View Full Version : The Branson Big Deal Thread
Just Plain Jeff
09-26-2007, 12:42 PM
For those of you who may have tuned into this site since, say May of 06, I may be able to save you a great deal of time.
Y'see, none of the parties on this board had actually met before POG I, and actually proposed to stay in their coaches at the rally for fear that they may not like each other.
Ultimately, we were in fact able to get them out of their coaches, timid souls that that were at that time. Now, sitting comfortably before their computers, they are using whatever little testosterone they have left in their systems to challenge other members, probing for weaknesses to pounce upon. Some have even bought new campers to show their prowess amongst the other members. These folks have become the Raptors.
Then there are the Raptor Prey, and I must admit that I am among that group, not even owning a bus at this moment. And the individual often referred to as resinmobileman, plasticman, etc. Perhaps there are those amongst us who have not taken the Secret Handshake recently, so we will have to simply be Prevost enthusiasts and there is certainly nothing wrong with we have all been Prevost enthusiasts at one time or another.
So what you are seeing amongst the many posts is the screeching of the Prevost Raptors, seeking out their prey just before the beginning of POG IV. This is normal behavior and don't be surprised by it.
By the end of the rally, much may be revealed as to the true nature of many things.
The prize will undoubtedly go to the person who has the courage to be the first person up to do Karaoke.
Now that takes guts.
09-26-2007, 02:43 PM
Rumor has it that Tuga is ready for any Raptor attack.
Let the games begin.
09-26-2007, 02:49 PM
For the NOOB's, a recap of POG I.
Jerry Winchester
09-26-2007, 02:58 PM
When you read the post above, realize that JPJ has been to exactly one (1) rally, the first one. And it was a lot like what happens when a bunch of stray dogs get together; lots of butt sniffing going on.
Things have obviously changed in his absence at P2 and P3, so I'll try not to pull the wings off a fly; the height of low testosterone has to be engaging in Karaoke and JPJ must be the father of this thing because he has tried, unsuccessfully, to get several of us to bite on this simple top water lure he keeps jigging around.
I think the Krakman has a bunk for you in the PlastiKrakster......
And I think before most anyone at P1 even arrived, Jon and I had my awning torn apart and fixed, so I don't think we wasted much time hiding out. At least until Jon went to bed at 6pm.
For the POG Rally newbies; bring your sense of humor because we are going to have some fun at somebody's expense. And yes, MM and I get our share of abuse from the wannabe crowd.
09-26-2007, 03:08 PM
For the NOOB's, a recap of POG I.
I remember when we took this picture--we were standing in Ben's parking spot asking "WHERE'S BEN????????" Great time, truly a great time. Wish we could be with ya'll next week.......see you in April though!!
09-26-2007, 03:19 PM
Sounds like you folks are in for a great time! Wish that we could be there, especially since we've just been newly anointed with the stainless sword...
However, it just isn't going to happen for us this time around. Hopefully, we'll be in attendance in the spring... if I can get Lew to escort us in...
Travel safe, post plenty of pics and have a great time!
By the way... was that an M60??? used to drive one of those a LONG time ago..
09-26-2007, 03:28 PM
We'll miss you, gear up for POG V.
The tank is actual size known as a Paintball Panzer, used in competition. Man would I like to bring one of those to POG IV.
Details here:
09-26-2007, 06:21 PM
Is that a Newell tank? Where is the reverse? I know that I can back it up if I can just find the R button. Are those Double Coin tracks?
Sorry to say that we won't be able to make POG IV; we have a WEDDING that we have to attend. Oh, happy day! I can't wait to go thru that crap!
Wish we were going to be there; I am going to miss you guys.:(
Gary S, take lots of pictures so I will know what I am missing.
