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03-17-2008, 03:38 PM
My Country Coach has a sliding, mirror covered, pocket door for the commode area. When I slide the door closed, the door guide (Located in the door lock mechanism, does not line up with the receiving round slot in the lock receiver mounted on the door frame (Whew!)). Under normal circumstances, simply adjusting the nut on one of the roller hangers would align things up. In this installation, the pocket door apprears to have been installed and the coach built around it. The only room to get a wrench to the adjusting hanger is above the door, through the 1 1/2 inch slot the pocket door in built in, then up 1 1/2 inches, then back 2 inches. #$%##

Question: What is the secret for adjusting this guy? Is their a special tool needed? Can I buy it or make it?

I hope the answer is not to remove parts of the ceiling to get access. :eek:OK, you Country Coach owners, How about it?


03-17-2008, 04:30 PM
Hector, can't say for sure if this is what will work for you, but here goes.
Some sliding door hanging roller mechanism are made so that the door may be lifted slightly and then moved to the side to unhook the door from the trolly. You then make an adjustment and rehang the door.
You might have to remove some door stop material, without a visual, I can not tell for sure.
Is there anything that can be removed at the door top area, for tool access?
To save too much trial and error, be sure to measure the amount of the adjustment, so that you only have to do it once.
You might require a suction cup lifting device. Cheap at harbor freight, and makes windshield replacement in a windy area easier. :rolleyes:

03-17-2008, 04:53 PM
Hector, I will be watching this Thread because every time I slide our door shut I wonder what I will be faced with when and if it becomes mis alligned. We have the walk in closet in the bedroom and it is starting to have the same problem. Probably because Karen has too much stuff !

03-17-2008, 05:18 PM
Jim, you need more tools on your side.

03-17-2008, 07:17 PM
Jim C.,

A great idea!. I will check if the door can be lifted and reset the next time I am in the coach.

Good thinking!


Jon Wehrenberg
03-17-2008, 07:27 PM
Don't get your hopes up.

I have no clue about how the doors are hung or adjusted, but if I were to design a door track and roller assembly for use in a moving bus, you have my word there would be no way in the world that it would allow any vertical movement unless something was mechanically released.

We have gone over bumps in NYC that took the clothes right off the clothes rods in the closets, but the doors did not move.

03-17-2008, 08:30 PM

For this particular example push the nylon tab to the right and then the door may be lifted slightly and moved over in the truck to allow the hanging pin to come down through the hole. You generally need three hands for this and a lot of luck and patients.

03-17-2008, 08:44 PM
Hector I bet you have already checked, but is there any way to adjust the receiving hole on the door frame?

03-17-2008, 09:34 PM
Chaloupka, are you bringing your 'door hardware' expertise to Pahrump? You better be there... and bring Mrs 'C' too. We don't want you showing up alone for the 'Sin City' Chamber of Commerce (http://www.sincitychamberofcommerce.com/chicken_ranch_experience_and_chicken_ranch_cup.htm ) Golf event and Chili Cook-off.

We are going to be real disappointed if you don't show Pal.:(
I think the Skiffer has you scheduled for a few seminars. One of them is how to keep all the POG members guessing about when you will show up with a new Liberty.;)

Thanks for the hardware input Jim. I hope that works on my bus.:)

03-17-2008, 10:47 PM
On my Country Coach Lexa I had similar sliding door issues. However in mine I could get a open end wrench on the adjusting nuts. Typically, on sliding doors, there is a small wood trim peice up to which may be able to gently be removed to gain access to the nuts. If not, I would call Country Coach as they still use this assembly in their Conversions.

03-18-2008, 08:57 AM

Good luck with the fix. The air pocket door in our bus between the bedroom and hall was not functioning because of a loose track/hanger. To fix it required taking the closet wall apart to get to the hanger/track. Unfortunately, the closet contained a stacked washer and dryer which had to be removed. That wasnt so bad because I wanted to remove the washer and dryer and replace them with a closet for storage. I probably would have left the door inoperable if I wasn't going to remove the washer and dryer.


03-18-2008, 11:00 AM
Jim, you need more tools on your side.

Jim, You are right ! I have the Northern Tool Book in my hands right now.