View Full Version : It has Begun
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-24-2008, 12:37 PM
Here is our First Picture,
Yes we have a Bus Barn now . :D
14' x 14' x 50' Concrete pad, 50amp service installed, self locking storage in a gated locked storage facility.
Gary S.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-24-2008, 12:43 PM
We fly up to Angola, In. to pick up our bus on Wednesday. Plan on spending two days at Angola with Bob Makin @ Panterra Coach, going over the systems, video taping the information, and getting to know the bus. Then we plan on heading for home through Atlanta, on Friday.
Oh, here is one more picture of what we are picking up. :)
We are so excited, it is a damn shame it is snowing and only about 30 degrees out?
Wish us luck getting home.
Gary S.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-24-2008, 12:47 PM
Just remember if you are not real experienced at driving through snow there is always another day, and if you wait a little while it usually melts.
Your driving may be perfect, but there are a lot of others out there on the road who could end up sliding into your new ride.
Let's see more pictures and hear more about it.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-24-2008, 03:14 PM
Just remember if you are not real experienced at driving through snow there is always another day, and if you wait a little while it usually melts.
Your driving may be perfect, but there are a lot of others out there on the road who could end up sliding into your new ride.
Let's see more pictures and hear more about it.
Thanks Jon for the valued, Snow driving thoughts. And you are correct we won't be leaving if there is snow on the road way. But according to the weather forcast, it is suppose to clear up the day we arrive, and only be damn Cold, and hopefully no more precepitation?
Will send more pictures when we get them, and after it is home. Looking forward to our visit in Tennessee with everyone.
Loc and JDUB have already promised to come over and wash and wax it for me when we get home...! :D Aren't they special friends. :)
Gary S.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-24-2008, 03:24 PM
They actually do real well in snow. We have plowed snow with the front bumper when we were using it for trade shows. But, the windshield is a great big refrigerator, and driving in the cold, especially when it falls below zero it is almost impossible to keep warm in the front. And that was with the bus heat and defrosters on full, plus we had auxiliary heaters like the Webasto heat exchangers, and we had a propane furnace in the front, and we still froze.
Jerry Winchester
02-24-2008, 03:26 PM
Now that you have a bus, could you buy a bigger camera?
Can't wait to see the new rig. Where is the bus barn located?
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-24-2008, 05:29 PM
Now that you have a bus, could you buy a bigger camera?
Can't wait to see the new rig. Where is the bus barn located?
Jer, it is not the size of the camera that matters, it is how you use it. ! :D
I think that is how the saying goes ? :o
My storage facility is 9 miles from my house, on Hiway 99 and Harlem Road. I will give you better directions, when you and Loc come over, don't forget to bring a hose, bucket and ladder? :p
Very secure, gated with onsite mgr. and totally enclosed as you can see.
Gary S.
02-24-2008, 08:21 PM
Great looking coach! We also bought ours from Pantera, they are great.
Please send my best to Bob and Don.
Congratulations and enjoy!
02-24-2008, 09:37 PM
If your coming through Atlanta, I'm 19 miles off I-75 at exit 306, that's way north of Atlanta. There's a great place to fuel there, the Q-T and I'll run out and buy you lunch, coffee or something.
Have fun.....;)
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-25-2008, 11:44 AM
Thanks Tom thats very nice of you. :)
PM me your phone number so we can stay in touch. Still don't know our exact schedule so will have to play it by ear. Our daughter and her family live in Alpharetta, so that is our main goal, but will stay in touch with you.
Gary S
02-25-2008, 12:01 PM
Gary & Peggy,
Congratulations - great looking bus! I want to see it after Jerry & Loc finish the wash & wax job!:D
Ray Davis
02-25-2008, 01:52 PM
Looks like she's a beauty. Post a bigger picture!! :D
Congrats on the new ride, you're gonna love it. Gosh, it seems like everyone is going to the TN rally. Anyone going to Pahrump?
02-25-2008, 09:40 PM
Hi Gary. Congradulations on your Prevost. I know you will have a load of fun bringing that big boy home.
02-25-2008, 10:00 PM
Congrats Gary & Peggy on the new Bus. It sure looks great in the pix. Anxious to see it in person in Dolly Land. Enjoy the ultimate motor coach!
You can bait JDUB to come to the waxing with BBQ! He will bite.
02-25-2008, 10:12 PM
I think you need to turn this first trip into a "______ TOUR".