Truk, I wish you luck with the dynamic duo; I'm sure that they have something special planned for the plasticmobile. If there was just a way to camouflage it so that it would look like a Prevost; try to come up with something! Aluminum foil and double sided scotch tape maybe.:eek:
09-26-2007, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the false feeling of security for all of us wanabee's. However, please don't make me cry or hurt my feelings, I still have the Krieghoffs. How do you load one of these?
09-26-2007, 10:20 PM
For the NOOB's, a recap of POG I.
Man . . . what a great time POG I was. Of course, we missed II, but Kerrville was a blast! We were all set for Branson . . . I even have the supplies all set for the "ladies craft session" - and such fun we were to have . . .
operative word: were. We have been held up in Ohio and will not make it to Branson. I can't believe it! Bill says for me to come ahead and get a cabin! Probably not going to happen. In fact, Skiffer says he will be making pot holdlers with the ladies. WHAT???? Potholders????? Er . . . I can promise the ladies session in TN ( we WILL be there) in April will make up for it!!!!!
Have a great time all, we will be there in spirit. Take lots of pics and post them fast.
Miss you all!
Jody (and Bill)
09-26-2007, 10:31 PM
When you read the post above, realize that JPJ has been to exactly one (1) rally, the first one. And it was a lot like what happens when a bunch of stray dogs get together; lots of butt sniffing going on.
sorry, jbub - jpj also made a solo appearance at POG II.5 at the great outdoors in titusville (A1 + di, lewpop + kathy, mike + karen, micki + roger out and your unknowing hosts - us) for the mini rally last jan.
no helen but he had the new, now missing, coach. it was nice . . . but sparce!!!!!
does any of this even count?!?!?!
jody & bill
Jerry Winchester
09-26-2007, 10:46 PM
If you have to ask..........
09-26-2007, 11:26 PM
Bummer about you and Bill. But the good news is all the gang from POG I can gather around, have a few libations and make up stories about you and Bill. ;)
09-27-2007, 08:24 AM
Bummer about you and Bill. But the good news is all the gang from POG I can gather around, have a few libations and make up stories about you and Bill. ;)
jodi, too bad about you and bill not making it to Branson......lucky for me because now I get to attend your class in April in TN!! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Just Plain Jeff
09-27-2007, 08:45 AM
Well, at this moment all I can offer is the Astro van driving down the roadway, but you never know, huh?
This rally will be in serious need of adult supervision with Jody gone. Thank goodness her dad will be there:
Oooops. Maybe we are in worse trouble than we thought.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-27-2007, 01:32 PM
Gary S, take lots of pictures so I will know what I am missing.
Well I am SORRY to say that Peg and I will not be able to Attend POG IV, so someone else will have to be responsible for taking pictures and posting so anyone else not there, can enjoy the event. :(
However, we did give JDUB something to share with everybody at "THE LAST SUPPER", just to show our support of the Event. Hope everyone enjoys their time together, we wish we could have been there. :)
Gary S.
09-27-2007, 02:50 PM
We cannot make P4 either, but our thoughts will be there with all the good practical joking to be had!
I know jdub placed an order for 25 cases of shaving cream... Not sure whats up with that, or who would have enough bay space to transport it .. Maybe someone with an H3 ? ?? hmmmm.....
09-27-2007, 08:01 PM
However[/B], we did give JDUB something to share with everybody at "THE LAST SUPPER", just to show our support of the Event. Hope everyone enjoys their time together, we wish we could have been there. :)
Gary S.
well, we also have something to share . . . are sending it ahead but not sure we should trust it to just anybody . . . teeee heeeee.
wish we were there.
how about one of you with the new billion dollar cameras and lenses to keep us all updated?????
Jim Skiff
12-05-2007, 10:45 AM
Branson attendees will be getting their JON WEHRENBERG designed
T-shirts this week in the mail. Thank you Jon for taking the time to create a create logo! :)
12-05-2007, 01:22 PM
So does that mean they have to be starched, ironed, neatly put on hangers and require a bib in the event of a Taco frenzy?;)
12-05-2007, 01:37 PM
The t-shirt King
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