View Full Version : Fmca Pomona Convention
02-09-2008, 12:13 AM
I am planning on attenting the FMCA Convention in Pomona, California. The dates are Feb. 25th to the 28th. It will have most if not all the RV Companies displaying their new products. Typically, there is something like 2000 to 2500 RVers who will be attending.
The last Convention , Marathon, Liberty, Millenium, American Carriage, Country Coach, Featherlite and Prevost were there and showing several Conversions each.
This is a great opportunity to speak with all the major Convertors as well as the owners and principles of these companies.
If anyone has an interest and is planning on going, let me know.
Ray Davis
02-09-2008, 10:40 AM
I'm not planning on camping there, but was thinking of maybe taking a day pass. At a minimum, we'll come up some evening after work. Although it seems like it would be worth at least 1/2 day to attend the exhibits. I was just reading last night in the FMCA magazine, and there are a TON of exhibitors, including all those you mentioned above (I think).
Although there have been a couple of FMCA conventions at Pomona (about 45 miles from me), I've never attended one. I certainly will be stopping by.
ps: If I'd kinda known in advance, I might have taken vacation and brought the bus! Maybe next year?
02-09-2008, 11:08 AM
If Pomona is anything like Redmond, take bikes.
Kevin Erion
02-09-2008, 09:14 PM
Gary & Ray,
I would like to make a 1/2 day trip, lets try to do it together.
02-09-2008, 09:30 PM
I plan on arriving Sunday afternoon (24th) and staying until Wed. or thursday (25th). So, call me on my cell and we can meet at my Bus.
Ray Davis
02-11-2008, 11:30 AM
Hey Kevin,
Generally Mondays or Wednesdays would be best for me. Let's pick a day, and I'll try to get 1/2 day off, and we can ride out there together. I assume it's pretty much up the 57, and I could meet you at your shop?
02-23-2008, 10:51 PM
Aside from all of the conversions at Pomona this week, there will be several hundred Vendors selling everything from Tow bars to RV Garages. One thing which interests me are the trends of this industry. It will be interesting to see new Vendors with new ideas and products.
Ray and Kevin are coming out on wednsday afternoon. If anyone else is in the area, feel free to call me on my cell phone; 805-896-0222.
Ray Davis
02-23-2008, 10:53 PM
I will be picking up Ken Z on the way to Kevin's. Should be a fun afternoon.
02-24-2008, 02:29 AM
I arrived in LA tonight. Monday Prevost Mira Loma is doing a DMI inspection on coach and the recalls and new batteries are being installed on Tuesday. I planned on attending to see the vendors sometime Tuesday or Wednesday. I would enjoy connecting with anyone who is going. My cell is 902-527-3625.
Jerry Winchester
02-24-2008, 03:18 PM
If you don't mind, take some pics like you did at the car auction if you see anything that looks cool.
Ray Davis
02-25-2008, 02:01 PM
Lloyd, I've added your phone into my cell, and we'll call you on Wednesday afternoon. Will be arriving with others probably around 1PM mark. Feel free to call me at 949-463-0707 (cellphone) any time.
02-25-2008, 02:45 PM
new us phone number is949-463-0707
thank you
02-25-2008, 05:19 PM
misstake new phone number is 310-990-2198
Ray Davis
02-25-2008, 06:31 PM
OK, Lloyd. That makes more sense! I wasn't sure why you were repeating my cell number! Got the new one in the phone.
02-25-2008, 09:12 PM
I arrived yesterday afternoon about 4:00 PM in the rain. Most all the Rvers had arrived already ,over 2600 I'm told. They get something like 4000 in Georgia from what a 'Parker' has said. This will be the last time for a long time FMCA will come to California. Not enough attendance I guess.
I saw 3 or 4 Featherlite Vogue RV's come in today which were not Prevosts. They were typical plastic type Coaches. I guess I assumed Featherlite had always been a Prevost Converter.
Their were several newbies in the Prevost Converter area. A Company called 'Outlaw out of Texas, " locally refered to as a hoarse trailer Converter.
And entertainment Coach converter which was quite unique with a Stripper pole in the Living area. All black leather with a mirrored ball, black light, fiberoptics etc. (Sunset Custom Coach out of Conroe,Texas)
Newell has only one new Coach here, with beautiful cabinet work.
Marathon brought the most Coaches (5). All but one is new.
Liberty has two Coaches but Frank and Dave aren't here yet so they were not open today.
Featherlite has 2 Coaches which they say are 1.5M. each. But as you walk in they have several brocures offering Coaches for $975000.00
Ray Davis
02-25-2008, 10:46 PM
Glad to see you made it OK. We should be pulling in around 1PM on Wednesday. Where should we meet you?
ps: I spoke to Lloyd tonight, he is out at Prevost Mira Loma doing a PDI on soon-to-be-his new coach. He is hoping to join us on Wednesday.
02-26-2008, 11:10 PM
Ray, we can meet up in front of the Prevost Display or just call me. 805-896-0222.
Ray Davis
02-27-2008, 12:21 AM
Sounds good. I'll aim for Prevost display, and call you when we're getting close.
02-27-2008, 09:56 AM
Gary: Remember to send pix of the coach expecially the stripper pole unit. I know a guy who would like to have it. He would have to hire the help to run it tho.
