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View Full Version : Rich and Famous

03-13-2008, 09:46 PM
One of the more famous Marathon owners, as listed in the official Marathon owners directory, is Clarence Thomas.

Lew forwarded me this pix of Judge Thomas and a buddy at Hilton Head for your posting pleasure. Hopefully he can elaborate further.


03-13-2008, 10:15 PM
Let's invite Judge Thomas to join POG.

It would be nice to have another celebrity in addition to Mango Mike and Bob/97/99/00/03/05:D If Bob keeps buying Prevosts he is going to have to have his own zip code:rolleyes:

03-13-2008, 10:20 PM
One of the great aspects of RVing is who you meet along the way.

03-13-2008, 10:39 PM
Let's invite Judge Thomas to join POG.

It would be nice to have another celebrity in addition to Mango Mike and Bob/97/99/00/03/05:D If Bob keeps buying Prevosts he is going to have to have his own zip code:rolleyes:

Tuga, let's ask Mango to invite him......another famous Marathon owner and all, how could he refuse? :D Regarding Bob's own zip code, I think the man has always had his own zip code-LOL

Gary, you are right, who we meet and the friends we make via our "camping" adventures are priceless........


Joe Cannarozzi
03-14-2008, 04:35 AM
By any chance does anyone know if the judge is in an H-3 with a similar paint color to MM?

03-14-2008, 07:52 PM
He has an older 40' Marathon with a 8v engine. He was in the space next to me at Marathon Florida when I took delivery of my coach in May 2006. He is a GREAT guy to talk to....real down to earth and gave me some driving tips...as I was a real coach rookie at the time. He had the Marathon Club to the Supreme Court for a dinner...very cool....got diesel today in Palm Springs..$3.999 a gallon...OUCH !!!

03-14-2008, 08:07 PM
He has an older 40' Marathon with a 8v engine. He was in the space next to me at Marathon Florida when I took delivery of my coach in May 2006. He is a GREAT guy to talk to....real down to earth and gave me some driving tips...as I was a real coach rookie at the time. He had the Marathon Club to the Supreme Court for a dinner...very cool....got diesel today in Palm Springs..$3.999 a gallon...OUCH !!!

And its an XL too if my memory is correct.