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View Full Version : Jon does it again an again !

02-11-2008, 03:45 PM
Ted mentioned that "Jon does it again" and I just wanted to share with you that Jon keeps on doing it!

As many of you know, I am very involved not only with Morgan horses but with Doberman rescue work. We desperately needed to get a crippled dobe from a shelter in Georgia to a Doberman rescue group in PA. You guessed it, Jon stepped up and offered his pilot expertise once again and gave this doberboy a second chance at life. His friend Eric, also a pilot and first time Prevost owner (he has Loc's previous coach) came along to make sure "Bo" was comfortable and cared for. Here is a collage of pics Eric took during the rescue transport flight. Our rescue group and doberboy "Bo" will forever be thankful for people like Jon who care and make a difference!

Jon Wehrenberg
02-11-2008, 04:35 PM
Now that Deb has "outed" me, she is forming a Yahoo group to discuss how we can inform pilots nationally of the need for animal transport, and then allow the volunteering pilot to coordinate with the sending and receiving parties.

How about the pilots in POG joining the Yahoo group (contact Deb for the pertinent poop) so we can see if some informal national plan can be created to help animals that may otherwise be euthanized.

02-11-2008, 05:12 PM
[QUOTE=Jon Wehrenberg;23903]Now that Deb has "outed" me, she is forming a Yahoo group to discuss how we can inform pilots nationally of the need for animal transport, and then allow the volunteering pilot to coordinate with the sending and receiving parties.How about the pilots in POG joining the Yahoo group..........

Jon, yep, consider yourself outed :D This really is a cause that both Jon and I felt needed to be discussed and explored. We have been kicking around this idea and we really do need a group of pilots to put their heads together to determine the best options for a workable plan. If you can take a minute, please join us by clicking on :


You will need a yahoo ID and password but you figured that out here so I have every confidence you can create one there:rolleyes: If you have any questions, please email me privately.
