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View Full Version : New POG owner getting close to purchase

08-15-2007, 10:06 PM
Someone who I introduced to POG is on the verge of purchasing a 2000 Marathon.

I won't "out" him because I have a lot of respect for he and his lovely bride.

He reads POG quite often and has learned a lot, but never posts anything.

The strange thing about this is I seem to be more excited than anyone. I'm sure they are excited and hope they get a good one.

No pics yet. A new trade-in.

08-17-2007, 02:14 PM
Hey Lew, mums the word!! Thanks for all your support. No posts from me 'cause I've never learned anything by talkin'...only by listening.

Besides, I've been far too busy searching under the sofa cushions and collecting the spare change found around the laundromat to see if I can make a down payment. If only I had the Lewbucks......what are aluminum cans worth these days??

Anyway, we still have a LOT of hurdles to get past, but we are certainly hopeful/excited/anxious. And, so far, it looks pretty good.

Soon as I get pix....you get pix...

08-18-2007, 02:04 PM
Cool - I am jealous.:)

08-18-2007, 08:06 PM
Gor for it!!! A 2k Marathon sounds great!!! And welcome aboard!!

(See this Truk, ambitious new guys BUYING Marathons!!! Not shedding good ones!!! :) woop woop woop ! :D

08-18-2007, 08:27 PM
Thanks so much for the warm welcome. Luckily for me, you don't have to actually OWN a Prevost to join.... all ya really need is a computer and 1 Lewbuck.

The coach in question is Marathon #0611 that we're hoping to look at soon. After 2 years of hoping/searching/saving/dreaming and, most importantly, waiting for our property to FINALLY sell, this bus looks real promising. If anybody knows this coach, your comments would be greatly appreciated.


08-18-2007, 09:25 PM
Hey..Just Plain Woodworker... What is with this ambiguious post about a Marathon recall and then go on to really say nothing. If I were about to purchase a coach and there was a recall, well, can you explain on what you were getting at and give us the whole story. Yes, I'm begging for my buddy.

Paul...A lewbuck is not worth a hundred bucks.

Just Plain Jeff
08-19-2007, 07:08 AM
Not to worry Lew. They publicly deny it, but it affects model years 99-03 I guess. They're still working out the details.

I think the surgeons were wrong: You are have the biggest and best heart of anyone I've ever met. Get yourself up to 100% as South Beach in FL is waiting for the Lewster!

08-19-2007, 09:03 AM
Hey Lew, it Just Plain Woodwacker, not worker.:D

08-20-2007, 04:50 PM
Apparently, NO DEAL!! We were just informed about an hour ago that the owner of Marathon 0611 has backed out of the deal.

So we're left holding the bag and broken hearted.......

I can't even begin to describe how disappointed we are....

Sorry Lew, guess there won't be any pictures after all...

Just Plain Jeff
08-20-2007, 04:59 PM
Probably wasn't meant to be. You know there will be another one that is better!

It's usually a good idea to take some time in looking around to find the Eureka! coach. Kind of like dating (if I can remember that far back), you'll know the right one when you see it.

Of course, resinmobileman will see the coming of a new Ice Age before he opens the Mason Jar down in Dueling Banjo Land. He still looks at quarters to try to find the ones without copper in the middle.

Be of good cheer!

Jon Wehrenberg
08-20-2007, 06:48 PM
Sometimes the best deal of all is the one you do not make.

Now you have a benchmark and more knowledge than you had before. Nothing but good can come of this.

08-20-2007, 08:36 PM
Hang in there Paul, the right one will come around in short order. Look how much you've learned in the search.;)

Ah, excuse me Mr. Woodwacker, the Plastic Truckster will hopefully be going down the road as soon as the WOW bus falls into my sights. I, on the other hand, will still be enjoying the RV'ing experience while searching for the perfecto bus, unlike you hugging trees, kissing lobsters and wishing you had some stainless in the driveway.:p Get another bus, your worrying me!:rolleyes:

08-20-2007, 10:01 PM

I recall you saying you were heading for PSL so you could be ready for a call or at least be near San Antonio and Stuart. I think you have to listen to some of the guys that have the Stuart busses. They are sooooo stuck on themselves they can't see the trees thru the forrest. Everyone should pay 20% more for a Liberty and you can brag and brag and soon forget you are doing it. They are a strange breed and you will be sure to pick up on their crap. Elegant Lady, Whorehouse Lady, Place Pigalle Lady. They go on and on and the glitzie lights inside have got them wackie.