Pick your favorite non healthy food group and make it happen.
02-25-2008, 10:13 PM
Ditto to what the guys are saying Gary....but would like to see more and bigger photos! :)
02-25-2008, 10:26 PM
I think you need to turn this first trip into a "______ TOUR".
Pick your favorite non healthy food group and make it happen.
Lets see its an AMERICAN Prevost. Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, you get the picture.
1. The Hot Dog Tour.
2. The Big Weenie Tour not The Small Weenie Tour.
3. The Greasy Spoon Tour.
4. The Oscar Meyer Invitational-Part One.
5. The Pie Tour.
6. The Dying for Pie Tour.
7. Real Men Eat Pie Tour.
8. The Taco Plus Pie Tour.
9. Tacos? I got your Meat Tour.
10 and finally Hot Dogs love Pie Tour.
02-25-2008, 10:48 PM
Nice job 5-0.
JDUB would be proud.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-25-2008, 11:25 PM
I am all for the Taco Tour, or the Hot Dog Round Up, or any of the other food group tours, you guys were proposing, BUT you forget my better half will be there, and SHE will not eat that kind of junk food?
Just yesterday we ate Mexican food at our local Pappasitos (spanish for Great Mexican Food ? ) and she had an enchilada, but ate nothing but the chicken out of the tortilla?? NOW thats just not right ! Oh well I guess she is watching her girlish figure, and I am glad she is...
And since you asked, here are a few more pictures that we took on our Whirlwind Bus Hunting tour. Houston, Indianapolis, Chicago, Tampa, Chicago, Angola, Indianapolis, Houston...... Saturday thru Monday. But it turned out to be very successful.
Gary S
02-26-2008, 12:36 AM
BEEautiful Gary. Looks like patience paid off. Will look forward to seeing it at SV if not before.
dale farley
02-26-2008, 12:38 AM
Gary, Beautiful bus. I love the burgandy and beige combination. Hope to see it in TN.
02-26-2008, 09:07 AM
Thanks Tom thats very nice of you. :)
PM me your phone number so we can stay in touch. Still don't know our exact schedule so will have to play it by ear. Our daughter and her family live in Alpharetta, so that is our main goal, but will stay in touch with you.
Gary S
Gary and Peggy,
It was certainly worth the wait, your new baby is gorgeous! Love the colors and can't wait for a tour in TN:D I believe there is a open bus tour slated for one of the days, maybe Tuesday? Congratulations, you finally found the one!!
Debi and Bob
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-26-2008, 09:35 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind words about our new bus. YES, it has taken what seemed like a very long time to get the bus of our dreams, but we really think the wait was worth it.
NOW if we can just get it safely out of Indiana :confused: later this week and headed home we will be Very Happy Campers. :)
We fly up to Detroit tomorrow, and then drive to Angola for two days of de-briefing and video taping @ Panterra. It appears we will have to drive between the snow showers to get her home.
JDUB and Loc, your work will be cut out for you next week, when you come to wash and wax her for me, Boy you guys are the greatest ! :) :cool:
Congratulations on the bus - that dog will hunt!. I had scheduled Sunday, March 9 with JDUB to come out and spit shine the new American. Unfortunately, I have to travel overseas and will not be able to make it. Count on a rain check. I am sure that JDUB will still be there. He is overseas this week so he can't use that excuse again. I think you should find a couple more American conversions and hold the "My Fellow Americans Rally".
Joe Cannarozzi
02-26-2008, 06:49 PM
I never realized there were so many palm trees in Indiana:confused:
Gary & Peggy Stevens
02-29-2008, 12:47 PM
Well we got to Detroit, and arrived to 9" of snow. But our baby was tucked away in the barn with all of Panterra's other buss', so it was shinning when we got there.
We spent Wednesday unpacking our bags, and shopping for some necessities at Wal Mart, then till 3:00pm on Thursday we went through orientation on electrical, A/V, and plumbing. We were going to stay and go over everything again with them, just for the heck of it, and leave on Friday morning, but when Peg looked at the weather, and it was calling for 2-4 more inches of snow, we got out of Angola around 4:00pm Thursday.
Everything is fine with the bus and Peg is driving currently while I write you guys with our latest news.
Tom (truk4u) if you are reading this, and are home we will call you around 2:00pm Friday to see if you can meet for a quick cup of coffee at the QT Mart you mentioned. If your busy, no problem, will hook up in TN.
