View Full Version : Rally Comments
Jon Wehrenberg
04-30-2006, 09:05 AM
I think we who attended the first POG rally should recognize those who helped pull this fantastic rally together. Jim, Thanks for keeping it on track and for helping make it happen.
Jeff, I don't know how you do it, but thanks for pulling the experts together so we could pick their brains and get some help and advice from them. I think we all benefitted highly by having Lester from Ken Robertson's company, Nelson and his crew from Millenium, Dave from Liberty, and Owen from Creative. We were a small group so we had an excellent opportunity to really get all our questions answered.
But let us not forget to thank Helen who was involved in just about everything and paid attention to the details. Great job!
We've been to a number of rallies, but have never been to one where all attendees were so enjoyable to be with, and never has there been one that provided us with so much technical knowledge.
For those on the west side of the country I urge you to pick a site and date for one this fall. There is no reason why you can't duplicate what just occurred in Florida. Depending on dates and location there is a possibility Jerry Winchester and I could duplicate our seminars and I am sure there are others among you who could also put on a seminar on topics of interest for owners.
If nothing else, a rally will allow everybody to meet, and that alone is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
I hope others who were at POG #1 can post their comments.
Jerry Winchester
04-30-2006, 09:56 AM
I would echo Jon's comments. Having Lester there off and on over a three day period was outstanding. MangoMike and I were in the middle of removing the Webasto head from my AquaHot unit when Lester showed up and absolutely started holding a mini-clinic on the machine. We had pulled it COMPLETELY apart, down to only having the blower to remove and he recapped the seminar Mike gave and then added a few extra things we should be looking for. Between the information and demonstration Mike gave and having Lester look over our shoulder when had this deal strung out over the table, I feel very comfortable trouble shooting and repairing this unit.
And the work we did on it at the picnic table under the awning of my coach would have cost $200-300 dollars if a technical would have been doing it. :)
Having never been to a bus rally, I didn't know what to expect. But I can now say what a diverse and delightful group of people we spent the week with in Florida. And I can't say enough about how accommodating the folks were with respect to opening up their coaches and letting us look them over from top to bottom. When Lester was giving the impromptu class on Cruisairs on MangoMike's coach, there were three other people (other than Lester) laying in the front bay watching every thing happen. When was the last time a maintenance place would even let you in the shop?
And thanks to Mike and Jon, I now know more about a Liberty coach than I ever wanted to. Especially the water system :eek: Someone else can harpoon him later.......
Special thanks also go out to Helen Raymond who worked like a sled dog during this whole event. And danced like a wild woman when the right song came up :D Ken and Ellen did a bang up job with the entertainment on Thursday night, matching bowling shirts and all.
I am also sure Jon can't wait until Monday so he can call IBP and order his LED marker lights :D
But I can tell you if Jon didn't have it on his coach, you didn't need it. I made a list of things to get out of my hanger or go buy to include in my "essential" items to have on the coach after watching him produce piece after piece that one of us needed. We no more got settled on Tuesday morning than he started in on me about us fixing my awning. This was something else I had never done or had apart, but thanks to Jon and Lew, we disassembled the Zip Dee awning and replaced the rafter arm.
But having Jon parked between me and MangoMike was a source of never ending entertainment. The 10pm LED light show, the signs that found there way to the back of the coaches (I am sure the photos will get posted), the leis hanging from the mirrors now confirms my suspicion that MangoMike wears his clothes out from the inside. The man is in constant motion. Between the cooking, swimming, harassing, maintaining and general hazing, he was everywhere. And his wife was a saint. Between the air-conditioning problems, the water problems and the battery problems she had to be.
And I am sure it was just a coincidence that I had a new rafter arm and all those Webasto parts with me...
05-05-2006, 07:36 PM
Well I'm not quite as elloquent as some of you POG members - so I've done a picture book of the Rally. Enjoy Here -
05-05-2006, 08:59 PM
Hey Mike - Nice job on the pictorial and comments - I though Webasto and cooking were your only talents, but I was mistaken you are a man of many talents.
My wife is wanting to know what is with the Fast Label? I told her that you were a good teacher with learning aids, handouts and experience. that i learn fast from a smart guy like you. I wore my Mango Mike Cap everday this week! I am waiting till cooler weather for the oilmans fire fighting hat.
