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Just Plain Jeff
05-13-2006, 11:28 AM
Now that we have the XLV, which I said was my LAST bus, I find that there's another step to be made.

Does this MPD thing ever end?


05-13-2006, 09:37 PM
Bye the way, Jeff, is that pool size water pump available for any coach, if it fits? And have you heard how much it is

Just Plain Jeff
05-14-2006, 07:39 AM
I don't know how much they cost.

They are the ones that Parliament uses on their new coaches. The more I get into the Vogue the more I realize that they are just 'early Parliament' coaches, as most of the design team that worked on the Vogues are still with Parliament...many of the features that they used, included the pump are still used on Parliaments. If you had a PAR marine pump with an accumulator tank, this pump would take up less space than your current set up. A quick phone call to Parliament would likely discover pricing, or you could call headhunter, the manufacturer. Here are the specs on the pump:

http://www.headhunterinc.com/mach5.htm ("http://www.headhunterinc.com/mach5.htm")

The new Parliament do use an accumulator tank for one reason: If you, ahem, run dry, the only shutoff is the heat overload at the pump. With an accumulator tank, there is a float inside the fresh water tank that shuts off the pump. But who the heck would ever run out of water?

In our short use of the coach to date, the pump is as quiet as a PAR pump, with much greater water flow. The inlet and output of the tank are 1" hose, so you get big volume with lots of pressure. It does have some kind of sensor in it so it doesn't run every time you take a little water. There was one sold on ebay for $399 (nearly new) so I suppose they are priced at something more than that.

And yes, there is a control panel on the top of the pump that begs to have some kind of a wood veneer on the top of it.

Jerry Winchester
05-14-2006, 09:19 AM
I don't know who that would be, but I know that 4 out of 6 XLV coaches at the rally had mid ship damage of one kind or another. One was even damaged on BOTH sides.

Who would be guilty of both offenses? :rolleyes:


05-14-2006, 03:55 PM

Remember - every dog has it's day.


Jerry Winchester
05-14-2006, 04:01 PM
I'm thinking I need a postal restraining order.

Jon Wehrenberg
05-15-2006, 08:21 AM
Both of you. UP TO YOUR ROOM NOW.

Don't make me have to get the fly swatter. Damn kids. Lew, jump in here and holler at them.

05-15-2006, 10:45 AM

Just keep in mind you won't have Di around to defend you at OSH.


Jerry Winchester
05-15-2006, 11:11 AM
No he won't, but remember Mike, there is strength in numbers and where will you find more anal folks than at OSH? He could call an anal airstrike in on us :eek:

05-15-2006, 11:31 AM
All the more reason we need more BUSSES at OSH. Come on Fast Roger, Truk4u, BOB-00, Lewpopp, Richard and more...

05-16-2006, 04:05 PM
[<<QUOTE=MangoMike]All the more reason we need more BUSSES at OSH. Come on Fast Roger, Truk4u, BOB-00, Lewpopp, Richard and more...>>[/QUOTE]

Mike, Bob has a real job now so can't play as much for awhile:mad: I told him about all those cool palm trees you planted and suggested that he may need to consider that for the go-kart store? We could hang LED bling lights on them, wouldn't that be special??:D

Debi and the mysterious Bob

Jon Wehrenberg
05-16-2006, 04:22 PM
I'm thinking BOB-00 needs an intervention.

What was going through his mind when he signed up to BUY a new job? We need more bus owners without gainful employment, not less.

05-16-2006, 04:36 PM
I'm thinking BOB-00 needs an intervention.

What was going through his mind when he signed up to BUY a new job? We need more bus owners without gainful employment, not less.

Jon, fly on over and intervene, somebody needs to and you can ask him in person! He is looking for a full time bookeeper/computer person, any takers?? I already have a job--taking care of Bob is a full time position--ha~! I think once he gets the transition overwith he will be available for playtime again--meanwhile, the coach stays clean and polished in it's house--we have to be careful with those slides you know:eek:

Debi and Bob

Jon Wehrenberg
05-16-2006, 04:43 PM
What is Go-Kart-Man doing this weekend? I'm looking for excuses to fly.

Maybe we can get Roger to meet us at Tri-Cities airport for lunch. That will be two against one....

Wait a minute....Roger is another bus guy with a job.:(

05-16-2006, 05:13 PM
[QUOTE=Jon Wehrenberg]What is Go-Kart-Man doing this weekend? I'm looking for excuses to fly.

Go-Kart man is, are you ready, going to a Go-Kart track but not until Sat. night around 7 and only for a short time. He wants to scope out his customers:) Just killing him to do that because our son-in-law races at that same track. You remember the son-in-law saga? I am thinking about hiring someone to take pictures for me while he is there:rolleyes:

Other then that he is free as a bird all weekend. Roger can have his son-in-law cover (he has a good one) and you guys can all go to the airport and the track together!! Bring Diane and Roger can bring Mickie--they can visit with me and the horses, heck I might even cook for ya'll!

Debi (with Bob looking over my shoulder)

Jerry Winchester
05-16-2006, 06:07 PM
I have a better idea. Since Jon wants to burn some avgas, he can fly down here to see me, I can fix him some lamb fries and we can work on my bus all weekend.