Sorry for your disapointment and on your way to PSL stop over at San Ant and maybe the "eureka" coach is there.

Damn, you know I was almost as excited as you guys and we're still out there rooting for ya.


08-21-2007, 12:24 AM
Hi Paul. It happens. I had it happen to me as well. But, it opened up the opportunity to purchase my Liberty. Your Prevost is out there.

Jon Wehrenberg
08-21-2007, 04:50 PM
Lew I am glad to see you are on a speedy road to recovery. Nobody that is sick can possibly be as grumpy as you. I love it.

08-22-2007, 03:52 PM
Lew, just so you know, my FIRST love was a '97 Liberty Elegant Lady. This bus will forever hold a special place in my heart.

In fact, I STILL have pictures of that coach on my computer. Lost out on that one more than 2 years ago......

But that was then, this is now.....

Joe Cannarozzi
08-24-2007, 05:20 PM
Found a few really nice older units. Check um out if anyone is interested.


stock#s A Marathon #1306, A Liberty #1319 and a Royal #1342 with only 50000 original miles garage kept with new tires.

08-24-2007, 07:06 PM
Hey Joe: Knock it off! There are a few of us two bus owners trying to become one bus owners. Give us a beak, we have enough competition.
Interesting site though.

Joe Cannarozzi
08-24-2007, 10:52 PM
I didn't think that this stuff we are familiar with and sharing is in competition with what you folks are are trying to sell. Not my intention at all to step on anybody's feet.:o

Ya gotta admit those are 3 clean old campers.

08-25-2007, 08:39 AM
That's OK Joe, I was just kidding. Anyone looking for a coach should check them all out.

08-25-2007, 10:13 PM
Mr Harry,

I'm trying to make out what your avitar is showing. I know you are pretty good with a Winchester (not the JDUB type) so it must be your catch.

It reminds me of the story about someone saying that it was a nice picture of the donkey. And you said it was a turkey and I came back and said I was talking to the turkey.

How's that, Mr Hoppe?


08-26-2007, 10:50 AM
Not Bad Lewster! One of my annual vice's is spending the month of April with my Son and some other turkeys in our turkey camp near Red Bluff CA. It's springtime in all of it's glory. The tramping up and down in the hills is good for me and on ocasion I out smart a gobbler. Last spring I traveled with a group of turkey's to Kerrvile TX and met a larger group of turkey's. The biggest one was driving a 90 Marathon XL, 06 Vue. Good to see you acting frisky Lew, any chance we'll see you in Branson?

08-26-2007, 09:56 PM
Harry the Turkeyman

I might sound as though I am as spry as can be, but the truth be known I am not recovering as quickly as I thought I would. I'm waiting to start Cardiac Physical Therepy this next week so I may progress the way I should.

Thanks for asking. By the way, what's the donkeys name? Oh cripes, I forgot, It's Harry hoppe.

As for Branson, been there at that campground (sucks) and If I do progress well I will be on the way to Florida when you bullsh** ers get there. Have fun.

Bye the way, how are coach sales in your family. Let's get busy.


08-30-2007, 08:26 AM
Having returned to Florida, we have made the customary rounds visiting the usual suspects and it looks like we are narrowing in on a purchase.

There are a few REALLY nice busses around at this time in our price range and it sure plays with the head comparing this one to that as they all have their advantages and disadvantages. The next several days will tell the tale.

Really appreciate all the support in this forum.

Now, regarding all those offers to help, you can make those checks out to "cash"......

09-04-2007, 10:23 AM
Looks like we're expecting delivery later this week.

Don't let anyone tell you that the banks aren't loaning money anymore....

Jon Wehrenberg
09-04-2007, 12:55 PM
Mr. phorner,

The rules clearly state you must post pictures and tell us all about the new coach. Failure to abide by the rules may subject you to treat all rally goers to a steak dinner.

09-04-2007, 04:27 PM
I fully understand and appreciate the admonishment regarding the rules. However, we have been so, so close before, only to have things fall apart at the last minute, so we're afraid to be too optimistic.

Once the keys are in our hands, we fully expect to live up to our obligations and relate all the necessary details, including the required photo's.

See, after we take delivery, and our check clears, we will be lucky to afford to treat our fellow POG members to the dollar menu at the Golden Arches...

Jon Wehrenberg
09-04-2007, 06:36 PM
You are most generous. Unlike some members of the two coach club who make us go Dutch treat.

