View Full Version : ViIN # Breakdown
dale farley
11-13-2007, 07:32 PM
Where can I find the article that gives a breakdown of the significance of the digits in the Prevost VIN numbers? I thought I had it in my favorites, but I can't seem to locate it.
11-13-2007, 08:30 PM
See if this helps.
Richard,A July 2004 manufacturing date would most likely be a 2005 model.Go to the Prevost serial number and the eighth number from the end is the Prevost model year.I think that your serial number is 2pcv3349x51010067 the 5 between the x and the 1 tells us that this is a 2005 shell.Jack
11-13-2007, 08:37 PM
Dale, are you looking or did you find one?
Here is a sample of a 86=G, H=87, I=88, and so on.
If you see a 0 then I think that is a XLII shell and Y is the last XL shell
Don't rate me to high on this, this is not american you know.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-13-2007, 08:49 PM
Member Rated:
posted June 30, 2001 07:59 PM
The chassis manufacturer based on their choice of a production cut-off date for a particular model determines model year. The VIN (which includes the model year), is assigned to the vehicle by the primary chassis manufacturer and is not part of or modified by the secondary manufacturer (conversion company). Once that production cut-off date has been implemented all vehicles manufactured after that date become the new model year. No vehicle manufactured prior to that date may be included into the new model (production) year. In other words: assigned model years cannot be changed to accommodate old unsold inventory.
These are the federally adopted codes for all vehicles sold in the USA.
(d) The fourth section shall consist of eight characters, which occupy positions ten through seventeen (10-17) of the VIN…… (1) The first character of the fourth section shall represent the vehicle model year. The year shall be designated as indicated in Table as follows:
1980.............................................. ........ A
1981.............................................. ........ B
1982.............................................. ........ C
1983.............................................. ........ D
1984.............................................. ........ E
1985.............................................. ........ F
1986.............................................. ........ G
1987.............................................. ........ H
1988.............................................. ........ J
1989.............................................. ........ K
1990.............................................. ........ L
1991.............................................. ........ M
1992.............................................. ........ N
1993.............................................. ........ P
1994.............................................. ........ R
1995.............................................. ........ S
1996.............................................. ........ T
1997.............................................. ........ V
1998.............................................. ........ W
1999.............................................. ........ X
2000.............................................. ........ Y
2001.............................................. ........ 1
2002.............................................. ........ 2
2003.............................................. ........ 3
2004.............................................. ........ 4
2005.............................................. ........ 5
[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Joe ]
dale farley
11-13-2007, 10:03 PM
This info answers my question. Thanks.
11-14-2007, 07:43 AM
So is Y the first XLII? it looks to be so. Can there be a XL with a Y also?
Jon Wehrenberg
11-14-2007, 07:49 AM
I think you have to translate that into whose date will you be using. I have seen both XL and XLII coaches listed for sale as 2000 model year, so it is the converter's choice on what year to call the coach.
But Prevost never varies. The listing is what Prevost goes by, and they do not care what year it is called on the title.
11-14-2007, 08:29 AM
I just wondered if a Prevost could be two styles/same year like a Y. I really don't pay attention to the conversion year.
dale farley
11-14-2007, 07:20 PM
Dale, I just realized you asked if I was looking or had found one. I am looking and have found several but have not found the combination of what I want at a price I can afford to pay. I have started enclosing my shed, so when I do get another bus, it will be fully enclosed with a concrete floor. Still looking for a 99 at a 95 price; aren't we all!
Ray Davis
11-14-2007, 07:44 PM
Please tell me to mind-my-own business, if appropriate here. But, as I remember awhile back you were contemplating selling your bus because you weren't able to use it as you had originally intended. At least that's how I remember the thread.
And you sold it, but now do I understand that you're looking for newer bus? I'll admit I am thrilled you are still in POG, and looking for another bus. But, did I miss something in the meantime?
