View Full Version : Right Coast Florida Mini POP Rally
01-23-2008, 08:14 PM
I had a secret message handed to me today that said that Mr. Harry Hoppe was bitchin' about the dozen (12) pages he had to finger thru to get to the latest post.
This is why I started a new title so he can comfort his soul. I know less than anyone on this computer but I know enough to go to "last read". Someone show the old fart how that's done.
Now Harry, don't get mad at me, I'm just passin' a bit of info along to the Geeks who think they have it figured out.
01-23-2008, 08:34 PM
We are don to the finish line and the coaches will start to appear tomorrow.
Friday , try to get in so you can get settled and be ready to go to the Rib dinner. No charge and no fancy clothes. Come as you are. Showers are a must, though, and you will meet my neighbors. They have nothing good to say about me so anything you hear could be the truth.
A little note here about my bride Kathy, she will be making one of her famous cole slaw salads. She will be working all day preparing and transforming 20 heads of cabbage into the most delightful side you have ever eaten. This is strictly her way of volunteering. All out !!
This dinner is being put on by Phil Register who owns Island Girl Outdoor Kitchens. This is his way of saying thank you to all of the owners here at Outdoor Resorts and to those who wish to see his wares.
Saturday, there is a seafood extravaganza in Port Salerno. Paul will tell you about that.
Monday, there are free donuts and coffee at the clubhouse at 9 AM
Also Monday, Marathon coach will be bringing in 2 display coaches right in the midst of you "Uppity Prevost Owners"
Sorry, I hope this itinerary is not too stressful.
Wednesday, there will be a breakfast for all those who wish for $3.00 per person. This may break the bank.
We're trying to get a cookout in addition to the above and we will discuss it at dinner(or after) Friday nite.
I know that Jon is incommunicado during all of his trips so Roger, pass this along to him on the way down.
01-23-2008, 08:38 PM
I think I failed to mention that Ted K. Regal, the coach converter in Janesville Wisconsin will stop by over the weekend with a coach.
01-23-2008, 09:45 PM
Florida...California...Florida...California....... ...Florida......California...
01-23-2008, 10:15 PM
Dale: Come on down, it ain't too far and join in. Jon and I are sitting in a rest area in Georgia. We were afraid to wait till Thursday Morning to leave because of snow in the forecast. Neither one of us have driveways that mix snow and buses to well.
Oh well Jon wants to leave o early am and I worked today -=- so we will hit Atlanta before noon Thursday.
Lew get that load of warm nice weather into place - we are a coming.
Dale the weather in Florida has got to be warmer than Nebraska. Come on down.
01-23-2008, 10:27 PM
Dale after reading your local weather forecast on the SoCal mini rally, it seems to me Mother Nature is telling you to get the hello out of dodge!!!:cool:
01-24-2008, 10:03 PM
Three coaches arrived today and they anxiously await the arrival of the others.
We have Super Newbies here in the form of Eric, Deb,and Jay Faires. Get a load of this .....This is their very first trip and their very first coach. Some sort of award should be made to these wonderful people. The first thing he aske upon arrival was "Is Jon here yet"?
They all are tired of me already.
Mr Beecher was supposed to show up today and he is nowhere to be seen except on line. Where are you Richard?
Was raining here about 15 minutes ago and all is well now.
Weather tomorrow should be about 70 which is cool to us but great to you snowbirds.
01-25-2008, 05:22 PM
Some of us still work for a living, I am still in my office, and yes it is after 5:00 on a Friday.
By the time we get to St Lucie tonight it will be too late to stop as we need to get to Daytona, there is a big race up there this weekend you know. Some of these stock car drivers can actually drive a sportscar pretty good. I'll wave to you on TV if you are watching the Speed Channel. We'll be with the Autohaus Pontiac GXPR.
We would have loved to see everyone but will have to wait until April in Tennessee.
You forgot to say what a great looking coach that Eric, Deb and Jay were in. Lew I am sorry to miss the fun sounds like you will have a great turnout. I am trying to find a way to sneak out of my conference in Boca Raton on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and come up.
01-25-2008, 08:51 PM
No excuses Loc Nest, your really close and I know you want to come up here and rub up against the ole bus!:p
Jeff Bayley
01-26-2008, 08:16 AM
We aren't showing up until Monday most likely. Is most everyone staying through the first of next week ?
