View Full Version : Florida Mini POG Rally
12-05-2007, 08:37 PM
We're having a mini at Outdoor Resorts in Port St. Lucie from January 25 until whenever. This was all Jon and Rogers idea, so they own it, I'm only the messenger.
I'm told you should call Lew and Paul for reservations, they live there and have lots of pull.:p Lew loves this kind of stuff, coordinating, planning, etc.
So far..
Jon & Di
Roger & Micki
Tom & Nancy
Bill & Jody (I think)
Mango & Donna (He's thinking)
12-05-2007, 09:08 PM
Be very careful to whom you listen to and who you rely on, on this subject.
I really don't think reservations should be necessary because of the new area opening up. I would take the chance and arrive when you want without reservations. Crap,I'm repeating my self again. I'm getting like Harry.
I expect to get some "2 nites free coupons" from the clerk-of-the-works. How would I get them to you guys without standing out at the front entrance all day long? No way. Well, well, well, I just remembered that it would be a good job for Paul. He has nothing else to do all day long.
Seriously, I will make sure all of the attendees get a coupon. Or maybe Paul will.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-05-2007, 09:22 PM
Jim and Karen Keller are likely to join the band of nutcases.
Orren Zook
12-05-2007, 09:51 PM
Karen & I should be able to put this together too - pencil us in! Denny,How about it? We'll meet you and Ruth Ann there.....
12-05-2007, 10:08 PM
That's just great Tom! East Coast and West Coast impromptu Rallies. This says a lot about this group of people.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-06-2007, 06:26 AM
Karen & I should be able to put this together too - pencil us in! Denny,How about it? We'll meet you and Ruth Ann there.....
Hey....we are having a rally, not a wake. Ruth Ann can come, but do we need Denny?
12-06-2007, 06:34 AM
Count Karen and I in on this one.
12-06-2007, 08:14 AM
This sounds great to me! Janice and I are willing to help in any way we can.
Now I know why Lew's been scurrying around his lot tidying everything up...
Jon Wehrenberg
12-06-2007, 08:43 AM
You can start by getting us free spaces. Lew is only good for two free nights, but I know you are the man. At least that is what the Lewster keeps saying.
12-06-2007, 08:53 AM
[QUOTE=truk4u;21396]We're having a mini at Outdoor Resorts in Port St. Lucie from January 25 until whenever. This was all Jon and Rogers idea, so they own it, I'm only the messenger.
I would like to know if I can hitch a ride with someone please?? Bob has the one and only trade show of the year in Hickory, NC while ya'll will be partying in Florida.....geez, sometimes I wonder why we even have this bus;)
Jon Wehrenberg
12-06-2007, 09:31 AM
Get behind the wheel and drive. Bob can teach you how.
12-06-2007, 10:04 AM
You do all the POSTING, so you might do the driving as well. ;)
12-06-2007, 10:35 AM
Get behind the wheel and drive. Bob can teach you how.
ok Jon and Mango, I know I "can" drive the coach if I have to but in all honesty, driving it would likely be the easy part. I am lost with the invertors, grey tank, black tank, white tank,green tank, purple tank, tire pressure, airbags, kill switches, etc.......thanks for the lift, now I really know who my friends are:D I ask for a ride and you tell me to drive myself, geez--LOL
Just Plain Jeff
12-06-2007, 10:43 AM
[QUOTE=truk4u;21396]We're having a mini at Outdoor Resorts in Port St. Lucie from January 25 until whenever. This was all Jon and Rogers idea, so they own it, I'm only the messenger.
I would like to know if I can hitch a ride with someone please?? Bob has the one and only trade show of the year in Hickory, NC while ya'll will be partying in Florida.....geez, sometimes I wonder why we even have this bus;)
You KNOW you are never, ever supposed to mention the Purple Tank! C'mon now, some things we just don't talk about in public.
12-06-2007, 12:26 PM
Debi, if you can hitch a ride over to 95 and wait for Mango to come by, maybe he'll pick you up.
Wear a thong and he'll be sure to at least slow down as he passes you. He'll even take a picture and post it, you know him. We have a spot for you and it's waiting.
12-06-2007, 12:34 PM
Urgent----urgent---urgent !!!!!
The Maximum Number Of Spaces (or Coaches) We Can Accomodate Is 140. Get On The List Early.
As For The East And West Having A Rally At The Same Time...remember This Is The "right" Coast And Don't Forget It !!!
Jeff Bayley
12-06-2007, 04:00 PM
Stefanny and I will go if you'll have us. If someone is keeping a list, put our name down. I'm not very good with calenders and reservations and I drop in and out of the board here but if someone will email us a few days prior to it well come over and two a 22' offshore fishing boat we can all fiddle around with if we have time. Don't know how many days you all are staying. We are only 3 hours away from there.
Do we have to use the other 50% of the brain to remember or is there is a list manager that can email me at to show up a few days in advance ? It's amazing I can dress myself I guess.
12-06-2007, 04:30 PM
I'd love to help with freebie nights, but Lew's the guy with all the pull around here!! I'm merely a worker bee....
