View Full Version : National Rally
10-09-2007, 10:01 AM
It's time to think about a national rally and my vote is Elkhorn Ridge in Spearfish, SD next September.
LA 1349
Atlanta 1556
Houston 1345
Portland 1216
I also think a national rally once a year makes more sense than an east and west. If we start a year in advance, it gives folks plenty of time to plan. We can always have regional mini rallies anytime or we could tie in to sporting events or local events anywhere in the country. If we get 100 buses in one place, we will really get some attention from the Sponsors, Vendors, etc.
10-09-2007, 10:17 AM
Austin 1336
Put me down as for Spearfish. We have been to this resort a few times and find it extremely bus friendly. Spearfish Canyon is beautiful with fall colors in mid to late September. For those of you who haven't seen Mt. Rushmore lately or the Badlands or Devil's Tower or the Black Hills this is a great opportunity without the hoards of tourists. For those with a bit of gambling spirit Deadwood offers a fun diversion. For those who bring their bikes you want to take two or three great rides through the hills including the pig tail bridges, Needles Highway and US 385. Those who want to linger a bit can take in the buffalo roundup at Custer State Park.
Jerry Winchester
10-09-2007, 10:31 AM
I am all for a national rally. In fact, I am really ready to have a rally that doesn't require me to jump thru hoops to get someone to keep my kids which means we need to consider a time when school is out.
I also think we need to consider trying to do something over a weekend as suggested in one of the other posts.
Our challenge will be finding a place where the weather is nice (enough) and that is centrally located enough for most of the folks.
10-09-2007, 10:40 AM
If we try to keep with a set time of the year as other orgs do, such as the second weekend in Sept. and keep it that weekend so everyone can always plan on it.
10-09-2007, 10:51 AM
If we try to keep with a set time of the year as other orgs do, such as the second weekend in Sept. and keep it that weekend so everyone can always plan on it.
great plan. we loved spearfish and would happily go back - got to get those dates, though, before the featherlite crowd takes over with all their matching stacker trailers!
I would like to be able to attend a POG rally, but need some help. As a working stiff with young kids, I haven't been able to attend the POG rallies to date. I may be able to attend a rally in 20 or so years (upon retirement / kids in college) if they continue to be during the school year and during the middle of the week. Think about a rally during the summer and have it start on a Thursday or Friday and run over the weekend.
Jon Wehrenberg
10-09-2007, 12:09 PM
With all due respect to those with young kids at home I'm out if the rally is in the summer.
Too many idiots on the road and clogging rest areas, campgrounds too full, my garden requires watering or plants need picking, too hot, and we have raised our kid and our tolerance level for the little darlings is not as good as it once was.
Flame suit on......
Is that why you skipped the Taco Twins in Asheville? Summer? My kids?
10-09-2007, 12:36 PM
Overall, I think that if the dates are set well ahead of time, we can all make them if we want to go. there will always be a conflict with someones life, but we just have to hope it works for the majority.
This is a good time to plan for next Sept.
10-09-2007, 01:06 PM
I think the "kid" group needs to look at doing a mini rally during the off school season. Keeping the adult one available for off season time.
Jon Wehrenberg
10-09-2007, 02:04 PM
Loc, we had something going on at the time. I don't remember now what it was. The kids I refer to are the little darlings we have run into in campgrounds that think our coach is a backstop for football toss while the parents are getting drunk.
If any POG member kids get out of line I feel capable of disabling their parent's coach so I am not worried there.
If I remember correctly, I think your absence had something to do with a Corvette and Kentucky. My kids only use my bus for a backstop (that's a family rule).
I would like to be able to attend the regular rallies, but with limited vacation time, it is tough to use it to do something without the kids. I like the idea of a mini-rally for those of us with kids. Let's put JDUB in charge.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
10-09-2007, 02:49 PM
I like the idea of a mini-rally for those of us with kids. Let's put JDUB in charge.
