View Full Version : Branson Competition?
06-23-2007, 11:09 PM
As many of you recall we had a Bling competition at Santa Fe, and I for one and a few others had a lot of fun with it. I think we should come up with another competition for Branson, so we can poke fun at the winners and losers. Not Bling, been there, done that, maybe? (besides JDUB has the cooker with the anaconda now).
Looking for suggestions here, maybe the most innovative additional item to the coach (not factory, but individual) and then maybe a factory installed doo dad.???
Anybody game, open to suggestions. Truck you can still post even tho you have no bus. We all know that is short lived.
Caution: A 1 Jon will be trying to encourage a drag race or other automotive competition now. Be Careful. He just bought an 07 Z06 - Brand Damn New. Red on top of that. He told me he has had it up 62.5mph -- Smoked everybody and everything on the road. Could be all those oysters we ate took effect on the car buying trigger. Or he heard there was an opening for a Red car at DEI???
06-24-2007, 09:36 AM
You just had to make me whine today but I forgive you! For years and years we had Corvettes. Bob even surprised me years ago with a red one all wrapped up with a bow:D This past year I saw a red one at the dealership that I thought had my name on it but it couldn't be towed and we know how important towing is:rolleyes:
Jon and Di, drive that puppy down the mountain and take me for a ride please!! As far as the contest goes sounds like fun!
Jon Wehrenberg
06-24-2007, 12:29 PM
Di and I went out to breakfast in the little red coupe and I got it all the way up to 65. I got dizzy so I slowed down.
Its got enough power so I am thinking outside the box here. Is it possible to drive the car and use the bus for a toad?
Thanks to Roger on this deal because he was my consultant and I was able to get what I think is a good deal on a very hot car that is in demand.
Joe Cannarozzi
06-24-2007, 01:57 PM
Jon I already had that idea, remember the pony motor:D I think I remember getting a little grief from it;)
I think Rodger has a good idea.
How about most and fewest miles since last rally? How about a least air pressure loss challenge? How about a bus rodeo, all we need is a big empty lot and some cones. How about UGLIEST BUS:D How about fastest to unhook the toad. How about unhooking and then rehooking the electric, water, waste hose, and tv BLINDFOLDED and barefoot, and mabye a little drunk as well:rolleyes: How about quickest to close all awnings blindfolded and barefoot and mabye one arm tied behind your back! (power awnings not allowed).
Come on folks lets get goofy!
Jon Wehrenberg
06-24-2007, 07:22 PM
Shiniest slack adjusters?
Prettiest copper piping?
Best nitrogen in the tires?
Most costly repairs at Prevost?
06-24-2007, 11:20 PM
Jon - you would probably win all 4 of those categories. Who can top 80 plus thousand on the repair, and have polished slack adjusters too? Well maybe not nitrogen?
Joe is churning out some ideas, I like his suggestion on quietest gen set, We could all benefit from improving the sound proofing on our coaches. This could be tested with sound measuring device (my ear). With the experience of his new project (redo of Gen box) maybe we will now know what to use and not to use. I know the foam insulation in my box is beginning to deterioate and will need replacing soon. Has anyone investigate the foil material used in the roof of the engine compartment?
Keep 'em ideas coming.
06-24-2007, 11:40 PM
Hey, wait a minute! I have to have the loudest gen-set, because I went head to head with a couple of
RV's while in Phoenix and I lost. So lets throw this idea out. Maybe lets have the prettiest gen. box
Jon Wehrenberg
06-25-2007, 07:44 AM
I have the prettiest generator box, hands down. I have been polishing that foam for weeks and you should see it shine.
To detail that generator box I removed the heavy copper cables and polished the copper on each visible strand of wire.
You guys believe me don't you?
Just Plain Jeff
06-25-2007, 07:51 AM
This is all sounding dangerously close to a Prevost Prouds rally.
I do believe that Jon has polished the copper on his wires, but since he has been drinking Black Water, we have to mitigate his comments as to the effects of that.
How about a competition on who owns the most coaches?
06-25-2007, 08:36 AM
How about a competition on who owns the most coaches?
