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09-08-2007, 09:20 AM
headed up I 85 north from southern Ga? Bob and I have adopted a new dobe pup from a Rescue in Tallahassee and I am trying to schedule transport to get this sweet boy to the farm. His owner was deployed to Iraq and he could not afford to board him so he gave them to another military family. That family was then transferred and were unable to take him so they surrended him to a very good Rescue that I work with in Florida. Just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask here if anyone would consider, or knows of someone, who might help out with transport? Here is a pic of our new "son" :D His foster parents say he is the sweetest thing and loves all people, kids, dogs, cats. I just hope he likes horses as well!

Joe Cannarozzi
09-08-2007, 10:03 AM
Would the original owner like him back when he gets home?

09-08-2007, 10:34 AM
Would the original owner like him back when he gets home?

Joe, to my knowledge, no.....once a dog is reliquished to an approved Rescue it becomes theirs and the owners know this going in. Which is why I have the utmost respect and compassion for owners who will do this rather then just "dumping" their dog. Sadly, I do not have the history of his original owner or even that he did return or how he returned. To me, the biggest gift an owner can give their pet, if they are no longer able to care for them for any reason, is to let them go, in one way or another, in the kindest fashion possible.

I have been working with Special Needs Dobermans , www.doberman911.org for several years now as a case worker. We manage the cases and raise medical funds for dobes in need. If you go there and read about one of my cases, Cara, you will understand exactly what I am saying about making the right choice for your pet......I wish the owners would never have to face these choices but with this war, there have been countless pets lost in the system as well as our servicemen and women. I would love for his original owner to have him back but since that is not possible, at least "Razor" has a second chance.....

Joe Cannarozzi
09-08-2007, 10:58 AM

I was thinking that it might be a good gesture if possible.

My older sister also is very involved with a Lab rescue in Chicago.

This little mongrel thinks I exist just to be his pillow.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-08-2007, 01:31 PM

Would he like a plane ride?

It's gotta be tomorrow or Wednesday at the earliest.

09-08-2007, 01:41 PM

Would he like a plane ride?

It's gotta be tomorrow or Wednesday at the earliest.

oh my gosh, are you serious Jon??????? That would be AWESOME! The day doesn't matter, just call me 864-895-5234 and we can talk about it.....Does this mean I have to fly with you or maybe Bob can go?? balk balk balk, you know I am a chicken to fly but for my pup I would muster up the courage if I had too:D


09-10-2007, 08:29 AM
oh my gosh, are you serious Jon??????? That would be AWESOME!

UPDATE: our new rescue doberman, "Razor" is finally home and what a big gentle giant he is! Jon picked Bob up at our Greenville/Spartanburg airport and away the two of them went. The trip got a little longer after they arrived in Tallahassee, I'll let Jon fill you in on that part since he knows pilot and engine "speak".

I know we kid around and tease each other on this list, all in good fun, but I have to say in my opinion, we all need to count our blessings for the true friendships we have made via POG......

THANK YOU JON, for helping us save Razor, ;)YOU'RE THE BEST!

09-10-2007, 09:22 AM
Churchill would like to arrange a play date.

09-10-2007, 09:29 AM

Great looking Dobie, our female is 12 years old and her days are numbered due to rear muscle loss and we just can't imagine being without her! So glad you did the rescue....

Ray Davis
09-10-2007, 11:31 AM
Now, just being privy to this is worth the $100 of POG!

Jon, you are "THE MAN"!!! :D:D


Jon Wehrenberg
09-10-2007, 11:56 AM
As Paul Harvey says...The rest of the story.....

The flight to pick up Bob and then on to Tallahassee was flawless. The skies were clear and smooth. It was about 45 minutes to Bob's airport and about an hour and 50 minutes to TLH. The dog was waiting and he is a beauty. Big, but very laid back and gentle.

When we got ready to go he climbed in the back and was deciding whether to sleep on the back seat or his rug on the floor.

When I started the plane I didn't get my alternator on line. Turns out it locked up. It only had 150 hours on it so it must have not been a good one.

So we prevailed upon Mr. Hertz to provide a car, and with Bob as pilot in command we brought Razor to his new home.

Razor or Bob farts.