We await pictures of the new bouncing baby. BTW, in case you haven't figured it out from all the anecdotes that have been posted on thse forums, allow more than ample time to learn your new coach and check out every switch and system before you head down the road.

Life can be exciting when you know you don't know, if you know what I mean. 3 years with my current one and I am still learning.

09-04-2007, 07:07 PM
That sounds like very good advice! Although we've been full-timing for 5 years now, it sure looks like the Prevost bus is a completely different animal.

We are taking delivery at the dealership, and they have been quite generous in inviting us to stay in their camping area for several days in order to learn the systems and have their technicians close at hand to keep me out of any serious trouble.

Paperwork to be signed tomorrow and we take possession on Thursday. So, we won't be getting much sleep tonight in anticipation of heading to the dealership early in morning.

Thanks to Lew, who STRONGLY suggested that I could learn a thing or two by joining POG, I know that I have a wealth of information and assistance at my fingertips, er, keyboard.

By the way, the first bus that really gave me the bug was a '97 Liberty Elegant Lady. I just couldn't believe the features and technology that that bus had for it's age. Made me realize just how much value there is in an older Prevost bus that had already suffered most of the depreciation that it ever will. The more I looked it over the better I liked it.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-05-2007, 06:52 AM
Several of us are driving Elegant Ladies of around that vintage and I echo your thoughts. From a user's point of view the bus is very simple to live with. But there are many features in any bus that require an understanding, and most of those items that demand an understanding are not related to normal use, but for those occasions when something is not normal.

Just the basics are critical. Do you know your batteries are charging? Do you know when they are low, and how do you insure they are recharging?

Are you sure your tank capacity indicators are right? How do you empty and fill your tanks? Manually? Automatically? What can fail and how do you work around the failure?

You never want dead batteries or to find your shower floor has become part of your holding tank.

Where are the shutoff valves and the switches or circuit breakers to turn things off? These are things you never want to learn when something is going wrong. You will be amazed at how hard it is to access some of the shutoffs and will have to learn how to kill the entire coach until you can get at the shutoff for the specific problem.

Take advantage of the offer to camp out at the dealer's. You will never remember everything you are told, but by living with the coach and using as many of the systems as possible you will be way ahead of the game.

Just Plain Jeff
09-05-2007, 06:59 AM
You will never remember everything you are told, but by living with the coach and using as many of the systems as possible you will be way ahead of the game.

We try to give this advice to every single new coach buyer. Many are called, yet few heed.

It is way too tempting to crank that new baby up and get on the road...but what can happen is that a new coach will develop some surprises which are far more complicated to diagnose and fix if you're stuck in the boonies without hands-on support.

Imagine what trouble you could be in with a Tech-Link Marathon in say, Oklahoma, in a coach requiring the October recall and it won't start at all?

So, try to rein in your enthusiasm to hit the road and be as sure as you can that each and every system is exercised and worked (including heaters even if it is HOT outside, before making diesel smoke.

You'll be glad you did.

Jerry Winchester
09-05-2007, 10:26 AM
And before all you top water feeders hit the Marathon lure Jeff has repeatedly tossed out desparately trying to get someone to bite on, don't do it.

And remember, just because you read it on here doesn't make it true.

Except for my posts. Especially the ones about the PlastiKrakster and the Wonder Beagle.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-05-2007, 01:26 PM
Everything I say here is true, except when I am making stuff up.

09-05-2007, 08:44 PM
Hi All,

Thanks for all the sage advice. We put pen to paper today to purchase a 2000 Liberty XLV. First walk around and an explanation of the systems has taken place. Figure I retained 5 to 10 percent, since as we left for dinner, I had to figure out how to shut off the headlights, retract the patio awning and why the grey water by-pass was apparently working. At least we now know the washer works. Still not sure I took care of that by-pass issue....

Still trying to get sound from the bedroom TV and FINALLY figured out how to turn the cruise air fans to auto mode.

It's gonna be a long weekend....mostly for the technicians, I'm afraid...

We're planning on staying here for several days. They haven't given us a firm check-out date as yet.

09-05-2007, 11:27 PM
phorner, keep us updated and if you have any questions for the group, fire away. You are going thru the best part of bus ownership, not the paying part but the learning curve.

