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View Full Version : Drawer catches and trim buttons: on line source

02-03-2008, 05:06 PM
Anybody have an online source for the drawer catches and trim buttons?
I tried Lowes and Home Depot.

See pictures.

02-03-2008, 06:18 PM
Jim: I have never purchased buttons for mine, but the cabinet latch is available from Liberty in Stewart. I have bought the male part more than once. Call Parts dept. they will know immediately what you are looking for.

02-03-2008, 06:54 PM
How many catches do you need? I have a bag of 10 female catches and 9 male pads that the previous owner bought in error, mine uses the paddle latches.

I can mail them from Fort Lauderdale tomorrow, send a PM with address.


02-03-2008, 07:13 PM

Order them by the bag because those latches seem to fail a lot.

Also when you order from Liberty they offer them in two different strengths depending on the size of the drawer or the door.


02-03-2008, 07:22 PM

My 95 Country Coach uses exactly the same type of latch, both on my closet doors and on the slide out drawers in the basement. I seem to have to tug on the handles to overcome the latch pressure, so I am experimenting with new latches. I purchased 10 to try out on the basement drawers, then I will see if I will replace the latches, like yours.

If you research the site, you will see magnetic and mechanical push and release versions, with a variety to pull tensions. Mine are heavy for the basement drawers, 17.6 lbs. That is how much tension you have to pull to snap the latch free, if you need to. The push and release latches are designed to operate by lightly pushing in, 1/8", then the release occurs and the latch pushes out. So the drawer or door will spring out when released.

Try the link below. It is to a great site that has just about any latch you can imagine. I ordered on line and received the latches with a few days.


This is the latch, in the closed position.

This is the latch in the open position.

I have not installed any yet, but they do look promising.

I let you know the outcome.


02-04-2008, 03:24 PM

Order them by the bag because those latches seem to fail a lot.

Also when you order from Liberty they offer them in two different strengths depending on the size of the drawer or the door.


Mango and fellow POGers, when I called Tony at Liberty to check on the push-release latches, such as those described below by Hector, I was told they don't sell them. He said they may have used them in the past but that this type of latch is no longer used by Liberty and they don't sell them. I just bought 30 from the Wookworker's Site that is linked by Hector. Buying 30 yields a price or $3.74 each plus 12 bucks shipping. (No Tax).

02-04-2008, 05:23 PM

Good update.



02-04-2008, 05:34 PM
Another good resource for all types of latching hardware...



Jerry Winchester
02-04-2008, 08:45 PM
Our Marathon is full of these;


And they are a favorite of this Jack Russell


So they can be ordered here;

http://www.screwcovers.com/decorative-screw-caps-screw-covers/Kappets;jsessionid=0a0002421f4341dae54b1c364c9aaa3 ce1af8c04d509.e3eSc38LcheTe34Pa38Ta38Pchj0

04-21-2008, 05:00 AM
I ordered them from Bleakley Motor homes of Unidilla, GA:
478 627 3700
They had three sizes: 5, 10, 15 lbs
3.60 each after discount.

phorner was right on:
Here is the online source for Southco:

However, they list the pull at 3, 5, and 10lbs.

Thanks to all.