Lew- I will call and make reservation Monday if that's the day we leave. Is that ok ? What's the Bannana count look like ?
01-26-2008, 10:00 PM
Just a few peeks at some of the goings on here in sunny Florida. Included are some pix from the pizza, beer and wine party that was courtesy of Jim Chaloupka. Many thanks Jim!!!
Just Plain Jeff
01-26-2008, 10:01 PM
Apparently the Saturday night crowd at the Jim Chaloupka dinner got a tad out of hand by some accounts. We'll just leave it at that.
01-26-2008, 10:05 PM
Who all made the trip to Florida? Can you give us more details?
01-26-2008, 10:36 PM
Whatever is everyone looking at with such infatuation:confused:
01-26-2008, 11:04 PM
I was honored to bring the following thru into the locked gates of Port
St Lucie's Outdoor Resorts.
Tom and Nancy Chilcot
Rick and Wendy DeSilva
Eric, Deb, and Jay Faires
Roger and Micki Foster
Jim and Karen Keller
Mike and Karen Kerley
Bill and Jody Miller
Granvil and Kim Tracey
Jon and Di Wehrenberg
Jeff Raymond
Orren Zook blew a head gasket and said he would arrive this next week.
Jef and Steffany Bayley said they would arrive each day but have yet arrived. Their coupons are still at the office for them to use.
Just Plain Jeff
01-27-2008, 06:35 AM
OK. Its 0630 or so and after last night's 'gathering,' how come all the campers are dark and quiet? And lo and behold, there aren't any pictures from the Left Coast rally, links or otherwise? Inquiring minds want to know.
01-27-2008, 06:45 AM
Dale, your the Best!
I was honored to bring the following thru into the locked gates of Port
St Lucie's Outdoor Resorts.
Tom and Nancy Chilcot
Rick and Wendy DeSilva
Eric, Deb, and Jay Faires
Roger and Micki Foster
Jim and Karen Keller
Mike and Karen Kerley
Bill and Jody Miller
Granvil and Kim Tracey
Jon and Di Wehrenberg
Jeff Raymond
Lew, which ones are at their first POG rally? and how about Paul and Janice, your neighbor, or did I miss them.
Jeff Bayley
01-27-2008, 06:59 AM
Hi- What happened and the reason we are late was that it was my wife's Birthday Saturday & her family decided to throw together this last minute surprise party for her; hence.....a late arrival is all. We are just going to be late getting there. I decided it was more important to let this party roll on for her. Just hoping not to miss too much by fun by being late. We probabley won't return home for several weeks once we leave. Don't know if we'll leave here tommorow or Monday. Monday at the latest.
Plus, this gives me extra time becasue I was scrambling trying to make my real RV which is a 60's Flexible look like a Prevost as much as possible since I really don't own one. I've just been pretending this whole time. I bought some chrome looking spray paint and laid that down on the lower half and I was able to find some Prevost emblems on Ebay. With the help of my neighbor I used his large format color printer to make up some 3D looking Alcoa Wheel photos that I glued to some card board backing and tacked to the old rusted wheels. I'm just gonna try to square the front cap off with some Play Dough early in the morning and hope the sun is out to let it harden for the 2.5 hour trip over. Hope for no rain or the games up and the Play Dough will make a runny mess for sure.
Nobody should notice the very slight difference between my Flexible and a Prevost as long as I park really quick at night and distract everyone with a generous supply of strong cocktails as soon as I arrive. "No, no, that's a Prevost; it's just the angle from way over here".
01-27-2008, 07:39 AM
Yep, we were there. The pictures of the party were taken at our lot, just down the street from Lew. For some reason, the owners along thist stretch of Boundary Drive refer to our neighborhood as "Lush Lane", for reasons that escape me at the moment.....
And, it is the first POG event for Janice and I. What a blast!!
Joe Cannarozzi
01-27-2008, 08:06 AM
For anyone who has not visited St. Augustine or The Villages it would be a great thing to do when the party is over and heading back North.
Augustine has restaurants and shopping second to none.
The villages, dittos, plus a wonderful atmosphere and more custom golf carts than anywhere in the world.
Titusville too but I know many are aware of there and have experienced that.
For those who want to extend the stay it is entirely too close to the Keys to turn back now. There is another complete change in climate waiting for you just south of Key Largo.
mike kerley
01-27-2008, 09:23 AM
Mike and Karen Kerley HERE...