JDUB in CHARGE? Do plastic girls and kids go together, Loc? :D Good luck with that one. :eek:
Gary S
Jon Wehrenberg
10-09-2007, 03:05 PM
At the risk of seeming to do a 180 degree flip I would urge all who have kids to try to get to Sevierville for this April's rally. That area is literally a playground for all kids, including those who drive Prevost coaches.
I have to believe with Dollywood, Dolly's Splash Country, all of the amusement park type activities outside of Dollywood, and the Ripley's Aquarium the kids will not have time to throw footaballs against our coaches.
And Loc you have a better memory than me. I had the Corvette owner's tour of the Corvette assembly plant and than the National Corvette Museum. The taco tour was my second choice however.
10-09-2007, 05:10 PM
With all due respect to those with young kids at home I'm out if the rally is in the summer.
Too many idiots on the road and clogging rest areas, campgrounds too full, my garden requires watering or plants need picking, too hot, and we have raised our kid and our tolerance level for the little darlings is not as good as it once was.
Flame suit on......
Jon, you may know a lot of things but you certainly do not know that the recent trend among converters is that there is a young crowd buying and much to your dismay they have kids. I have kids. I paid a $100 to join your lil forum only to find out that kids are not welcomed. I wonder how many others will read this and feel the same way. Sounds like the POG is only for a select few. The converters seem to be catering more to us. I guess because we will buy more buses whereas older ones like yourself will always keep fixing up what you have. Just as you said, "with all due respect", I find your statement sort of something like a kid would say, that if a rally cant be had when you want it and with no kids then as you say-"you are out". Seriously, I think you are "out" of touch. This is my first post and honestly I never thought I would post but I just thought this needed to be addressed. This is not an attempt to start a war of words but to think seriously the stance this group wants to take regarding children. Separate rallies? UNITED groups survived, DIVIDED fall and fade away. Others I am sure feel as I do, but they simply may be content to lurk as I was, but think about how many could have been offended and never post. The $100 fee is good for POG but to keep it going there have to be renewals, and that means renewals from good folks who have kids.
10-09-2007, 05:46 PM
Seems to me that Jon's remarks were mainly concerned with traffic and crowding....
I personally do most of my travelling in the summer, preferring to spend the cold months at "home" in South Florida. But that certainly doesn't rule out the occasional road trip..... that's the beauty of a house with wheels!!
Anyway, to me the time of year just kind of determines the "ideal" location for a rally because the weather plays such an important role in the success of any event.
That's my 2 cents....
10-09-2007, 05:47 PM
Five-O, please don't be offended, this is one nice group of bus people. When you make it to a rally, you'll find out everyone is really down to earth and very helpful. Most bought a bus and find that the rally is the best way to show the how's and why's of bus ownership. At the last rally there were quite a few men without wifes, let alone kids and they learned alot about their bus's.
POG is trying to listen to everyone and learn about the needs of the group as a whole, but learning about the bus is still #1. I have been to three and I'm still learning at each one. My wife likes to go shopping and see things besides bus stuff, don't blame her!
We all have kids and In my mind, kids would not like a POG rally, you would have to make the trip knowing that your wife and kids need somthing else to do.
Jon Wehrenberg
10-09-2007, 06:33 PM
Five O,
Welcome and feel free to post and say exactly what you think. You will find this group is diversified and open to all. You will also find we are somewhat twisted with respect to our senses of humor (witness the kids at play at POG IV for example).
POG members have kids and we have met them. They are better behaved than their parents.
My remarks about kids which probably got you upset are a reference to some we have encountered over the years and if you have not yet, you will. My primary reason for not doing summer rallies is truly the reasons we stated and the remark about kids was half in jest.
As Dale pointed out this organization (that's a lie....there is no organization) focusses on the coach and the care and maintenance of the coach. We are struggling with ways to make it more of interest for those who don't have an interest in the mechanical side of things such as our wives, and as I pointed out in a previous post, for the kids.
Jerry Winchester
10-09-2007, 06:51 PM
Welcome to the POG board and the lively discussion. I think the key here is not to misread Jon's post or read anything into it that may not be intended.
