View Full Version : Where's JPJ
10-20-2007, 08:43 AM
Oh sock boy, where are you?:rolleyes: All of a sudden he vanished, no posting, nothing! Last I heard he was somewhere in FL with a brand new Honda after the hippie van went TU, trying to find his way back to Lobsterville. He loves the smell of wood chips in the morning...:D
Just Plain Jeff
10-20-2007, 09:01 AM
Ay-yup, still with y'all. Fast Roger pretty much convinced me there was no chance I could learn to talk or write Southern.
So, I am driving in SC, paid tall dollars to get the van fixed and 3 hours later the engine STB on I-95 in GA. It rolled to a stop at the Brunswick, GA Honda parking lot. With little else at my benefit, I walked in and simply said, "OK, I am all yours."
About 12 sales guys leapt over their desks and the first one who shook my hand got the deal. Of course, upon return to The Woods, Helen snagged the new van and I'm back with the Explorer.
It rained like crazy last night so I still have wet socks. The Skiffman and I are up to, well, some things. Mrs. Skiffman is due in 3 weeks with their fourth child so the tension is mounting.
I'm keeping him away from all female members of the family.
10-20-2007, 05:52 PM
This probably would never happened in EDINA!
10-20-2007, 07:14 PM
Oh sock boy, where are you?:rolleyes: All of a sudden he vanished, no posting, nothing! Last I heard he was somewhere in FL with a brand new Honda after the hippie van went TU, trying to find his way back to Lobsterville. He loves the smell of wood chips in the morning...:D
Truk, we kidnapped him for a night in SC:D Many of you are always teasing Jeff about losing fingers but I must say, he made the most beautiful blanket chest for me and there was no blood on it anywhere-ha~! He is a talented craftsman, and I am pleased to have a one of a kind, signed, sealed and delivered piece of "art." Anyone who would like a beautiful new addition of handcrafted furniture give Jeff a call, I can vouch for him!
Oh, and I didn't go downstairs to see if he sleeps in his socks or not:rolleyes: Love you Jeff and our best to Helen, we missed having her visit as well.....
Jon Wehrenberg
10-20-2007, 07:37 PM
Next I expect to see this.......
Just Plain Jeff
10-20-2007, 08:17 PM
Hmmmm. Thanks all.
We're all well and fine, busy with the family thing and filling orders for more stuff made out of wood. the visit to Bob-00 and Debi's was wonderful. They are such nice people, makes you wonder why they hang out here? For anyone who wants to see a killer coach, check out Bob's Millennium in his 'barn.' Chromed pipes, brushed aluminum engine heads; makes even the most MPD-resistant fella start
I hadn't really thought of the outside of wood on a coach before, as that was much before my time, but now that you mention it...
OK. It was Edina, but I took the cure :D
10-20-2007, 09:48 PM
Jeff, Is it true you have Helen out looking for outlets to sell sawdust in bags. Maybe you have been showing her the ropes. I;ll bet you'd make a good sawdust salesman. don't get your shorts in a knot....I'm not kidding
Just Plain Jeff
10-21-2007, 07:18 AM
Hey Lew, as usual, you are right on the money. We have a 'no waste' plan in action.
Any scrap wood goes to kindling to keep the little folks warm in the winter. As to the wood chips, we give them to our Pastor's daughter for her horse. Kind of like fire insurance, if you catch my drift.
Keep those good ideas coming!
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