Sorry you missed the jokes last night for those who weren't here!!!!!
We sure loved being back with the POG's and we thank Lou and Kathy, Paul and Janice for makeing it possible for us to be here with you all and meeting the new members.
Great party last night!! Jim, thanks for the pizza and squeezens.
Karen and Mike
01-27-2008, 12:26 PM
Bus "customization" at the rally...
Just Plain Jeff
01-27-2008, 02:24 PM
Heywaitaminutehere. That's called, "Dialing it In." And now JDUB is starting to sound like Lew, the most gracious host and his Lady Kathy. Griping about this, griping about that. Where will this one end?
01-27-2008, 03:06 PM
Ah Ha, I knew that supreme tool of tools would surface again.:eek: The Sledge!
Remember Rick DeSilva used his right after New Years!
01-27-2008, 09:51 PM
Bus "customization" at the rally...
I think its time for Jeff to get some Charlie Weaver suspenders! Man that guy has no hips. :D
01-27-2008, 10:03 PM
Drove 3 hours back and laughed all the way. Last night was a 3 hour abdominal workout. Thanks Paul and Janice, Lew and Kathy for being great hosts and Jim for sponsoring the first POG stand up laugh fest. I only hope the Horners property value doesn't take a dive after last night. I now know not to judge a book by its cover (Eric). I asked Wendy to make apples a regular part of our diet and don't ever think about getting a parrot. And our pictures my not be up to the caliber of the west coast but wait until we post our aerial shots..
01-28-2008, 08:21 AM
can the "other" rallies come up with an aerial like this?<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
01-29-2008, 07:53 AM
Well I am back to work. Karen and I want to express our thanks to everyone for a great time ! It was just what we needed. Thanks to Lew and Kathy for their organizational skills. Kathy's cole slaw was the best we have ever tasted. Thanks to Paul and Janice for a great night of stand up comedy and allowing us to trash your place. Jim Chaloupka, thanks for the wine and pizza. Only way it could have been better would have been for you to be there. We are going to get to meet your wife some day, aren't we. Jody, great sky pic !
The time went by so fast but the people you meet and the fun you have are the memories that put the grin on your face when you are back to work !
Thanks everyone from Jim & Karen.
01-29-2008, 08:58 AM
[QUOTE=bill&jody;23389]can the "other" rallies come up with an aerial like this?<a
wow, I would think not Jody, cool pic!!
01-29-2008, 08:58 AM
Jody, That is a super shot! Just wished I had taken it. :)
01-29-2008, 09:10 PM
Jody at the wheel....
Jerry Winchester
01-29-2008, 09:22 PM
Jody at the wheel....
Hauling around her dad.........
01-30-2008, 07:57 AM
Doin' what we do best....
01-30-2008, 11:04 AM
That looks like the new Marathon bus in the background called ECHO. It has two different paint schemes, different on each side. Were they showing it there or was that the new buyer?
01-30-2008, 12:31 PM
Yes, that is the new Marathon in the background with the fantastic 2-sided paint scheme.
It is here on display for our fellow POGGERS to admire and is still for sale.
Marathon brought in 2 display coaches and we also had a display coach from Regal Coachworks drop in for a short visit.
01-30-2008, 01:34 PM
And although that Marathon had the new exhaust routed through the roof it still had the Detroit powerplant.
Am I the only one who noticed something wrong in the aerial shot of the rally? It appears to me that the Old Slack Adjuster Polisher needs to pay a little attention to the roof of the Liberty. In the pictures it looks like Fast Roger has polished the roof and that Jon is falling behind. It has to be an optical illusion.
01-30-2008, 08:06 PM
Man you got the Eagle eye (courtesy of & thanks to Granville).
We have established a new bench mark in POG: "BTJ"= better than Jon!
We checked everyone s coolant nitrates, glycol content and most everyone was BTJ.:cool:
01-30-2008, 09:12 PM
Roger, Micki was really looking good, is she back to her old self?
01-30-2008, 10:01 PM
It's really strange that no one has posted the picture of the hot air balloon that landed about four lots from Rogers' coach at 8:15 Saturday morning.
Jon of course took pictures with the Foster coach in the foreground, but of course ol' Jon won't share anything such as that until he gets home and invents the wheel.