And I don't want my original statement to be misconstrued. I really didn't say I wanted to BRING my kids to a rally (however if someone wanted to do that, I am not opposed to it), I just didn't want to have to fly my mother or mother-in-law to Houston and all the logistical things that entails to have her here to keep them for a week during the school year. It is easier for me to fly them to Oklahoma and let them drive each other crazy.
10-09-2007, 07:46 PM
Hey 5 - 0, glad your out of the lurk mode, where ya been? Tell us about your bus and conversion if you get time. Add it to your signature line so if you need help, like owners can respond.
Lighten up a little, no one in this group is anti children, I have 5 grandkids of my own, but they sure wouldn't like a POG rally. Lots of folks in this group have children at home and getting together with other Poggers some place for kids to have fun is a great idea. Just ask Kevin and Skiffer about the great time they had this year in Maine with the families. Or ask Mango how much fun he had at Oshkosh with his family. Ask Gary D if his family had a good time in Santa Fe.
Would I go on a Disney cruise? No way, but I sure would encourage others with kids to do so.
Stay active on the forum, your most welcome!;)
10-09-2007, 08:09 PM
If next rally is in Servierville, Dollywood is very close and it has numerous things to do outside of the rides, such as a number of musical shows, different kinds of Craft making etc. I believe the wives could spend the better part of a day there. Other possible trips would be in to Knoxville to museums and other local attractions. I am sure some of our members are very familiar with Knoxville. Just some thoughts>
10-09-2007, 08:16 PM
It has been my understanding that the primary focus of POG was geared toward the better understanding of the technical/mechanical aspect of Prevost bus ownership.
That being said, it does leave a certain void for the wives/companions who probably don't quite share the enthusiasm for this activity when the seminars are being conducted and/or the guys are happily taking apart someones bus.
So.... in an effort to perhaps provide something that "the girls" would like to do at the next rally, I am willing to convince my wife to hold a yoga class if there is any interest.
She has been teaching yoga for several years and is the teacher here at the Outdoor Resorts at St. Lucie West in Florida.
If you feel that this would be of interest, just let me know....
Joe Cannarozzi
10-09-2007, 08:56 PM
I would like to bring this thread back to the comments by 5-O
I was once told by a wise old BOY who I loved dearly and unfortunately is no longer around that in any relationship in this life you have to compromise and be willing to kiss a little butt IF YOU WANT IT TO SUCCEED.
Really 5-O of all the people to raise question about I think you could have chosen a more deserving candidate than Jon to complain. Here is a boy who has posted about 2500 times and almost every one full of information. Even if he spoke literally regarding that what you disliked, although anyone who really has wanted to get to know him knows otherwise, that would leave his score about 99.9999.
You say you have been reading instead of posting??????????????????? Sorry but I did not come to that conclusion based on your comments.
You accused Jon of being old and out of touch. You have erroneously concluded that by his words he speaks for all. I am sure he is way to much a gentleman to straighten you out as most others here.
If there was ever a person that personifies a bus owner who more than exceeds every good personal attribute imaginable it's Jon.
IMHO anyone on this site that figures they are gonna join and never post, as you have described yourself, I would think probably wont be attending too many events anyway, children or not.
We have 2 grown children but 5 grandchildren and Jon, there was definitely no offence to your comments taken here.
10-09-2007, 09:10 PM
Oh 5-O ......tell us what you really think. Its OK Jon is really from NJ so his skin is pretty thick, he can take it.
Jon Wehrenberg
10-09-2007, 09:14 PM
I paid Joe to say that. Joe, thanks.
I wasn't offended and Five 0 did touch on an issue that we did discuss amongst a few of us in Branson. We need our rallies to be all inclusive and we lacked a good schedule for those not wishing to attend the mechanical seminars. If guys like Five 0 feel uncomfortable pointing out our flaws we can't improve.
Jump in Five 0 and definitely sign up for our rallies. BTW, all unattended children will be sold as slaves. Just kidding.
