View Full Version : Oshkosh Mini Rally
07-21-2007, 09:11 AM
Hey Mango, we need the parking poop for Oshkosh!
Tuga - Any idea where we're parking or directions? Glad you'll be there with me at Osh so I have someone covering my back from the mini PP's..:p
Joe - Are you coming?
07-21-2007, 10:35 AM
Yeah plasticster, when you get to the fork in the road, you will see a sign, plasticselloutsters to the left, & down by the crapper. Bus parking to the right, up the hill to the first class parking area :)
[QUOTE=truk4u;15947]Hey Mango, we need the parking poop for Oshkosh!
07-21-2007, 02:27 PM
Make sure you polish the beast before you show up. They know you're coming, but think you're driving a Prevo. Looks like your Avatar is right on the money.
Marland and Pat Felker
1864 W. Waukau Ave.
oshkosh, wi 54902
920 231-7264
Just South of the EAA museum.
I'll be there Sunday morning.
07-21-2007, 10:42 PM
OK Mango, leaving NY at dark thirty on Sunday. Should put me in there late afternoon on Monday..
Jeep - go to your room!:p
Jerry Winchester
07-22-2007, 07:43 AM
Checking in from Camp JDUB out at the North 40 and the Bonanzas made it in okay (all 110 of us). Well almost all. The right wingman in my element dropped off due to a possible engine problem. On the return to Rockford he had a cylinder come undone and that led him to a cornfield landing. And it was a newly rebuilt IO550, so that hurts even more.
Anyway, we are set up on the end of row 537, it is about 55 deg here this morning going for a high in the 70's today. Tuga made it up okay and was here when we landed, so thanks to him we have been to the store and are all provisioned.
I did get to thinking about Krak4U coming up in the PlasticTrukster and wanted to make a few comparisons.
KrakWagon - 75 mph 7 mpg on gasoline
N630SU - 200 mph 9.7 mpg on gasoline - advantage JDUB
KrakWagon - plastic box w/ crapper
N40 - plastic boxes to crap in advantage JDUB (no dumping)
KrakWagon - little Onan gas generator
Camp JDUB - little Honda Generator - advantage JDUB
KrakWagon - gas powered RV fridge - advantage Krak4U
Camp JDUB - Igloo ice chest
KrakWagon - queen bed
Camp JDUB - queen bed - a wash
Krakwagon - need to find WiFi to post smack
Camp JDUB - KR-1 wireless router - everyone can post smack
KrakWagon - Parked with Prevost & Newell
N630SU - Parked with 108 Bonanzas - no shame here, advantage JDUB
Flying to OSH in your Bonanza and camping in a tent is decidedly better than having to show up in a plastic POS to hang out with your Prevost buddies especially after you sold your sweet Marathon coach.
We will try to get some photos posted when the action starts.
Just Plain Jeff
07-22-2007, 08:01 AM
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What JDUB doesn't know is that Tom's mission is to bring the missing tail pieces to the Bonanza crowd so that they will have real airplaines by the end of the OSH experience.
Cornfield landings have the potential of violating radio discipline.
And much more.
07-22-2007, 09:03 AM
[QUOTE=Jerry Winchester;15966]Checking in from Camp JDUB out at the North 40 Anyway, we are set up on the end of row 537, it is about 55 deg here this morning going for a high in the 70's today. Tuga made it up okay and was here when we landed, so thanks to him we have been to the store and are all provisioned.
Jerry, found out yesterday that the son of a friend of mine from Nebraska is working the airshow. He is a high school guy and part of the Civil Air Patrol in his area. His group is working the show doing crowd control and parking. I sent her a pic of the POG crew taken last year in Osh Kosh so he can be on the look out for you:D He is a starry eyed pilot, inherited the gene from his grandfather. I doubt you will see him but just in case, his name is Shawn, he is tall and thin with red hair. Maybe you can teach him a few things:eek:
07-22-2007, 10:51 AM
Jdub: "Can I get an amen"?
Jeep: AMEN
Checking in from Camp JDUB out at the North 40 and the Bonanzas made it in okay (all 110 of us). Well almost all. The right wingman in my element dropped off due to a possible engine problem. On the return to Rockford he had a cylinder come undone and that led him to a cornfield landing. And it was a newly rebuilt IO550, so that hurts even more.
Anyway, we are set up on the end of row 537, it is about 55 deg here this morning going for a high in the 70's today. Tuga made it up okay and was here when we landed, so thanks to him we have been to the store and are all provisioned.
