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11-09-2007, 10:36 AM
Hi all,

I have been in contact with Fast Roger and he has given me permission to share with you that his lovely wife Micki is in the hospital. She was admitted two days ago with a very serious condition which has been diagnosed. She is also undergoing extensive testing for other issues that they do not yet have an answer for.

I do not know what anyones beliefs are, but if you do believe in the power of prayer, positive thoughts, energy , I ask that you keep her in your thoughts and prayers. The collective power of people is amazing and Micki and her family need our support right now.


11-09-2007, 10:47 AM
Thanks so much for the note, we will definitely put her and Roger on our prayer list.

11-09-2007, 11:05 AM
I do not know what anyones beliefs are...Debi

It's sad that all you know about us is that we like bus's :( Jan and I are both Christians and are happy to pray for anyone in need.

Just Plain Jeff
11-09-2007, 11:11 AM
Helen and I will keep Micki and Roger in our thoughts and prayers!

Thanks for sharing the information for the POG members Debi.

Jon Wehrenberg
11-09-2007, 11:12 AM
I spoke to Roger and words cannot express the helplessness we feel. We are thinking of Micki and praying she overcomes this.

mike kerley
11-09-2007, 11:42 AM
Thanks for sharing,

Karen and I will have Roger and Micki in our prayers. The power of prayer and positive thinking is awesome.

11-09-2007, 12:16 PM
Prayers are coming. I've IM'd the Pope.

Donna and I will keep you in our prayers and thoughts.

We're just up the street, so let us know if there's anything we can do.


11-09-2007, 12:46 PM
Barb and I are with you Micki and Roger. Hoping and praying everything comes out OK.

11-09-2007, 01:35 PM
Roger, we are so sorry to hear about Micki's illness. Karen and I will keep her in our prayers. God Bless!

11-09-2007, 03:13 PM
It's sad that all you know about us is that we like bus's :( Jan and I are both Christians and are happy to pray for anyone in need.

Dale, Jan and all, thank you for your prayers. And liking buses isn't all I know about "us" but it was of course the first thing I knew :o Hopefully I will have good news to share tomorrow......As Jon said, we feel rather helpless. Micki is strong and I have faith that she will be ok......


11-09-2007, 03:15 PM

Barbara and I will keep you and Micki in our prayers.

Richard and Barbara Beecher
2002 Marathon XLII 45
1996 Vogue XL 40 for sale

11-09-2007, 03:20 PM
Roger and Micki,

You both are in our thoughts.

Joe Cannarozzi
11-09-2007, 03:38 PM
Micki and Roger

God bless you both.

11-09-2007, 03:48 PM
Being married to a lady who has had 2 kidney transplants within the past 5 years has taught me that our ladies have an inner strength that we men can only dream about. Our prayers are with you. Dan & Jo Smith

11-09-2007, 05:44 PM
Roger and Micki,

Janet and I will be praying for you too. We have a prayer chain in our bible study group and I' going there right now. Prayer and God can work miracles.


Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-09-2007, 06:20 PM
Peg and I too wish the very best to Micki and Roger.

We know she will make a speedy recovery, who else could keep Roger in line. :)
Gary S

11-09-2007, 07:28 PM
It's time I used this opportunity for payback for Micki with all the prayers that were said for me. We know it helps and we are praying like the dickens.


11-09-2007, 08:54 PM
Hang in there King, Nancy and I are talking to the Big Guy upstairs about Micki.... Deb, keep us posted, please..

11-09-2007, 09:19 PM
 I talked to Roger a few hours ago and he said they just don't know why she is having sever
headaches. They started on Monday and by Tuesday they took went to the hospital. Still need to
run more test. Roger said the Doc said at least its not life threatening.

I said that all of POG is praying for them. He said thanks a lot, they appreciate it.

11-09-2007, 09:49 PM
I just received an email from Roger and Micki is improving!

A neurologist was called in this afternoon but before he arrived, Micki wanted to get up, take a shower, put on her make up and eat tortilla soup:D The neurologist was pleased to see this and did say that the severe headaches may have been stemming from the sepsis infection. Of course we all know that everyone praying for her surely helped! Fingers crossed that the headaches stay away, the sepsis continues to abate, and if all that happens she may get to come home late tomorrow.