As for Jeff Bayley, he and Stefanny arrived after closing Tues nite and we parked him as close to Jon as we could. He was drinking juice at 9 AM and had trouble navigating his bicycle around the park all day. He made sure he was never too far when the juice ran out.
Tonite, Jon, Di, Roger, Micki, Jeff and Stefanny went out for raw ?????
Don't know the results of the evening but will find out in the AM.
I told Jeff when he came in, "you could "f "up a one car funeral".
I was about to say hello to Bob Phoebus from Marathon and all of a sudden a scream was let out and I looked up and Jeff was on the other side of the cart. I must apologize to Bob for the interruption.
I have had a ball babysitting these guys but thay have to realize I do not own the park, I just live here. We've had a good time and look forward for the next POG visit whether it be one POG member or several. No where in hell we get the deal we got on this mini rally. The price will never be as good.
I had better shut up before I get into more hot water.
Dale and Jan, it was 80 today and will be tomorrow. What are you doing?
01-30-2008, 11:58 PM
Thanks Lew, I just looked and it's 6 degrees. It should be around 20 tomorrow.
01-31-2008, 12:42 AM
Hows this Lew ? The pictures are from my cell phone. I'm sure Jody has better shots, I know Roger doesn't have any pictures because he slept through the whole thing!
Jeff Bayley
01-31-2008, 03:12 AM
Lew and Kathy where gracious enough to help us bust in after hours. Thank you guys. I meant to ask you how the passes came to be available and forgot to inquire with you but expect that it was by your good graces and your doing, so thank you and hope your don't regret letting us in. Too soon to tell.
Guilty as charged with the juice drinking. That's "power juice" Lew and it allows me to bike around invisably you see. I'm still perfecting the formula before unveiling it. That's how I snuck up on you iand surprised you in turn 3 behind your golf cart. Navigating around the park on the bike should be better tommorow when I take my GPS with me (juice proof and shock resistant I hope). I'll try to wait until at least 10am tommorow.
Oh Lew, after Jon, Di, Roger, Micki droppped us off after dinner (Raw Oysters is what it was by the way), Stefanny and I went for a late night bike ride with the juice. I have to get a cup holder for the bike (umm, juice holder). With one hand handeling the "juice" and only one left to steer with, a tradegy happened. I crashed in the street. Man, I used to really be good on a bike. A full cup of "juice" ended up on the road along with me and my bike. Nevemind about the bleeding foot, the tradegy was the fallen full cup of "juice" and I was all the way on the other side of the park and completley inconvinient to get a refill. I passer by was kind enough to say "are you ok?" and the first thing I asked him was "where are you parked?". He said "Why? Do you need a band aid?" I said, "No, I don't need a bank aid, I need a refill on my drink dang if and I'm parked all the way on the other side somewhere". Thought for sure they were fellow juicers since they were able to see me even though I was invisable but alas, only helpful coffee drinkers out for a stroll; useless for juice refill. Nice people though. Good vision. Nice neighboorhood. Streets a little maze like when your drinking "juice" but it was fun doing double time through the maze looking for a bus that resemebled mine. Stefanny wouldn't let me go back out and play after we returned to base. I got grounded and was not allowed back on my bike without a crash helmet. The only helmet around had two juice holders on either side with a straw leading to the mouth. I saw this a great safety device since it would allow both hands to stay on the handelbars but the inspector said that didn't count and would make my bike insurance rates go up.
I'm taking my portalbe air horn tommorow so as not to startle anyone in the golf carts and announce my presense for safe passing. I forget if it's one or two toots on the horn for left or right passing. Guess I'll just pass on which ever space is left when they turn the wheel 90 degrees involentarily from the horn and make a hole. I'm invisable so this horn is really going to help. Just joking Lew and if they catch me, I won't implicate you in anyway. I'll explain I'm out from the funny farm on a day pass. I'll make sure to use hand signals and observe the speed limit on the bike. I be good boy.
01-31-2008, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the muscle in helping me with the TV, the juice must work! Thanks to Jon also, but he was quivering a little so some juice may help his old bones.
As for Lew, it's hard to catch him in between his med's and he gets happy when eating Mexican.