Hey recipes? Crab Mayonainse, Crab Cakes ? no hurry I'm fat enough, but the wife could use a few pounds. They were the best.
Jerry Winchester
05-05-2006, 10:59 PM
You know, I wore my Mango Mikes cap Monday at our law firm's golf tourney at Redstone and the guys kept looking at me like Lew in an FBO. At least they didn't think I was a poofter :)
Jon Wehrenberg
05-06-2006, 07:32 AM
Lew doesn't even know what an FBO is.
You need to draw a picture.
05-06-2006, 09:11 AM
Fast Roger. Easy title. Hot wife, flashy cars, big bus, exotic cap...
See you in Hattaras
Jerry Winchester
05-06-2006, 09:30 AM
Like you need an excuse to turn MangoBucks into diesel fuel into noise?
I think if Jon and I are up for a trip to New Mexico (to the balloon festival) then so are you steak boy.
05-06-2006, 10:22 PM
I can understand you guys showing your pleasure of the hands on rally.
When I owned a GMC for 20 years, we had week long rallys with a full schedule of seminars for both men and women. We would be seen walking from one seminar to another with note books etc. A site to behold. Of course it was never as sophisticated as POG. Not so sophisticated as to say it was one of those Proud's get together.
I expected manytimes, there would be a test to see if all were paying attention. That GMC stuff was a "Cult".
Jerry Winchester
05-07-2006, 10:07 AM
Jim Skiff
05-08-2006, 06:13 PM
We have these folks hoping to attend so far:
Jon & Diane W.
Jerry & Rae W.
Jeff & Helen R.
Colorado Bus x2
Kevin E.
Steve Bennett
Tom & Nancy C.
Roger & Micki F.
One spot left and I've got to get some more.Let's make it 20 or 30 this time!
Please contact me if you want to attend as I would love to add more spaces!
Still working on the agenda.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-08-2006, 08:19 PM
If you put the same list on the other site, along with an outline of an agenda as far as you know it to be at this early date, along with the fact attendees need not own a Prevost I think you will really stir up activity.
05-08-2006, 09:37 PM
Sounds like you are off to a shotgun start. Wish I could make it. What are the exact dates again?
05-08-2006, 11:16 PM
Might be worth it just to meet Colorado Bus x2, but 1880 miles - ouch.
The pressure is on.
Jerry Winchester
05-08-2006, 11:20 PM
Come on Lew; the price of diesel is already coming down, your coach needs a nice stretch of the legs headed west and and if you can talk Mr. Gizmo into letting you draft the Liberty to New Mexico, you have no reason not to go.
And since you are no doubt going to stand us up for Oshkosh, you need something to spend those LewBucks on.
We are importing a cooler full of lamb fries in an attempt to lure the full brain trust west of the Mississippi.
Jerry Winchester
05-08-2006, 11:28 PM
What was that crap about clipping coupons? Look at it as an adventure. I'm sure they will let you SKYDIVE out of one of those balloons.
I've only told that story four or five times. This week :eek:
Rendezvous in OKC, chick driving lessons for about 600 miles on I-40 and poof; we'll be there.
05-09-2006, 07:07 AM
That can be my next rally class-chick driving lessons. I'll get the girls driving!
Jeffery Raymond
05-09-2006, 08:26 AM
You apparently didn't read the fine print when you signed up for POG.
People here don't work. We are the unemployed. We need to talk about getting your priorities set straight.
Paper up, sell the restaurants, hit the road. Kids are supposed to pay for their own college; it builds character.
Details to follow.:D
Jon Wehrenberg
05-09-2006, 09:09 AM
Mango just needs to act like he is working. He will sign up.
Anytime he an I have chatted on the phone (during a workday) he has always said he was in the warehouse working on the bus. He even admitted he enjoyed the solitude of sitting under the bus pondering his Norgrens.
We'll time it so he hitches up with us on I40 in Knoxville and then we all hitch up with Jerry along I40 somewhere in TX.
His windshield will have a sign that says "POG2 OR BUST".
Jerry Winchester
05-09-2006, 09:52 AM
Yes, Mike is subject to much peer pressure and the thought that we would massivly abuse him if he were not there will drive him to commit.