10-09-2007, 09:53 PM
1750mi NJ
Sounds good to us. We need a place to exercise our bikes. Wendy would volunteer to teach a ladies exercise class that she teaches at the local club if there is any interest.
10-09-2007, 10:04 PM
Just a hint....Jon starts turning red when he is getting mad. I noticed it while I was telling him somthing about his bus.
10-09-2007, 10:38 PM
This may not be even worth the 2 cents of paper but here goes.
I have been going to rallys for 30 years. I challenge anyone in this group to the # of rallys they have attended. I ave been to more rallys than most of you guys have had hot meals. I traveled for 20 years in a couple 26' GMCs. We used to have seminars that lasted 5 days with morning and afternoon sessions. You carried books to the seminars. No small beans. My wife and I had 7 ( that's SEVEN) and we went to a ton of them during the school season. Not all of the kids were honor students but they learned about the country we live in at the same time I did. They missed a bit of school and had the teachers give them lessons to keep up.
As for kids later in life. Well, it changes a bit and so I must sort of take the middle of the road on all children. Old guys get a little crotchety and have short tempers. there should be a school bus stop at the base of Jon's hill and drive and that would make him run for the school board. If they are rowdy, they must have their parents aware of their acts. Jim Skiff would be the perfect person to handle all the kids crap. Sorry Jim, but you are making the big bucks.
How about tying a rally into the Mango Airplane Bit in Wisconsin. It is in the summer and all can attend. It would be dry camping and Mango would be the Meistro and handle everything like a leader he is.
It may be worth less than Lewbucks but it is worth 2 cents. There are many facets of this discussion not even touched yet.
10-09-2007, 10:41 PM
Five O:
I am sorry that Jon's post was mis-interpreted as being out of touch. Fortunately Jon is probably more in touch than most folks I have encountered in the last 20 to 30 years. I do believe that if you have been lurking and reading previous post that the comments in Jon's post were harmless. But a guy that has worked hard, paid his taxes, paid his dues, is entitled to his opinion - just like you. Jon is one of most generous gentlemen you will have the pleasure of knowing on this forum. He will give of his time, energy, knowledge, experience, and just good ole plain common sense in an instant if called on.
I once heard that he flew his plane to pick up an orphan dog for a friend and his plane broke down and had to rent a car to drive home while dealing with dog flatulence for 500 or so miles. Now, imagine what would he do for a kid?
Sometime when you have an opportunity to sit down and talk with Jon, he can relate a campground story or two involving unsupervised children at play who mean no harm to a Prevost, but----No, I think Jon is in touch, and I for one am sorry that you have reached a wrong conclusion. Please reconsider and give us POG guys a chance to show you what we are really made of.
sign me
Father of three grown kids
and 4 brat grandkids that I love dearly but will leave them at home when I go to a rally
and one gran dog.:cool:
10-09-2007, 11:04 PM
Well after reading this flow of information, dialogue, pro's & cons, acussatory and defensive dialogue, all I can ad is welcome to POG. What a great site!
This is such an original group I know of no other place where each individuals personality rings so true and honest.
Five O, hang around a while and post often. Come to a Rally . Opinions are plentiful here and are very welcome.
Over time I have learned to not react to every Posting as tey are many and varied and I woulld never get off the computer. So, keep your powder dry and enjoy.