Loc: SINCE you are out of town this Sunday, why don't we postpone your and JDUB's wash and wax, when you both can enjoy the experience?
Joe C: Your right about the palm trees in my photos, most of my original pictures you guys saw were taken when we saw the bus in Ft. Meyers, Florida on our Whirlwind Buss Hunting Tour. I have a couple I will post later that show our shiny baby out of the Panterra Barn, and in between 6' Drifts of SNOW :eek:
We were glad to get her headed home.
That is all for now.
Ray Davis
02-29-2008, 01:55 PM
That is great news! Congratulations. Take your time driving home, don't rush, and enjoy.
Looking forward to pictures when you get home ....
02-29-2008, 01:58 PM
Gary, isn't life good!!! Be sure to get Peggy some coffee once in awhile! :)
Jon Wehrenberg
02-29-2008, 02:30 PM
Gary, When you get a chance, try to get Jim C to understand what it is all about.
Congrats on the new ride. looking forward to a tour. Are your copper pipes shiny? How about the wax on the slack adjusters?
02-29-2008, 04:43 PM
Gary, When you get a chance, try to get Jim C to understand what it is all about.
Congrats on the new ride. looking forward to a tour. Are your copper pipes shiny? How about the wax on the slack adjusters?
Heeeeyy, I heard that remark. You don't have to make it any worse than it is. :(
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-01-2008, 04:08 PM
Well my baby got all dirty yesterday driving thru all that rain in Kentucky and Tennessee, but we are in Alabama today, driving a dirty bus, but the weather is great. Blue skies, and clear driving on I-65.
Tom and I tried to hook up for a quick peak yesterday, when we passed his neighboorhood in Atlanta, but it just didn't work out. Will see him and everybody in TN.
We filled up at the Flying j, and recorded 7.7 miles to the gallon, since we picked her up in Angola. First day during the rain we cruised @ 65mph, today since we left Atlanta, I pushed it up to 70mph.
Peg is driving now, and she has the cruise set @ 65mph, and she too is Grining Ear to Ear. :D
NOW for some questions:
What is the secret when filling up the fuel tanks to not Over Flow Fuel before it shuts off automatically? :confused: I know I could just stand to the side, and listen for the fuel to start filling up the neck, and then add fuel slowly but there has to be a better way? :confused:
We seem to get NO AIR out of the vents into the drivers compartment, heated or cooled when the drivers air system is on. We get plenty of air out of the dash / window vents, just not able to get any air into the compartment thru the other vents.?? Any ideas? No ours does not have OTR.
Last, at least for now, What exactly is the PERF Mode for in the transmission selector for?
Thanks for now, looks like we will make it home, Sunday.
Don and Bob @ Panterra Coach told us to find out who Biker Bill is, and if he is still posting on this site? He knows lots of stuff.
Ray Davis
03-01-2008, 04:18 PM
I don't have the manual in front of me (sorry, it's in the bus), but as I remember there is a button on the drivers a/c panel which controls where the air is delivered, much like in a regular car.
As for perf, that's for performance mode. It adjusts your shift points to let you rev the engine higher. This generally is used when climbing hills to prevent shifting.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-01-2008, 04:33 PM
The transmission in our coaches generally defaults to economy mode. When you push the mode button on the transmission pad the "mode" legend should be on.
When in that mode the transmission shifts down sooner, and upshifts later at higher RPM. In the default or economy mode it will upshift a lower RPM, and lug a little before it downshifts. It will cost you serious uphill performance if you leave it in economy mode because by the time it downshifts a lot of momentum and speed will be lost. Prior to a hill, I either go to the performance mode or I just downshift to 5th and leave it there until I crest the hill.
If you have a transmission retarder, when descending a hill with the retarder on, regardless of mode the retarder function when engaged will automatically downshift.
Good luck with the puking fuel. When you have it figured out let us know the secret.
Jerry Winchester
03-01-2008, 05:50 PM
To combat the fuel puking, I reset the fuel economy part of the computer when I fill up and thus the total gallons used so before I fill up, I go to that screen and read the total gallons. Then when I am at the pump, I shut it down about 5 gallons before I get to that point and run it real slow.
This usually gets it close to full and I don't get fuel over the side of the coach. I have tried opening the other side to vent it, tilting the coach, stuffing a rag in the filler neck and short of having MangoMike fill it up there is about no way other than what I listed that I have found to keep it from burping.
