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View Full Version : Turd Boys Strike Again

11-20-2007, 08:31 PM
It was after dark last night by the time Nancy and I got into our campsite at Fort Myers, FL, tired from a long day. I couldn't see the electric box, so I asked Nance to grab a flashlight. She comes out with a nifty little light and as soon as she turned it on, GOT SHOCKED! Yours truly said, "no freaking way you can get shocked off a little flashlight". So, Trukman grabs the light and sure enough, BIG TIME SHOCK! Craziest thing I ever saw, a little tiny flashlight shocking us. Got out the big mag light and got all hooked up and called it a night.

Next day, driving down I-75 I said to Ms Truk, "give me that light again". Yep, big shock when pushing the button. Then it finally all come together....:eek: The two num nuts, Mango & Jdub, planted the little light in my drawer at Branson along with all the other little surprises.:mad:

So after a phone call in which the party on the other end could not talk because screams of laughter followed by crying made any conversation all but impossible.

So, the weenie boys manage to shock poor Ms TRUK instead of their intended target and now it has been taken to a higher level!:o

Collateral damage now being assessed.....

Jon Wehrenberg
11-20-2007, 08:49 PM
Mr. Tom.....

We can have an axle out of a coach in 5 minutes.

We can remove the engine computer in 3 minutes.

We can have a windshield out in 2 minutes.

We can remove all engine belts in one minute.

We can remove the engine start relay in thirty seconds.

Now, what was it you were considering? If we all practice like a NASCAR team we can do all of the above in less time than it takes for someone to complete his morning shower.

11-20-2007, 09:34 PM
Jon, all those things for mentioned above are things they would think of first. Those two have
flown enough missions that they would be prepared for the obvious.

Tom and unnamed sources need to think outside the box on this one. Perhaps go under ground or
an air attack. There should be ample time to draw up the needed plan.

We need to plan on bringing the equipment needed to accomplish such a mission.

11-20-2007, 10:01 PM
Looks like there's no shortage of folks wanting to board this train! Let the games begin.

Jon Wehrenberg
11-21-2007, 06:27 AM
It's not the actual removal of parts (which can later be sold), but knowing that your bus is subject to stripping. I can imagine someone sitting in the living room of their bus, in the dark, on alert, jumping every time they hear a sound.

It would be hell to be afraid to go sit on the toilet for fear that before the paperwork is finished your coach ends up looking like a car stripped on the Tri-Borough Expressway in NYC.

11-21-2007, 08:11 AM
Jon, the point I was trying to make is that I'm pretty sure their rigs are going to be equipped with night
vision cameras to look over the grounds. I'm pretty sure their motion sensing devices are in place also.

Tom and his unnamed cadets will have to have a plan that will leave them thinking...why didn't we see
that coming!

11-21-2007, 09:19 AM
All you have to do is wait two to three years and when the guard is down, BAM:eek: it's all over:D

Jon Wehrenberg
11-21-2007, 09:56 AM
I'm guessing Batman and Robin got the Folsom Prison model Marathons?

The ones with all that Dale listed, plus tear gas ports, razor wire exterior, and sirens. To guard their truf against attacks from rival gangs (probably called the Rednecks) will they remain at their posts and get their meals slid in through slots in the doors?

While they are filling their tires with CO2 (after replacing the valve cores) I can see the Kevin E. backflush and carpet cleaning process taking place.

Jerry Winchester
11-21-2007, 11:06 AM
I can't work for the tears running down onto the computer keyboard.........

I guess the next time Nancy tells you something, you better darn well believe it. And it's not a shock flashlight, it is a portable defibulator to go with your CO2 fire extinguisher doll, numb nuts.

Gee, you try to help a guy out and all you get is grief.

I wonder what else is hiding in the Krackmobile?

Brillo-boy - you sure you want in on this? Not having a bus won't save you.....

11-21-2007, 12:15 PM

Aren't you supposed to share your toys with others and play nice in the sandbox?

Jon Wehrenberg
11-21-2007, 12:46 PM
We didn't get to own Prevost coaches by sharing.

11-21-2007, 02:08 PM

I would have thought better of you. Being the magnanimous, gentile, intelligent, resourceful gentlemen your public persona projects, I thought you would be above the petty squabbles that are taking place between these boys. However, maybe you just like getting down in the mud with these guys for all the laughs and fun you are bound to have. Enjoy! I would luv to join you, but I don't have a dog in this fight. I am just going to live vicariously through others exploits on this one.

Happy Thanksgiving

11-21-2007, 08:31 PM
Big John, your already in this nightmare, so you DO have a dog in this fight! Remember your tin foil?

Jon - the doctor killer driver may be squawking 7700 in the near future! from his Marathon;)

11-21-2007, 08:45 PM

I guess your right! So it looks like you and me and a few unamed others against the evil empire. What's next? A PM would probably be appropriate.
My super-soaker idea was good at the time.

Happy Thanksgiving

11-21-2007, 10:40 PM

I guess your right! So it looks like you and me and a few unamed others against the evil empire. What's next? A PM would probably be appropriate.
My super-soaker idea was good at the time.

Happy Thanksgiving

This is the type of thing that makes men men and sheep scared!:D

11-21-2007, 11:36 PM

I've been waiting for that call for 8 weeks now. Just like a sleeper cell waiting for it's activation command that would eventually come. I'm still laughing.

They'll be some great stories around the dubski and mango Thanksgiving table tomorrow.

Regardless of the prophecies by Jonboy, I'll be sleeping like a baby at future POGfests as the bus will be stealth mode.


11-21-2007, 11:40 PM

You're never far from out thoughts. And we'll be talking about you on Turkey day.



11-22-2007, 08:08 AM
See what I mean John, they even take pictures of their dirty deeds as evidence!

11-22-2007, 08:20 AM

I am reminded of the kids that trash mailboxes or throw the drinks back thru the drive thru window and video tape their exploits. They always seemed to be surprised when the cops show up on their front door. Only time will tell.

Happy Thanksgiving

11-22-2007, 08:25 AM

I would always watch your back around these guys if you catch my different. No one is safe and everyone is fair game as far as I can tell. Sleep on your back.

Happy Thanksgiving

11-22-2007, 10:23 AM
I don't care who you are, this is good stuff right here!!

Jdub, did he ever find the other item? The one I sent?

Just curious :) :confused:

11-22-2007, 06:49 PM

I'm pretty sure yours is still "asleep". So we'll just have to wait for the "call", which I'll be glad to forward.

By the way the one from Jon hasn't surfaced yet either, that's really going to stir the pot - hopefully Nancy won't be the first one on the scene.


Jon Wehrenberg
11-23-2007, 07:18 AM
Don't drag me into this. I'm perfectly content to be a spectator in this fraternity hazing.

However....if I'm already in this unwittingly, I have tools and I know how to use them.

Jerry Winchester
11-25-2007, 04:41 PM
Jello Man,

The Krakmobile is like a rolling practical joke store and I don't think he will find all the stuff unless he makes a trip to Canada and the authorities go thru the bus with a fine toothed comb.

I only wish I had recorded the phone call.

11-27-2007, 09:07 PM
Good jokes & booby traps, like fine wine... Mature in time :)

Jon Wehrenberg
11-27-2007, 09:32 PM
Are you suggesting the dynamic duo will mature? I think not.

11-28-2007, 08:51 AM
That's manure, not mature!

11-28-2007, 11:25 AM
No, actually I was just highlighting the fact that the longer the joke takes to be discovered, the sweeter the victory!

Are you suggesting the dynamic duo will mature? I think not.