Aren't we all fortunate to have such heartwarming friendships through POG?

Debi (who knows when a woman wants to put on her make-up she is cured;)

Ray Davis
11-09-2007, 09:50 PM
Roger and Micki,

You are both covered with prayer, from East to West coasts!! (North to South too)


11-09-2007, 10:06 PM
Roger and Micki. Thinking of you. I hope all is well and you'll be home soon.

dale farley
11-09-2007, 11:09 PM
Roger/Micki, we'll be praying for a speedy and complete recovery.

Jon Wehrenberg
11-10-2007, 06:39 AM
The news this morning from Roger was encouraging, and Roger said Micki is feeling better. I'll let him post the details but it sounds good.

11-10-2007, 08:38 AM
wow! a lot can happen when we don't check in for a couple of days!
i had to read really fast to finally get to the "micki's improving" posts - thank goodness!!!
roger and micki - please don't think we weren't thinking of you - hey, when one in the group gets this much positive energy sent their way - there is so much momentum across this country we ALL get caught up in the flying thoughts and prayers! please know ours are added right in there!
speedy recovery!

11-10-2007, 03:57 PM
The news this morning from Roger was encouraging, and Roger said Micki is feeling better. I'll let him post the details but it sounds good.

Jon, I wish this was still the case but sadly, the excruciating headaches have returned...I just had a long chat with Roger and a few more specialists have come in today and so far, no one seems to be able to find the cause. More tests are scheduled. Medical issues can be so frustrating for everyone involved and I just want to see my friend Micki pain free soon! I know we all want that as well....Please continue to pray for her.....thanks.....


11-10-2007, 07:33 PM
Our thoughts & prayers go out to Micki & Roger..

11-10-2007, 08:17 PM
Thanks to everyone. We are humbled and honored to have so many wonderful and caring friends in this great POG Group of people. There is no question that we are blessed and are receiving the benefits of your prayers. Please continue to pray for Micki as she is not out of the woods yet. She continues to have severe headaches that only are relieved by very powerful drugs. The ironic thing is Micki has never had headache problems. The doctors (4 now) feel for the most part the pain is from the residual effects of a severe infection that had gotten into her blood stream. We are still in the hospital and wishing we were burning diesel fuel. I don't know which is cheaper now tho.

We are so thankful to have met and made so many new friends all from having a case of MPD. Think how great it is to have super people all over the country sending up prayers. We are so happy to a part of this group.

Lew - Bless your heart you are so right- Micki is a prayer warrior for sure

Thanks again so very much for your kindness and prayers. I will let you know or Debi will help keep you posted

Micki and Roger

We got a phone call from Loc today passing by on I-81 in his new bus. Congrats on the latest member to TBC

11-11-2007, 02:34 PM
Roger & Micki
Harry and I have been traveling and away from the computer. Our prayers for Miki and you. She is a strong little gal. Were praying for her quick recovery. Hugs to you both.

Shirley and Harry

11-11-2007, 06:44 PM
Hi all,

Roger just called and Micki came home later today. She went all night without another headache and since the Doctors could not find an immediate cause, they felt safe in sending her home. She is scheduled to go back as an outpatient for further testing and if the severe headache returns they want to see her immediately. The antibiotics have cleared the urosepsis so everything is good on that front.

Roger and I have been brainstorming about allergies, etc., and I mentioned to him yesterday that it would be a good idea to write down everything Micki eats and drinks. As it turns out, one of the drinks she recently started with has aspartame in it which is new to her. If luck is on our side, this may just be the headache culprit. Aspartame is well known for causing severe reactions including excruciating headaches, blurred vision, etc. I pray it is something that simple!

Meanwhile , please keep the prayer chain going. There truly is no place like home and I am grateful Micki and Roger can sleep in their own bed tonight!


