View Full Version : Awright, fess up!
Just Plain Jeff
11-03-2007, 07:56 PM
C'mon, who's got one?
Jon Wehrenberg
11-03-2007, 09:40 PM
I don't know who has one, but I wish I did. I would just run over the folks that pull out in front of me and then drive at 61.5 MPH.
I would run over the folks that haven't learned how to merge.
I would back up and run over the folks that tailgate.
I would run over the folks that pass me and pull in too close.
I would drive it to my anger management class.
11-03-2007, 10:10 PM
Come on Jon, if you had a tank you would drop your speed 1 MPH? Why slow down all of a sudden. If I had one of those tanks how would I use my cruise control? Jeeeese !!!
Jon Wehrenberg
11-04-2007, 06:13 AM
I will continue to drive 62.5, but will take out the folks that want to impede my progress.
Di want's the cannon for the front of our bus. My concern is the flying shrapnel may scratch the paint.
Just Plain Jeff
11-04-2007, 06:36 AM
This 'claim' by Mr. Wehrenberg of travel at 62.5 mph is, well, a self-perpetuated myth. He may have some gizmo that can show an average of that speed.
Recently to and from POG IV, I joined up with said POG member and propelled myself in a 2002 Parliament coach, an XL-II, which I am going to assume had a more or less correct speedometer. The trip, from Nashville to Branson and back, was about 1200 miles. (Jon will give you the exact mileage, stopping points, MPG, menus along the way, voltages on house and chassis batteries at every 15 minute interval, temperatures, pressures and GPS way points if you are really that interested).
I can verify that there were more than several occasions that this test of the 62.5 mph claim are false. Since I had to accelerate to over 80+ mph to catch up to said party, well, that pretty much says it all.
Furthermore, it is my contention, through SAT imagery, that Mr. Wehrenberg's foilage around his house discloses the following:
1. Wood piles that are not stacked exactly straight.
2. Foilage which covers a great deal of previously undisclosed ARN in and around the compound.
3. The great likelihood that, when not on this board (hardly ever), some of this ARN is actually used; not at face value to prove that it is worthy of ownership, but as tests to determine the MTBF of various forms of equipment only. The idea here is to break stuff so that it can be taken apart and 'fiddled with.'
4. I have information which suggests that W. W. Grainger is more of a temptation for this member than even the POG site.
So, 62.5 mph? Hah!
Jon Wehrenberg
11-04-2007, 01:00 PM
JPJ has not learned the concept of keeping up.
When the lead coach sets a pace as controlled by the speed control device (also known as the auto pilot, also known as cruise control) and said device displays 62 MPH on the Detroit Diesel Pro Driver Display, displays 61 on the speedometer, and 63 on the GPS it is safe to assume the actual speed across the ground is within that range.
However, JPJ opts to ride the tail of this caravan, but fails to keep pace. He sees two coaches ahead running nose to tail, changing lanes to pass, signalling their every movement. He instead chooses to remain in grandma's lane playing with buttons on the new to him Parliament, trying to figure out how to send text messages while programming the GPS, while chatting with the truckers on the CB radio. Then at some point he realizes he is losing sight of the slow moving leaders and in an attempt to close the gap created while he was designing shaker furniture on autocad on his laptop he speeds in excess of the posted speed limit. And blames me. All the time my speeds are locked in by the electronic devices which regulate such things.
Just Plain Jeff
11-04-2007, 01:57 PM
Oh sure, Leadfoot, blame it on the poor electrons on your camper's gizmos. It's not their fault that they were born as itty-bitty little things without any control in their lives.
You now admit that your DD reads 62, speedo 61, GPS 63. How could a guy possibly tolerate such a lack of synchronization and disrepair? May as well be 65-60-75 in range, which is the true speed at which said camper has in fact been propelled.
I was NOT designing Shaker furniture on an autocad program...well, kinda..., that part I have to admit to.
But I still ain't buyin' this 62.5 stuff.
11-04-2007, 02:17 PM
Jon has just described the funeral procession syndrome and debacle.:eek:
Just ask Denny.:p
11-04-2007, 03:42 PM
I happen to come upon this group not far out of Branson. The 6 of the were all lined up almost bumper to bumper with no space between them for any other vehicles to pass. According to my Ca. Class B drivers manual they were disregarding the safe rules of the road. They were indeed imitating Tennesee snails. I was in fact doing the speed limit and they all disappeared in my mirrors post haste.
11-04-2007, 04:24 PM
JPJ - It's the Slinky effect...:p
Harry - I'm told you blew off their panty hose when you went by..
Stay in the hammer lane, c'mon...
Just Plain Jeff
11-04-2007, 04:38 PM
The idea here was to 'draft' The Fast Rogers, the Kellers and eventually A1 and his wonderful wife with the NASCAR move. (Except we would make some right turns along the way).
Must admit I was thrown off by Roger. I asked him if "yonder" was a distance or a place and he said, "Yes."
Jon Wehrenberg
11-04-2007, 05:38 PM
The truth has finally been verified by none other than our elder statesman, Honest Harry. I was in fact doing 62.5 mph.
Those others weren't drafting, they were pushing.
Just Plain Jeff
11-04-2007, 05:46 PM
I'm not buying it.
Harry and Jon are welded at the hip, both being metal guys. Harry went by so fast that even I woke up.
11-04-2007, 10:46 PM
This slug is sitting on the witness stand, and the Judge asks him how he got mugged by two turtles. The Slug said " well your honor , I don't know it happened so fast.........
Just Plain Jeff
11-05-2007, 06:22 AM
There is some deeper meaning to all of this, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it is.
11-05-2007, 08:38 AM
I believe yonder is Bristol, TN..
11-05-2007, 09:18 AM
close, but it is really over yonder.:cool:
Jerry Winchester
11-05-2007, 12:25 PM
I could only hope to have one. I did know an engineer that worked in Wichita for Cessna who owned and restored a WW2 Sherman tank. It was a great machine and was in perfect condition complete with Continental engine and machine gun.
I had bad tank envy.
Just Plain Jeff
11-05-2007, 01:20 PM
I could only hope to have one. I did know an engineer that worked in Wichita for Cessna who owned and restored a WW2 Sherman tank. It was a great machine and was in perfect condition complete with Continental engine and machine gun.
I had bad tank envy.
I knew this was the right place to ask the question. :D
11-05-2007, 05:22 PM
I Owned several 70's - 80's Lincoln Town Cars. Do those count?
Just Plain Jeff
11-05-2007, 05:42 PM
Harry: Sorry, but you shoulda checked your computer as I was able to get the picture of your 79 Lincoln.
Yes, it counts.
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