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View Full Version : OUT of the TBC--woohoo!

02-06-2008, 08:31 AM
Morning folks,

Well, we are finally out of the two bus club!! We have sold both the 2000 Vantare and the 2003 Millennium--whew.....:rolleyes:

A wonderful couple from MN ,who are first time Prevost owners, have purchased our Millennium and are here at the farm staying with us now to learn all about their new coach. I am doing my best to get them to join POG and attend the rally in TN in April. Great folks, we like them a lot, and I definitely think they will fit in with our wild and crazy group...Oh, and they are Harley riders as well and will be looking for a stacker trailer:D

Sorry to say goodbye to you Mango--I hope you aren't TBC president for much longer:eek:

Jon Wehrenberg
02-06-2008, 08:46 AM
Congratulations Bob and Deb. Now that you are relatively unencumbered it seems it is time for Bob to start sniffing around for another.

BTW, we found out last week that you were not at the top of the heap when it comes to the TBC. For a while it appeared that in your case TBC meant "Three Bus Club" having the Vantare and the two Milleniums, but Jeff Bayley is the founder, president and charter member of the Three Bus Club by virtue of owning an Angola, a Royale and an H3 shell. And his ownership of the three buses can be measured in years.

02-06-2008, 08:57 AM
Debi & BOB-XX,

Congratulations! Although it's going to be a little lonely down there in the bus barn with only one.

The Mango Mothership is leaving Florida on Monday heading, with my buddy Zimm, back up to Virginia to join the H3.


02-06-2008, 09:36 AM
Great news Debbie, don't let them leave until they join POG.:p

02-06-2008, 09:50 AM
Bob and Deb Congrats on the sale of the 03, It certainly is a beautiful bus!!!

02-06-2008, 11:20 AM
Congratulations. What is Bob going to do with all the extra spare time, not worrying about multiple buses?

Jon Wehrenberg
02-06-2008, 11:29 AM

You will have about 1000 miles to work Zimm over so that he will buy the Mothership by the time you get to VA.

Here is free advice. Take any reasonable offer. Do not talk about things like the leans, replacing tires or batteries, or the current cost of diesel fuel.

Tell him all POG members are sane and will be the kind of people he wants to hang with.

Do not mention things like depreciation, insurance, licensing fees and sales taxes. Tell him all the things he missed after his trip on the maiden voyage.

If you don't sell it to Zimm, get in touch with Jeff Bayley. He will tell you the secret to trading up on Craig's List so you can replace your bus with something more valuable such as a herd of Llamas or a collection of Sha-Na-Na tee shirts.

Jerry Winchester
02-06-2008, 11:45 AM

Make sure they take a go cart with them. Great news on the sale and I now wonder how many TWO BC guys there are left and how many THREE BC guys there are as well.

Many have run under the radar (Gary) and many may end up being lifers (Jeff & Harry), but it just goes to show you that TBC membership can be rewarding.

Current TBC Members

Jeff Baylee
Mango Mike

Former TBC Members

Bob 00, 03

Who did I forget here?

Kevin Erion
02-06-2008, 05:17 PM
Steve from California Coach told me today that Harry delivered the 91 down for them to try and sell, good luck to both Harry and Steve.
I have a wonderful Stacker Trailer for sale on the Stuff site, just FYI.

Toy Box
02-06-2008, 05:28 PM
Toy Box here. Proud former T B O . Nice club, great folks, just don't stay in club too long..dues are too high.

02-06-2008, 06:30 PM
As always I can count on you guys for some sage advice.

I won't be able term this as Taco Tour III as Zimm is alergic beans and not having JDUB aboard means we'll be anaconda free.


Jerry Winchester
02-06-2008, 07:10 PM
Don't be running that anaconda stuff on me since you opted to take that tofu eating Zimm who'll be dropping like a deer in the Mothership crapper.

And if I recall correctly, it was Bill or Kitchen Manager Robert who plugged up the Mothership loo in KC, not JDUB.

02-06-2008, 08:27 PM

Make sure they take a go cart with them. Great news on the sale and I now wonder how many TWO BC guys there are left and how many THREE BC guys there are as well.

Many have run under the radar (Gary) and many may end up being lifers (Jeff & Harry), but it just goes to show you that TBC membership can be rewarding.

Current TBC Members

Jeff Baylee
Mango Mike

Former TBC Members

Bob 00, 03

Who did I forget here?

Well JDUB,

Add one more to the current club as the Vogue is still on the market and hiding amongst the Marathons in San Antonio, Fl. Seems as though the fella trying to go the Montana LLC route couldn't get a '96 vintage coach through the system.

Debi and Bob, you two sure know how to keep the bus industry going, congrats!

Richard Beecher
2002 Marathon XLII 45
1996 Vogue XL 40 for sale

02-06-2008, 10:05 PM
Debi & Bob,

Sorry I'm posting so late, but Mardi Gras rough this year. Also, we have been on the road visiting friends.

Glad you are down to one!:D

02-07-2008, 09:05 AM
Debi and Bob, you two sure know how to keep the bus industry going, congrats!
Richard Beecher
2002 Marathon XLII 45
1996 Vogue XL 40 for sale

LOL, too funny Richard, yes, Bob has a knack for doing just that:D Since we don't have the new (well new to us) Millennium at home yet I am just keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't sell it before it gets here. I am surprised I am still here and haven't been traded in for a newer model after 29 years--ha~!

Hope you exit the TBC soon and it appears there is little hope for Jeff B.:rolleyes:

Tuga, rough Mardi Gras, hmmmm--just drink plenty of water today and all week!