View Full Version : Photos to DVD
Jerry Winchester
03-19-2006, 09:56 AM
How did you put that photo DVD together from OSH? I want to put my +200 Memphis photos on one with Elvis music for my daughters and I have never done anything like it. I can make a PowerPoint and get there, but I don't know how to turn it into a DVD with the menu.
Help me Obi Wan, your my only hope......
* Are you just a lurker here now, or did you get a hang nail or something? :eek:
03-19-2006, 02:23 PM
Ben's gonna love this answer.
iLife software.
Time for a change.
- If you're really desperate, bring your photos to POG and we'll work the magic around the campfire with a couple of cold ones.
Jerry Winchester
03-19-2006, 03:42 PM
If they can do it on a Mac, they must have already done it on MS years ago. :D
I have the photos on a USB drive, so I am sure that will not work with Mac.
Thanks for the help. NOT.
Ben; Just kidding........ I know how you full timers are. Hope you are getting along well with your new coach. :)
03-19-2006, 04:42 PM
The USB will probably work on the Mac, if not just burn them to a CD, if your fancy shamsy PC can handle it.
Jerry Winchester
03-19-2006, 08:33 PM
Ok, I'll bring the USB drive and the Elvis CD and you can show me that Mango Mike Mac prowess and impress the masses. Geeze, this should rain in some abuse from the unwashed; Lew, you still out there? :eek:
03-19-2006, 09:12 PM
Hey, Maybe Jim & Southern command can make this part of the itenerary so that everyone can enjoy your show.
Jerry Winchester
03-19-2006, 10:04 PM
I think we should just get Ben to Photoshop Lew's head on a body that will slide under a coach without jacking it up and go from there. I can't wait to meet that guy........
Oh, and I used those metric allen wrenches again tonight. Lew is the man. :cool:
A USB drive will work fine with a Mac.
Jerry... keep dreaming. The Mac comes with all the software you need to create great looking DVD's and it's simple enough that I wouldn't even have to show you how it works... good luck doing that stuff on Windoz... I'm sure you can, but have fun reading the manual and configuring it all.
I'll be leaving Liberty in Stuart in less than an hour for my maiden voyage to Miami.
Jerry Winchester
03-20-2006, 09:09 PM
Remember to swing WAAAAYYYYY wide and don't follow too close. I hope you have an uneventful trip and don't go anywhere you have to back up.
I will honor the Mac gods when the DVD is in the can.
03-21-2006, 09:02 PM
Geez Ben!
Don't tell him how easy it's going to be on a Mac, I'm hoping to get him to wash my bus for services rendered at POG.
Note: He's right about wide turns. I hit a sign on a corner during my first mile (with Jon watching) - bummer.
03-21-2006, 09:22 PM
Can't believe first day of spring - now 2nd day of spring and it is 9pm and I just finished cleaning the salt spray and crap from the shiny metal after running up I-81 to I-77 across Fancy Gap to N.C. Monday night and then back today- First time I had seen a "snow cone Prevost." Must be race week in Bristol-Always cold when Nascar comes to town for the spring race.
Mr. Winchester - Love that IH logo -Ask me about the IH logo at POG rally - Roger
Jerry Winchester
03-21-2006, 09:48 PM
I have somewhat conflicted IH loyalties. I own a 1953 Farmall Cub that my grandfather bought new and a 1979 IH Scout II that I drove to college, but we have 6 John Deere tractors including this one I ordered that just came in.
And the 70 Diesel is one of my favorites
But the 1 1/2 HP John Deere is the pride of the fleet
I made it to Miami, but due to taking a wrong turn, I ended up near downtown and there was much construction with overly skinny lanes and nice sharp metal signs on each side of me. I had to cut across two lanes of traffic to make one turn, otherwise I would have scraped a sign when taking a left.
Mango... Jerry should wash your bus for gaining access to your Mac and buy you a steak dinner for showing you how enjoyable computing can be... kinda like the guy who showed you the difference between a Prevost and Plastic.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-22-2006, 09:15 AM
For those who follow the ever changing avatar Mango has, here's a pop quiz. What is today's showing?
03-22-2006, 10:33 AM
Thought that avatar would bring back fond memories.
03-22-2006, 01:12 PM
Wow, that is some nice tractor and equipment. That green paint cost just about the same as the shiney stainless. Nice pics. I am an old Farmall country boy. Scouts have become collectibles as I am sure you already are aware
Jon Wehrenberg
03-22-2006, 02:59 PM
Cmon guys. No guesses about what Mango's avatar is showing.
Here's a clue: We all have them in our buses, some more than others.
Jerry Winchester
03-22-2006, 06:16 PM
My guess is it is a pneumatic shuttle valve of some sort, or at least it is the guts to the valve.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-22-2006, 08:34 PM
JDUB is right on.
Those are the "spools" that shuttle back and forth in the Norgren valves, and if you experience the leans or have some Norgren valve leakage replacing the spool usually makes the Norgren valve perform like new.
Four screws in an end cap are all that have to be removed from a Norgren valve to replace the spool.
Jerry Winchester
03-22-2006, 09:44 PM
We have had some nice IH tractors including the Super M-TA, the M-Diesel (starts on gas then switches over to diesel) the H and Super C. My dad and I have a collection of 2 cylinder JD tractors that include the 70 Diesel Standard, an "H", "A" and "B".