However, I will endeavor to see what discount coupons I can beg from the sales staff.
Now, if you actually buy a lot or two, I can GUARANTEE you a free nights stay, maybe two.....
In any event, we'll be having a full calendar, so start preparing....
12-06-2007, 05:20 PM
Deb honey, now you know who your friends are!:(
I'll come get ya, then ole Bob will have to step up and c'mon down to pick ya up to keep you from spending so much time shopping at Liberty! He's due for a bus trade anyway, it's been 9 months.;)
12-06-2007, 05:21 PM
[QUOTE=lewpopp;21435]Debi, if you can hitch a ride over to 95 and wait for Mango to come by, maybe he'll pick you up.
Wear a thong and he'll be sure to at least slow down as he passes you. QUOTE}
Lou, I guarantee you he may slow down but once he gets up close he will drive on by:D Thanks for keeping a spot open for me just in case..
Sorry Jeff, I didn't realize the purple tank was a no bad.
12-06-2007, 05:23 PM
Deb honey, now you know who your friends are!:(
I'll come get ya, then ole Bob will have to step up and c'mon down to pick ya up to keep you from spending so much time shopping at Liberty! He's due for a bus trade anyway, it's been 9 months.;)
Tom, I do know who my friends are and you and Nanc are right there at the top. I wonder if that trick would work with Bob? Liberty really scares him:eek:
12-06-2007, 07:46 PM
Deb: Never fear, we will stop by and get you, and Bob can come when he is done with business.
There is no doubt you could drive that Beauty Millenium you guys own, I felt it drove and handled super. So-- no excuses now.:cool:
12-06-2007, 09:10 PM
I was talking to the clerk of the works today and he said not to call this a rally. They have a thing about rallys since Lazy Days came in for a rally and ruined the place a few years ago.
Let's come up with a name for it. POG'S Paul's Mall Meet? . Right Coast POG Mini Meet? Come on you guys, let's offer something.
Paul and I are working on some things to keep you old people busy. We can call you old people because the youngster, Debi, isn't coming.
Jeff, if you are still around to make it here and don't pull the wrong plug on the boat, I'll e-mail you.
We think Jon is chartering Tiger Woods' ship for a couple days. Rumors.
We have a place for trailors but the office will not tell you that.
How do we get a hold of JDUB to do a fly over.
Just Plain Jeff
12-06-2007, 09:34 PM
Sorry Jeff, I didn't realize the purple tank was a no bad.
Awright, now that it is out.
We had the Purple Tank in our Angola AND the secret red button as well. There were only two occasions that hinted the use of the Purple Tank, but due to the warnings on its use, I worked around the issue and we were good to go.
It helped having the SDR, which was the original prototype at the time. There are days when I wish we had kept the ol' Angola, and other days when I am glad it is gone, as Loc can testify.
So you let the cat out of the bag, and there it goes...and you never know who to expect at the last minute at a FL mini-rally, speaking of what the cats drag in, huh?
12-06-2007, 10:45 PM
Once upon a time I went to a Superbowl Party in Florida in January. How about calling it an Ole Fart Party (with the exception of the Ladies) or a Metamucil Superbowel Convention, and hand out discount coupons.;)
Or if you can get Mango's Magnificent Mentos to perform there will be no question as to why a crowd gathered.
dale farley
12-06-2007, 11:35 PM
Lew, How about a POG Powwow or Pog Convention?
Jon Wehrenberg
12-07-2007, 07:41 AM
How about we do not call it anything?
I don't care if we call it the POG banana. Let me revise the announcment.
Lew and Paul....would you guys be so kind as to count the bananas in the bunch and forewarn us when we have to nail down reservations or confirm we are coming so any POG BANANA attendee is not stuck in the Wal-Mart parking lot?
12-07-2007, 10:03 AM
I'm in!
12-07-2007, 10:26 AM
PS - This is a spur of the moment get together and I like Jon am not interested in a structure of any kind. No commitments, no agenda, no pre-planned meals, no pot luck, no meetings of any kind... I'm there for sunshine and impromptu fun.
The main attraction will be watching the King transfer all his stuff!:D
12-07-2007, 11:08 AM
How about if Lew and I put our heads together and just gather all the local info, restaurant recommendations, etc. and have it available for all to take advantage of?
Everything else can be impromtu.....
There will be a calendar of events that will be going on at the Resort that everyone can participate in as they desire....
12-07-2007, 11:31 AM
Paul: That would be great. Jon, Micki, and a few others really like raw oysters. I think Tom may like his warmed, but not hot.
So please pay particular attention to which resturant has the most oysters for the least Lew bucks.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-07-2007, 12:16 PM
Paul...You are da man....besides eating oysters till we can't walk can you suggest things for men, women and couples to do. I'm thinking like renting a float boat, or maybe neat shops, or listening to Lew's jokes.
mike kerley
12-07-2007, 12:28 PM
Lew and Paul,
Please add Karen and Mike for the Banana Fest In PSL/ODR. We'll bring bananas (we only buy ripe ones). Let us know what else we can do to help as River Ranch and Vero are close by.