And the true lament about getting "your baby" dirty is to do it about 30 minutes after you just hand washed it.
03-01-2008, 07:20 PM
What do you think JDUB is cleaning off his shoes as we wrap up our first fuel stop in the new DUBsTUB.
I'm glad he's got the system down now.
03-01-2008, 07:23 PM
Oooooo visual evidence. Busted. :D
03-01-2008, 08:46 PM
Who tops off? I don't have burping problems , but I normally limit my fill up to around 100 gallons and not top off. That will get me down the road 600 miles or more and then its time to stop anyway. I recently started using the Mode button for Hills and it works well. If you have a transmission retarder, it works a little better in the mode position. However, you will not get 7 MPH in that position.
About the wash, You have to cruise with Jdub and Kevin. We washed and dried two buses in about an hour.
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2008, 12:10 AM
You see, the first liar never stands a chance. Mike posts a photo of me filling the coach up for the first time and where as I only had to "step" where the fuel spilled, there are several witnesses to him having to strip to his underwear after taking a full frontal fuel burp from the Mothership.
Then on coach #2 he was again standing in front of the filler neck the first time he filled it up. Of course he wanted to stop at 100 gallons, but I said something about him being a eunuch and he poked the nozzle back in for the mega burp. Sad thing was, he about covered the Flying J attendant as well.
03-02-2008, 12:27 AM
Wonder why I had the camera ready at the first JDUB fuel stop.
...and unfortunately the Mothership incident went beyond the whitey tighties. (don't look Debi).
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2008, 07:10 AM
There is a clear message here.
If you have a 40 footer with a single side fill, thank your lucky stars. The puking fuel was the Prevost engineer's way of telling the whiners that insisted on the convenience of a two side fill exactly what they thought of that idea.
Those engineers at Prevost worked for months until they perfected a puke which takes place at the speed of sound. After you have taken a shower in #2 fuel, you hear the gurgle in the pipe.
My loss was a brand new pair of jeans and a pair of Birkenstock shoes. It did cure athlete's foot however.
03-02-2008, 07:39 AM
I went so long without a burp and then on the last trip to Phoenix, the first fill, the thing burped three times.
My wisdom from experience tells me don't stand close while filling, and I run the filler nozzel at the first hold.
03-02-2008, 08:20 AM
Wonder why I had the camera ready at the first JDUB fuel stop.
...and unfortunately the Mothership incident went beyond the whitey tighties. (don't look Debi).
Dang JDUB, you let me down,,,,I missed this visual Mango was describing:D
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2008, 09:07 AM
Well Deb, the cure for the visual of MangoMike in the buff covered in diesel is a trip down to the local slaughterhouse to help erase the image. When I travel with him, I keep the "Big Rig Book of Slaughterhouse Locations" handy for just such an emergency.
Be thankful that others have taken this one for the team........
03-02-2008, 09:10 AM
I found a way, but it's a pain in the butt. When I get close to the gallons I think it needs, I hand pump as slow as possible and shine a flashlight into the filler tube. You can see when it gets full before burping. Have done this the last two fill ups without losing a drop.
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2008, 09:16 AM
And we all know you have a "special" flashlight especially for this task.......
Jeep, chime in here. It's Krakman airstrike time...........
I feel the tears welling up already.
03-02-2008, 09:27 AM
It seems to me that this would be a simple fix: remove the fuel tank and replace the filler tube with a 3" i.d. filler tube. Why can't Prevost Car just correct the problem by installing a 3" i.d. filler tube. Or does the converter install the fuel tank?
03-02-2008, 09:28 AM
The easy way to avoid the fuel puke is watch the fuel guage. The fuel guage generally will go up to full in "click" increments. Usually Wendy watches the guage, As soon as it "clicks" on "Full", I stop. At "full" you can usually fuel in another 20 gallons. You just need to resist the urge to fill her to the brim. If your alone you have ample time to watch the guage and go outside and turn off the pump when she hits the "full" mark. My maiden ride home with my first Bluebird I stopped for fuel and opened both ports and started filling.....I couldn't figure out where all the fuel was going until I walked to the other side, as fast as it was going in, it was flowing out the other side (slo flo nozzle). I quickly paid and left, I believe that station is now classified as a toxic waste dump.