09-06-2007, 12:55 AM
Well, one thing I learned from Liberty when I picked my Coach up was that my huge head had the retention capability of a sink sponge. Now knowing this, Liberty still proceeded to walk me thru all of the different systems and pointed out where everything is located. This eventurally worked out pretty well because when I called Liberty for Help, Troy would simply direct me to an area he had previously shown me and then instruct me what to reset, check, turn, flip, push, etc. So, you do not have to retain all the info , just the main systems.

09-06-2007, 09:49 AM
Congratulations on your new bus. Is this the one your the proud owner of? :)


Anxious to hear all the details after the weekend, and see your pictures of your new bus.

Gary S

Joe Cannarozzi
09-06-2007, 04:53 PM
While we are on the subject of getting close to purchase anybody know if Sting ever picked up his Millennium. His last post was about 6 months ago?

09-06-2007, 08:03 PM
While we are on the subject of getting close to purchase anybody know if Sting ever picked up his Millennium. His last post was about 6 months ago?

Joe, as of last month Todd had not taken delivery yet. There are several special features that I guess are taking longer. Hopefully he will share with all of us when he finally gets to drive it home:D

09-08-2007, 05:31 PM
Well, it's a good thing we're still at the dealership, moving into the coach. We had our first "major" problem crop up. Naturally, It happened on a Saturday, when no one is here to help.

So, I'll toss out the symptoms, for general discussion and, hopefully resolution. If nothing else, thanks to the forum, I should at least be able to ask (more) intelligent questions on Monday.

1. The patio awning didn't want to deploy, acted like it didn't have the "oompf" to unfurl, but retracted OK.

2. The bedroom CO monitor went into alarm. Indicated the alarm was possibly due to low voltage.

3. Tank monitors stopped working. Filled fresh water tank to over-flow yet no indication on monitor.

4. Interior lights went very dim, allmost nothing at all. I'm assuming all the halogen lighting is low voltage ??

5. Started engine, after running just a few minutes, the interior lights came up. And, I had an appropriate display on the tank moitor.

So, it sounds to me that the house batteries somehow drained. Could this have caused the problem with the awning, tank monitors, CO monitor ?

The real question will be, I guess, is why the batteries discharged. We've been plugged in to shore power for the duration.

Any suggestions??

Where should we start on Monday??

Best yet, What should I require of the dealership to assure that the problem has been completely resolved ?

I would greatly appreciate some guidance. We are afraid to leave, but, at least the nightly price is right...

09-08-2007, 05:46 PM
This is all I have for now...

Jon Wehrenberg
09-08-2007, 06:01 PM
Paul, if you haven't done it yet check the house voltage. An Elegant Lady should have 24 volts which if you are plugged into shore power or running the engine or generator should be reading at least 26 volts. Make sure the inverters and battery chargers are on. Our 97 is enough different than your 2000 so I am not sure you have the same inverter panels. Make sure in your 120V panel the two inverter and two battery charger switches are on.

The reason the voltage came up when you ran the engine is because the alternator was charging the house batteries and not the shore power so some switches, possibly the ones I described are off. If they are not off, verify you have AC power coming into the coach by operating something that is AC current that does not go through the inverter circuits.

It is critical you get those house batteries charged up.

Post your progress. I'll monitor this forum tonight till bedtime.

09-08-2007, 09:34 PM

Diddo what Jon said, your house batteries are not being charged, that's why your having all the electrical problems. Not sure how yours is set up, I'm sure we have someone else here with your vintage. House chargers probably work through the inverters which should always be on. All of this assuming you have good power on both legs from the shore hookup.

09-12-2007, 10:26 AM
Well, it's been an interesting week. We have lived in the Liberty for a full week now and we're getting the hang of it. Now, if I can just find the rest of my "stuff"....

The service staff here at Marathon have done an outstanding job of handling every issue that we have brought to their attention. Our list, which really wasn't all that long to begin with, now only has a couple of items yet to be completed. Most of the "worK" was educating us on the new systems and answering our endless list of questions.

Looks like we'll be here another few days, probably 'till the weekend, as they are schedulling some minor touch-up painting and we're waiting for a replacement door latch for the bathroom door. Other than that, so far everything's great.

The up-side is that we have an opportunity to live in the coach for a few more days within easy reach of the "security" of the service technicians.

And, we have the entertainment of checking out the new coaches as they arrive.

09-12-2007, 10:50 AM
We are all happy for you Paul, most of us know exactly what you are going through. It's the best time of ownership, I think.

