View Full Version : "Houston We Have A Problem" Rally
Jerry Winchester
01-15-2008, 10:09 PM
Well not really a problem but yes a rally is about to break out in the Bayou City. Seems AJ has made it to town and Friday night, January 18, we are having a BBQ throw down at the Lakeview RV Resort.
Mel Torme (Ted DeLorme) just happened to be in town for some satellite work, so between his coach, the Loc Ness Millennium and the JDUB Marathon Deuce, a quorum has been declared and AJ will have to do the Chicken Dance for his dinner.
Also rumored to be considering an appearance is P3 photographer, tennis star and world class tire kicker, Gary Stevens and the incomparable Peg.
We have also learned that the official POG Coach Backing Babe is in town with her chauffer Tuga. I have tried repeatedly to reach this man on his cell phone but it is caught in some kind of Geaux Tigers do loop and he is AWOL.
Tuga; turn your damn phone on and save that hot monkey sex for home.
So anyone else who is in the area, passing thru or just wants to come hang with the POG Proletariate, BBQ from the famous Luling City Market will be served if Loc can keep the world's largest Beagle dog from scarfing it up.
Or if these party crashers show up for another free meal....
Side Note To Jeff Bayley - No Discount Coupons Available
I was going to call this "The 2nd Somewhat Periodic Fat Beagle Micro Rally and Wild Kid Throwdown". Especially since the M&M's and the Red Storm will be there to fulfill the wild kid part. It is a sequel to this past summer's festivities in Asheville "The 1st Fat Beagle Mircro Rally" which was a combo with the 2nd Taco Tour starring Fryboy and the Flamesnuffer. I am certain that the Second Fat Beagle will be less successful than the first since Micki and Debi are not involved.
01-16-2008, 09:40 AM
[QUOTE=Loc;23016 It is a sequel to this past summer's festivities in Asheville "The 1st Fat Beagle Mircro Rally" which was a combo with the 2nd Taco Tour starring Fryboy and the Flamesnuffer. I am certain that the Second Fat Beagle will be less successful than the first since Micki and Debi are not involved.[/QUOTE]
Hey Loc, I will send some barbecue and potato salad down for Winston and will ask Micki to Fed-ex her baked beans--we sure don't want the wonder beagle to go without!! :D Have fun everyone--wish we could join in!!
01-16-2008, 10:50 AM
OK, let me get the facts sorted out on this Mini Rally:
It's going to happen without the eleven pages of messages (so far) that it has taken to get that Florida deal off and running.
JDUB is teaching a seminar on the correct, proper and acceptable ways spot a decent BBQ joint.
AJ is going to let the attendees know the correct spelling of his last name so that when we call an RV park looking for him, it might be possible to find out if they are registered.
The Bling contest will be to see who can polish off the most ribs.
And, the Good Lord Himself is going to end the rain and cold weather that is forecast for the next four days.
That works for us, we'll see you all Friday evening.
01-16-2008, 08:49 PM
My phone was on but it would not work inside Birdland Coach services metal building. Then later during the day the battery died and my charger was at my friend Robert's house in Katy.
Sorry Louise and I couldn't stay for the BBQ Rally this weekend; had to get back to the grindstone. We would have loved to party with you & AJ and company.
Michael Weil w/Birdland pinched a hydraulic hose fitting getting the power steering unit back in my coach, so he installed a new fitting and we were good to go.
I met a fellow @ Birdland who was a driver for a Budweiser distributor in south Texas. He told me that their previous Prevost was a 1992 Marathon with [B]1.3 MILLION MILES. Now that's impressive.
I also met up with Loc and he showed me his Millenium w/2 slides and bunk beds - very impressive. I love the split bathroom and the granite flooring.
My trip to Houston was productive and fun; really wish we could have stayed for the mini rally.
01-16-2008, 11:05 PM
Ted - Last name – Haigney.
We are looking forward to meeting everyone Friday. Sarah’s Dad is not well so she flew to Detroit to visit, she will be back in Houston Friday… I’m flying solo with the Red Storm. Hats off to single parents, it’s like herding cats!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-19-2008, 12:34 AM
Well there were 8 adults and 2 kids at the Very Wet Stormy BBQ Rally held in Houston, tonight at the Lakeview RV Resort.
We had some great BBQ that Loc and Ted picked up at the Luling City BBQ joint, and we all feasted and had a great time. :p
Peg and I got to meet Ted and Jan Delorme, AJ and his two kids (wife out of town on family matters), Loc (Courtenay home with a sick boy) and Jerry and Rae, and their youngest. :)
Here are the pictures we took:
Gary S.
It was a pleasure to meet Andrew and the Red Storm (Chris and Ellie) and Ted and Jan for the first time. Jan brought a great desert that qualifies her for all-star team mention with Micki and Debi for the Fat Beagle rallies.