Call my cell if you need me for anything (772-201-7344).
Mike K.
12-07-2007, 05:04 PM
There's PLENTY to choose from. Try to keep a Thursday nite open in case you want to check out Jammin' at Jensen.... a neat little town with great food, some of the best margarita's I've ever had and vendors offering a "street fair".
Another possibility is a leisurely cruise along the St. Lucie River, only minutes away, that gives a glimpse of the old, natural beauty of the area. While taking this cruise a couple of years ago, the boat, nearly silently, rounded a bend in the river to sight-see for some 'gators and we stumbled upon a thoroughly embarrassed couple that were, well, let's just say completely natural ...
There's also a great German restaurant and, if ya like Mexican, ya gotta try Zapata's....
US Navy SEAL/UDT Museum and the Manatee Museum are also close by.
Just keep in mind that the first casualty of this rally will probably be the waistline....
12-07-2007, 06:34 PM
Urgent----urgent---urgent !!!!!
The Maximum Number Of Spaces (or Coaches) We Can Accomodate Is 140. Get On The List Early.
As For The East And West Having A Rally At The Same Time...remember This Is The "right" Coast And Don't Forget It !!!
We are interested in attending,who do we contact?
12-07-2007, 09:12 PM
Just say that you want to come and I will write your name down. Try to include your wife's name if you have one. If not, bring one of Mango's chicks.
Just the same, I have written your name down and hope to see you with the rest of the "Fartin' Bananas". I guess that's what Jon and Roger want it called.
Believe me, we are not as bad as this, we're worse.
12-08-2007, 07:53 AM
Count us in, the boss is named Kim.
12-08-2007, 04:23 PM
Put us down. Dan & Jo Smith from Ms.Gulf Coast
12-08-2007, 09:34 PM
I heard someplace that maybe Ben would be here. He'd have to pay for a few days here so he'll probably go to Liberty, ya think?
More an more work is being done on the golfing areas getting ready for Tiger when he shows up as a surprize guest. You never know what to expect when Paul is the commander in chief.
His wife Janice (bless her) will be giving her Yoga sessions every Tues/Thurs mornings at 7:45. For those who can't make it that early, she'll be giving sessions at a quarter to eight the same mornings.
This really an insane asylum and you know we are nuts but we ain't stupid. Who said that? Oh, I did, imagine that.
12-08-2007, 09:40 PM
How many vehicles will it take to carry Roger's $$$$$ to West Palm Beach? There is a large payloader available here if needed. No extra charge.
Roger, how many days will you be at West Palm cuz there is a fly-over and we don't want to you be the only one who escapes the straifing.
Oh, BTW, the bullets will be encased in Stainless Steel, polished to a brite shine cuz Jon refuses to die from a rusty bullet.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-09-2007, 07:22 AM
Lew........take your meds. Now!
12-09-2007, 07:26 PM
Ruth Ann and I are going to try and "make the Wake" in Florida. Sorry Jon, but if I don't come you will have to drive to NE Ohio to pickup Ruth Ann. Its like Driving Miss Daisey.
Since the campground doesn't like ralleys, we can call this gathering a Wake and maybe get a Bereavement discount.
12-09-2007, 10:21 PM
Lew: With all the folks coming to the Big Banana Wake, I will only want to be in West Palm Beach for one day. Don't want to miss out on any straifing or Silver bulllets or big fun!
No front end loader required!!
How many vehicles required? Maybe one postage stamp.:cool:
Jim Skiff
12-10-2007, 06:27 PM
I don't want to wake, I mean wax nostalgic but I think Denny deserves a break.
Here's a great image from POG I, which wasn't that long ago.
You'll see Mayor Elmira, the kingpin for this next Florida event.
Here's a forgotten link in case folks want to see how this whole thing got started.
12-10-2007, 06:59 PM
In nearby Port Salerno, they will be hosting their 2nd Annual Seafood Festival on Saturday, January 26 from 10 - 6. Fresh, local seafood, live entertainment, artists and craftsmen (whatever that means) and more.
From personal experience, there are some real nice restaurants in Port Salerno, so, for those planning to attend, this might be something of interest.
Also, I have it on good authority from the grand poobah of the Home Owners Association here, that references to a "rally" will not be a problem. So we can call it anything we like.
12-10-2007, 07:26 PM
:cool:Paul: Now this is news we can use. I will meet with the food director and see that we get a trip out to Port Salerno for din din.
I will look forward to the next edition.
12-10-2007, 08:59 PM
In nearby Port Salerno, they will be hosting their 2nd Annual Seafood Festival on Saturday, January 26 from 10 - 6. Fresh, local seafood, live entertainment, artists and craftsmen (whatever that means) and more.
From personal experience, there are some real nice restaurants in Port Salerno, so, for those planning to attend, this might be something of interest.
Also, I have it on good authority from the grand poobah of the Home Owners Association here, that references to a "rally" will not be a problem. So we can call it anything we like.
Ok, Paul if it is a rally we will come. We can only stay for Thursday and part of Friday though as we will be on our way to Daytona for the 24 Hour Race.
