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View Full Version : Wedding Day Soon!

03-06-2008, 09:19 AM
We'll the days are near. We are heading out shortly (9am) to head to Omaha where our youngest daughter will be married tomorrow night at 6:30 pm.

I went from air springs, shocks and batteries to flowers, desserts and decorations in a week. Hands with grease to hands with frosting.

Wish us luck and say a prayer!

03-06-2008, 09:40 AM
Congratulations, Dale. One of those happy and sad days all rolled into one. Go have a great time and travel safe.

03-06-2008, 10:32 PM
Dale, it sounds like a busy Month for you. Congradulations. Best wishes.

03-06-2008, 10:37 PM
Congratulations Dale and Jan. Hope you have better luck than I at picking in laws or is it outlaws?

03-07-2008, 08:39 AM
We'll the days are near. We are heading out shortly (9am) to head to Omaha where our youngest daughter will be married tomorrow night at 6:30 pm.I went from air springs, shocks and batteries to flowers, desserts and decorations in a week. Hands with grease to hands with frosting.
Wish us luck and say a prayer!

Dale and Jan

Good luck and saying that prayer for you ....it is an emotional day when your youngest "baby" gets married. Enjoy the day and I know you will take a lot of photos!
