View Full Version : NJ Campground - Avoid
07-18-2007, 09:03 PM
Never, never, never go to Jugtown Mountain Campground in West Portal, NJ!:eek: I got the plastictrukster in this s*&% hole, but never even think about stopping at this place. Along with mud, dirt, yesterdays garbage, horrible roads (or should I say goat path), check this out!!!
Remember Chevy Chase & Vacation, "Gee Clark, it has a pool and everything".
The odyssey continues.......
07-18-2007, 10:33 PM
I'll bet that floating rat, doesn't have a bus either :p
Gosh, this is fun ~!~
Jon Wehrenberg
07-19-2007, 07:47 AM
Perhaps we can ask a more fundemental question....why would you not avoid the entire Garden State?
07-19-2007, 10:01 AM
Jeep - Now that was way harsh....:D
Jon boy - Business in NJ the very next morning, 40 miles away, the only other campground was Liberty (Jersey City), need I say more..
The best part, I signed in as Mike Anderson and told them to stop anytime in Alexandria at Mango Mikes for a free meal. They also appreciated the Boots N Coots hat.
07-19-2007, 10:21 AM
Tom and Nancy,
This is DISGUSTING! How did you hear about this park, please tell me it wasn't in the Big Rigs book??
07-19-2007, 10:49 AM
Tom, was anyone else there or was the place closed and thereby free:confused:
07-19-2007, 11:03 AM
Ok, so now we are avoiding New Jersey altogether. And if you read the "What is the best Toad" thread, you will learn to avoid Ohio altogether for differernt reasons. Personally I am not too wild about California either ( 45 foot laws, traffic, way too many people, etc,....). If we keep this up pretty soon we will only like one or two places and we might as well just buy a house there since we will not be travelling anymore.
On the other hand, some bad experiences like the rat in the pool, or the speed trap, or the mechanical breakdown, or whatever; all of them just make the really good days even better. When you are in a spectacularly beautiful place with all the comforts of home, your loved ones at hand, no suitcase packing or airline terminal misery to deal with, and some time to enjoy the moment.
I say they would not be as good without an occasional defect in the path. Carry on!
Jon Wehrenberg
07-19-2007, 11:52 AM
I will lay claim to being an expert in OH and NJ.
I have driven through OH more times than I care to recall over the years and while I like the state for a lot of reasons, I am opposed to the establishment of two sets of speed limits and the selective enforcement of the lower one. Folks who live in OH can and should correct me if I have misinterpreted what I have observed over 40 plus years of travel in that state.
I was born in and lived in NJ until I was 18 and have gone back frequently because of the number of relatives who have lived there. Parts of the state are beautiful. Gas is cheap. It has some beautiful areas and a lot going for it, but it also has some ugly industrial areas, corruption, overcrowded roads, and an inferiority complex with respect to NY state. In some places it is a sewer, and in other places it is high end living at its best.
Don't take my opinion on these two states as the gospel. Hitch up that Smart and head east.
Give us a report when you get back.
CA is on my short list of states I prefer to not visit also so we have common ground.
BTW, I don't need to have a crappy experience to appreciate something good. Been there done that. Getting to where we are today provided all the lousy experiences I need.
07-19-2007, 12:24 PM
You know, take a closer look. That rat has a familiar face to it.
• Could be a two bus rat.
Jerry Winchester
07-19-2007, 12:29 PM
You mean there is a nice part of New Jersey? I have only been to the swampy, warehouse part, so maybe you can circle the good parts on a map for my next trip that way.
I have never been to Ohio. Or Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire or West Virginia, so fill me in on those if there are any rat-in-the-pool stories abou them.
Plastic-krak4U has found his niche. Haging in the POS rv at the POS rv park. Form meets function.
I love it.
07-19-2007, 12:40 PM
You know, take a closer look. That rat has a familiar face to it.
Mango• Could be a two bus rat.
oh man Mango, that was beyond way harsh;) And here I thought this rat was your hero--at least I have heard you say that many times:rolleyes:
Guess you just can't trust anyone else with two buses to be your friend.......just wait til tonight when I show this to the "Rat"
07-19-2007, 12:45 PM
Hey Jerry, When did you get new wheels????????????
07-19-2007, 01:42 PM
Cool deal JDUB! Nice coach!!
Hey, add 100k to your buy price and sell it to Gastrukster!! :)
Is this the official unveiling of the new JDUB-mobile. Damn the fire business must be hot! Until you get rid of the General maybe you could rent it to the Truk4Tom so that he could avoid ratty campgrounds. Another member of the two bus club? Mango must be proud. Congratulations!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
07-19-2007, 04:55 PM
Hey Jer, is that really your new rig, ( 01 Marathon ) OR ARE you just swapping Avatars again, like you are so famous for? :confused:
I mean really; after all the work you did on your coach during your vacation, I can't believe you would sell it? :rolleyes: :D
Looks very impressive from here. :)
Gary S
Just Plain Jeff
07-19-2007, 05:15 PM
Rumor has it, and you know what people say about rumors... is that the JDUB old coach may be the prize at the bikini swimsuit competition at POG IV, but that has not been verified.
