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View Full Version : Ok, fess up, cop to it now! How many folks hot swap drivers??

08-28-2007, 10:32 AM
Come on, let the truth be known, how many of ya'll hot swap drivers?

This would be the practice of changing drivers, while in motion and without stopping, ie ... "gee I need to use the head, dear... take over for a bit" and sliding out from under the wheel and letting your partner slide in.

I KNOW some of ya'll do it.. :p:):o

Jon Wehrenberg
08-28-2007, 12:06 PM
Not ever. Under any circumstances. No matter who, where or when.

08-28-2007, 01:42 PM
Ok, I fess up, my wife and I have done this many times...

Oops, never mind - thought I was on Harley Tech Talk.

08-28-2007, 02:03 PM
Well, yes, when we were younger and always in a hurry to get home we would swap drivers in motion. Seat back, cruise set at 55 or so, driver stands up still controlling the wheel until new driver says"now." Never in traffic or on two lane roads but we have done it lots of times and never had a scare. The last time I started to swap while moving I just thought what the heck, we're in no hurry, I don't mind stopping and it really is a dumb thing to do just cause you can and have done it so many times before. So, my answer is, yes we used to do it but not any more. And, if I saw one of our kids doing it I would give um hell and deny that they had seen me do it when they were young.

08-28-2007, 02:13 PM
Never have. Unless the Wonder Beagle learns to drive probably never will. The bride has no interest in driving the bus.

08-28-2007, 03:13 PM
We do it and have been for 12 years. We follow the same routine everytime. We get in the right lane, wait for traffic to clear, come off of cruise control, slow down, then I move out and stand up; then the other driver (usually Louise) sits in the seat. Never had an incident. YET!

08-28-2007, 05:25 PM
Never in the bus. My wife does not want to drive anyway. GPS tells you where the stops are. Who is in that much hurry?

But, in the boat, we do it all the time, heck, nobody needs to drive at all, the autopilot does that. You can go make a sandwich even! OK, sure, it is only moving at 10 mph.

Life is short, do what is the most fun first!

Jerry Winchester
08-28-2007, 06:42 PM
I swapped with MangoMike in the Bonanza. Does that count?

I don't think it is a relevant answer unless you have another driver in the bus with you and Loc can't do it because if he had to hit the brakes hard, the Wonder Beagle becomes a lethal projectile and upon exiting the front of the bus could enter the car in front and depending on his mass for the day, could exit said car and possibly enter yet another car before coming to rest and looking for a meal.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-28-2007, 07:18 PM
Okay, Winchester.....this is a family forum and upon re-reading what you wrote I think you might wish to further clarify what you meant.

I swapped with MangoMike in the Bonanza. Does that count?

08-28-2007, 07:44 PM
It's not the swap that is the problem, it's what you hesitate and do during the swap that may be dangerous. (heh heh)
I hope the insurance carriers don't read this. We pay too much now for insurance.
Don't worry Jeep your brain will finally fully develop and you won't do this dumb stuff anymore.
Tuga, I'm shocked your old enough to know better.
Shirley says "driving the bus is not my yob"

08-28-2007, 07:51 PM
I'm not even going to comment due to the fact I'll be in deep do do!:rolleyes:

Seat swap... yep.... for a pee break under deserted conditions out west...

Big Red making smoke

Some of the ones who say they haven't done it have no stones!

08-28-2007, 07:53 PM
I got to say it.... They were above 5,280' AGL in the doctor killer.:D

Jerry Winchester
08-28-2007, 08:06 PM
No swap photos in the PlastiKrakster?

And what about that small, shakey voice that came over the CB out on I-10........ "Duuude, the Trukman has to pee...." Doesn't sound like the voice of the hot swapper to me.

What's that about stones?

Just Plain Jeff
08-28-2007, 08:09 PM
Hey guys, welcome to the Mile High Club!

08-28-2007, 09:39 PM
I didn't say we did it, you sandwich head~! Kelly is not checked out in type, and it is especially cumbersome getting in and out of the cockpit with the little console in the way on my Marathon, I don't think its too bright an idea. But whatever works for ya'll.

Don't worry Jeep your brain will finally fully develop and you won't do this dumb stuff anymore.

08-28-2007, 09:46 PM
Okay....As soon as you bring up the "stones" thing everyone is running out the back door.

I have never done it and never will. BET MY STONES WILL LIVE LONGER THAN YOURS.

Jeff Bayley
08-29-2007, 02:27 AM
I do this on a daily basis. If your bus tracks stright and your quick on your feet, you can practically make it to the fidge and back with nobdy at the wheel. Have not tried that yet but if I do I'll get it on video and post it somewher. I've let go of the wheel completley and observed the bus track for at least 20 seoncs straight as an arrow.

So a hot swap (for my demented mind) is like a no brainer. Done it hundreds of times.

But heh, if it bothers someone, no big deal to get off at an exit and swap.

Opinions vary. I wish I could say I love the addreline rush but get more of that kind of rush from the head that the hot swap.

08-29-2007, 07:16 AM
How ya been Jeff? Good to hear from ya!

We already knew you were adventurous. We had already put you on hot swapping, even when traveling solo :)

Any more good parking at the Wilshire stories??

08-29-2007, 09:06 AM
I would have bet my life savings that Bayley hot swapped drivers!

Go Jeff, you're the man:D

08-29-2007, 10:26 AM
Jello: When did you start usin y'all? Something you picked up in Kerrville or is this the new So. Cal. thing. The cockpit on your bus is not too tight, your table muscels are using all the room. See you in Branson hold out.

Joe Cannarozzi
08-29-2007, 05:53 PM
There is a piece of US-27 in the Florida panhandle headed East out of Tallahassee. From there to where it and 19 split is so flat and straight that the road disappears into the horizon in both the windshield and the mirrors simultaneously for better than an hour straight.......................................... .............

Nice piece of asphalt, cuts off some miles from Tallahassee and Ocala verses I-10 to I-75. NOBODY OUT THERE. Don't wana have a problem there though.

Got a Wal-Mart too:D I digress.

08-29-2007, 06:11 PM
Ok Harry, now that you have woken me up, I have to ask....

What is it you are doing to that poor turkey in your avtar ?? Hmm?? Tell us all!! ;) :D ;)

Jello: When did you start usin y'all? Something you picked up in Kerrville or is this the new So. Cal. thing. The cockpit on your bus is not too tight, your table muscels are using all the room. See you in Branson hold out.

08-29-2007, 09:58 PM
Mr Bayley should certainly know how to fix up a pulley arrangement so he could go take a leak and get a beer. He's tried nearly everything else.

When you're ready to take a leak, don't pull the wrong string.

08-30-2007, 11:18 AM
Jeep: He never knew what hit him and he tasted real yummy. Beyond that you can let your own sorted mind dream on.