03-02-2008, 09:31 AM
There's nothing better than starting the day with a belly laugh, especially at the expense of a friend.
JDUB, thanks for the reminder.
From the website."There’s more than one way to the see the light and your victims will learn the surprising truth when they try to turn on this Shocking Flashlight. You can actually use the flashlight if you know the secret. Otherwise, someone gets a strong, but harmless shock."
Quote from Zap Boy, "Nancy, let me try that, there's no freakin way a small 3v flashlight can give you shock" zaaaaaappp.
03-02-2008, 12:04 PM
I found a way, but it's a pain in the butt. When I get close to the gallons I think it needs, I hand pump as slow as possible and shine a flashlight into the filler tube. You can see when it gets full before burping. Have done this the last two fill ups without losing a drop.
I thought you were going to say a lighter!:D
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2008, 02:55 PM
Tom you either just became my hero, or you win this month's dumb ass award.
After the bath I took filling my coach (after 15 years with the other and nary a spilled drop) there isn't enough money in this world to get me to peek in that filler tube while the hose is putting fuel into the tank.
Do you have any intention of posting it here if you get splashed with #2 while doing your flashlight fill?
03-02-2008, 04:52 PM
I think he's baiting us.
03-02-2008, 08:21 PM
To the turd boys, remember, you shocked Ms. Truk first and that was way harsh!
A-1 - You trickle the fuel in nimrod, then it doesn't puke. You can see way down in the fill tube and and if your a dumb ass, you would hold the pump wide open and stick your eyeball in the hole.:eek: If I go to the RV pump, it will take it wide open without puking. The truck side with the high pressure is the problem, even on the 1st click.
Try it you big Puss.....
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2008, 09:17 PM
Bring your wallet with credit cards and you and I can take my bus to the local Pilot so you can show me your method.
You will excuse me if I stand back a ways, and if I have my camera ready.
Not that I want to wish you any bad luck but I'm fairly certain if I get a picture of fuel puking back at you there are two guys that will pay handsomely for the rights to that picture. They might pay as much as you are willing to offer me to not sell it to them.
I don't know how your coach works, but I can assure you and poor old Gary (who will now have Peg do the refueling) that on my coach regardless of pumping rate, the nozzle clicks off, and there is a Lawrence Welk a-one and a-two, and then whoosh....out comes the fuel.
Are you up for the challenge.
And by the way...for all you sissies that are afraid to fill your coaches because you might spill a little. Man up. The new fragrance is diesel fuel #2.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-02-2008, 11:23 PM
Hey guys, I didn't mean to create a MONSTER. I just thought there had to be a better way of fueling this big rig, then the way I was doing it?
I guess I need to get a couple of things, before I go out again:
A Small Flashlight ( preferably with a wrist strap )
Rubber Waders
Neoprene Gloves
Plastic Eye Goggles and oh yea, Talk Peg into doing the filling from now on. :eek:
We got home this afternoon, with only one mere incident.
We left Atlanta Saturday, about 9:00am and wanted to try out the new Cajun Palms RV Resort in Henderson, LA. ( Tuga do you know this place ? ) About 600 miles from Atlanta.
There just aren't too many places to stop in Louisiana, Sorry Tuga.
But anyway, we got to the turn off in Henderson, about 8:00 Dark Thirty, turn off of the freeway, and go real slow on this two lane DARK road to find this New Cajun RV Resort, which we can see the lights off to the right of us not more than 300 yards away. Driving slow looking for the road to turn into the resort, the first road sign we see says DEAD END, so I drive by it, CRAP! That was the entrance, and their little bitty sign, was after that road, not before.
So we continue driving slowly looking for a place to turn this thing around :eek:, we drive, and drive and drive, and its getting darker and darker the farther out in the country we get. We reach a 4 Way Stop, and Peg says, " WELL DEAR, Now what you goin do? CRAP There's not much traffic out here, maybe we can just stay right here till morning.
Then a car pulls up on our left hand side, a little lady rolls down the window, and hollers out, "Hey deary, you looking for the campground? Yes Mam, I am. I saw it back there, just couldn't get to it? :confused: She says just follow me, I'll take you through some residential neighborhoods up here, stop at my house and let the dog out, and then have you back to the campsite in a Jif. YES MAM, that would be great.
Well we got there, had help from about 24 of the locals in the park, to get me backed in to our site, and then had some of the finest Crawfish-e-Toufee and Coors Lite anybody could ask for Fresh Cooked from the Lady Saint that pulled up along side of us and got us turned around.
