View Full Version : "Custom Coaches"
11-07-2007, 07:25 PM
Here is one I pulled off a popular RV forum. Thought you guys would get a chuckle:
"I guess u guys have never seen some of the custom coaches that are being built ,, they have a 2yr waiting list and when u go to the showroom a guy in a suit and tie welcomes u ,, and then u can order breakfast , lunch,, or dinner ther also ,,, They even have chapaign if that's u'r style but amyway most of these coaches cost 4.5 mill to 5.5 mill and they even come with the toad of u'r choice or a really big boat ,, al is included in the price ,, but the catch is if u own one then they want to show off u'r rig to some potentail buyers do to the fact that they don't build them till u order them"
Jon Wehrenberg
11-07-2007, 09:15 PM
It is still not illegal to be stupid, as is proven on a daily basis.
For a while when there were few converted Prevosts on the road one of the questions we would get was "how much did that cost?". We would either give a very low number, or a very high number, and no matter how ridiculous it was always believed.
The internet usually provides people with facts, but obviously that poster to the RV forum doesn't bother to let facts interfere with his thought process.
11-08-2007, 08:55 AM
Reminds me of visiting a friend near the Ozarks. He lives in a VERY small town and the only place that had room for us to hook up the toad was the parking lot of the local diner, which served as the general meeting place in town.
We met our friend there for breakfast and met most of the residents, who had stopped by to take in the huge vehicle taking up most of the parking lot.
One guy was admiring the coach for a while, then he exclaimed to me...
"Wow... that thing must have fifty-thousand dollars!!!
I didn't have the heart to correct him.... just agreed that is was a lot of money....
11-08-2007, 10:27 AM
In the ozarks, that would likely be pronounced fitty thousan dollars :p:D
One guy was admiring the coach for a while, then he exclaimed to me...
"Wow... that thing must have fifty-thousand dollars!!!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
11-08-2007, 11:43 AM
You should have said, "NAW, my car didn't cost that much.?" ;)
Gary S.
11-08-2007, 07:19 PM
I am sure for 5 mill the converter will throw in any toad you want. Even maybe an Enzo Ferrari, Caddy Escalade, and a stacker to haul them in. Probably even the boat if you really twist the salesman's arm.:D
The only inaccurate statement is the 2yr waiting list if you are going to spend 5 mill, I bet they could find you a coach to drive off the lot the same day, and buy you breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
11-08-2007, 07:26 PM
Richard I dont post much but I have been meaning to tell you how nice your paint scheme is. I think the colors and the scheme really set your bus off. When you see a bigger picture of it like the one on the Featherlite site you can really see how nice it is. Again, its really nice looking.
11-08-2007, 07:55 PM
Thanks, I can't take much credit for it, but it is still very impressive to see in person. Definitely draws attention wherever we go. Just took it to Steelers Monday Night Football game this week. My brother wants to get Nickelback stickers made for the sides and see how much attention we can draw from the ladies.:)
11-08-2007, 09:42 PM
Hey Richard,
Could you post a larger picture than the one in your avatar. Maybe as an attachment. That is one beautiful bus:D
11-09-2007, 07:22 AM
Thanks, again. I will have to get some better pictures when i can get it cleaned up and somewhere nice. These are still the sales photos but they will do.
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