10-09-2007, 11:15 PM
This will be my final post regarding this matter. It amazes me how someone makes a comment and I give my opinion and then I am flamed for addressing what the gentleman said. Gentlemen, listen and read what you have responded to me with. First I have misunderstood, you say what Jon said, but its okay for you to interpret my meaning. Is that fair? I will tell you a little bit about me. We are on our 2nd bus. We have a 2008 Marathon XL. I am a District Attorney. In my profession, I look at what someone says. Now you claim I misunderstood; but I beg to differ. Look at the post. Mr. Jon fully expected that someone was going to have something to say about his post..note "Flame suit on". As far as these comments on "straightening me out", I merely made an observation about what was said. I certainly do not understand the "Jon is a great guy", "Jon is such a gentleman" post. I am sure he is. Like all of us Jon is a man also. As a man he made a comment. As a man I responded. I didnt know that backup was needed. Your accusations about me are unfounded. The Crumbsnatcher(forgot the name) says since I dont post much I probably wont attend a rally anyway. That a boy! Way to promote growth. Appreciate your encouraging words. Again, I will challenge you guys to look at a bigger picture. You want more members, you want more post. Is this the way a newcomer gets treated? Is this the way you encourage renewals? Is this the way you show your sponsors that you are open for guys who buy the new rigs? If you think your sponsors just want to contribute money for meals and rallies, you are wrong. They want a return on their money. They need to sell units. There has been a comment or two about the comment I made about being out of touch. Ask the converters about young families in their 40s with kids. Ask them what they are seeing. I know I visited 3 converters before settling on the Marathon. I visited Liberty. I visited Millennium Luxury Coaches. Each time I went including Marathon there were 40 somethings with kids. I was surprised. I was told by each one, that is a trend they are seeing more and more of. Their words are "the market is changing." No matter what is said, I assure you I will not post again on this subject, but hopefully one can have his say as a gentleman the same way Jon as a gentleman which has aptly been out had his. What I can tell you about me is that I dont need backup. When I say something I am man enough to stand behind it. Jon knew what he was saying might irritate some thus his "flame suit on" statement. But please dont attribute motive to me, if its not a two way street.
Joe Cannarozzi
10-10-2007, 01:38 AM
Please forgive me if I have made any incorrect assumptions.
Jon Wehrenberg
10-10-2007, 07:12 AM
We want you here. We want as many Prevost owners and those who have an interest in Prevost coaches because each person brings something to the table.
Lets move on past this dust up and stick with learning about our coaches, planning rallies, and insulting one another.
I don't know how many of the posts you have read, but when this group is not irritating one another (which we do because we can) we are alternately learning from one another and helping one another. We range from owners of new coaches to owners of older coaches and probably every converter. As a new coach owner your fall back position in a time of mechanical troubles is Prevost and your converter, but we are still a resource. POG members frequently are in communication by PMs, emails, or by phone. None of this is visible in the horseplay seen on the forum, but as a network we can help anyone with a need.
Since you have owned more than your current coach you can contribute because you are experienced. We hope you do.
I know you have a sense of humor because you are a lawyer. Let it out. In fact by us knowing you are a lawyer there are some out there who are breathing a sigh of relief because now there is potentially someone else to pick on. Watch out for JDUB.....he takes no prisoners and he is an equal opportunity ball breaker.
10-10-2007, 07:55 AM
Hey 5-0, do you know what looks good on a Lawyer?:D
Jon Wehrenberg
10-10-2007, 08:02 AM
This question coming from a guy that brings an inflatible doll to the rally?
The answer is: a Doberman.
10-10-2007, 08:51 AM
Five 0
Welcome to POG.
I joined and this site to learn more about my fleet and it that the learning has been invaluable. As an unexpected byproduct of that learning I actually met a lot of people with similiar interest here and MOST of them I like and consider friends. Which has been the real bonus of joining.
Each rally has been different with it's own flavor. I wouldn't even had thought of taking my girls to the Kerrville get together as I know they would've been bored to tears. However I'm really sorry I didn't yank them of out school last fall for Sante Fe and the Balloon festival in Albuquerque. It was truly awe inspiring and something you want to add to the "death list". I wish they had been there with us.
Since this is a group with no officers or even committee members, as you may have read if you have an idea it's yours to run with. If you have an idea for a kids/bus gathering, say at Frontierland at Disney, and want to start the ball rolling, I'll be one of the first guys to sign up.
The primary focus at these rallies has been bus knowledge, which I've been all in favor of. But with enough feedback from others I'm sure it can be tailored to any venue.
I wouldn't be too concerned about the converters involvement in POG, as to my limited knowledge they have sold quite a few busses to POG members and have been happy with the relationship.
