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View Full Version : Financial Planners / Insurance Guru's

08-13-2007, 01:48 PM
I thought with the wealth of information passed around and the knowledge base of all the current memebers, I might as well post a question or two, NOT about the Prevost at all, but Financial planning and Various Insurance Strategies out there.

If you are a financial planner, or specialized licensed Insurance broker dealing in very specialized insurance, please feel free to PM me and we can talk more. I want anyone who wants to talk about this or knows about this stuff to jump right in, but don't want to bother anyone not interested in this subject.

Are you familiar with Indexed Universal Life Insurance, as it relates to Retirement Goals? Specifically a company called Aviva or AmerUs Life Insurance?

This product ( Not the company ) from what I understand is fairly new to the market, but is a very good planning tool for guaranteed income, and tax free payments after retirement. I know this opens up lots and lots of cans of worms for discussion, but I would like to know if anyone else has heard of this type of product, or can shed some light on this.

Again if you would rather email me directly your thoughts, rather than taking up board space, my new email is gstevens7@comcast.net.

08-14-2007, 01:15 AM
I have steered away from these Insurance programs for the following reasons;
a. The programs require you to place up to 25 percent of your monthly income into a locked in place retirement plan.
b. There are so many better ways to plan for your retirement which does not hand -cuf you to a specific savings plan.
c. I always felt, in my gut, I was assisting my insurance agent in his retirement plan.

08-14-2007, 11:32 PM
Garyde: I may not agree with everything everyone says or does on this forum (as in tires), but I will put the thought process on the table for all to review -noobie (new owner of bus) as well as the seasoned veteran for the sounding board effect. I, in a previous life owned a fleet of 5 OTR rigs (not people haulers) and purchased all brands of tires, with no outstanding results from any. Only differences were price. The key was driver/rig maintenance. It still boils down to the driver paying attention to all the details.

I do agree with your remarks regarding the insurance guys for their retirement. Let them work someone else. I will stick to my three guys. Me, myself, and I have the most interest in my best interest.:cool:

08-15-2007, 11:32 AM
Garyde: No one here can walk in your boots. To give you advice on your subject, we would have to know age, income status, expenses etch. I Roger what Rogers advice was.
Go to a professional estate planner that does not sell a product and pay him for his time. Trust me, you could not receive anything resembling intellegence from this group of bus drivers.

08-15-2007, 08:41 PM
Quoted from a guy playing with a dead turkey, I agree with ya Harry! :)

Garyde: No one here can walk in your boots. To give you advice on your subject, we would have to know age, income status, expenses etch. I Roger what Rogers advice was.
Go to a professional estate planner that does not sell a product and pay him for his time. Trust me, you could not receive anything resembling intellegence from this group of bus drivers.