Jeff Bayley
01-31-2008, 09:32 AM
Truk- Talking about Mexican, I couldn't even bribe the waitress into gettin the kitchen to whip up make shift order of Nachos at Outback the other night. "We don't even have any chips" she says. Rest of the food was great. Jon's criteria for picking out restaurants is that it's no more than 5 minutes away and that's good for me if I have to walk home if the gang ditches me.
Last night we tracked down the Raw Oysters. Had to make a 16 mile trip for that one. Nottin around here. Asked and asked and everybody said "Nuttin Honey". I think we polished off about 10 dozen between 6 of us. I couldn't shut my pie on the way home about trying to pull some GAG's at TN. POG ralley so I think I'm gonna Gag myself today and try to practice not talking too much. That's a tough one for me. I'm going to lay off the sauce (ummm "Juice" today too). That is at least until after 12 of course. I think there's a pool around here somewhere. I went swimming last night but it's hard to get any traction in nothing but a spilled drink in the middle of the road. Tried but no luck> So I read the drink it's last rights and moved on.
01-31-2008, 09:56 AM
A few more pictures....
Proof that Jon can cook on his special Liberty XZ300 stainless Grill
Gran Poo Pau Paul, Janice and Ms. Truk
Janice saying, "Paul, are they leaving soon"..
Jon telling Eric how great his Liberty Grill works and how he can clean it.
What a Wooooomaaannnn, Bill are you asleep yet.
01-31-2008, 05:13 PM
Jon really cooking it up.
02-01-2008, 09:14 AM
thanks for the pic, tom - bill might actually let me drive again.
hey, nanc - NICE POSE!!!
see you all soon - had a great time. sorry we missed jeff and steffany.
Jeff Bayley
02-01-2008, 01:12 PM
We'll, we got to Florida POG just in time to. Plenty of spaces to choose from as you can see. Last to leave. The others were going to stay longer but by some strange coincidence, emergencies came up after they met our acquaintance and they had to make early departures. One had to re-arrange their sock drawer and the other one said something about going to put needles in their eyes. Hmmmm, strange coincidence is all.
I've got my new form of "Juice" I'm showing off. Spilling fresh Vodka just too expensive.
Thank you Lew and Kathy for the passes again.
02-01-2008, 04:18 PM
Well, having graduated from the POG Micro Rally held here in November to an honest-to-goodness Mini Rally, we are sure looking forward to seeing everyone again in April.
We had a great time meeting everyone who took the time and made the effort to visit us here in Port St. Lucie.
We hope that everyone has a safe and "uneventful" trip to their next destination.
Welcome back any time.....
02-01-2008, 09:03 PM
Thanks for all the work you put in for the rally, we had a great time and appreciate all the effort. No reply needed, you never do anyways..:p
02-01-2008, 09:34 PM
Trukman and woman,
I wish I had said goodbyes but you sneaked out when I was politicking around the campus somewhere. Sorry. Having you around at a rally brings some sense to the nonsense that Roger and Jon create.
I still have that 108" on my mind.
Jon was hot to go for a local coach here but Roger wouldn't let him use some of the BMW $$$$
Thanks again for helping a fellow Pogger, George and Leah. They are newbies as far as posting here.
02-02-2008, 10:32 AM
Sorry Ms. Donna and I missed the shindig. Sounds like everyone had a blast.
I really appreciated the "Eat your heart out call" I received from the masses during the Jim C. Pizza and Wine Fest. Made my night.
Hope to see you down the road.
02-02-2008, 09:53 PM
Mango Man
My brother just moved to Reston. How far away is the closest Mango Mikes. He can't make it but I will upon a visit to him.
02-03-2008, 07:10 PM
Only 24 miles and 30 Lewminutes to Jerk Chicken heaven.
02-03-2008, 11:27 PM
Thanks Mike, I'll note the map but it wasn't too familiar to me cuz I do not know the area. Never do know the area until I get lost. I'll probably have to call. Thanks
02-03-2008, 11:30 PM
Did anyone get any good color pictures of the balloon that landed that Roger and Micki slept thru?
02-04-2008, 09:13 AM
Wake up and go back to page 5, Rick and Wendy gave you their pictures!:D
Seems like the Viagra effects your memory?;)
02-04-2008, 10:22 AM
I am beginning to believe I wasn't the only one dreaming - but my dreams were NOT of a ballon. Maybe some hot air tho.l:cool:
Thanks again to Lew, Kathy, Paul and Janice for a great week at a great facility. Enjoyed seeing the other POG residents of ODR, Pat and Betty Peck, and Ed and Donna Saylor. I got to be careful not to leave anyone out here. A super treat was Granville's flying machine.
