View Full Version : October Pog Rally
Jon Wehrenberg
05-05-2006, 04:04 PM
The October west side POG rally is getting traction. Four are already signed up.
If there are any topic that should be covered in seminars, any items to add to the agenda, any ideas for meals or activities lets get discussions going on both sites so Jim and or Jeff and Helen can do whatever it is they need to do to duplicate the success of the last one. Also, any volunteers for any of the many tasks necessary?
05-05-2006, 06:20 PM
Ken & Ellen have used up all of our vacation with rallies, weddings, and a family reunion. Wish we could make the trip because I have never been to NM. I could go solo, but I dare not venture too far without my co-pilot....sorry Lew for the airplane reference. " This is 8 niner mike with you at 3.5 requesting vectors for landing"...opps bad. Ken
Jim Skiff
05-05-2006, 06:44 PM
I have put down a deposit at Santa Fe Skies for October 11-15 (During Balloon Fiesta Week). I reserved spots for 10 coaches so fill'em up early and we'll add more. We've got Jon and Jerry and ..... (I'll let him tell you) and Kevin is giving free motorcycles rides to Taos and back. (Kevin?) Let me know and I'll let you know as we progress. I'm starting a list so email me and if we have to add more sites we can.
Jim Skiff
05-05-2006, 06:46 PM
It won't be the same without you. I really enjoyed your enthusiasm and commitment in Polk City. It seems to me your party lasted the longest!
Jeffery Raymond
05-05-2006, 07:41 PM
You can count on us to be at the POG October Rally in Santa Fe.
I suspect some of the pilots in this crowd are going to be thinking about putting one of those V tail dealies on a hot air ballon in New Mexico...I just want to know what happens to the sand bags they drop when they need lift.
We're in.
05-05-2006, 07:56 PM
Here's the follow up from Polk City.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-05-2006, 08:28 PM
We need to talk. Obviously your priorities are screwed up. Doesn't Target need some research on a facility in the NM desert?
Jerry Winchester
05-05-2006, 11:19 PM
You know we're in. I'm gonna follow Jon from Oklahoma City on so I can save all that money on fuel. But I am going to have to fly from Houston to Stillwater, load the Scout onto the trailer and pull from there to Santa Fe since the coach will be in the motherland for football season.
We play Kansas in Lawrence that weekend and I didn't leave anything there, so I-40 can't be any worse than I-10. And we can get some good Mexican food served up at the rally.
And MangoMike has perfected a new steak shipping method, so he can just mail the meat to the RV park.........
05-05-2006, 11:55 PM
Before I commit, has there been any consideration for a substantial cash prize for the bus traveling the greatest distance to the Rally? And no, the Jon Anal Award doesn't cut it.
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