At least you didn't join the TBC, along with several other of us!!
dale farley
11-14-2007, 07:53 PM
Ray, Everything you said is correct. My original intent was to sell the bus because I couldn't justify having it. Now that I have sold it, I still can't justify having one, but I surely do miss it. I am having trouble finding one as nice as mine was (for its age), but I am looking. I have "NO" idea what I will do in the end. Time and money will tell.
Ray Davis
11-14-2007, 08:06 PM
I totally understand. Once a Prevost gets in your blood, I think you're kinda hooked. AT least that's the case with me. Now with my newer coach, I am going to try real hard to make time to use the coach more.
I really think there is MPD disease!
Jon Wehrenberg
11-14-2007, 08:15 PM
Dale, don't get too hung up on the age of the coach. With the miles typical of these coaches, relative to the potential life span none of us are going to wear one out. The critical stuff is of course the layout, systems and I presume drivetrain. If I were looking at a coach I would put the actual age of it somewhere below the other stuff in importance, and just make sure I got the stuff that was important to me.
Just get one with the weight and balance so Pauline doesn't have to run back to the bedroom to get weight off the front axle.
dale farley
11-14-2007, 10:05 PM
I do have a list of things that I want on a bus such as private water closet, 45', one couch and one or two chairs (vice 2 couches), etc. I don't know that I will find one with everything exactly as I want it, but at least I know what I'm looking for. I think! Of course, "condition" and price are my top two priorities.
The Bible says, " A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." I'm glad I know it is talking about spiritual things, because I do feel somewhat double-minded about a bus. I wake up one morning wishing I had another bus, and the next day I'm glad I don't have to feed one considering the trend with diesel costs.
11-15-2007, 03:29 PM
Just to finish this one out, 2001 Prevost Chassis is a XLII and it has a 1 in the vin. 2000
chassis with a Y in the vin is the last of the XL or the rivets.
At least I'm clear on it now! :) Guy French called and clarified it.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-16-2007, 06:22 PM
Just get one with the weight and balance so Pauline doesn't have to run back to the bedroom to get weight off the front axle.
Jon, you might want to RETHINK your last comment, and Rewrite it before any of the ladies read it??????:p :eek:
Gary S
Jon Wehrenberg
11-16-2007, 08:24 PM
Gary, I did not start that and Dale AND Pauline know exactly what I am talking about. In fact it was Dale that made that remark and if my memory is correct a whole bunch of us took him to task for his insensitivity to such a fine lady.
I am fairly certain that on his new coach list of features front axle weight is near the top of the list.
dale farley
11-16-2007, 10:55 PM
Gary, Maybe I should just say, "I don't know what Jon is talking about", but since I like Jon, I won't say that.
11-17-2007, 08:02 AM
We all know the Marathons are nose heavy, even the ladies that read this board, so I think they'll get the point of Jon's remark.
dale farley
11-17-2007, 08:40 AM
When I weighed my 93 Marathon with all tanks at full capacity, it was getting close to the max front end weight. Of course, I never run it with all tanks full, but I may have said something about the possibility of asking Paulette to ride in the back so I wouldn't have a problem with the front end weight.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-17-2007, 10:48 AM
dale farley
11-17-2007, 02:00 PM
Okay Jon/Gary, I admit it. I did make a rather incriminating statement a few months ago. I was trying not to make the same mistake twice, but I'll fess up.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-17-2007, 05:07 PM
Okay Jon/Gary, I admit it. I did make a rather incriminating statement a few months ago. I was trying not to make the same mistake twice, but I'll fess up.
It's OK Guys, :) I was just ribbing Jon a little bit, :( but I know you knew that...? :D
Gary S.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-17-2007, 06:44 PM
Yeah, we both knew you were doing that, but we needed to get Dale to admit (again) the error of his ways.
BTW, unrelated to this but timely is the fact we have some folks here with MPD...Dale and Paulette, Gary and Peggy, Jim C, Johnnie, and nobody is making a move. What's up with you guys. It seems to me you all can work over the TBC guys and everybody gets happy.
dale farley
11-17-2007, 08:33 PM
I am doing a lot of looking, and I will buy if/when the right bus comes up at the right price.