Will Janice be in charge of valet parking as well as yoga?:D
Richard and Barbara Beecher
12-10-2007, 11:43 PM
Count us in we'll be coming up from Naples
Jon Wehrenberg
12-11-2007, 08:59 AM
Lew, so what do we have to do now? Do we all have to check in with the ORA folks and make reservations, do we have to make a deposit, or are they just going to hold spaces because you are telling them we will be coming?
This has the potential of getting bigger than is already bigger than POG I.
And if we have to make our reservations do we call it a wake, a banana or a rally, or just a bunch of bus drivers getting together?
12-11-2007, 11:58 AM
Yes Lew I am confused also. Post # 7 in this thread said Karen and I wanted to be included. Is that good enough ? Should we call over there ? Is there a secret code to use ? Should I post my credit card # on this thread ?
Jon Wehrenberg
12-11-2007, 12:24 PM
Just give me your credit card number, expiration date, the code on the rear, and your social security numbers and birth dates. I'll handle everything.
12-11-2007, 03:26 PM
Jon, if you need help with that, just let me know......
Anyway, Lew is keeping track of the numbers, or so I hope.
There are 142 new sites that have recently been constructed here, but are not yet available for use. Outdoor Resorts had expected to open the new section by October 1, but that didn't happen for a number of reasons. They are currently finishing the major work on the golf course and waiting for a couple of City/County/Whatever approvals.
I spoke with their general manager today, and he feels that they will be able to start renting spaces in the new section within the next week or so. This is critical because, without those spaces being available, there will be a problem accommodating the number of members that have expressed an interest in this event.
My advice is to call now and make a reservation. You can mention that you are part of either the Poppleton or Horner group and they'll know to keep everyone together. There will absolutely not be a problem doing so IF the new section opens for rentals before the rally.
We're also working on some free passes that we will need to distribute either before or during check-in. However, they have not arrived here yet. We'll keep everyone posted.
12-11-2007, 03:34 PM
You are so BIG hearted your shirt is coming unbuttoned. My info is in the mail.
12-11-2007, 04:15 PM
Jon, if you need help with that, just let me know......
Anyway, Lew is keeping track of the numbers, or so I hope.
There are 142 new sites that have recently been constructed here, but are not yet available for use. Outdoor Resorts had expected to open the new section by October 1, but that didn't happen for a number of reasons. They are currently finishing the major work on the golf course and waiting for a couple of City/County/Whatever approvals.
I spoke with their general manager today, and he feels that they will be able to start renting spaces in the new section within the next week or so. This is critical because, without those spaces being available, there will be a problem accommodating the number of members that have expressed an interest in this event.
My advice is to call now and make a reservation. You can mention that you are part of either the Poppleton or Horner group and they'll know to keep everyone together. There will absolutely not be a problem doing so IF the new section opens for rentals before the rally.
We're also working on some free passes that we will need to distribute either before or during check-in. However, they have not arrived here yet. We'll keep everyone posted.
Paul, Would you be so kind as to post the phone # for us ? I keep trying to post the numbers Jon asked for but something in the software keeps rejecting them.
12-11-2007, 04:45 PM
The numbers for Outdoor Resort Motorcoach Resort at St. Lucie West are:
1-866-456-2303 or 1-772-336-1135
Hope this helps....
12-11-2007, 09:24 PM
Oh hell Paul, now they have to show up if they register. This is supposed to be a fund raiser for us. Why didn't you give them the #'s that we use?
Live and learn, damn!
12-12-2007, 10:11 PM
Are the rumors correct in that: Honorable Clarence Thomas is joining the POGGERS?
He'll straighten out all of the rules committee. There goes the rules. I knew it would happen. After you guys made up all of the guidelines that we go by, down comes the JUDGE.
Nothing new here at ODR and that makes it boring.
I'll make it a point to talk to the girls at the office tomorrow so you guys don't get a "what the hell is a POG " from the finest office help. You probably have come across that already.
In addition to the 2 day passes (we hope) you can get a 15% off on the remaining days if you are a member of FMCA. Now, for some unknown reason, if you receive the 15% discount on the remaining days, you must pay by check or cash. What cheapskates. Apparently they don't want to pay the cc fees and give the discount. Sounds to me that they are "knocking down", doesn't it.
Meds have been taken. Maybe I overdosed.
12-13-2007, 09:31 PM
Deb Faires, husband Eric, and son Jay plan to attend. We look forward to meeting you all. Thank you.
Orren Zook
12-13-2007, 09:43 PM
In addition to the 2 day passes (we hope) you can get a 15% off on the remaining days if you are a member of FMCA. Now, for some unknown reason, if you receive the 15% discount on the remaining days, you must pay by check or cash. What cheapskates. Apparently they don't want to pay the cc fees and give the discount. Sounds to me that they are "knocking down", doesn't it..
ODR at HHI only allows discounts with cash or check too, you can use cards for reservations or to pay for your site but no discounts if you use plastic.
12-13-2007, 10:01 PM
Lew, Kathy, Paul, et al
We will have to show up now, since I called today and spoke to Jessica and officially gave notice that the renowned A1, Lady Di, Micki and I would be showing up on Friday the 25th and enduring /enjoying the pleasures that ODR offers thru the 31st.