My camera was broken till I got a new one, but boy let me tell you about A1 Jon Blocking all lanes of traffic in Wildwood Fl with his Liberty Bus and Hummer. No pics, but just use your imagination, First in Line was a Police Officer, he realized that there was nothing he could do if Jon was to get contrary and not want to move the bus. They really are big and heavy, especially when used to block the road. So the policeman waited patiently for Jon to unhook the Hummer and Di to back so the bus could back up. I am talking blocked from shoulder to median, no way to get around. I remained unscathed.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-04-2008, 10:41 AM
No pictures, no proof. Surely the King is making this up.
But for those who opt to go to the campground in Wildwood FL, just off exit 304 on the FL Turnpike do not listen to what the directions are when arriving from the south.
The lady said to exit the turnpike, turn north and make a left hand turn into the campground. It couldn't appear simpler and the turn lane appears to line up exactly with the campground entrance. Unfortunately, by the time you are committed to the turn lane, you realize the entrance to the campground is NOT aligned with the point at which you turn, but a highway sign is perfectly aligned. As you initiate the turn you manage to completely block all traffic lanes from the center of the road to the shoulder. The traffic sign ends up just about perfectly centered in the windshield.
The only way to make the turn is to start at the RH shoulder. Had the lady said that Roger would not be spreading these tales. Had he been in front he would have been the rolling roadblock.
It was impressive shutting down all southbound lanes. The cop never said much.
02-04-2008, 12:18 PM
Jon, can you give us word by word of what Di was hearing when this happened. I can almost hear the words in my head.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-04-2008, 12:38 PM
What she was hearing was instructions to get her shoes on because she was going to have to drive the Hummer. I don't believe I said anything more than the required "Oh, $hit!"
By the time I got back to the Hummer, the King was already in it. He helped get it started, in gear and moved it enough to get the pressure off the hitch so I could unhook it, then he had to head back to his bus because I think the back of his toad may have been in one of the traffic lanes. He had to drive up the road a mile or so to wiggle through a supermarket parking lot to reverse course to get back to the campground.
There is a lot to be said for parking in rest areas.
The campground only had 30 amp and we parked on grass.
mike kerley
02-04-2008, 03:05 PM
Jon, Thats the kinda stuff thats tests the wall strength of the little blood vessels in our forehead.
These times are funny to look back on, not so funny at the time they're taking place.
Sounds like to perfect time to bump the remote tank dump switch. Might as well leave a memento.
Mike K.
Joe Cannarozzi
02-04-2008, 05:40 PM
I think we stayed at that campground.
That is real close to The Villages. Did you go there? See any golf carts that you liked?
Ya know if anyone is in need of stainless polishing the truck stop in Wildwood is known countrywide by drivers as THE place to get the stainless and aluminum polished.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-04-2008, 08:22 PM
I guess it could be called a campground. The owner that drove me in his golf cart to the site to show me where to park was drunk, and he did not hesitate to tell me he could make that turn across the highway with his 40 footer. My thoughts about the place went downhill from there.
I will admit it was nicer sleeping there than in a rest area.
Mike....I think I have had to unhitch because I screwed up a turn two times previous, and because I was experienced at the drill, and knew there wasn't a damn thing I could do to correct the error until I got unhitched the whole episode was less a big deal than if it had been my first time. It was still exciting, but seeing how utterly helpless that cop was when he realized the situation kind of took the sting out of it.
The one that suffered was the lady in the campground that gave me instructions. Her drunk husband ripped her a new one because despite his blathering at me in his drunken fog, he must have known the turn was impossible for a long RV. I think he was still barking at her about instructions when Roger came to check in.
02-04-2008, 10:23 PM
I just scanned the 6 pages of the Right Coast and I did not find one picture of the Balloon. Stop with the Viagra, you little pri_k.
02-04-2008, 10:58 PM
page 5, post #43 you have to open the attachment. They're crappy pictures from my cell phone. If you listen closely, you can hear Roger snorring.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-05-2008, 06:39 AM
Here's the balloon. Quit yer gripin'.
mike kerley
02-05-2008, 09:35 AM
Lew takes 1/2 of a Viagra every day! Just enough to keep him from hitting his shoes when he tinkels:!!!
