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View Full Version : Blindsided

02-07-2008, 10:17 PM
I have been suggesting to a resident of the resort to join POG because he is constantly asking me questions about Prevosts which I gladly answer to the best of my ability.

He hit me last nite with "I boarded a 2003 Liberty Lady Classic at Liberty today and it has 1 slide and 24,000 miles, What is it worth"?

If I don't succeed in getting him to join I'll shoot the SOB. I gave him the contact places to join up and we'll see what happens.

I attempted to tell him that there was a Liberty Lady and an entry level Classic Lady(i guess) and he felt that I didn't know what I was talking about.

I printed a section out of some depreciation discussion and took it to him this AM. I sat down and began to explain a bit and he rambled on. He is a builder of Exquisite homes up north and I told him to sit and listen just once in his life. I'm sure I made my point and left a friend. Do you believe that?,..... and I took my meds, you meatheads.

02-07-2008, 10:37 PM
Lew, you can lead a horse to water........ Anyway, some folks like to ask a question expecting to confirm their own opinion. Good luck.