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View Full Version : Recovery from by-pass

10-30-2007, 10:24 PM
It has come to my attention that I have not updated the members on how I am doing.

I appreciated the concern.

It has been 11 weeks since I underwent the process of redoing my triple by-pass of 25 years ago. That's a touchy job so I understand.

I had trouble wondering why it took me much longer regaining the strength than when I was 46. Guess it has sunken in.

Three weeks ago some of the fellows in POG offered to drive me to Florida. I really appreciate their concern because we really wanted to leave the north. I left the doctors office after being told to contact someone in Florida and have them look me over. I am under doctors care and am pleased with the expertise they have.

The very next morning we left. Traveled about 300 miles for 4 days and arrive in real good spirits and condition after 1237 miles.

The only concern during the trip was my oxygen level. We bought a measuring device and checked it every half hour or so and all was okay. We carried several tanks of juice in case I needed it. Never did and only use it when I am on the treadmill at cardiac rehab.

All is gong well at this time and again I am indebted to all who cared and wanted to help.

The only thing I am disgruntled about is that that Harry Hoppe hasn't stopped by to pick up the stainless I have dented, to take to his shop and fix it. You know I'm kidding about this, but one thing I'm not kidding about is, I am ready for 2nd base as long as they move it closer to 1st base.


10-30-2007, 11:12 PM
Lew, it's great to see your post! We have missed you. Can you still be a little grumpy and direct for us?

Jon Wehrenberg
10-31-2007, 07:01 AM
That's great news Lew. As you continue to mend may we assume you will raise the heat up a little on some of your posts? Folks like JPJ do not know how to handle it when they are not insulted and abused regularly.

10-31-2007, 08:21 AM
Great that your back in the sunshine state Lew. Maybe now you'll get back to your normal grouchy self.;) We're going to the Keys for turkey day, we may swing back by your way and harass you a little. I'm sure I can use Andy and Carol's site.

10-31-2007, 08:53 AM

Glad that you and Kathy made it back to PSL. Keep exercising per doctor's orders and you will be just fine.

Karen and I are looking forward to another golf cart tour of ORA @ PSL. Has the new construction phase been completed yet? Last year, if you remember, you showed us the proposed addition. That is one beautiful place. If at all possible we are going to try to visit you again this winter.

Good luck and stay healthy!:D

10-31-2007, 10:11 AM
Good to hear you up and running Lew! Harry was very worried about you! I think its becasue Harry thinks you owe him some $$ :) <just kidding>.

Good luck w/ cardiac rehab.. Give the nurses hell! (and Mango's pizza). :D

10-31-2007, 01:35 PM
So, where do we send the next extra cheesy Pizza.

Mango & Dubski

mike kerley
10-31-2007, 06:10 PM
Lew is a tough old bird, and I'll bet Kathy is getting tougher by the day.

Glad your back Lew.

Mike and Karen

10-31-2007, 06:45 PM
It has come to my attention that I have not updated the members on how I am doing.

Lew, we love ya and we are sorry that you missed the mini rally last weekend! BUT, we are very glad you are back in Florida in the sunshine and that you are ready for second base. Hope to see you this Spring!