View Full Version : New Variants of MPD Uncovered!
Just Plain Jeff
12-28-2007, 05:05 PM
For those who have long respected the power of MPD, there is now anecdotal evidence of associated disorders: Florida Euphoria Syndrome (FES). There is a West Coast variant as well, termed Desert Euphoria Syndrome (DES).
Often these new variants are found in connection with or in addition to MPD and manifest themselves in otherwise very well-adjusted adults when geographically relocating themselves to either the desert or the State of Florida in their coaches.
Both FES and DES can be seen whether or not the individual has a Prevost at the moment or not. TBC members are not immune from this syndrome, by the way.
What happens is that when the carefree individuals think they are going to the desert or to Florida to relax, they find themselves without any resistance to impulses to purchase not only another coach, but automobiles, motorcycles, real estate, the list is endless. Price is no object (of course) and often both members of the coach crew are afflicted simulataneously, creating a very potent cash-stimulus to the local economy. On occasion guilt follows the purchase of the acquired properties, but not in all cases.
These new variants are usually found in the winter when it is cold "Up North" or otherwise inclement weather. Both FES and DES can result in significant relaxation and benefits to those who suffer from the disorder, however if the variant combines with MPD, there is usually some economic disorder for varying periods of time and can be significant.
Although this thread is posted "On the Lighter Side," evidence indicates that the combination of MPD with FES/DES can have lingering effects which may be serious if gone unchecked.
Just another public service from POG folks!
12-28-2007, 05:53 PM
The symptoms can be very subtle. I even found myself purchasing a new cell phone just last week....... just couldn't help myself, it's stainless!!!
12-28-2007, 08:12 PM
"Often these new variants are found in connection with or in addition to MPD and manifest themselves in otherwise very well-adjusted adults when geographically relocating themselves to either the desert or the State of Florida in their coaches."
I guess that leaves most of this group out in the cold, huh. :(
Still, very interesting about the SS cell phone. :rolleyes:
Ray Davis
12-28-2007, 09:09 PM
Hmm, let me see if I understand?
Now, just which of us are going to the desert?
Just Plain Jeff
12-28-2007, 09:48 PM
I succumbed myself today.
After refusing to use anything but a M-A-P to navigate, I found myself installing a GPS system. It's like a 3-D video game and you still have to watch the road.
(Not stainless though...plastic....but then that leads to an entirely different conversation...)
12-28-2007, 10:33 PM
ok Jeff, I'll bite, What did you install it in?
12-28-2007, 10:40 PM
Main Entry: suc·cumb
Pronunciation: s&-'k&m
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: French & Latin; French succomber, from Latin succumbere, from sub- + -cumbere to lie down; akin to Latin cubare to lie
Date: 1604
1 : to be brought to an end (as death) by the effect of destructive or disruptive forces
Dang, Jeff, you should've told someone you weren't feeling so good. Might have something to do with your shooting that ghost a few days back.
Whatever it was, I myself am about to succumb from all the initials you been using lately. Lets see, we have MPD, DES, FES, EDS, GPS, M-A-P and POG so far today. Granted, we know what a few of these are. The remaining are just kinda goofy. And, what was that one a few days back, "SDR" ?? I've Goggled that for three days now and all that comes up is "did you mean FDR?" Now if you can remember what SDR stands for I would like to know, I think, maybe I don't. Is it something you would say to your Mother? I didn't think so, I don't want to know. Yes I do, send me a PM. But hurry, I'm about to succumb.
Just Plain Jeff
12-28-2007, 11:57 PM
Fast Roger: I installed the GPS system yonder.
Ted: Whew. SDR clearance doesn't come easily. Yes, actually the first SDR I got from my Mother many years ago, but this one is different. Go ahead and succumb to the temptations of whatever presents itself before you. We only live once, far as we can figure.
It isn't easy being in stealth mode guys, please gimme a break here. :D
12-29-2007, 10:12 AM
Jeff, this is not funny and I intend to figure this SDR thing out soon. You see, I have coming my way, the very thing needed to de-stealth your sneaky ways. In fact, I expect this device to arrive in today's mail, so there, take that.
And, be careful, you can shoot your eye out with that GPS deal.
Just Plain Jeff
12-29-2007, 10:42 AM
Ted: As a special entreaty to keep things on the up-and-up I will give you a hint. Use the Search Engine on this forum with the term SDR. You will also find that you can find out a lot of other things with it too!
You may well be right about the 'shooting your eye out' business as well. Just last year I finally got the Red Ryder BB gun from a previous Prevost owner that Mom never let me have.
Mom also said something about going blind, but I can't remember the details, but it hasn't affected the MPD or FES; but is programmed into the SDR for the NOOBs. The TBC people already have it all set up.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-29-2007, 03:30 PM
Looks like Ted has this SDR thing figured out pretty well. Why does his have the gold finish and I only have the silver?
12-29-2007, 07:02 PM
Main Entry: suc·cumb
Pronunciation: s&-'k&m
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: French & Latin; French succomber, from Latin succumbere, from sub- + -cumbere to lie down; akin to Latin cubare to lie
Date: 1604
1 : to be brought to an end (as death) by the effect of destructive or disruptive forces
Dang, Jeff, you should've told someone you weren't feeling so good. Might have something to do with your shooting that ghost a few days back.
Whatever it was, I myself am about to succumb from all the initials you been using lately. Lets see, we have MPD, DES, FES, EDS, GPS, M-A-P and POG so far today. Granted, we know what a few of these are. The remaining are just kinda goofy. And, what was that one a few days back, "SDR" ?? I've Goggled that for three days now and all that comes up is "did you mean FDR?" Now if you can remember what SDR stands for I would like to know, I think, maybe I don't. Is it something you would say to your Mother? I didn't think so, I don't want to know. Yes I do, send me a PM. But hurry, I'm about to succumb.
Ted, follow the link to 69 variations of , SDR and add SDR Radio to that:p
Hey, If I don't see you before then HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Oh by the way, anyone in your nursing homes have MPD?
Also wondering, you ever think of a wing for POG members :D:D
Just Plain Jeff
12-29-2007, 07:14 PM
Looks like Ted has this SDR thing figured out pretty well. Why does his have the gold finish and I only have the silver?
If you would clean it occasionally and do the preventative maintenance as noted, you just might discover that it is GOLD.
Alternatively, you may have rubbed all the GOLD off your SDR while wishing for a triple slide coach?
This is going to require some investigation.
All this to the Founding Father of the TBC, Mr. A1.
(Go Patriots!)
Sorry, couldn't resist
12-30-2007, 07:23 AM
Jeff, I'm sure glad you finally got the RRBBG. Be careful, you will..............
Sure hope we get to meet in person sometime. MM told me just the other day, "Jeff is easy to spot, just look for the real thick glasses." I didn't always listen to my mom either. Got a little something coming your way, ASB.
JIm, I like the list. 69 variations and they still missed it.
HNY to you also.
The only known case of MPD at our facilities is had by the owners and we keep a low profile. Two very small communities that we operate in and a LP is always best.
Well, one of our buildings has a locked secure wing. That should work fine I think.
For Jeff:
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