I also take a lot of grief from my IH buddies for owning the John Deeres;
Q - What is the definition of a long green line?
A - Two 4020's pulling a three bottom plow
The Scout sat at my dad's house for a lot of years after I retired it as my daily driver. My wife had a weak moment a year or so back and we hauled it to Houston and completely rebuilt it. Except for the engine which is original with +/- 252,000 miles. Now I drive it to work a few days a week and we use it as an airport shuttle during football season.
I wish I knew as much about my Prevost as I do about that Scout, but I have owned the Scout since 1980 and the coach for not quite a year.
03-22-2006, 10:36 PM
As a city boy I haven't a clue what you were saying about the "long green line".
However, the Scout is great looking.
I lived in a '57 IH step van (all stainless steel) for a year out of college. If that truck could talk.
03-22-2006, 11:09 PM
Hey Jon - Check out Jerry Winchesters' Scout - Is that UT Orange?
Jerry Nice Scout. Very Nice
I understand what you are saying about the Prevost- I have only had mine since 12/05. I am still pleased with the purchase, no buyers remorse yet! I have put about 5500 miles on it since December. I am looking forward to learning more at the Rally. I hope Jon
Also took time to look at Mango Mikes web site- WE LOVE GOOD SEAFOOD. Is it possible we could get some oysters, crablegs, and the like at the Rally?
I like cowmeat too.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-23-2006, 08:34 AM
You beat me to it Roger. As soon as I saw the picture it was clear that JDUB is a Volunteer fan.
Way to go.
BTW, my dad had several Scouts. Bulletproof except for rust.
Jerry Winchester
03-23-2006, 10:25 AM
For the color challenged on this board, it is neither UT (Taco Meat) burnt orange or UT (Vol) frothy orange, but it is Pantone 166 (49.5% red, 49.5% yellow, 1% black) which is exactly Oklahoma State University orange.
And this truck from the door posts back is a 2004 precisely because of the rust. Inner and outer quarter panels, bed, bed support rails, top rail, end cap and wheel wells are all brand new.
The urban legend is that IH bought steel for the quarter panel stampings that was treated with a rust preventative on one side. Then they promptly fed the steel into the machine with the sprayed side facing the wrong direction and doomed the parts to corrosion hell. We coated the inside of all the parts to ensure this doesn't happen in my lifetime.
Best Tennessee Orange
Pork Nachos
03-23-2006, 05:58 PM
OK Jerry,
You've lost all right to call Jon Anal. Anyone who has to specify a printers ink color to paint his truck is way up the colostomy bag.
Mango-PMS 329
Jerry Winchester
03-23-2006, 06:16 PM
That was because there was no automotive color process that crossed over. I told them that we would either (1) paint it right or (2) paint it over; their choice, but that was the official color and if it turned out UT orange or UT orange or Denver Bronco orange, then we would have a come to Jesus meeting.
It is a perfect match. PMS 166
No one is as anal as Jon best I can tell :D
Jerry Winchester
03-23-2006, 06:21 PM
And those are some sweet chicks on the avitar. Must get it from their mother.........
03-23-2006, 06:34 PM
Just goes to show you, you better be careful what pixs you let loose on the www.
... and you're right, they did get their looks from their mom, but their brains from dad (just kidding dear! - in case she's monitoring).
Jerry Winchester
03-23-2006, 09:44 PM
Please tell me your wife isn't reading all this..........
I only tell my wife things that might later come up in civil conversation. She's gonna think I am a psycho when we get together at the rally. I told her I was working on the taxes in my office all this time....:eek:
And surely you don't live in a house full of women?
I live with the spawn of Satan;
03-23-2006, 09:50 PM
Hey Jerry, my wife had PMS 166 one time!
03-24-2006, 07:39 AM
Jerry, When I opened your last post and saw the picture of your daughter it was like looking back 10-12 years ago. My daughter Sam, now 23, was a mirror image of your daughter at that age. Ken :)
Jerry Winchester
03-24-2006, 07:57 AM
I hope she isn't as evil as this one. She is 6 and if she had been born first we would only have one. ;)
She is a pretty girl, but I can tell you she is the naughty spawn and she is Jon-like anal. I wanted to have a DNA test run after she was born.... :eek:
She gets up at 6:00am every morning, rain or shine, Monday or Saturday. No sleeping in at the Casa de JDub. :(
03-27-2006, 01:17 PM
Jerry, Sorry for the delay, but Ellen and I are moving to a new ( older ) farm. All my neighbors drive JD's and tote shootin irons. Now our Liberty has a 75' X 35' building to call home & host rock & roll shows....plenty of parking 200 Amp service!
My Sam hasn't got up at 6:00AM since she was 2! As a matter of fact if she does not get her sleep.....look out. Her eyes get that red glow and her voice sounds like something from one of those Exorcist movies. Ken:eek:
Jerry Winchester
03-27-2006, 02:40 PM
Sounds like a nice set up. Make sure you bring some photos to the rally. My folks are coming down to keep the girls while we are at the rally. They will be so spoiled by the time we get home it will take a week to deprogram them.
Makes me think you should just skip the kids and go straight to the grandkids, eh?
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