What a week this has been. Were going out again this weekend. YIPPPPPEEE :D
03-02-2008, 11:37 PM
Gary, you said it! One of the great things about RVing is the often unplanned and thoroughly enjoyable meeting of people we would never have known. I'm happy to hear you got home safe.
03-03-2008, 01:13 AM
Hey Gary and Peggy,
Boy, we hit the road for a few weeks without internet and WOW, man, you guys really did it. Congrrats from Chris and I.
Glad to see you have lessened you MPD. We are envious that YOUR barn is built. Here in the frozen intermoutain west, we have a foundation and fill dirt but no floor. The iron for the barn has been here since summer 2007. Maybe we will get it up before 2008 is gone.
Have fun pikcing her up.
03-03-2008, 09:18 AM
Gary & Peggy,
Sorry to say that I have never been to Cajun Palms RV park in Henderson. Your experience is just the first of many to come. Karen and I got lost in Colorado on a dirt road and ended up disconnecting the toad. We had to turn around in a church parking lot (dirt) that was about 60' X 60' at a dead end.
Glad it ended up with some good cajun food. Creating memories like this one is what RVing is all about.:D
03-03-2008, 09:31 AM
This is my new flashlight to replace the "shock" light from the Turd Boys!
03-03-2008, 09:41 AM
There you go Tom, Just what every dog walker needs.
It could be a shocker too!
03-03-2008, 01:04 PM
Hey Truk, order me one too. I don't have a dog, but could use the light!
You could lay that one on the dash and no one would ever notice.:cool:
03-03-2008, 01:34 PM
All you need for that one is a book jacket.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-03-2008, 11:32 PM
I was informed that I need a state inspection for the bus, before I can get new Texas Tags.
Loc, JDUB, where do I take this big boy to get it inspected? Someplace with a nice easy in and out, if possible. I am still learning you know, and I won't have my co pilot to help me watch for trees, curbs, other vehicles.
I was hoping to go tomorrow, cause the bus is currently out of the barn?
Oh yea, that brings up another story that just happend to me today. "YOUR GONNA LOVE THIS ONE."
I was told I would have 50 amp service in my new barn when I got home. Well we pulled in late Sunday afternoon, a little worn from the trip, slowly backing it in, but before I get all the way in, I decide to test the New 50 amp plug, before I plug the bus in. My tester says, STOP DON'T PLUG YOUR BUS IN, so I don't and I wait until I can meet with the electricians this evening to find out if they mis wired the plug>>>>>>>?????
MISWIRED is an understatement, those IDIOTS, took the normal 110v circuit wire, and connected it to the 50amp plug, and thought that would give me 50 amp service.:mad:
They will be pulling new wire and connecting properly for my 50 amp service tomorrow ? UNBELIEVABLE :eek:
03-03-2008, 11:48 PM
Hi Gary. You've probably heard this : The cheapest investent you will ever make is to hire a Licensed Contractor.
Jerry Winchester
03-04-2008, 07:47 AM
Find any inspection place close to where the bus is then go by there and see if you can actually get the coach "close". I called one then went by to inspect it to make sure. They don't get the concept of how big these busses really are.
Also don't forget you will need to have the coach weighed, so unless you already have a slip, you will need to get that done as well.
03-04-2008, 07:53 AM
So let me see if I have this...
In Texas you need a inspection, you find a inspection location, you then inspect it and then have a inspection! :rolleyes:
Jon Wehrenberg
03-04-2008, 08:10 AM
NY also has an inspection. The problem with NY is they really don't have their act together.
When we first got our 87 coach it was registered in PA, so after registering it we had 10 days to get it inspected. As a private vehicle we took it to the local gas station. They are supposed to check things like lights, wipers and horns. They are supposed to make sure the tires have tread, there is not any frame rust and that the brakes are OK. They also are supposed to check for emissions.
The response from several places was to take it to a commercial vehicle inspection station.
So the one that did the inspection inspected it as he would a bus or a truck. So far so good. When he got done and he was filling out the paperwork he said his inspection was invalid because he is only allowed to inspect commercial vehicles. After some discussion he agreed to put the sticker on the coach. Once I had the sticker, each succeeding year I was able to get a new inspection because the guy saw the sticker from the previous year, up until one guy said no more. It has to be a non-commercial inspection.