How 'bout it?
Jon Wehrenberg
07-19-2007, 05:36 PM
This group has gone from a few fairly smart guys with an interest in caring for their coaches to the one-ups-man-ship club and it is looking and sounding like the PP.
I feel bad because I have one coach, I have had it three years, and I don't intend to supplement it with another.
Here we have folks desperate for a coach like Viv and Jim C. and Gary and Peg, and Truk and they can't buy one because the PP faction of POG is hogging their coaches and keeping the price artificially high.
Do you dual coach owners ever expect to fix a Webasto or change an oil pressure sensor, or are you just going to shoot jabs at us poor folks who don't have these fancy new high end rides?
Joe Cannarozzi
07-19-2007, 07:27 PM
Congradulations on that 2000th post buddy.
Looking forward to reading your next 2000:)
07-19-2007, 07:37 PM
Do you dual coach owners ever expect to fix a Webasto or change an oil pressure sensor, or are you just going to shoot jabs at us poor folks who don't have these fancy new high end rides?
Aww, but Jon, you forget, you were way ahead of your time with the two bus club so let's not throw stones at your fellow "PP" friends--:D Besides, Mango is calling his fellow club members Rats now so we may have to have a fire sale on the dual coach deal and hang with you single coach owners;)
JDUB, love the wheels:cool:
07-19-2007, 07:43 PM
A thought occurred to me, which occasionally happens, that maybe Truk and JDUB are in cahoots and I don't mean boots and "cahoots"-ha~! What say you fellow Poggers, is that possible???? So far no pics of the "plastic" coach, hmmmmmmmmm Then again, I could be very wrong..........
Debi (who thinks Jon needs an award for the 2K mark)
07-19-2007, 07:55 PM
Jerry, there is somthing in the code of ethics about not confering with your fellow POGers about a up coming purchace isn't there.
Anyway nice looking bus from what I can see by the little photo. Is there a link to all the photos or do you want and wait to show us in person?
Also tell me your not a two busser now! I'm really starting to think that there is a trend among belonging to POG.
Nice ride :)
07-19-2007, 07:57 PM
Your right Debi, we had better wait to see how this plays out.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-19-2007, 08:29 PM
Hey Deb,
You weren't supposed to remember I was the original two bus club member.
With OSH coming up JDUB is going nuts right now trying to figure out how to fly in in the plane with other Bonanza owners. He is also trying to bring in the bus so he doesn't have to camp under the wing with his generator (that had to be delivered by UPS last year because he couldn't fit it in the plane).
That way he can be a part of the Beech Fleet and the POG subchapter of the PP. We just need to get him to remember what it was like before he got stuck up and didn't post news of his new coach. He needs to come back around a little. I heard of trying to keep up with the Mango's (they replaced the Jones), but golly gee.
Jerry Winchester
07-19-2007, 11:18 PM
I'm just trying to pack the plane for my 6am wheels up departure in the morning and I come back to find the kids loose on the computer.
Jim; When? This week, so there is a nice 92 Royale for you to consider buying. No more of this shucking around.
Jon; Weren't you the charter member of the two coach club? I'm just emulating the master.
Gary; Avatars are at the top, your cajones are on the bottom.
Deb; Between Mango and I, there will be some photos of the PlasticKrak4Umobile posted this week during his hazing at OSH.
Here are the better pics. This is a hand-me-down from one of our POG members who is headed to Florida tomorrow to pick up his 06 Liberty.
07-19-2007, 11:18 PM
Jon: I'm crushed! :confused: You said "CA is on my short list of states I prefer to not visit. " You Tennesee improved yankee's can stay the h out of the Golden State, who needs you.
You darnn sure ain't gonna improve the beauty by showing up around here. I'm suprised Tenn. even allows yankees from New York to inhabit it's fine state.
07-19-2007, 11:33 PM
Jeepers! Jdub did it! Congradulations Jerry. When and where is the 1st trip.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-20-2007, 07:22 AM
When I moved to TN I quickly realized the war of northern agression is still going on, but the south is winning. I also now know why the south is winning. They don't have the attitudes exhibited by both NY and CA.
And I was able to bring my coach into the state right away.
But don't tell anybody how good it is here in TN. We would rather all the disguntled Kalifornians and New Yawkers move somewhere else.
Damn Yankees.
Just Plain Jeff
07-20-2007, 07:28 AM
So Jon, the founder of the 2-bus club, says it is bad to have more than one bus, isn't a Yankee, who came from New York, now living in Tennessee... and is also the founder of the Flat Toad Tire club tells everyone to check everything in detail before leaving the barn, is a former Prevost Prouds member but won't go within 100 miles of said events...
What we have here is a (GASP!)...Reality Gap!
He must be distracted by the Lennon Sisters at 4:15 pm when having his oatmeal and prunes for dinner.
07-20-2007, 08:16 AM
No pictures of the Plastictrukster thank you very much, but I'm sure they will follow in vivid color thanks to Daryl & Daryl in Osh!