09-10-2007, 12:18 PM
Jon, you are a real great person! I know how you help all of us helpless POGers but to go out of your way for this poor Dobbie is outstanding. Oh, I envy your AC. I always wanted a 210T or the pressurized 210 but ended up with a Cherokee Archer II, N8133C. Now I have an XLII. Not exactly the same and definitely not pressurized. Have a great day!

Jerry Winchester
09-10-2007, 12:42 PM
Churchill would like to arrange a play date.

We've called the Texas Air National Guard to see if they had a C-130 available. Deb, Loc will send a trailer full of Ol' Roy as well.

09-10-2007, 12:51 PM
Razor or Bob farts? Are you sure JDUB wasn't in the back seat? He has been moving around a lot lately, Memphis, Texas, Oklahoma, he could have been in Florida too. :eek:

Jon Wehrenberg
09-10-2007, 01:25 PM
I checked. He wasn't there. Razor laid claim to the WHOLE back seat. When I asked about the odor, Bob blamed the dog, but that is what we do in our house. In defense of Bob, I think it was Razor.

JDUB is blameless on this one.


I've had that P210 for almost 21 years and this is the first time a mechanical problem prevented me from bringing it home. The worst part of it is that the alternator was brand new from Mr. Cessna (150 hours ago) so I would be assured of getting a good one.

Jerry Winchester
09-10-2007, 02:21 PM
Didn't we have a similar posting last year concerning the pressurized fart can and the backflow valves? Seems every time you fly with a POG person, the flatulence issue comes up.

Atlanta Center - Centurion 732 Juliet Bravo copy you are departing Tango Lima Hotel.

C732JB - Negative center, I said we have a dog farting and the alternator is inop, so we need an expedited landing.

Atlanta Center - Roger 732 Juliet Bravo, copy farting not departing. Deviate as necessary.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-10-2007, 03:08 PM
Mr. Taco man....I was being kind to you and this is how you repay my kindness (which should not be seen as a sign of weakness)?

This episode occurred in a car, which according to the owner's manual was a non-pressurized, normally aspirated version. Kind of like a V tail doctor killer, you know...basic transportation.

However, lacking sufficient instrumentation to verify this, it is possible that at the time of said anal eruptions there may have been temporary uncontrolled pressurization issues within said car especially when the environmental control system was in recirculate mode.

The conversations probably went like this. "Gawja State Patrol 101, didja awl see the cloud coming from that car?" "Bubba Ah shure did. Do you think we out to light em up and pull those two yankees ovah and see if they have a meth lab or sumthin?" "Hey 101, forget it....them boys got themselves a big dawg in there. Ah don't know iffn its a Gawja Bulldog, but I'll bet theys one of us. Lets stick to looking fer New Yawkers."

Last time I checked Atlanta center radar coverage isn't that good down low.

09-10-2007, 06:49 PM
We've called the Texas Air National Guard to see if they had a C-130 available. Deb, Loc will send a trailer full of Ol' Roy as well.

LOC, don't listen to JDUB--just ask Jon to pick Churchill up and fly him to the farm for a playdate with Razor and the gang.

FYI, Razor has not farted all day today and Bob was at work, so????:D

Jon Wehrenberg
09-10-2007, 06:52 PM
Deb, Bob's gonna get you for that one. Good one. You have a twisted mind. I like that in a gal.

09-10-2007, 08:06 PM
It is sad to think that Tacoboy has to take out his frustrations on the Wonderbeagle. He is just feeling frustrated because he thought he would have the bad boy bus in the oklahoma a&m (oops I mean state:eek:) rv lot (better known as the slim pickens cowpasture or is that boone) this weekend when the cowpokes played the nationally known killer owls of FAU. Instead the Deuce looked like a second class citizen when the 2007 H3 triple slide Marathon pulled in and showed the Tacoboy what real money looks like. I am guessing that there will be no flatulence in the DUB-mansion this week or next after the H3 took the wind out of his sails. As since he knows that Rae will kick his arse if he starts trying to take it out on the family he resorts to picking on the loyal and kind Wonderbeagle. Its okay Jerry, Churchill says to paws and take a deep breath - he knows it can be ruff. :D

09-10-2007, 08:09 PM
Truk - can I get an amen.