Hope to meet you in the future.
10-10-2007, 08:58 AM
This question coming from a guy that brings an inflatible doll to the rally?
The answer is: a Doberman.
Jon, are you now picking on Dobermans?:D I know you had to put up with 500 miles of gas expulsion but I thought you were a forgiving kind of guy:p The pups send their best <g>
10-10-2007, 10:22 AM
You guys need to ease up on someone who has offered their very first posting. We were all new to this at one time.
So, enough of the lawyer jokes, already.
It's not fair!
After all, it's the 99% of lawyers that give the rest a bad name...
10-10-2007, 08:56 PM nice, this is the female half of Jello Jeep.
First of all, 5-0, welcome to the group and I hope that you find the guys in this group as great as they really are. All kidding, joking, fun poking, etc. aside, I think if any one of us was stuck anywhere in our bus and needed help, there would be an abundence of help. It is a great feeling!
The kid CA, and I am sure in other states, we have year-round school. It would be impossible to find a date for all to be happy with, but I think as many will show as they can; kids or not. If kids are a problem for some, maybe there could be a "bus with kids" area, adjacent to an "adult only area."
I love the idea of the yoga and/or excercise groups, I would definitely sign up. Maybe if "we" get the kids involved, show them via the internet where the next rally will be held and have them come up with ideas they would like for group activities? Since I do not have kids, other than Warren, I don't know if that is a viable idea.....but it might work.
10-10-2007, 10:33 PM
Hey! What's going on here? I leave you guys for a few days while I'm traveling and you bloody the nose of a district attorney. Where's your self preservation wandered off to.
The rally's to date have been centered on what has originally brought us all together in the first place, our collective ability to understand the mechanics of owning and operating a Prevost Conversion. No apoligies necessary for the very successful rally's we have had to date. There have been some seperate get togethers amongst members with similar interests such as bikes and planes. Other group meetings set in certain locals or involve summer vacation time with kids should be encouraged. However I favor staying with one main rally in the spring or fall that follows the formats of POG 1 through IV.
Shirley and I will be traveling to West Yellowstone in July of 08 with our Sons family in their motorhome and us in ours. We invite any Poggers with kids or grand kids to join us on the adventure.
Hang with us five-O the party has just begain.
10-10-2007, 10:43 PM
It has bothered me all day that after Five-O had said he is a district judge and a owner of a 08 bus most
of you have put your tails between your legs and went by the side of the road.
He has been reading for some time and has not even posted but waited to slam Jon on one comment
about kids. This is Prevost Owner Group not Prevost Prouds, he doesn't know not one of us a person,
but as a poster. He would have a entirely different view if he drove a older bus and used this site as it
was intendted, to help others. But a 08 he can call Marathon and get all the help he needs, he paid for it
with his purchase.
I just don't like the fact that someone with a law degree can change the attitude of some very nice
people, we are thinking that we all have to love everyone's kids like our own, even when they think a
time out is the same as a spanking. I have been around this next generation and I'm not impressed. His
kids are simply the best, would never bother someone else in a RV park.
POG is a place where we can post problems we have and get them fixed, plus have a laugh! Lets keep
it that way.
If you read his first post, you will read a lot of rude comments toward Jon, that just isn’t the way to do
a first post on a great site! I don’t care if he is a district judge, the owner of an 08 and a proud papa!
He needs to get a life, money and power don’t give you the right to push your way thru this life.
Ok I’m done.... just don’t like seeing someone with a new coach act like a big dog, we all put our pants
on the same way.
10-10-2007, 10:53 PM
What if we let the people who traveled the farthest distance to POG IV choose the next Rally site. Let's see , who was that anyway.
10-11-2007, 08:20 AM
Congratulations Gary....your our next rally man! Go for it! I think you said 1750 right! you made a great effort to get to had Kevin in there didn't you? ;)
10-11-2007, 10:28 AM
I am with you Dale, I had started to post on this yesterday, but couldn't think of how to do it with out using the word jacka$$.