I did get to thinking about Krak4U coming up in the PlasticTrukster and wanted to make a few comparisons.
KrakWagon - 75 mph 7 mpg on gasoline
N630SU - 200 mph 9.7 mpg on gasoline - advantage JDUB
KrakWagon - plastic box w/ crapper
N40 - plastic boxes to crap in advantage JDUB (no dumping)
KrakWagon - little Onan gas generator
Camp JDUB - little Honda Generator - advantage JDUB
KrakWagon - gas powered RV fridge - advantage Krak4U
Camp JDUB - Igloo ice chest
KrakWagon - queen bed
Camp JDUB - queen bed - a wash
Krakwagon - need to find WiFi to post smack
Camp JDUB - KR-1 wireless router - everyone can post smack
KrakWagon - Parked with Prevost & Newell
N630SU - Parked with 108 Bonanzas - no shame here, advantage JDUB
Flying to OSH in your Bonanza and camping in a tent is decidedly better than having to show up in a plastic POS to hang out with your Prevost buddies especially after you sold your sweet Marathon coach.
We will try to get some photos posted when the action starts.
Jerry Winchester
07-22-2007, 10:59 AM
I'm on him. He is right in front of us parking planes at the North 40. I have a photo I will post when we download. When I asked about you, he said you were hot. What's up with that?
07-22-2007, 11:24 AM
I'm on him. He is right in front of us parking planes at the North 40. I have a photo I will post when we download. When I asked about you, he said you were hot. What's up with that?
LOL, well it is 95 degrees here today and I am hot! Shawn has only met me once at the World Morgan Show in OKC and he was up on his horse getting ready to compete--I doubt his mother's age friend made much of an impression but thanks anyway! Send the pic, I will forward it to his mom--she has attended the BAB parties at the OKC show so all you have to do is mention the bus to Shawn and he might know who I am:rolleyes:
07-22-2007, 06:43 PM
Jerry,Good looking new coach!!! I am going to go to Oshkosh next year,I have always wanted to experence the event.I am in Orlando tonight visiting with 2 of my children,I will leave early AM for Stewart.Have a great time with the Bonanza guys and a safe return home.Look forward to seeing you.Jack
Have you picked up the new Liberty? Be sure to get cash or let the check clear on the Marathon. I am concerned that purchaser may try to charge it to my account.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-22-2007, 08:51 PM
I cannot believe how hard people will try to convince themselves that being bug food under a plane wing is a fun thing.
That is so far BELOW my definition of roughing it that I almost feel sorry for him.
Roughing it when trees block my satellite dish on the bus.
07-22-2007, 09:35 PM
Turd boy, that was way, way harsh! Jon hit the nail on the head, bug food..
Let's see if I'm getting this straight.. Jdub (poor Rae, she's such a trooper) is telling us he is much more comfortable in his tent then the Truk is in his plastictruckster. He has to use a porta pot or run to the outhouse in the middle of the night, get up in the morning with dew hanging from his nose, clothes all damp, sore back and other parts due to his girth, then has to walk, catch a ride or run to the shower house to enjoy a shower with 100 of his best buddies, then find someone who will feed him and tell him what a macho guy he is for sleeping next to the doctor killer. Remember, by about 3:00 PM, turd boy now smells like a beached whale at high noon.
The Trukman on the other hand, can walk 6 feet in his jammies to the bathroom, get a drink of ice cold water from the fridge then go back to dreamland in his warm, dry, queen sized bed. In the morning, with slippers and the morning news on TV, having a cup of fresh brewed coffee while the Truk lady whips up a nice hot breakfast, looks out at the tents with envy. After breakfast a nice hot shower, did I mention the hair dryer, then on with fresh clean dry clothes for the morning activities. Oh, don't forget the air conditioned afternoon nap!
So what do you think boys and girls, is the flame snuffer full of crap or what?:D
07-22-2007, 10:45 PM
Loc,I pick up the Liberty tomorrow AM,wires work better than checks.Jack
Jon Wehrenberg
07-23-2007, 06:53 AM
I just realized our dogs live better than the guys laying on the ground smelling mole holes.
But did fail to point out when the normal OSH afternoon thundershowers roll through all you have to do is roll up the awnings, while the guys having fun under the wings have to sign up for mud wrestling.
07-23-2007, 07:06 AM
Your right Jon, forgot that.. It will make a great picture from the plastictrukster while Rae, Nancy and I sip a little wine watching Mr Macho get ready with his sumo wrestler loin cloth in place.