He's still a great host.
02-05-2008, 09:52 AM
OK, now you can apologize!
02-05-2008, 12:01 PM
Boy, I didn't know I snored that loud. You would think with all that comotion going on I would have heard it.
Must be that Liberty Coach Construction that kept all that noise out -
02-05-2008, 10:14 PM
My sincere apology to the DeSilva family for not wanting his phone pic.
Thanks to Jon for the color picture so we can use it here at the resort.
As for Roger snorring....We thought they started mowing lawns early and ignored the noise.
02-05-2008, 11:13 PM
Lew you are a true gentlemen.....I still want to be like you when I grow up !
02-06-2008, 10:40 PM
Standing Room Only!! That was the way it was at PSL in the Faires Family New Bus on its maiden voyage. The Faire Family watching the Fosters and Jon eat Oysters and Di was nibbling on something.
Loc, I dont know if your former Coach was ever this full of people or not, but it was sure filled with music provided by the Faire son: Jay and his Dad Eric. He is the next Ralph Stanley!!
As you can see Jon, Di, Lew and Bill are being entertained, what is unfortunate - I could not get everyone in the Photo, Jodi, Nance and I were under the TV up front.
Big Round of applause for Jay - an outstanding talent
02-06-2008, 11:46 PM
Looks like a great time! I hope you had a Cabaret permit.
02-07-2008, 09:18 AM
[QUOTE=rfoster;23729]Standing Room Only!! That was the way it was at PSL in the Faires Family New Bus on its maiden voyage. The Faire Family watching the Fosters and Jon eat Oysters and Di was nibbling on something.
Roger, great pics, thanks for sending them on! I sure hope the Faire Family will be in TN in April--it's great when fellow POG members can provide excellent talent and I am not talking about coke and mentos however that was entertaining:D
Nice pictures Roger. I think the most we ever had in the bus was 8 and that looks like about half of the total on that night. I think Di is looking at me in the third picture with a see what you started look on her face. The Faires are a great family - I didn't know they were that talented. They have the bus now, so Jay's singing career is well on its way. They just need to park it down in Nashville for a little while.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-10-2008, 11:27 AM
We are wanting to take our 7 year old Granddaugter to the Disneyworld area for 2-3 days. Dates would be April 6-11 and are open as to when we actually need the campsite.
Any suggestions as to where to stay?
Ft. Wilderness is currently completely booked.
Gary S
Joe Cannarozzi
03-10-2008, 01:21 PM
Try the Tropical Palms. It is on 192 between east and west gate. Nice place, very close, heated pool, the kids will be happy there. 800 647 2567
Or you can squat in the parking lot for the wilderness lodge and dry camp, we did both:o
03-10-2008, 01:39 PM
We are wanting to take our 7 year old Granddaugter to the Disneyworld area for 2-3 days. Dates would be April 6-11 and are open as to when we actually need the campsite.
Any suggestions as to where to stay?
Ft. Wilderness is currently completely booked.
Gary S
The key to getting into Fort Wilderness is never give up trying! I bought my Newell from a man who loved to stay at DisneyWorld and his wife told me about how to get in. Call them everyday or twice a day; they have cancellations all of the time. If you can get a space for 1 or 2 nights take it; then keep calling for the additional days that you want to stay. Believe me this works because people are cancelling reservations all the time and Disney does not use a waiting list.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
03-10-2008, 01:49 PM
Thanks Joe and Tuga. I will keep calling to see if we can get in to Ft Wilderness. I called Tropical Palms, and will make a reservation there as a back up plan.
Thanks Again.
Gary S
Jerry Winchester
03-10-2008, 04:59 PM
We are booked into Fort Wilderness the last week of May and we had to book it 8 months in advance. It's a tough place to get a reservation. We have tried 5 or 6 times and this is the first time we have been able to get a slot.
Good luck.
03-10-2008, 08:07 PM
Nancy and I were there after the Port St Lucie mini rally and I wouldn't go back. It's a real tire scrubber. The place was built for 32' Winnebago's. I got in with no problem, but scraped every tire on the bus on curbs.
There's a campground just outside the park with bus service, it may be the one Joe is talking about.
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