If he needs his hundred bucks back, I will gladly cover it.
Thus far, we have all been able to say what we wanted for the most part, argue it out when necessary, and have a good time. I have only had the benefit of one rally, but have had hours of good fun and lots of information from the site, and met some class people, and of course Harry too.
I see no reason to change. Lets keep on doing what we do!!
Can I gen an AMEN! ? :confused: :D ;)
mike kerley
10-11-2007, 11:39 AM
Dale, you were dead on.
One great (or not so great) thing about the internet and this type of forum, we can be anything our imagination lets us be. We can own the world, be a rock star with a secret screen name and blah blah blah.
I call Shenanigans on 5-0.
It was Lew board out of his head.
Mike K
10-11-2007, 11:51 AM
I would agree with you Mike except Lew would of had to pay another $100 to have the name of Five-O and I know he wouldn't do that! ;)
10-11-2007, 03:10 PM
like jello, i too started to respond to this but decided to abstain. not because of 5-O's position, but just because it seemed kinda banal.
but since you bring it up, i have a couple comments. first, one of the most significant characteristics of this group, like the biker crowd, is nobody cares or wants to know stuff like the size of one's house, someone's salary/net worth, kind of car (unless it's relevant to bus biz), and particularly one's occupation. if, at a personal level, you want to discuss this kind of info with some one else, thats ok, but to flaunt your credentials in a public place like the forum is just plain crass.
perhaps i don't speak for everyone here (maybe some people really do care about that stuff), but i have gotten the feeling from others that they are of similar mind.
as has been mentioned in several posts, the primary purpose of this forum and POG is to share technical and travel related info. i wouldn't think very many with an '08 marathon (or '08 anything) is interested in fixing or understanding bus systems, tho i will admit if i tooled around in an '08 something, i would still be plumbing around in the books and systems. having said that, i think we should welcome (well behaved) individuals irrespective of their status, but i think we have an equal responsibility to chastise bozos who don't have enough self assurance and/or common sense to keep that kind of information to themselves.
dale, thanks for speaking up on this issue. i will happily contribute to the refund fund. his comments were certainly not "opposing view" or jest.
BTW, i think he's a district attorney, not a judge. hmmm... how does a public servant afford an '08 bus, anyway??? :)
jj- here's your AMEN. now - where's MY asbestos suit?
10-11-2007, 05:52 PM
A big AMEN on that brother Bill!
10-11-2007, 07:31 PM
I gotta agree with you guys. As a newbie myself, I tend to to more "listening" than "talking", figuring that's how to learn.
That being said, the post from Five-0 did have the feeling of someone lurking in the shadows and then ambushing someone. Not my idea of a class act.
In my former career, I was often dealing either with attorneys or someone who was threatening to retain one. Got to the point where I would remind them that I was neither impressed nor intimidated by the title. I don't really care about titles, status, personal wealth or lack thereof,or anything else. I only care about how I treat folks and how they treat me. I'm fortunate enough to have retired (at the age of 51, in case that impresses anyone) and can now enjoy the company of only those that I care to share my time and energy with.
Anyway, lets not beat this issue to death any longer. There are much more meaningful and enjoyable pursuits to, well, pursue!
Personally, I'm looking forward to attending the next rally irregardless of the location/time/children status/etc.
Focus on positive events...and forget the crap! Life's too short....
10-11-2007, 09:16 PM
I personally think that Five-O paid his 100 bucks and can present his 2 cents worth anytime. However, I don't believe a word of his ramblings. It just sounds like regular old bullshit to me. I seriously doubt if this dude is a DA or if he has an 2008 Maraton XL11. His sentence structure, grammar, agreement between nouns and verbs is really weak as are his arguments. These posts are not from a lawyer who uses logic and writes and argues for for a living. This guy is just pulling the chain because he can! That being said, maybe his a real lawyer. Who knows and who cares. That's what my 100 bucks entitles me to.
John Knollmaier
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