Secure your valuables, hide your kids, lock your doors, get milk and bread, be forewarned -we will come.l:cool:
yea- also order great weather.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-14-2007, 07:25 AM
And Lew, Paul, and company......Be advised we TN rednecks will be looking for an oyster shack with cheap and plentiful oysters on the half shell. We will need assistance.
In 2 days in Mobile prior to the Kerrville rally three of us (Lady Di thinks we are nuts) ate in excess of 320 of the slimy suckers.
Jeff Bayley
12-14-2007, 03:36 PM
And Lew, Paul, and company......Be advised we TN rednecks will be looking for an oyster shack with cheap and plentiful oysters on the half shell. We will need assistance.
In 2 days in Mobile prior to the Kerrville rally three of us (Lady Di thinks we are nuts) ate in excess of 320 of the slimy suckers.
There is a place right there in Pt. St. Lucie that sells the most awesome variety of sea food. They are a seafood market, not a restaurant and get most everythign trucked in from LA. every few days. They have raw Oysters unshucked if you like to pass the time or you can steam them or even microwave them a bit and their easier to open but not cold and raw anymore they way I think we all like them. Bring your heavy duty glove and ice pick but besides the Oysters, they have jumbo shrimp, Tuna steaks, Basa (a fish I'd never heard of or tried but is awesome), alligator, an assortment of other neat stuff, again, all from the Gulf and mostly all from Louisiana. A guy packs the fresh stuff in LA. with ice and they drive non stop to this guy and some other restaurants to deliver I guess. I think the name of the palce is Capt N' Jerry's. Google it up if you want and you can see how close it is. Should be 3 miles or less. They have fresh stuff and also frozen fresh stuff. You'll want to make sure you have free space in your freezer to stock up on this stuff as it's A+.
I'll tow my 22' Deep Vee open fisherman all set up for........we'll fishin'. Bring your favorite fishing pole and tackle box if you want to take your chances on the water with me. It has has dive tank holders if any of you dive. I'm bringing a dive set up and a spear gun and gonna hover 15 feet below and try to stab somthing to bring back to camp for show and tell. I'll be lucky to catch bait but the good news is there's a big built in ice chest to fill with beer which is an intergral component to not carring if the fish are bitting.
Note. I am not an expert......correction....a novice fisherman. I just own a good offshore fishing boat. Bring your lucky lures and lucky, sting baited up fishing hat and a pole. If we don't catch anything, we can stop by Capt'N Jerrey's on the way back and throw the fresh fish in the cooler. "Yup, jumped right in boat so fast that they jumped right out of their skin and already to fry up".
Hope to meet you all there.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-14-2007, 04:08 PM
I don't shuck....I eat. Maybe Micki can be talked into shuckin.
I also don't do deep sea fishing. the last (and only) time I went they called it deep sea puking.
12-14-2007, 06:36 PM
So that is why Viagra's stock has dropped; too many POGers eating oysters.
Just Plain Jeff
12-14-2007, 06:51 PM
I don't think it sounds quite right to use the words, "Viagra" and "dropped," in the same sentence.
It just doesn't sit quite right. Maybe we can get some input from those are more knowledgeable in such things?
12-14-2007, 07:07 PM
Viagra equals no drop
No viagra equals drop
It is very simple: no tickee no laundry
Orren Zook
12-14-2007, 07:24 PM
on another note, when's the convoy leaving Ohio for the Banana Republic?
12-14-2007, 09:50 PM
Not sure yet, hope to be at ORA on the 25th. Trying to figure out a couple of other stops/visits either before the rally or after. At this time I am not sure. I will let you know when I confirm my schedule
Jeff Bayley
12-15-2007, 04:57 AM
Not sure yet, hope to be at ORA on the 25th. Trying to figure out a couple of other stops/visits either before the rally or after. At this time I am not sure. I will let you know when I confirm my schedule
No man, we ain't going 10 miles out although that boat will go 30. We just putz around in the Intracoastal and go bar hoping at the water front restaurants or something. If it isn't choppy we could stick our nose out in the Ocean and go out a couple miles and troll but I'm not the type to sit out there for hours and fish. Is somebody towing a truck so we can get it down to a ramp ? If not, I'll try putting it in with the bus but someone have a cam corder rolling so when the bus falls into the water we can at least get the 10,000 prize from the Home Video contest.
12-15-2007, 09:17 AM
What's Viagra?
Just Plain Jeff
12-15-2007, 09:47 AM
Fast Roger: If you look at your Weekly Pill Box, you know, the one you have with the days of the week printed in LARGE TYPE on it, you will find that one of those little blue pills Up Yonder may be what you have forgotten about.
Jim Skiff
12-15-2007, 02:30 PM
On a more serious note:p...while Jeff is now in Florida and I expect him to be for some time, I want membership to know about a commitment he made to me ( and my family :D) to provide kindling for our woodstove through the winter of 2007-2008. This was a contractual agreement that involved a large transfer of funds from headed in JPJs direction. Jeff now has a beautiful woodshop and his scraps of dry oak, cherry and maple could produce the btus we need to stay warm.