Ted is a natural born Pogger. He can hold his own with the best of the POG. A couple of times he had JDUB speechless (as Jerry would say - quieter than a mute mouse with his mouth sewn shut or something equally profound) and as everyone knows that only happens when the Dubster is asleep. It was also fun to learn that Jan and Ted have a daughter named Courtenay and she spells her name the same as my Courtenay - this the first time I have run into the same spelling.
Unfortunately, the weather was anything but good with continual rain and temperature of 40 degrees. This is the reason why no bus pics.
Thanks to Gary for serving as the party pic guy.
01-19-2008, 12:30 PM
It was a pleasure to meet Andrew and the Red Storm (Chris and Ellie) and Ted and Jan for the first time. Jan brought a great desert that qualifies her for all-star team mention with Micki and Debi for the Fat Beagle rallies.
great, so when is our next Beagle Rally going to take place?? It is difficult for JDUB to be speechless, I wish we could have seen that;) Glad you all had a wonderful time.
Jerry Winchester
01-19-2008, 06:12 PM
Well that was a rally not for the faint of heart. It took me 1:45 to go 25 miles in the rain w/ 2 wrecks on the Sam Houston Parkway.
It was only raining about 2 inches an hour when I got to the park and got hooked up. The only thing that saved me was that the Krakman was no where near with an umbrella.
And after a great BBQ dinner, the "Driving Rain Coach Tour" was not to be missed. Looked like a heard of wet dogs going from coach to coach. Note to AJ; when it says 12-18 lbs on those diapers, that is not the load limit... :D
When we pulled out headed for Abbie's basketball game this morning, Ted was out with the scrub brush either giving the Liberty a bath or trying to keep it from bursting into flames; you know how those Libertys are.
We finally hit the airport this afternoon and washed the scum off of the coach and placed it back in the hanger.
Great time and thanks to all who showed up.
01-19-2008, 10:26 PM
I don't care if it did rain a little bit, we had a great time Friday night. The food and fellowship were first class and it was great to put faces to names. Loc used the "sick child" excuse to pull out late last night just as the water reached the bottom of his door. JDUB told him two slide coaches will float and that rain water is a Series 60's best friend, but, no sale. Hope the kiddo is better, Loc.
I really think Gary & Peggy will coach up just any time now and they sure could have used it last night. Boy did that tent leak.
Now, if anyone ever needs a first class cat herder, AJ is your man. The Red Storm have honed his skills to a keen edge. AJ, I sure hope her flight was on time this afternoon.
The Lake Side RV Resort is the place to stay in Houston. Nice folks who went out of their way to get us inside out of the weather for our get together. Great location and first class facilities.
Let's do it again folks, we had fun.
01-20-2008, 10:13 PM
Many thanks to everyone who braved the torrential downpours, it was great to put faces with the names and as usual I learned more about my bus. After spending five days solo with the Red Storm, it was a welcome relief to converse with adults... and POGer's to boot!
I'm now on the hunt for a CO2 tank and an impact wrench!
JDUB - With respect to the "over loaded" diapers (we can't let Sarah know about this, although I think she did a diaper inventory upon her return and is onto me), insomuch as we are traveling in a bus that gets about 5 MPG and we are towing a Suburban (with an 8.1 liter motor) that gets about 11 MPG, this is my small way of helping the environment by reducing my carbon footprint!
Thanks agian for coming out in such bad weather.
Jerry Winchester
01-21-2008, 11:31 AM
You may have just had a epiphany for POG 5; "The Ananconda as a Carbon Offset - An All New Way To Go Green"
I can see Krak4U Tom at the next rally looking for a way to capture greenhouse gas from the Krakmobile black tank and use the methane as some sort of LPG injection for the Series 60.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Has anyone besides me noticed JDUB is fixated on an organic material usually not discussed in public?
01-21-2008, 03:14 PM
Jon, you gotta cut him a little slack. He found out Friday night that his coach doesn't have a slideout and Loc's has two. I watched him Saturday morning just as the sun was coming up, outside the bus with a measuring tape and a Skillsaw. Before he started making the first cut, Rae yelled that breakfast was ready so his attention was diverted (Big Surprize there) and he forgot the mission at hand. I think if everyone will just not talk about slideouts, JDUB will be OK. For awhile anyway.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-21-2008, 08:14 PM
During the Mango / JDUB the slideouts those two guys were talking about had nothing to do with coaches. And that was all they talked about.
01-21-2008, 09:19 PM
Remember, when it comes to poop, stink, plugged toilets, black water tanks and icky smelly stuff, JDUb is your man!
This is the perfect component combination for Stink Boy
Just Plain Jeff
01-21-2008, 09:41 PM
The former Oilfield Man didn't even bite (sorry)on the Big Deal Poop Tube deal. Maybe there is a problem in Houston?
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