07-23-2007, 09:26 AM
Truk...I am really enjoying the burial of JDUB's smelly body. Wish I could think of some of the things you come up with.
Continue to send updates and pictures of the "locasious snuffer" under the wing and show us how he begs at your door so he can have hookup to send his mendacity to people only he considers his friends.
07-24-2007, 08:52 AM
Continue to send updates and pictures of the "locasious snuffer" under the wing and show us how he begs at your door so he can have hookup to send his mendacity to people only he considers his friends.
hey, ya'll need to back off JDUB so I can get that picture he promised to send me of my friend's son directing plane traffic, pretty please???:D I hope he's not in hiding now since you have hurt his feelings, bahahahahaha!
07-24-2007, 10:47 AM
POG Rally 3.2 off to a great start with perfect weather and terrific dry camping facilities adjacent to the EAA Museum.
07-24-2007, 10:52 AM
You got it Lew, more to follow... We're here at Osh land and Tuga just left this morning. I'll post some pictures.. The highlight of yesterday was the Beach Boy concert and watching Jdub shake his booty... eeeuuuuuuuu. I didn't have the camera, bus his orange chair with it's little specially attached umbrella to keep the sun off his big gourd was really special. His camera has a lense so big, he had me take some pictures cause his arms where tired holding it. Of course the Mango Man has the same lense, the twins cannot be outdone you know. The Mothership 2 has 13 people in it and the only one that can use the bathroom is Mango, everyone else has to go to the porta pots that are really nice while sitting in the 80+ degree heat. What a site this morning watching 12 people brushing their teeth from plastic cups and spitting on the bus tire!:eek:
Good thing Tuga was here, we're the only normal ones!:p
07-24-2007, 10:57 AM
Dry Camping at Felker's
Brother Paul and Marina checking out the blimp.
07-24-2007, 11:08 AM
Airshow photos. We missed the Bonanza group flyby as all the Mangoettes couldn't be torn from the Fly Market. JDUB missed it as it was during his 3rd lunch break.
07-24-2007, 11:11 AM
Keep the photos and bashings coming, the workers in this world need somthing to hang on to, to keep us going. :o
07-24-2007, 11:18 AM
Beach Boy Concert under a full sun. Primo seats for the POG group thanks to a land claim by JDUB.
Air show and concert. What a great combo.
Nancy, Rae, Sister-in-law Sue and Ms. Donna as guest performers on Stage. It does has it advantages to be a POGette.
Observe the dude in the red sleeveless checking out JDUB's dierrier.
07-24-2007, 11:28 AM
Still a little woozy from his Plasticmobile ride to OSH, we had to get Truckman a courtesy car ride back to the POG homestead.
After a hard day at the airshow, Robert, Tuga and Trukman relax with a cold one.
07-24-2007, 09:56 PM
Hey POGGERS! We had a blast @ OSH. The Beach Boys were awesome, the pizza after the concert in front of the Mothership 2 was great,the air show was fantastic, and the highlight for me was sitting out next to the runway watching the planes land 200' in front of us. It was really neat!
I have never seen planes like these before, there must have been thousands.
We arrived early to see the ground crew direct the parking of the Bonanzas. Debi, I can tell you that your friend's son worked his tail off directing traffic. I have never seen anything like that in my life. There were traffic directors running around between those planes with the props spinning parking them as quickly as they came in. It was very impressive.
More of you guys should come to OSH next year, it is a BLAST!
07-24-2007, 10:19 PM
We arrived early to see the ground crew direct the parking of the Bonanzas. Debi, I can tell you that your friend's son worked his tail off directing traffic. I have never seen anything like that in my life. There were traffic directors running around between those planes with the props spinning parking them as quickly as they came in. It was very impressive.
More of you guys should come to OSH next year, it is a BLAST!
Hey Tuga, thanks for the note, I will pass it on to my friend. All the pictures look fabulous and I can tell you were having a blast. Did Karen go as well?
Thanks everyone for sharing the great photos, they are fabulous!
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 12:03 AM
Debi, etal;
I'll get the photos posted soon, but we have been in a running gunfight with the near perfect weather and the airshow goings on. We led the PlasticKrakster into the parking area with the MangoMike Toaster and it was good to see him and Nancy even though Big Red is but a memory.
The big POG dinner was tonight, so we dined on beef tenderloin and homemade pie. Quite the spread and Mike has the pics, so maybe he will post them later.