I am NOT showing this suggestion to Bob03/00 and I suggest not sending this to Donna, Harry & Shirley or even the Lewster:D Who knows what lengths someone may go to in order to win this award. With our luck, the award would be another coach:eek:
Jon Wehrenberg
06-25-2007, 09:09 AM
We could stack the deck in your favor by having a contest to see who owns the most slides.
Just Plain Jeff
06-25-2007, 09:17 AM
We should probably be more specific in our language, to wit: 'Slides.'
Being that JDUB is last reported in Las Vegas, the 'slides' from that deal may be, 'way too harsh?'
Jerry Winchester
06-25-2007, 11:59 AM
I swear you guys need a keeper. I am back from Lost Wages and the balmy 111 heat. Screw that place.
Let me consult with my Diet Coke buddy and see what realistic competition looms. In the end, it needs more than subjective judging and should be something even us vintage coach guys can achieve.
FYI, I left the anaconda on the cooker by the pool (not the bling cooker) and I looked out the window Thursday to see one of the yard guys sneaking up behind the other to toss it on him. Plenty of action at that point.
We also need to work on the prize system. To date I have;
A stainless toilet brush holder with inscribed name plate
A stainless toilet brush holder with Viagra bottle (previously owned by Stiff Roger Foster) glued to the top
A rooster named "Dude" that does the chicken dance and squawks when you choke it
A green and yellow anaconda
A condom from a hickory nut
Some mango fart exterminator spray
This is way harsh.
06-25-2007, 05:09 PM
JDUB: Quite an impressive list of POG awards. What do you credit your success to? Full of ??ice cream? Bribing the judges? Cheating?
I agree we need a competition that includes vintage as well as Tugas. :cool:
Just Plain Jeff
06-25-2007, 05:37 PM
OK. We've got all these Studley Domeisters throwing around their testosterone on the board, so let's see the real deal.
The First Annual POG Male Swimsuit Competition
Anybody can buy or shine stuff up, but how about seeing whatchya really got?
06-25-2007, 06:46 PM
Although my esteemed bus owning colleagues (and trukman) have some interesting and creative suggestions, let me offer this:
Campground Lighting Contest
A necessity if you're going to spend anytime outside around the bus, usually neglected by most bus owners as they hurry to huddle inside around their 42" plasmas.
As you travel from campground to campground you'll see a lot of creativity and usually a lot more tackiness when it comes to lighting ones area. But since most campgrounds are pretty dark (except the ones that have blown their landscaping budget with Jamestown Products). This could be an interesting and useful competition.
This would equal the playing field, even Tuga could compete. (I keep thinking about Karen draped in tiny xmas lights).
...and I'm not offering any Mango's staff as potential judges.
06-25-2007, 07:48 PM
[=Jon Wehrenberg;15246]
We could stack the deck in your favor by having a contest to see who owns the most slides]
Bahahahahha, well I guess we would know who the winner is--at this point in time anyway:D
Mango, your lighting idea sounds promising--I imagine you would bring palm trees and flamingos;)
Jon Wehrenberg
06-25-2007, 08:34 PM
I think Jeff the tool man is on to something. As I do the mental scan of the testosterone equipped part of this august body I'm thinking the swim suit contest would provide some yuks unlike any that we have seen since the bling contest.
I'm picturing JDUB with an oiled body in a bikini set of swim trunks. Perhaps we can convince Jeff the tool man to appear in his speedos. I would be remiss if we did not give the ladies an opportunity to judge the men and to allocate the various awards.
I am constrained by a need to keep this topic suitable for family entertainment, but perhaps it is time to let some of the members of this forum have a huge opportunity to flex their muscles. Lew, do you have your bikini swim trunks ready to go? There can be various categories to assure that a variety of body shapes would be in the running for the POG IV contest awards.
Perhaps the Mangoettes could handle the lighting for this show.
Just Plain Jeff
06-25-2007, 08:44 PM
From the early scan of contributions to my original idea of the Male Swimsuit Competition, I hereby modify my original proposal to be a male bikini swimsuit competition, with music perhaps provided by Ken & Ellen, and the Mango Light Team as needed.
