07-2008, 07:50 AM
Taking this idea one step further, I suggest that we rotate dish catagories at each rally so someone preparing a dessert for this rally would fall into the appetizer catagory the next rally and side dish the rally following.
04-07-2008, 07:51 AM
Since we are planning on leaving tomorrow (Monday) and stopping at our daughters on the way to Sevierville, my wife went by the old "Who Does What" and made a main dish. Hopefully that does not short the side dishes.
actually that works out perfectly. aj and his family will not be able to make it and they were to bring a main dish!
thanks for your concern - it all works out in the end.
04-07-2008, 07:53 AM
Jody, what's the old man been up to lately? he's been quite. :)
04-07-2008, 08:07 AM
Taking this idea one step further, I suggest that we rotate dish catagories at each rally so someone preparing a dessert for this rally would fall into the appetizer catagory the next rally and side dish the rally following.
sorry, di, i was going to do that but i didn't want anyone to think i was fixing this - we always are in the main dish category and didn't want to be accused of wimping out with a bowl of chips. plus everyone KNOWS who makes the best cookies!!! just ask bill.
04-07-2008, 08:13 AM
Jody, what's the old man been up to lately? he's been quite. :)
oh yea quiet, dale? not here. we are going to be in CT for the summer and have been frantically trying to get everything finished here before heading to TN. we aren't ready to leave FL. now, what he thinks is critical and what i think . . . yea, you get the picture.
so, if we come back here after the rally we probably won't bring the bike. i was really looking forward to dragon's tail - i really enjoyed the sisters! only i only did 2 of them though. hahhahahahah.
let's see if i can stir up any trouble.
04-07-2008, 08:17 AM
Tell Mr Bill....If he doesn't bring the HD, He's in big trouble!!!
04-07-2008, 12:20 PM
Hi Jody!
Neal and I are going to be at the rally and I was wondering if there is something that I could bring. We don't have a bus yet but I could bring our crockpot, since we are driving, and make chili con queso or something like that. I would just need an outlet to plug it into. Or we could bring some adult beverages.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
04-07-2008, 12:48 PM
Yes, those adult beverages will work out just fine!
Here is what you can bring, maybe put them in Dale and Jan's bus for safe keeping. :)
04-07-2008, 03:00 PM
Hi Jody!
Neal and I are going to be at the rally and I was wondering if there is something that I could bring. We don't have a bus yet but I could bring our crockpot, since we are driving, and make chili con queso or something like that. I would just need an outlet to plug it into. Or we could bring some adult beverages.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
judy - since you are on the roster jim skiff sent of attendees you have been accounted for: last name d - please bring main dish. i'm sure someone will have a plug you can use for your crockpot. are you staying in one of the cabins or in a hotel?
thanks for checking. looking forward to meeting you both.
pay no mind to dale - no one else does:rolleyes:
04-07-2008, 04:17 PM
Hey Jod, can you bring some M&M's?:rolleyes:
04-07-2008, 05:04 PM
If you're cookin'...I gotta spare outlet!!
04-07-2008, 05:11 PM
Hey Jod, can you bring some M&M's?:rolleyes:
i'm trying to find some black licorice . . .
04-07-2008, 10:07 PM
Jody ran out of M & Ms and has put an old mans' picture with a little girl in it's place. Avatar, that is. Couldn't resist
04-09-2008, 07:43 AM
skiffer has updated the agenda page with the contributions for the pot luck dinner - thanks, jim.
thanks to lloyd and pamela for noting on their blog that the rally is located in a dry county! um - kind of important info for some . . . how did i miss that?
see you soon,
p.s. - don't forget your yoga mats and exercise clothes! and don't worry about experience for my stamping class: it is foolproof. we have some great projects planned.
04-09-2008, 08:47 AM
Note: Sevier County is DRY. They sell beer but not wine or liquor. So bring it with you or drive to Gatlinburg to buy some.
Note: Sevier County is DRY. They sell beer but not wine or liquor. So bring it with you or drive to Gatlinburg to buy some.
Major Alert. We will now clear some space in our toad for the emergency backup liquid refreshments. Very important piece of advice.
04-10-2008, 08:07 PM
skiffer has updated the agenda page with the contributions for the pot luck dinner - thanks, jim.thanks to lloyd and pamela for noting on their blog that the rally is located in a dry county! um - kind of important info for some . . . how did i miss that?
see you soon,
Hi Jody and William :D Thanks for re-organizing the buffet plan. I know we had discussed this but honestly, I forgot all about it!
Not to worry about being in an dry county......If Mango had enough room for all that diet coke in the basement of his H I am sure he can find room for beer, wine, and margarita mix! Smurf blue ones for Micki:p
See you soon!
skiffer has updated the agenda page with the contributions for the pot luck dinner - thanks, jim.thanks to lloyd and pamela for noting on their blog that the rally is located in a dry county! um - kind of important info for some . . . how did i miss that?
see you soon,
Hi Jody and William :D Thanks for re-organizing the buffet plan. I know we had discussed this but honestly, I forgot all about it!
Not to worry about being in an dry county......If Mango had enough room for all that diet coke in the basement of his H I am sure he can find room for beer, wine, and margarita mix! Smurf blue ones for Micki:p
See you soon!
Could you possibly direct me to the agenda page. I guess we need to let folks know what we will be bringing to the Pot Luck Dinner? Thanks.
04-10-2008, 08:43 PM
Here it's :
04-10-2008, 11:24 PM
Could you possibly direct me to the agenda page. I guess we need to let folks know what we will be bringing to the Pot Luck Dinner? Thanks.
here you go - the top of this page:
last names beginning with:
A - C please bring an appetizer
D - H please bring a main dish
I - R please bring a side dish
S - Z please bring a dessert
see you soon,
here you go - the top of this page:
last names beginning with:
A - C please bring an appetizer
D - H please bring a main dish
I - R please bring a side dish
S - Z please bring a dessert
see you soon,
Thanks, Have seen this, thought we had to actually sign up and tell what we were bringing for a main dish so that we did not duplicate others?
Thanks agian.
04-11-2008, 12:01 PM
Thanks, Have seen this, thought we had to actually sign up and tell what we were bringing for a main dish so that we did not duplicate others?
Thanks agian.
naaaaaa . . . this isn't a picky group. if we end up with 10 lasagnas, so be it.
whatever you contribute will be most appreciated!
naaaaaa . . . this isn't a picky group. if we end up with 10 lasagnas, so be it.
whatever you contribute will be most appreciated!
See you all on soon. We will arrive Sunday afternoon, will be running through Atlanta around 12 noon, my run into a few of you on the road. How did you know my wife was bringing lasagne?
04-11-2008, 06:22 PM
We're ahead of schedule.... for a change, and only a couple of hundred miles away, so we should be in tomorrow. The nice folks at River Plantation said it wouldn't be a problem.
Of course, it's still early, so anything can happen!
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