Shame on you JPJ! :mad: Oh, and you are probably wondering why I posted in this category? Because I have a feeling this may be an extended stay for Jeff in FLA and I wouldn't be surprised to see him at Lew Popp's. Lew, when you see him, give him the Dicken's won't ya?:eek:
12-15-2007, 03:58 PM
What a buddy he is! It's colder than a witches hickee in Lobster Land and JPJ takes that opportunity to haul ass to FL with sandals and socks in place. He called me from south of Savannah around Tuesday and said he was almost to the sunshine state and was laughing about the nor-easter heading your way and you freezing your nads off.:o
A real buddy would have asked before he left it he could help you with some woodsy stuff since a storm was in the forecast. But Nooooooo, he hauls ass and leaves the Skiff man and family (new baby and all) woodless.:mad:
Not good sock man, not good at all......:(
12-15-2007, 09:37 PM
We all know what it is like to push a rope or chain up the road. The only way to do that is to apply some Viagra to it. It will straighten things out.
12-15-2007, 09:46 PM
Jeff , the shame, oh the shame. How can you enjoy a minute in Florida knowing skif and family are FREEZING
12-16-2007, 09:12 PM
I am with you brother Jon, I get so sick, I get that look on my face, like Truk on the throne, when he realizes all the TP has been jacked by the tacotourists :)
I like the ocean, but I get sick on a harbor dinner cruise, inside the breakwater.. Not my thing
I also don't do deep sea fishing. the last (and only) time I went they called it deep sea puking.
12-21-2007, 10:22 PM
As for the arrival at ODR on the 25th of January, there will be a rib dinner for free. Listen up, FOR FREE !
We will need a count a few days ahead of the arrival time so the cookee can prepare to have enough.
Now understand, we are not footing the bill for the dinner. A local vendor who installs outdoor kitchens here puts on a feed for us once a month. You guys just lucked out so let me know so he can be prepared.
I have no Mobil Travel Guide to judge the quality but this guy's no dummy.
12-22-2007, 09:42 AM
Lew's right. The folks putting on the rib cook-out have been around this bend before, and their past offerings have been very well received.
Arrive hungry, but my advice is, don't arrive late..... the locals here will descend on a free meal like jacals on a carcass.
12-24-2007, 11:03 PM
Just say that you want to come and I will write your name down.
ok, i haven't been here for a few days - as i recall, it was just "tell lew and he'll take care of it"
has that changed?
curious in titusville
Just Plain Jeff
12-25-2007, 05:04 PM
Just went for a ride in LewLand and surveyed the lots proposed for the Florida mini-rally. This is a mighty fine place, with lots begging for some POG coaches to occupy, brand new with plenty of electrical service...palm trees too.
The Lewsters need to have a count soon on how many coaches are planning to attend the mini-rally in order to make arrangements.
In a ridiculous attempt at trying to organize this event, it would be pretty nifty for people to post here, PM the Lewman and Kathy, send 'em an email, call them or send up smoke signals.
They already have made arrangements for a free BBQ Rib dinner for the POG assemblage and are eager to make this rally work.
So how about it?
Looks like it will be a great deal of fun: They need a count.
OK. I'll shut up for now.
Jon Wehrenberg
12-25-2007, 06:20 PM
Roger made reservations for him and Micki and Di and I arriving on 1/25. Count on us to be there.
12-25-2007, 08:13 PM
Count me in Louie, I'll call this week for a res...
12-25-2007, 09:42 PM
To curious in Titusville,
I checked with the office and you have already registered along with 6 or 7 others. what is this about just tell did more than that. Good for you bill, you ol' procrastinator.
As for the remainder of the slackers, it would be nice if you would call and make reservations so we can get us all together. Doesn't seem to be a problem either way, but WE DO NEED A COUNT FOR THE BAR-B-QUE SPARERIB DINNER ON THE 25TH. THE MAN NEEDS THE COUNT SO DON'T BE A BUNCH OF DICKFORS.
12-26-2007, 08:44 AM
Not knowing what a dickfors is, I looked it up....
Dick-fors (dickfors) v. Man with golf cart, usually Prevost emblem attached, look for POG decal (not attached), approach with caution. May be dangerous on non-med days. Offer of Mexican food will assure happy encounter.
v. dick'fors
Just Plain Jeff
12-26-2007, 07:27 PM
The numbers for Outdoor Resort Motorcoach Resort at St. Lucie West are:
1-866-456-2303 or 1-772-336-1135
For those who want to attend the Fabulous LewLand Banana Fest, PLEASE remember that you must call the office to make your reservation to make it count.
As the event approaches, it is important to get things straight so that the kind hosts of the event can figure out how to charge all of this on MM's CC.
Thanks to all.
12-26-2007, 07:57 PM
Otherwise, we have a budget of about six that would be Lewbucks.....
12-26-2007, 08:10 PM
Actually, it is important that we have an accurate count for the Friday Night Rib Feast. We want to make sure there's plenty of chow for everybody...