11-18-2007, 07:31 AM
Which excuse do you want to hear? MPD is still rampant in my system but I still have the champagne taste on a beer pocket book syndrome also. However, I am still dreaming.
Jon, I also think that the hunt is the most fun in the whole process sometimes. Once you kill it and eat it the funs is over.
Jon Wehrenberg
11-18-2007, 07:50 AM
There isn't an owner here that stops looking at coaches, even after they have one. We all have MPD, and no matter what we drive, what year, what condition every one of us is still looking for that perfect coach.
To add insult to injury, when we take the plunge and buy another one Prevost or the converters come up with more improvements so we are always in the hunt.
If you ever want to see someone who has suffered badly, and is now in a 12 step program just ask JPJ. Since we have known him we have seen him behind the wheel of a Liberty, a Vogue/Parliament, Liberty, and a Parliament in that order. Wedged in between Liberty #1 and the Vogue was a plastic coach he probably wishes we would forget. This BTW is within a 2 year period. Prior to the aforementioned spree I understand he also had an Angola.
Just Plain Jeff
11-18-2007, 07:50 AM
A lot of guys with bad MPD try to think like you do. But of course, it really doesn't work that way. Once you get one, you think you're there. But then, one sunny day, you are driving down the road and you see another one. You say, "Aw, I'm fine with what we have."
Next thing you know, another Secret Handshake and you're moving your stuff into a new bus. Then you join the TBC and you are a real POG member.
Dream all you want. It's gonna happen, you know it and you just can't say it yet.
It's all ok. We've all been there.
Hmmm. Gonna start out with a dark color or something sparky? :D
Just Plain Jeff
11-18-2007, 07:55 AM
While Jon may have some keen observations from the outside watching, polishing, adjusting, cleaning, then taking it all apart again and re-cleaning, polishing, adjusting, well you get the idea; he has bought more coaches in his brain than any of us could possibly do in a lifetime.
Why, he even had Newell bring a coach to his house, due to his advanced age, and made them break it in his driveway just to prove that his flurry of taking stuff apart and putting it back together again was the right thing for him to be doing.
There are vaious forms of MPD as we are learning. Considering his last post was number 2,606, we can only imagine what he thinks about most of the time.
And it isn't just the Lennon Sisters. You can bet on that.
dale farley
11-18-2007, 08:43 AM
I know that we were all taught as kids that we should share with our friends. If you have two of something, then give one to your friend. It would seem reasonable that the members of the TBC would share with the ones of us who don't have one.
11-18-2007, 10:47 AM
Hey! i'm for the sharing. I'll share my # 2 bus with you and you can share your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with me. Could be made permnent.
11-18-2007, 11:06 AM
POG is the support group for MPD!
dale farley
11-18-2007, 02:25 PM
I'm not surprised that Harry came up with a plan for sharing.
11-18-2007, 10:11 PM
It seems more and more to me that if you don't have 2 coaches, you ain't sh-t. This is gettin more and more like a place to show your wares and brag on how many coaches and toys one has.
I am damn proud of what I presently have and am able to take nourishment at the same time without "jonesin" for what is at the end of the bait string.
Damn, is this PP? Gettin' more and more like it everday.
It's old Lew again.
We should start a forum for the "Vintage Prevosts"
11-18-2007, 10:21 PM
It seems more and more to me that if you don't have 2 coaches, you ain't sh-t. This is gettin more and more like a place to show your wares and brag on how many coaches and toys one has.
I am damn proud of what I presently have and am able to take nourishment at the same time without "jonesin" for what is at the end of the bait string.
Damn, is this PP? Gettin' more and more like it everday.
It's old Lew again.
We should start a forum for the "Vintage Prevosts"
And that is Classic Lew.;)
Jon Wehrenberg
11-19-2007, 06:47 AM
Think of POG as a Prevost flea market.
11-19-2007, 10:20 AM
Hey Lew, did you forget your meds!:D I don't know anyone in this group that is happy or proud to be in the TBC!;)
11-19-2007, 10:32 AM
Ole Lew is back on the squeezings again, and thats a good thing.
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