The point here is that this will be an opportunity, in a G rated mode, to see those who wish to strut their Prevost stuff before the assembled crowd. Any male who does not wish to participate may do so.
Kinda like South Beach hits Branson?
I'm in, and will be there, camper or not.
What say you all?
Jim Skiff
06-25-2007, 08:56 PM After unsuccessfully cropping JPJ face into the BORAT swimsuit/thong. I'll provide the image and let you guys and gals decide if the Male Swimsuit Competition is the right thing to do. I'm not even sure Missouri law allows it.
06-25-2007, 11:23 PM
Since this competition suggestion box is all of a sudden turning into a crime against humanity I have composed a letter to the President of the US (since we have none nor want any presidents or board in POG), seeking an immediate executive order preventing any old fart who owns a prevost from wearing something like Borax in public and taking a chance that I may have to see it. We can not take the time for normal Lawmakers to act. I don,t believe (even with my poor vision) that I could survive such an ordeal, much less drive home.
I am with Deb and Mango on the outdoor lights - if I were to see something really bad like JPJ, JDUB, Lewster, or A1 in a swim suit, I could unplug the lights!
Which bus has the nicest Gen Box is not as hazardous or threatening. Keep it on the list.
06-26-2007, 01:54 AM
There was a couple who pulled into a Campsite I was staying in years ago by Redding, California. They had several prize winning dogs with them. Within a short time they had set out a small Picket fence(12 ft. diameter), saw dust, small dog houses , decorative shrubs, and a whole bunch of other accessories to crate what looked like a dogtown. It was quite amazing. They were from Texas.
Anyway, I like Mango's idea regarding the outside lightng. But you can take it much further.:)
Jon Wehrenberg
06-26-2007, 07:24 AM
I can see it now. Branson in October will look like Pigeon Forge around Christmas.
Why is it that our contests somehow end up revolving around LED lights. Who has stock in that industry and is not telling us?
06-26-2007, 08:54 AM
I knew LED bashing was going to rear it's ugly head sooner or later.
You don't have to include a single LED in your display to win. Creativity is the key.
And Gary might be on to something with a more complete package.
I would compete in the bikini contest (Fast Roger avert your eyes). However to make it interesting the bikini must be made from certified Prevost Parts.
Just Plain Jeff
06-26-2007, 09:32 AM
MM: "However to make it interesting the bikini must be made from certified Prevost Parts"
Hey, I think MM is a great guy and all that stuff, but geez, when we start to argue about 'rules,' then all the fun goes out of it.
This is one of those deals where we have to simply rise to the occasion, stand up for ourselves and get 'er done.
In or out, no rules.
06-26-2007, 09:56 AM
If we are going to have a Male Bikini Competition I think that it is only fitting to have the gals put on a "wet T shirt" contest.
Karen has just informed me that if my suggestion is implemented, we will not be attending POG IV!:D
Sorry Mike.
06-26-2007, 11:25 AM
Just Plain Jeff
06-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Will Mango trim his beard prior to his 'walk' at POG IV? Or will he just change over to his 'kini?
I can feel the rocks starting to move under my feet.
06-26-2007, 10:14 PM
Remember boys and girls, turd boy doesn't play fair.:p
Joe Cannarozzi
06-26-2007, 11:14 PM
I still would like to know whos hands those are with the bigger wad of cash, on the left of the picture?
Just Plain Jeff
06-27-2007, 06:55 AM
Awright, this is a unique opportunity to 'guy up.'
The bribes don't work, LEDs don't work, a little polish here and there doesn't work. Chrome doesn't work.
When you strut your stuff on the runway, we'll see whatchya got.
BTW: In the six weeks since we have gone from full-timing to having a house doing work I have already lost 13 pounds.
OK, it IS a bad version of Rocky XXXVIII. But you can get in shape if you want.
Now I have to stop referring to Helen as, "Yo, Adrienne.......!
Oh well.
06-27-2007, 11:12 AM
...Those hands would be Mrs. Winchester.
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