So I went to the guy down the stree that did all my cars and he agreed to give me a sticker if I told him everything was OK. He was honest and said he did not have a clue, and he was just being helpful. I was happy and he had a few bucks extra in his pocket.
Here in TN we have no inspection requirements. I'm glad because these buses just confuse a whole lot of folks.
Doesn't TX require a Class B for you to drive the bus Gary? I think Bill Miller just got his in TX.
03-04-2008, 08:33 AM
Yes, Texas law requires a Class B drivers license to drive vehicles over 26,000 pounds, non commercial vehicles. Lee and I both took the short written test supplement and driver's test here in Livingston, Texas.
The test focuses on less than a dozen pages in the Texas Drivers Handbook. We both studied for a few days before. Passed, No Problem!
03-04-2008, 09:04 AM
Sounds like the first Cool Bus Tool investment you should make is this one:
03-04-2008, 09:59 AM
Sounds like the first Cool Bus Tool investment you should make is this one:
Gary, I almost hate to admit it, but Mango is right about getting this voltage checker. It would have saved me a ton of misery if I had purchased one and used it awhile back. And besides, Mango gets a nice commission on every one he helps sell:)
03-04-2008, 11:07 AM
Sounds like the first Cool Bus Tool investment you should make is this one:
I agree. I have owned mine for almost two years now. I never plug in " without protection." One of the led numbers failed a month ago. Called them and they sent a new one and a prepaid label to return the original one free of charge, no questions asked !
03-04-2008, 11:24 AM
And besides, Mango gets a nice commission on every one he helps sell:)
I wish. I'd be just happy with just a couple gallons for diesel.
03-04-2008, 03:49 PM
Doesn't our build-in system on the CC's do the same thing?
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-05-2008, 12:13 AM
Sounds like the first Cool Bus Tool investment you should make is this one:
Thanks Mike, I already have that very item, and that is how I found out the ELECTRICAL GENIUS'S that tried to wire my barn, were dumber than stumps.
Even Peg knows that you can't just add a 50amp plug to 110wire, and get 50 amps? :mad:
They were suppose to be pulling wires today and probably tomorrow before it is finished up ???? At least I hope that is happening? Will see tomorrow if they get ' er done.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-05-2008, 12:18 AM
Find any inspection place close to where the bus is then go by there and see if you can actually get the coach "close". I called one then went by to inspect it to make sure. They don't get the concept of how big these busses really are.
Also don't forget you will need to have the coach weighed, so unless you already have a slip, you will need to get that done as well.
Thanks JDUB, Loc, and Hector for personally following up with me about the State Inspection. :)
I spent lots of time yesterday, trying to find someplace close to the house that could do an inspection on this beast, but more importantly a place I could actually get into.
I found one and will be getting her inspected Wednesday early, and it is close to the house which is good.
Thanks again everybody for all the great information. I only hope that one of these days I can post valuable info that helps one of you out. :o
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-05-2008, 12:24 AM
Doesn't our build-in system on the CC's do the same thing?
Tom, I know from my CC Magna friend that CC's do put in a lot of smarts in their electrical dept. downstairs, but I am still not convinced your bus would be safe if the electrical pole or park was hit by lighting. This system that I have and Mango mentioned is a surge arrestor, and over and under voltage protector for your bus. Its got to be worth the money, sometime down the road.
Several members have already been saved a bundle of LewBucks, including me.
Ray Davis
03-05-2008, 01:39 AM
FYI, has the PI EMS-PT50C, which retails most everywhere for $399, on sale now for $327.99. I saw it on the web as high as $422 elsewhere.
If you're looking for one, this is good time/place to grab one.
03-05-2008, 09:13 AM
You have a good point. I thought this bad boy took care of any shore power problems. I know that if something isn't right, it won't let power go to the bus and is suppose to have surge protection. We don't get power for about 3 minutes each time you plug in while this thing makes sure all is good.
Gary D, what do you think?
03-05-2008, 03:44 PM
You have a good point. I thought this bad boy took care of any shore power problems. I know that if something isn't right, it won't let power go to the bus and is suppose to have surge protection. We don't get power for about 3 minutes each time you plug in while this thing makes sure all is good.
Gary D, what do you think?
Tom, My Country Coach doesn't have that system installed. I must have a cheaper model Coach !