Jdub now with 2 buses, what a great day! I'm sure the next owner of the (drive me 1 hr, work on me 4 hrs) Royale won't be a Pogger, we like to do the maintenance prior to vacation..
Yes the campground was occupied by a few other eh, er, ah, plastic type RV things, some of which had weeds growing to the tires and funny, no sewer hook ups, I guess the black tanks just evaporate!:eek:
Upstate NY now, not far from you Lew, but have had enough rain....
07-20-2007, 08:44 AM
[QUOTE=Jerry Winchester;15897]
Deb; Between Mango and I, there will be some photos of the PlasticKrak4Umobile posted this week during his hazing at OSH.]
Looking forward to seeing them JDUB! Make sure Tom has his formal attire on for the photo shoot:D
Your new wheels are AWESOME, Rae must be thrilled! Welcome to the two bus club and now maybe Mango will replace Bob's head with yours on the lovely rat photo--LOL Was this Marathon at POGIII?
Have a blast in Osh Kosh....
Jon Wehrenberg
07-20-2007, 08:48 AM
I see from your typing you must still have a few fingers. But what is your point?
As a New Yawker I saw the error of my ways...
As a two coach owner I saw the error of my ways....
As a member of the flat spotted tire club I saw the error of my ways...
This is all a learning experience. I do have to note that the big guy went out of his way to try to keep his membership in the two coach club secret. Apparently that club's members are not proud (no pun intended) of that membership and are about as public about it as they are their use of those little blue pills.
I quit my membership in all of the three clubs I listed above cold turkey.
Just Plain Jeff
07-20-2007, 09:01 AM
Good man Jon.
Nice to see your humility rise to the occasion.
Speaking of which, I am thinking of the gold lame...or possibly the leopard skin outfit for the swimsuit competition.
Anyone else got specific plans or are you keeping them secret?
Inquiring minds want to Debi says.
Jon Wehrenberg
07-20-2007, 09:46 AM
I'm trying to imagine Lame' with wrinkled skin. EEEUUUU!
mike kerley
07-20-2007, 01:01 PM
Congratulations Jerry,
Beautiful coach. We wish you many happy miles.
Mike and Karen
Just Plain Jeff
07-20-2007, 08:51 PM
I'm trying to imagine Lame' with wrinkled skin. EEEUUUU!
Leopard skin it is, thank you.
Now there hasn't been a big gush of excitement about the bikini swimsuit contest. I figure that must be because it is such a great idea that others have to think about it before responding.
Undaunted, my thoughts are now that we could have a group competiton. For example, MM, JDUB and I could be the POG-Dales, with some trick lighting and some of Ben's digital stuff, bet it could be pretty good, at least.
Gettin' in shape.
07-21-2007, 12:41 AM
Is there really a JPJeff or just a figment of the Poggers imagination. We didn't see him in Santa Fe or in Kerrville. Now he's talking of future exploits planned for Branson. Is he a ghost of POG past or just an imaginary figure made up by one of you ghost writers. I know Jon keeps indicating he has been seen on the walls of Post offices around the country. Has anyone seen his picture or a glimpse of his shadow? Maybe JDUB is correct in describing him in witness protection. Can he be produced in the flesh at Branson. Time will tell ( The Shadow Knows! )
Just Plain Jeff
07-21-2007, 08:31 AM
Harry: This is a good new/bad news deal.
Yes there is a JPJ, as seen at POG I. And plans are afoot to see him in the flesh at POG IV.
Bad news is that you will see him in a now Leopard Skin Bikini Swimsuit at the competition...ah, really in the flesh.
Bet you are sorry you asked, huh?
BTW: How about we do a 'Challenge Competition?' The best of the POG swimsuit competition will go up against those of other clubs, the Parliament Travel Club, Bus n Bikers, the Liberty group and some of the other ones I can't remember at the moment? Pretty sure that the POG-Dales will win the tourney.
Lew needs to hunk up for this one. He's the quiet 2-Prevost owner.
07-21-2007, 09:27 AM
Comes to mind we could always have a beer belly competition--maybe in Bikinis!
Went to a beer belly competition in Daytona during Bike Week. The person who won was 84 inches.
Biggest woman I ever saw!
Just Plain Jeff
07-21-2007, 09:46 AM
Hmmm. Maybe this guy should do the bikini?
07-21-2007, 10:11 AM
Jeff: Thanks for the above picture, now we know what the real Jeff looks like.
Your not going to find enough leopard skin to cover that physic. Good to here your making an apearance at Branson. I wonder how many signups we'll loose on that earth shaking news.
If yuz dish it out, yuz gotta take it. ;)
Just Plain Jeff
07-21-2007, 10:25 AM
I was just kiddin' about Jimmie, the guy in the picture. But he IS the guy driving the idea of the four slide coach. Guess we know why now.
Anyway, in order to keep up with the Tennessee crowd, I was thinking about something more on the order of this to compete with the Joneses:
Thank you, thank you very much...
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