He gets to fly.
I get some expert help.
He gets to teach / supervise / work
I get to laugh at his Continental powered fart extractor
He can help wash the doctor killer (I actually flew it to Decatur and back today)
I get the coach ready for the Yellowstone trip, a clean plane and good victuals
He gets to hang out with the coolest guys at David Wayne Hooks airport

Does it get any better? File that flight plan :eek:

Jon Wehrenberg
05-16-2006, 09:16 PM
Good try JW.

Actually I'm bringing Di to SAV on 5/30 for a few days with our daughter for girl/girl bonding. I get to baby sit the pooches.

What has that got to do with anything? Glad you asked. This past few months the planets are not lined up and my otherwise reliable travel machine has been a non-ending PITA with one thing after another. It started out with a failed HSI. A few thousand later I was airborne and my fuel flows and manifold pressure started moving all over so the fix for that was a complete turbo system with a wastegate and controller.

As soon as I digested that I lost electric on a flight back from Mangoland and had to rely on standby power. That one was the cheap one. I replaced a failed belt and back in business.

On the next flight returning from PA my vaccum pump decided to retire.

With that replaced I have now completed two flights of about 2 hours each and something did not break. Before I take my bride to SAV I'd like to get some flights close to home under my belt just to make sure I am past this unprecidented period of problems. There is not much left to break so maybe I have it made.

Debi, the above problems never caused any cancellations but just required me to use alternate devices. As Saturday approaches I will check to see it BOB-00 is willing to fly and if Roger can get away from doing his auction search for my M3 to join us for lunch.

05-16-2006, 10:05 PM
I am in! Give a little notice and we will eat, drink and be merry, and while under the influence of food - we should be able to persuade Bob00 not to miss any playtime. Time is limited and yes I am still the working man. Yes ,Jon, the M3 is on hand ready for immediate delivery! Poor JW couldn't fly this weekend - I felt his pain? Or maybe I felt Lews Pain! JW keeps posting pics cause mine keeps coming up this not an image file- imagine that
I rather be eating at Mangos.
Roger That-over (thats what Sky King used to say-right?)

Jerry Winchester
05-16-2006, 10:13 PM
Makes me feel bad. The old Bonanza cut and tied every bale from DWH to FUD althought the flight back this afternoon was a gut rattler.

Oh, sorry. A screw came out of the pilot's arm rest. I'll get right on that.

$3.30 avgas in Decatur. Not bad for full service. And a new cap. And free bottled water. And a free coffee mug.

Reckon they get many visitors?

Jon Wehrenberg
05-17-2006, 07:48 AM
OK BOB-00, lets see if we can pull this together.

Can you break away from the go-kart factory long enough to fly up to Tri-Cities Airport with me for lunch with my best pal Roger who will give me an M3 one of these days?

I can pick you up at the airport of your choice, fly over to meet Roger, put on the feed bag, and then run you back home in time for go-kart night. You will get a chance to fly while I read off the instructions.

I doubt if we can do the logistics to get the ladies together, but in the future maybe we could pull something like that off also.

05-17-2006, 08:07 AM
[QUOTE=Jon Wehrenberg]OK BOB-00, lets see if we can pull this together.
Can you break away from the go-kart factory long enough to fly up to Tri-Cities Airport with me for lunch with my best pal Roger who will give me an M3 one of these days?>>

Ok, now I am having second thoughts on passing this info on to Bob-00 oh great pilot Jon--would he be a guinea pig to make sure everything is working properly on the plane. Be kind to me now, remember, I am a white knuckle flyer?? I don't think I will let Bob read your note about little things breaking before he makes his decision:p

Just talked with him via cell--he himmmed and hawwwwed--and finally said, ok, I can break away just ask Jon to choose the airport of his choice. Greenville/Spartanburg International is the closest here or he can meet you at Greenville Municipal downtown--your choice. He needs to find out what time he has to leave that night for the Go-Kart track so will get back to you with that one. I will make sure all his insurance is paid up before he goes:rolleyes: Send me an email privately to confirm and I will make sure he gets it.

Debi (this does NOT mean Bob will buy a plane now, nope, not a chance........)

05-17-2006, 09:23 AM
I'm getting BOB-00 a subscription to Trade-a-Plane for his birthday. Maybe he can break his yearly coach record. ;)


05-17-2006, 09:31 AM
Point that bad boy to 47A and lunch is on me!:) Should be about 50 minutes GPS direct in that screamer of yours. Then I'll show you where the Marathon sleeps.;)

05-17-2006, 12:38 PM
Dear Air Mango,

Bob-00's b-day is July 16th ;) Oh, and he still has this coach so there is hope!!!

Jon, Bob informed me that he has to meet the Go-Kart man at 2pm on Sat. so not sure that will be enough time for you boys?? He wanted me to let you know.

Mrs. Bob-00

Jon Wehrenberg
05-17-2006, 08:31 PM
I think the time factor would prove an issue. Also right now I can't say the weather on Saturday would be the clear weather that would make the flight enjoyable for Bob.

Let's postpone. I do want Bob to give up jobs for flying however.

05-17-2006, 09:18 PM

I will relay your message to Bob--I think good weather would be a better idea and sorry about the time constraints--you know how it is to have a new job--LOL We shall see how long he keeps this job--my guess is it will be up for sale soon:rolleyes: Send us a note when you think clear weather is in the forecast.

Debi and Bob