03-05-2008, 10:04 PM
Believe it or not, the Lewster broke loose with some Lewbucks a couple years ago and put in one of those Progressive thingies and is happier than JDUB butt sniffin'.
I set mine to 138 seconds to come on when all is well and it seems like an eternity when you want it now.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-14-2008, 01:03 AM
Ok, I looked and searched for the Original Thread where everyone was talking about How to Remove Water Spots from windows, but could not find the Original Post. I do remember that everything was used, but nothing seemd to work 100%.
Gary S.
Ray Davis
03-14-2008, 01:08 AM
And ... The product is ???
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-14-2008, 10:52 AM
And ... The product is ???
Sorry Ray it was late last night, and I fell asleep at the keyboard, before I could list the product.
It is called Metal Cleaner by Jakel Products.
This is also the product I used to clean my SS before I applied by hand the TopWax, and Spray Wax products all over the bus.
I know it sounds funny, using MetalCleaner on the windows, but TRUST ME :cool: when I say, this product REALLY WORKS. I had spots on the outside of all my windows, and the detail guy said he has tried everything on the market before, and is not able to get water spots off. So I called Austin at Jakel Products, and he suggested I try the MetalCleaner, and it WORKED.
I will in the next post outline my steps to a beautiful SPOT FREE Window.:)
Gary S.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-14-2008, 11:08 AM
Ok so here is how I removed the water spots from my windows.
I used a Terry Cloth towel, ( instead of microfiber ) because I wanted the texture of the towel to help in removing the spots.
I sprayed the window with MetalCleaner ( Green Chemical ) wiped the window several times, leaving the spray on the glass till it evaporates. This starts the chemical reaction between the cleaner and the spots.
Wait a few minutes, and then spray the glass again with MetalCleaner and wipe in an up and down motion ( instead of circular like you do when waxing ) so you can feel the resistance on the glass, between the clean glass, and the glass with spots still on it. Wait a little while longer till the spray evaporates, then wipe again with the treated towel until you can see all of the spots are GONE.....:D I mean they really are gone
Then I applied Jakel's other product, TopWax to all of my glass. Man what a difference. I know I am new, but trust me when I say, their products really work. Call Austin, and talk to him. (408) 848-1497
Gary S.
Ray Davis
03-14-2008, 08:27 PM
Sounds great Gary. Is there a special way to use the stuff on your stainless?
03-14-2008, 09:59 PM
Gary S. Could not agree you with more.
03-14-2008, 10:24 PM
If that product fails, I have heard the the use of a ball-peen hammer works well.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-15-2008, 12:08 AM
Sounds great Gary. Is there a special way to use the stuff on your stainless?
Ray, Not such a special way, just follow the directions. I used it so far on 1/3 of the S/S and it works great. It is a long process, and I hope that it works as well on the ss as it did on the windows.
Spray and Wipe on MetalCleaner on all non painted stainless, than use Spray On Polish, and wipe to a luster. It is hard work, but I guess I should have known that. It too really works well, but the water spot removal was the biggest thrill.
I guess since I started this, I should finish it:
(3 ) Products to use on the Bus.
MetalCleaner for windows and Non Painted Stainless, and wheels too.
TopWax for just as the name implies, the top of the bus where most of the painted surface's are.
Aerosol Spray on Polish, for naked Stainless. Spray on and Wipe to a lusterous finish. ( Requires Lots of Rubbing to bring out the luster )
Hope this helps
Gary S
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-15-2008, 12:11 AM
Gary S. Could not agree you with more.
Roger, did you ever use MetalCleaner on your windows? I see you used it well on the engine, and remember now you won several awards ! Very Nice Job.:)
Gary S.
03-15-2008, 09:41 AM
Gary S
Never had acid rain on the glass, so never used the metal cleaner on the glass. ( I have been told that my bus has had a sheltered life by the previous owner and definitely since I have owned it).
I use the MetalWax on the stainless to brighten it up and to remove road rash and small scratches. Use the top wax on painted surfaces and it works well. I have also used Meguairs quick wax, or Rally Carnuba Wax and they all seem to work very well and similar to the top wax.
We have a store bought acid rain remover we use in the car business. Pretty labor intensive, and I can bring some to the Tn Rally for folks to try. We also have a home brew mix that has more kick and we use it more often. (caution will remove fingers if not careful).
This waxing crap helps keep your shoulders and arms in shape or should I say sore.
Happiness is a shiney bus!!:cool:
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