And Jon, I think he needs to work on a new sign. Let's help him out with a few examples;
Spank Me, I'm Going to POG2
Hogs Get Slaughtered, Pigs Get Fat, Honk at Me if My Tire's Flat - POGII (Really for K&E)
LewPop Says, No Poofters On Board
Should Have Been a Cowboy not a Bus Boy
POG 2 - Beats Working
Rally in the Valley - Sante Fe or Bust
05-09-2006, 03:05 PM
Much debate around the Mango Household about this trip.
Condition #1
Rae & Di & Lewpopp have to be there. (For Mrs. Mango)
Condition #2
I cannot drive at 62 mph for 1880 miles.
Condition #3
A bigger and better LED light show.
Condition #4
Music by Ken & Ellen
Condition #5
An American Idol presentation by Fast Roger and Micki
more to come...
Jerry Winchester
05-09-2006, 04:15 PM
You're not hard to please or anything, eh?
Condition #1
Rae will be there and with the advanced value of LewBucks, he should be a shoe in. Sweet Lew shoes that is. Jon can just tell Di that they are going to the store in the coach and then just leave town. She'll get happy in a couple hundred miles..
Condition #2
I couldn't do that either, but you can negotiate with the Anal Master over that one. I am more a drive-the-speed-limit kind of guy, but what do I know.
Condition #3
I will have the LED tail lights and front signals installed by then. We can install LED's on Jon's coach at OSH whilst he cat naps between airshows.
Condition #4
I think you will have to settle for a CD. I have a PA speaker system, so if we wear matching bowling shirts, you won't know they aren't there. Well, almost.
Condition #5
Fast Roger and Micki are in, so we can just hand them the mike and they can do us a rap song or something like that.
As for the rest of your conditions.............
05-09-2006, 09:41 PM
Dear Jerry, Jon, and Lew Pop (and any other POG members that can HELP)
Mike needs serious help. I think he needs to join POG's anonymous. He will not admit he has a problem and his life is definitely unmanageable. He carries his lap top everywhere, to work, to the office, to BED, to the bathroom. He pulls over when he is driving so he can post. Please I am begging for an intervention. He laughs in his sleep in the middle of the night. (Something about a steak in the mail.)He thinks, breathes and lives for posting. Please, please send help soon. Mrs. Mango
05-09-2006, 09:53 PM
Dear Mrs. Mango
I cannot say anything bad about Ol' Grey Beard. He taught me how to fix the Webasto. And olso how to spell it.
Does he every have to work in production at one of the "joints"?
05-09-2006, 10:02 PM
One down, come on Jon and Jerry. Donna
Jerry Winchester
05-09-2006, 10:21 PM
He is possessed, but since I live with the Spawn of Satan, it doesn't bother me. I doubt he laughs any more than I do, but think of all the evil things he could be out doing if he weren't on the computer?
We will arrange for an intervention; if you come to Santa Fe with him ;)
And, if I were you, I would let him check the mail for the next month or so :eek:
05-09-2006, 11:09 PM
hey Mike and Ms. Mango: Come on now - you don't expect us to eat lamb fries all week? do you? mmm Crab Cakes would be great too! yea!
I thought Mango Mike was looking better for a while or was it just me? no pun here.
Man did you see all the fine feedback on the other site(p-s) from your Webasto Seminar? - My Mango Mike hat is off to you. I used my Webasto this am in North Carolina and dared it to tear up but then my fuel tank went below 1/4 tank , fortunately the weather warmed up.
You will most likely see another Anal Award but not American idol - bet Jon has his air intake pipes polished by then - that would look great! Jons working on getting an M3 BMW g?1147230132227
Fast Roger and Micki
Jerry Winchester
05-09-2006, 11:14 PM g
05-09-2006, 11:29 PM
Well now we know why I never dabbled in drugs- no self control.
Of course we all know that Mrs. Mango is over exaggerating.
Now if I could just post during church.
Fast Roger, selling Jon that BMW would certainly help finance that trip to Sante Fe.
Lewpopp, I'll be posting pixs in a couple of days of me hard at work.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-12-2006, 02:51 PM
Roger is going to give me the M3. He's a great guy.
Mango....step away from the laptop. Put your hands up where I can see them.
For Pete's sake there is more to life than POG. Sex for example.
Mango Donna, bring him to the POG in Santa Fe and we will do an intervention. We'll take away his thingy that makes his laptop work.
05-12-2006, 04:30 PM
Ms. Mango
- Can we talk about trading cars for the young Mangos while Mr. Mango is busy posting?
That should bring him around.
Roger that
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