And, don't forget the Seafood Festival on Saturday in Salerno.
Since we were recently at Liberty Coach in Stuart, we felt obligated to recon a local favorite Mexican restaurant. As a result, Dos Amigos comes highly recommended. A tough assignment, but somebody had to do it!
The personal sacrifice that we endure to to assure the quality of eats for this rally knows no bounds....
12-28-2007, 08:59 PM
Wendy and I are arriving Friday and can only stay till Monday. We've been in touch with the team at the resort so we're all signed up and ready to go.
12-30-2007, 09:54 PM
They just rented the forst spot in the new part today. So I guess it's good to go.
Paul is pretty secret about a lot of things here, so it you want the real scoop, go to Paul.
01-02-2008, 03:03 PM
Just returned from the office and have some real good news for the Mini-POG attendees. For you parcimonious guys and girls, the deal here now is 3 free nights instead of 2. I have the coupons in my grubby hands as I write this now.
Step and register and it'll only cost you about one half as normal.
01-02-2008, 03:15 PM
Lew - its no wonder how you became the Mayor of El Mira with the Charisma and persuasive influence you posess.
You are a most gracious host and a gentleman. regardless of what I have heard.
I am sure there are some candidates on the campaign trail who wish they could do half as good as you.
I do believe that extra free night would have wound up in their back pockets somehow.
Thanks again, Micki and I appreciate all your efforts.
Looking forward to seeing yall
Jon Wehrenberg
01-02-2008, 04:25 PM
I am looking forward to meeting parcimonious friends. Does that mean they are still contagious?
Lew....speak in a language we understand.
BTW...I understand what free nights means. You done good.
01-02-2008, 05:39 PM
Who is this guy " ROGER" ? Is he the guy with the silver bullets or just the silver?
01-02-2008, 05:44 PM
Who is this guy " ROGER" ? Is he the guy with the silver bullets or just the silver?
He's the guy that can find Kathy that perfect Jaguar!:p:D
01-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Lew is the man. The discount coupons came in and he wrangled the very first of 'em for his fellow Poggers.
On a different, but similar, matter, for those that like what they experience here in January and are thinking of a return trip, our RV Show is shaping up very nicely.
This event will be held February 14 thru 17. So far, it looks like we have Marathon, Parliament, Newell and Liberty making plans to show coaches. There will most likely also be coaches from some of the other major Florida RV dealers. Most will be getting their invitations at the Tampa RV show, if they haven't received them already.
So, if you're looking for an excuse for a return trip to Outdoor Resorts in February, this might be something to keep in mind. This show is not open to the general public and is limited to only Outdoor Resorts owners and guests, so you can expect plenty of individual quality time with the dealers.
01-02-2008, 09:05 PM
I now realize you spend way to much time with Sockman (parcimonious), but Nancy and I really appreciate the extra day freebee.
You are da man....;)
01-02-2008, 09:19 PM
This will pee the sockman off but I've had more exerience with the King's English than he's had hot meals.
Watch the next entry JPJ makes and try to make sense of it.
You noticed that Paul said the show was only open to ORA owners and their GUESTS. Start sucking up now, but I doubt they'll take another coupon so soon.
Orren Zook
01-03-2008, 01:47 AM
So, if you're looking for an excuse for a return trip to Outdoor Resorts in February, this might be something to keep in mind. This show is not open to the general public and is limited to only Outdoor Resorts owners and guests, so you can expect plenty of individual quality time with the dealers.
Is it limited to the owners from St Lucie or can any ORA squatter participate?
01-03-2008, 08:54 AM
The way it looks right now, we plan to accommodate both lot owners and rental guests on the property during the show. This is the first of what we hope will become an annual event here at Outdoor Resorts.
The only drawback is that we have limited seating in our clubhouse, and there's always the possibility of not being able to invite everyone to a function held inside the building.
Of course, there is no restriction regarding events staged outside as there is ample room.
Hope you can make it.
Jeff Bayley
01-14-2008, 11:13 AM
We are planning on showing up. Just called Outdoor resorts and they didn't seem to think reservations were required with what they have for space. Was surprised their rate was $70 a night and change. I may have stayed at one of these before. These are the cream of the crop resorts I guess. With FMCA which I don't have (but am getting today), it's 15% off.
We usually stayed at a really clean and new RV park
With the Passport America card it's like $20 a night but of course we're going to stay with everyone else at Outdoors. You guy's can check the other one out while your in town and see if you might decide to use that one next time. For a few days ain't no big deal but if you want to pitch camp for a few weeks keep that one in mind for later.
Anybody using a full size truck for their toad for putting my boat in the water ? If not, I'll russle something up or flip a truck owner on site some dough to put it in and dock it somewhere. Anybody that want to go boating or fish, bring a water resisitant wind breaker. Some days colder than others.
See ya'll there.
01-14-2008, 10:18 PM
Mr. Jeff Bayley,
You seem to be just like my kids when they were young. They didn't listen to me. You will get a coupon upon arriving for 3 nights free. The remaining days you can get the FMCA discount of 15%. What more can you ask for? Go ahead bring your million $ boat but quit you're bitchin' about the reduced price if you average it out.. You've got a Prevost...You've got bucks.