02-27-2008, 10:21 PM
Well, I just got dropped off..I had dinner with Ray, Kevin, Brian and his wife and Ken. It was great to see everyone and enjoy an afternoon together. We spent time viewing all the Prevosts and talking with Sales Reps. Jim Skiff called at one point,so it was just like our POG Rallys. Another two hours were spent walking thru the Vendor Arena. I have been shooting photos but am not at my computer to upload at this time. Will do in the near future.:)
Ray Davis
02-28-2008, 04:44 PM
It was a great time meeting up with everyone. A couple of quick pictures for you ....
Lloyd, Beverly and Brian, Gary, Kevin
And Roger, for you, the stripper pole! (Uh, no. That wasn't the dancer seated in the background)
02-28-2008, 11:07 PM
I have a few pictures of the week at FMCA.
I had a great time visiting with fellow travelers, Converters, Vendors, and our POG freinds.
The weather got warmer as the week went on and was shorts and short sleeve by tuesday.
I got my Coach weighed (Both front and Back were under listed Axle weights) and had my Zip Dee awning repaired. One of the bonuses of going to a FMCA ralley , you can get a few things fixed or serviced.
Instead of washing my Bus, since there was no water available and limited washing vendors, I purchased the 'Drywash' chemical. It works fine, but takes longer than a normal wash and uses up quite afew towels. ok in a pinch, I just cleaned from the windows down.
Ray Davis
02-29-2008, 12:06 AM
Some great pictures, Gary! Next time I need more time to see everything!
02-29-2008, 01:06 AM
Good shot of the Sunset Coach Stripper pole Ray. I asked if I could shoot a picture and the owner declined. I guess I should have brought a smaller camera.
Ray Davis
02-29-2008, 01:31 AM
I guess I didn't even consider that you couldn't take pictures at an RV show! I just took it. Had to turn off the flash though to get the colors. That was quite a coach. Not really my taste, but ....
02-29-2008, 08:39 AM
Gary and Ray,
Thanks for the photos and updates on the rally. It's nice to see the new bus's, makes me want to get polishing.
02-29-2008, 08:49 AM
Nice pic's Gary, I envy you guys out there with solid surface parking. I don't go to the FMCA conventions here in the east, because there usually mud baths.
02-29-2008, 06:01 PM
Beverly and I had a great time visiting with the POG bunch at Pomona. We all rendezvoused at the Prevost display area and did the tour. Marathon, Country Coach, Vantare, and Liberty were all present with multiple campers and as usual did a fine job with their displays. We spent some time with Dave Wall of Liberty and he confirmed the American Carriage rumor which we covered in another thread. Along with the low budget stripper entertainer coach there were two new entries on the scene.
Teschner Coach with a showroom in Las Vegas is a German company that had a beautiful XL2-40 on display. Ms Teschner, a lovely German lady gave us the tour and explained that her company is shipping Prevost shells to Frankfurt where they are converted and exported back to NA for sale. It was amazing to us that this could be done and their prices could still compete with US conversions. The fit and finish of the Teschner coach was outstanding and was reminiscent of a fine Euro made yacht.
Also new on the scene with only nine Prevosts completed, was a conversion by Outlaw Conversion Co. of Stephenville, TX. This was also a very nice conversion with a very competitive price tag. Their coach was a non-slide unit with a fore/aft bed and the cabinetry was all wood, features we felt, that were nice to see back on the market. It was good to see these newcomers especially after the American Carriage demise.
Jim Skiff
02-29-2008, 06:15 PM
I wish I'd been out there. It looked like a lof of fun, even WITH Kevin tagging along:D .
Though I haven't seen the Teschner Coach in person, they are now a P-stuff and POG sponsor . For those of you who haven't seen the video yet, it's worth a look. Click on the Teschner logo center on this page:
02-29-2008, 07:12 PM
I love that Country Coach paint job!
02-29-2008, 10:07 PM
For those people who wish to tow a Motorcycle or two, there is a picture of a company out of Idaho , whose axle trails either forward or in reverse the direction you wish. In other words, you don't have to remove the trailer in order to back up
Another product is the 'Coldfire' extinguisher which uses a chemical which leaves no clean up mess and is much more effective on most fires. The Vendor had a set-up to extinguish both the generator compartment and engine compartment with one canister as well as shuting down the generator.
The last photo on my picture posting shows the side of my Coach as they were weighing my Coach with Scales which are flat and portable. Very simple.
One last note: I have been going to this Pomona FMCA for almost ten years now. It is a very big thing normally. This Convention was empty. I felt sorry for the convertors and all the RV Industry.
Jerry Winchester
03-01-2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks for posting the photos and it looks like you guys had a great time. I think Tuga needs that stripper pole coach. You know how those LSU guys are.....
03-01-2008, 07:57 PM
I just completed the installation of a stripper pole in my Newell. Too bad you guys will not get to see it:eek:
Well, o.k. I'll let you have a peek.
Which one of us do you want to see demonstrate the proper way to pole dance? Me or Karen? :eek:
03-01-2008, 08:58 PM
Well we all know you've been practicing in the shower.
So a duo on the pole should be a piece of cake.
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