11-12-2007, 07:05 AM
Hi all,

Roger and I have been brainstorming about allergies, etc., and I mentioned to him yesterday that it would be a good idea to write down everything Micki eats and drinks. As it turns out, one of the drinks she recently started with has aspartame in it which is new to her. If luck is on our side, this may just be the headache culprit. Aspartame is well known for causing severe reactions including excruciating headaches, blurred vision, etc. I pray it is something that simple!


that would be great if they could figure that out! aspartame (Phenylalanine is how it is listed on most products - just about everything labeled sugar free) is my only allergy. my symptoms (3 times exactly the same) are severe headache, dizzy, spins . . . kind of like the worst hangover you can imagine without the alcohol. only it lasts the whole day. here (http://www.sweetpoison.com/) is one of many websites with info about the effects of aspartame.

Debi- just wondering if the "joint powder" micki just started could be related?

Micki - we ALL are so happy you are home - nothing like our own bed! fast recovery! good thing you are in great hands with roger.

11-12-2007, 07:49 AM
Just turned on the Computer this morning and started reading this thread. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Micki and Roger.

11-12-2007, 08:07 AM
Debi- just wondering if the "joint powder" micki just started could be related?


Jody, nope, nothing in there but things we already have in our bodies. No artificial anything. She has also been of it for over a week now but she has not been off the aspartame. I used you as an example of asparatme reactions to Roger when we were talking. I also send him a gazillion links. Let's hope this is the answer. Thanks again for the Farm POG pics they were awesome and the ones of Bob holding Michael touched my heart......


11-12-2007, 09:43 AM
Good Morning,

Brian has been on the fly with his biplane, winging his way from the Portland, Or area to Florida so I just saw this thread. Micki - we both wish you the best for a speeding recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Beverly Esler

11-15-2007, 11:23 AM
Anyone have an update on Micki ? Haven't seen anything for three days now.

11-15-2007, 12:24 PM
I talked to Roger on Friday or Saturday and he said Micki was home, but tired. She was doing pretty good. He said they felt as though she was healed and thanked everyone for their prayers. I will let you know if I hear anything new.

11-15-2007, 01:55 PM
Anyone have an update on Micki ? Haven't seen anything for three days now.

Jim, Micki came home last Saturday. She told me that she is at 50% with 50% more to go before she will feel well again. Just keep praying that those headaches are gone for good now and that the source was the aspartame. Time will tell. I will let ya'll know if anything changes....I know Micki and Roger both greatly appreciate all of their POG friends keeping them in their thoughts and prayers.


11-15-2007, 09:54 PM
;)Hi to everyone, I want to thank each one of you for all your prayers, your calls, your concerns, your cards, your flowers, and wow a pizza too!!!! Thank you for all your support while I was in the hospital. My stay was from Nov. 07- Nov, 11. I did have Urosepsis (bacteria in the blood stream) and the worst headaches ever (10), I feel for all of you that have those migraine headaches. I never really ever had headaches! But thanks to all of your prayers, I was able to get home this past Sunday. Headaches just about gone, I have passed most of my tests, still about 4 to go. I am about 85% back to normal and how wonderful that is! You all are such wonderful and caring friends. When you need support, you POG :) friends are there just waiting to do whatever to help. What else could Roger and I say, "YOU ARE THE BEST". Thanks again, keep on praying I have 4 more to go, but I believe I've already aced them.

Love, Micki

Just Plain Jeff
11-16-2007, 06:37 AM

This is great news! Welcome back to the fold.

Does this mean that:

1. There is again some adult supervision on the POG board, at least as far as the TN crowd is concerned?

2. Will The Bling King/Gravel Road King still be running your coach off-road? We were afraid he was going to enter the Prevost Moto-Cross while you were off at the hospital.

Hang in there and keep us up to date!

11-16-2007, 08:09 AM
;)Hi to everyone, I want to thank each one of you for all your prayers, your calls, your concerns, your cards, your flowers, and wow a pizza too!!!!
Love, Micki

Warms my heart to see you posting Micki:D Welcome back to your POG home--I just know you will be fine.

Debi and Bob too!

Chris and Debbie Yates
11-16-2007, 05:13 PM
So glad to hear you are doing better:),get lots of rest and let Roger take care of you !!