01-15-2008, 10:46 PM
Checked the front office and found that 12 have called for reservations. As I said before, it is not necessary to call ahead, but that is the only way I can prepare for the proper number of coupons to be available upon arrival.
Good things are happening. We will all be parked together and near the clubhouse.
I mentioned to the local bus wash guys that you may need his service and he said he would make himself available.
01-16-2008, 09:42 AM
Good things are happening. We will all be parked together and near the clubhouse.
I mentioned to the local bus wash guys that you may need his service and he said he would make himself available.
Hey Lew, if I send a photo of Bob and me will you put it in the window of your bus so everyone thinks are there?? The added benefit will be that it might keep the seagulls away:D
01-16-2008, 09:54 AM
Deb: Waiting for news and photos of the New Bus. How was the maiden Voyage? Tell Bob03,05 his 06 Dodge is burning fuel again. And I have already spent the money.:cool:
01-16-2008, 09:07 PM
Deb: Waiting for news and photos of the New Bus. How was the maiden Voyage? Tell Bob03,05 his 06 Dodge is burning fuel again. And I have already spent the money.:cool:
Ha, I will tell Bob and glad to hear you didn't have it long! We actually haven't had the maiden voyage yet...there were a few things we wanted done to the coach and decided to leave it in Florida rather then drive it back and forth. We should be picking it up next month some time I hope! I will send photos after Bob does his usual spit shine :D Have fun in Florida, we'll be thinking of you!
01-16-2008, 10:14 PM
We are anxiously awaiting the picture as long as it is X rated.
Wait til the attending schmucks find out that no signs are permitted in this park. But X rated pictures can be flashed.
01-17-2008, 09:07 AM
We are anxiously awaiting the picture as long as it is X rated.
Wait til the attending schmucks find out that no signs are permitted in this park. But X rated pictures can be flashed.
Lew, I'll send you a raincoat along with the picture.....easier to flash that way:eek: Just kidding Kathy, I know we aren't supposed to encourage Lew!!
01-17-2008, 10:21 PM
Mr Jeff, 3 bussis, 2 boats, 2 trailors, Bayley
If you rigistered for your stay here at ODR, you made reservations at the wrong place. There is no record of your reservation in the office computer.
Just thought you might want to know.
You all may already be aware of this, but for those of you who are car buffs, there are a few shows going on in Palm Beach during your stay.
Palm Beach Cavallino Classic XVII
South A convention of Ferrari automobiles. Thursday and Friday, January 24-25, 2008, track event at Moroso Motorsports Park; Saturday, Janaury 26, 2008, Concorso d'Eleganza at The Breakers; Sunday, January 27, multi-marque sports car show at the Hilton Hotel at the Palm Beach International Airport. There will be over 400 Ferraris at various venues for this event. Event Type: Specialty Show. Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:00 PM – Sunday, January 27, 2008, 2:00 PM. Palm Beach, FL.
01-20-2008, 03:19 PM
For all you mini rally folks who think the weather may be a bit chilly, this is NE Ohio courtesy of Lake Erie. Nancy and I are very envious!
01-20-2008, 08:05 PM
Hi John. Brrrr
01-20-2008, 10:14 PM
Here in ORA in PSL the temperatures are low in the 50's tonight and things will warm up tomorrow and continue to get better as the magic mini rounds the corner.
01-21-2008, 09:26 PM
Boys and Girls, there is a big surprise coming at the POG deal in Pt St, Lucie.
Stay tuned, there is a mystery bus being prepared for a grand entrance operated by a very famous mysterious dude....
More to follow..:rolleyes:
01-21-2008, 10:31 PM
Can you PM me and I'll have a coupon ready for him. I already have one set aside for SCJ Clarence Thomas. He and I go way back and he might appear. That cat is out of the bag.
01-22-2008, 06:00 AM
I know who and what the surprise is. I have been sworn to secrecy upon the severest penalty. Will talk for beer.
01-22-2008, 11:31 AM
That's the answer I would expect from a Marine! I sure that if the beer was not in the equation it would be name, rank and serial number.:D
Jon Wehrenberg
01-22-2008, 01:02 PM
I want this famous persona to give me his autograph....on the bottom of a blank check drawn on his account.
01-22-2008, 01:08 PM
I know who and what the surprise is. I have been sworn to secrecy upon the severest penalty. Will talk for beer.
OK, Pvt. Scoggins, TALK!!
01-22-2008, 09:14 PM
Save the beer for PSL. Don't waste it on Pvt. Scoggins. That secret person got to him someplace you don't want to know. If you are such a brave marine, why aren't you showing up in ORA at PSL?
01-22-2008, 09:17 PM
Just received a call from Ted K Regal and he will be deliverung a coach to Pelican Lake and he might stop by on Saturday. If we go to the Seafood thingie in Port Salerno I hope we don't miss him.
All of the slack adjusters should be shiney and the tires check 5 times....FIRE HER UP !!!
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