09-12-2007, 01:44 PM

Good to hear you and Janice are going to enjoy the Marathon campground for a few more days.

Barbara and I will be in tomorrow night between 6:00 and 7. We have a day, Friday, to get familiar with the Marathon before heading out for Topeka, Kansas which will be a two day drive.

Remember that your new Liberty has feelings, don't get caught looking at other busses too often or she will get jealous.


Jon Wehrenberg
09-12-2007, 02:22 PM

We need to start buying the bathroom door knobs in bulk. They are made or imported by an outfit in Miami and they are junk with a very short service life.

Anybody out there listening?

09-12-2007, 04:26 PM

We'll be here tomorrow, and probably won't leave until Saturday. Hope everything goes well with your delivery. Kansas in 2 days?? Now THAT'S an ambitious schedule!


I didn't really think the bathroom door latch was all that bad.... but, well, have ya ever been married???

Sometimes my list is somewhat different than hers..... I mean, the priority is the flat-screen, right? And the bus just wouldn't be safe to move without surround sound, would it??

Gary & Peggy Stevens
09-12-2007, 06:14 PM
different than hers..... I mean, the priority is the flat-screen, right? And the bus just wouldn't be safe to move without surround sound, would it??

Flat Screen and Surround Sound,.......My Thoughts Exactly. :)

Great looking bus.

Gary S

Jon Wehrenberg
09-12-2007, 07:32 PM

When she can't get out of the bathroom, and you are out golfing, you will learn about priorities. When momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

09-12-2007, 08:16 PM
Amen bother!

09-12-2007, 09:01 PM
Paul & Richard,

If you have time, the Mexican restaurant that everyone goes to is a must while at Camp Marathon, just a few miles east. A couple of margaritas is just what you need to sort out all the little issues.;)

09-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Thanks for the tip Truk, if we aren't locked in the Marathon 101 classroom all day we will check it out.

02 Marathon XLII coming real soon!

09-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Janice, don't worry about the big brave Paul raggin' on about your demands. If I know this group, you get your day in court more than once.

Do these guys know you outweigh Paul by 200# so you can take care of problems should they arrive.

Jon Wehrenberg
09-13-2007, 06:26 AM
He's back..............you go Lew.

Joe Cannarozzi
09-13-2007, 06:57 AM
Nancy and Ed congratulations on the purchase of your 1990 Marathon.

When do you pick it up?

09-13-2007, 10:03 AM
Truk, what's the name of the Mexican restaurant?

That margarita is sounding pretty good....

09-13-2007, 07:49 PM

Ask the receptionist, they all go there... It's called Pancho's Villa, not much to look at, but great food and drinks...

09-13-2007, 09:16 PM
Jon, how I wish I were back. I have a long journey to go on this episode

09-15-2007, 09:25 PM
Well, we finally made it through our list of items that needed attention during delivery of our Liberty, which we purchased at Marathon Coach. Not that the list was all that long, it's just as we thought we were finished, another small nuisance problem would crop up and require attention. All small stuff.

So, we bid our goodby's to the staff and this morning departed for "home" in Port St. Lucie, FL.

While at Camp Marathon, we took the advice of fellow Poggers (I'm getting the impression that when it comes to food, this group knows what they're talking about!) and chowed down at Pancho Villa's...excellent meal and great company.

Our final night we had the company of the owners of this beautiful coach. This baby is simply gorgeous!

Wonder who it could belong to......lucky folks that they surely are...

09-16-2007, 12:17 AM
Paul and Janet,

Thanks for posting the nice picture. We rolled into a rest stop near Clarksville, TN west of Nashville about 11:00 p.m. just 13 1/2 easy driving hours later in our new to us 2002 Marathon XLII. We saw no less than three other XLIIs and four XLs on the road today.

Barbara and I really enjoyed the dinner, and the grand tour of your new Liberty which is a TEN in and out! Thanks to Truk for the Pancho Villa suggestion, great place.

Time to hit the hay so we make it to Topeka tomorrow night only 10 hours away. The Marathon is performing perfectly thanks to the folks in San Antonio.

More pictures early next week when we are settled in at the track.

Richard and Barbara Beecher
2002 Marathon XLII
Go Gators!

09-16-2007, 08:09 AM
While at Camp Marathon,
Wonder who it could belong to......lucky folks that they surely are...

Paul and Janet, absolutely gorgeous coach--can't wait to see more pics or see it in person!! Looking forward to that one of these days:D