But maybe the best time was hanging with the Mangoettes. They know the true skinny about the MangoMan and we will be reliving those precious moments as dictated in the future.
N63OSU will be wheels up around 9am headed for Houston in the morning, so we will now begin working on the logistics for TacoTourTwo or as Loc calls it, "Goin for the Duece".
07-25-2007, 08:57 AM
hey all -
really have been enjoying the pics - and the trash talk. it must have been an awesome sight. wish we had been there.
safe return to all.
we are still in utah - headed towards sturgis this weekend, looking forward to seeing truk et all!
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 08:00 PM
Made it back to Houston in 5:23 from OSH today and now it's time for a little truth.
First up is Rae sitting in the briefing room with Kelly McBride, who for almost 10 minutes flew right wing as I flew left wing in Element 16.
It takes a little while to taxi and line up 110 Bonanzas on RWY 7 at RFD.
Flag man gives us the signal
Element 16 Gets Airborne
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 08:08 PM
The Wingmen form up on the N1RP Commander, Wild Bill Whitefield
So here is the last photo of Kelly McBride's plane before he called "Mayday" as the engine in his pristine V35B gave up and he crashed into a corn field.
Approach to OSH - Nothing like it.
What's left of Element 16 on short final
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 08:15 PM
Finally this slacker from Virginia shows up in the taco wagon, Toaster in tow.
Just for Debi - Shawn from Nebraska who was parking planes directly in front of Camp JDUB
The Camp JDUB View
A yellow shirted slacker moves into the neighborhood
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 08:22 PM
It's like hearding cats. We get PlasticKrak4U and Tuga rounded up then we have to look for this guy who is hearding 6 chicks around. MangoDad with the Mangoettes
I pass Rae's camera and 70 x 400 zoom to the Krakman and he gets this jewel
And this one........
Then I take the camera back and shoot this one
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 08:30 PM
The Family Von Mango
Now this is the true slacker. I carry his lawn chairs two miles because his back hurts from driving the POS plastic coach, then Mike scams an EAA dude into hauling him back to the POS coach in his VW bug and then we find out the Beach Boys are his favorite group. Who knew?
Tuga forgets to take his Prozac and the Beach Boys crank him up.
Ready to Launch for Houston
07-25-2007, 08:37 PM
JDUB, YOU ARE THE BEST!! Thanks so much for the pic of Shawn! The other shots are awesome, even the herding ones :-) Maybe we should have a major POG rally at OshKosh??
Jerry Winchester
07-25-2007, 08:45 PM
Here is the other one I took. Mike and Tom spoke to the campgound dude who said he would lock up the whole thing for us if we gave him some advance notice. It is a really nice area just south of the EAA Museum, but a haul from the North 40.
And you have to know the odds that this guy was standing in front of me when I read your post and that I had taken the photo BEFORE you posted is off the chart. There are a gazillion CAP cadets at OSH.
07-25-2007, 09:25 PM
And you have to know the odds that this guy was standing in front of me when I read your post and that I had taken the photo BEFORE you posted is off the chart. There are a gazillion CAP cadets at OSH.
What can I say? It is a small small world when you have horses, buses and planes:D Ok, so we don't have a plane but we have friends who do:p Thanks again for the awesome pics and nice that the coordinator offered to rope off the North 40 for a group of pilot wannabes <g>
07-25-2007, 11:20 PM
And now for some non-aviation pictures to make Lew happy!
The twins arguing who is a better cook!
Mango posting on POG, Donna kicked him out of the bus
Mango's brother and family got the tent, note the electric cord for fan
Turd boy's sleeping quarters, the smell was unreal.....
The real reason Mango bought a pressure washer
Great time and for us pilots and aviation nuts, it is the grand slam.. We need a bigger group next year, we will get the entire back row of the site all to ourselves.
07-25-2007, 11:28 PM
And just one more... You can see the tape holding the bus together in a sorry attempt to cover what looks like a boo boo on the front cap, it's no wonder the boy has two buses.:D
07-26-2007, 12:46 PM
Hey Tuga, thanks for the note, I will pass it on to my friend. All the pictures look fabulous and I can tell you were having a blast. Did Karen go as well?
Thanks everyone for sharing the great photos, they are fabulous!
Sorry it took so long for me to respond. We just got back home, and I have been a little busy. Karen didn't make the OSH trip, her daughter's birthday was July 19th and it was a conflict. So she decided to come next year to OSH. I'll tell her you asked about her.
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