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View Full Version : Anyone else a 1000 Trails member?

Ray Davis
10-01-2007, 08:32 PM
Many, many years ago I purchased a Thousand Trails / NACO membership. We used it for several years while the kids were small, and my RV was much smaller too.

Part of the incentive at the time was that I could "retire into the system" at some point, and basically go full-time around the country living for about $400 per year in parking fees.

Well, I've only tried a couple of 1000 Trails campgrounds since getting a bus, and things were not quite perfect. The couple of places I found seemed to not cater to big rigs, and were generally way off the main highways, sometimes 40-50 files down a very small 1-2 lane road.

I haven't visited any of the 1000 trails on the east coast, or in the upper west coast (Washington area), and was wondering if we have any other 1000 Trails members in POG? If so, which campgrounds do you find to be friendly to our buses?

I'm debating whether or not I should try to sell the membership. It runs me between $400 and $500 per year, so it's pretty expensive camping when you don't use it. But, ultimately, if I were able to "retire into the system", it would be a cheap way to move around.


10-01-2007, 10:04 PM
I am a member and have used the ones in VA, Orlando, FL, Hershey, PA and NC. They have been more than adequate.

10-01-2007, 10:22 PM

I thought at one time about purchasing a campground membership, but I decided against it. I started checking into monthly rates at really nice campgrounds and found that they weren't high at all.

Buckhorn for instance, is about $460/month plus utilities and Seibt RV in Parumph, NV is about $489/month, Tiger Run in Breckenridge is around $1164/month, and Indio is $1600/month. These are all first class RV resorts. True the last two are pricey but the first two are really bargins, IMO.

The advantage/disadvantage (depending on your perspective) here is that you are staying for a month in one place but you don't have to maintain a membership. No initial cost going in, no yearly fees, and nothing to sell plus you pick the finest RV resorts in the country not some marginal CG! Win-Win.:)

IMO, monthly rates are the only way to go for a full timer.

I dream about full timing but Louise wouldn't go for it!

Again, you get what you pay for!:D

Just my .02

10-02-2007, 08:41 PM
Hey Tuga, how long ago did you and Karen stay at Seibt? Harry and I submitted this resort to Jim Skiff for the POG V rally in May. It really looks great and the people I talked to there have been very pleasant. Hopefully, with your endorsement, we will have a big turnout for this west coast meeting. We have stayed at Outdoor Resorts in Indio and LV and I think Seibt is much nicer and has more amenities. Please give us your impression of the resort and the area.

Thanks, Darl
(sadly missing out on Branson):(

10-02-2007, 09:11 PM

Sorry to say that we have never been to Seibt RV resort. I was just quoting the monthly rates as an example.

I would like to attend POG @ Sebit RV in May 2008. It looks like a great place for a POG rally. We also have never been to Indio ORA, but we are planning a trip this winter. It to looks very nice.

10-03-2007, 07:30 PM
Hi Tuga,
Jean and I as well as ken and Janet are planning a long weekend in Indio November 30 to December 3...FYI..to Tuga and all other POGGERS...join us at the old one...there are 2 right across from each other.

Ray Davis
10-03-2007, 08:38 PM
Mike, you got a phone # for reservations? What days exactly are you planning on driving and being there? Might be a chance to use the new coach?


10-03-2007, 08:50 PM

Thanks for the invitation, but we will be in DisneyWorld Nov. 18th thru 25th arrriving back home (Houma, LA) on the 26th. A trip to Indio would be wonderful, but I feel that it would be a little too much to turn around and go to Indio after the Florida trip.

We would love to meet up with you guys, maybe next time.:(

Have fun!