View Full Version : Flying J and Visa
06-16-2007, 11:08 AM
For those of you who have not stopped at a Flying J since the first of the month or so, let me advise you that they no longer accept Visa cards for payment on the commercial (truck) island. Buster tells me that Master Card is still ok. So for all of you that only carry Visa, like myself, you better have some folding money handy!!
06-16-2007, 12:37 PM
For those of you who have not stopped at a Flying J since the first of the month or so, let me advise you that they no longer accept Visa cards for payment on the commercial (truck) island. Buster tells me that Master Card is still ok. So for all of you that only carry Visa, like myself, you better have some folding money handy!!
Hey Ken, Why not get a Master card. IMHO one of each is better than carrying a wad of cash!!
06-16-2007, 01:36 PM
They still take VISA at the rv side, but does it run slow. I spent half an hour at a Flying J putting in 150 gal of liquid gold diesel.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2007, 03:09 PM
We have always paid cash for fuel. Up until very recently the Flying J was our preferred fuel stop.
Lately the Flying J truck stops along our routes have become a royal pain to fill up at. Unless we happen to hit it right there always seems to be a wait to get an open pump, and than another wait to give away our money. Even with the fast truck island pumps the time lost in fueling has eaten up 45 minutes easily.
I tried the Pilot about 3 miles from our house. That turned out to be a mistake because if you pay cash you get a six cent discount which still makes it more expensive than the closest Flying J, but they will not turn on the pumps unless you walk inside, stand in line and show proof of who you are. Then you get to hike back outside, pump fuel, and repeat the process of standing in line.
I have gotten tired of waiting to get fuel and then waiting in line when there are one or two cashiers ringing up fuel sales, fried chicken, and cashing trucker's checks. So lately I have been using a small truck stop near the house that is a penny less than the Pilot, has open islands almost always and no lines when I want to pay.
06-16-2007, 03:26 PM
I have a Pacific Pride carlock card that I will start using more frequently. These places are small in comparison to any of the big truck fueling companys, they are clean, they are bus friendly, and your purchase goes on your bank card. The only hassle here is the fuel price is not posted, you have to call the office in Washington state on an 800 number to get the price. The office is only open M-F, 8to5 Pacific Time. And the price is always a couple of cents more than the big boys. Pacific Pride also has fueling places in Canada that I will check out this August.
Jim C- I did not need a wad of cash until last Thursday when I pumped $288.00 in bluevost and went in to pay with my visa card. That's when I found out!
Jon-couldn't agree with you more about the standing in line nonsense. What a waste of time.
Joe Cannarozzi
06-16-2007, 06:39 PM
On the same subject but a lighter note, when traveling with our grandchildren no matter how much munchies and food junk we would pack when I need fuel it is always everybody out and in and buy somemore. Sooooooo I got in the habbit of fueling predawn, I'm always up early anyway you could set off an atomic bomb at that time of the morning and they wouldn't wake up and THE FUEL ISLANDS ARE EMPTY.
Jon, If your paying with cash a guy who has had a bus for as long as you should be able to just look at your guage, and the price, firure it pretty close and just give it to her the first time in, no?:eek:
I used to love to hit the little guy in town for fuel with the Pete. He had highschool kids pumping it and washing windows, one price. He would let me overpay with a company check and give cash back, ya know, for road expences:rolleyes: Bless you Mr. Bult. He closed year before last, 87 years old.
Now I use the Truck-o-mat and its dirty and buisy but predawn or right before bed is still the prefered time for empty islands and almost always.
These things that you speak of I have to deal with every other day.:eek:
On the other hand there are some places that are great and I think we should share them.
One is Midway off I-10 in the Fla. Panhandle, I think its a Flying-J but not sure, wonderful stop, very camper friendly, but again during the day its packed.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2007, 09:35 PM
Joe, I can come right on the money if I don't run the generator because the Pro Driver spells out my fuel burned.
But you are right because when we pull into the truck stop I ask Di to get the money out of the safe and I am always pretty close. The problem with this bus, unlike the other is that I have no clue at which point the fuel will puke out. So sometimes it really is full and other times I could probably get another 20 gallons in.
Since this coach has 298 gallons of capacity, I will do a computer search of places along my route and shop it, knowing what I will be paying in advance. That has been a huge advantage because I already know what is a good price so if I see and empty truck stop with a good price I can take advantage, and with the long range I often only take on fuel at the little place near my house. I generally won't go past 1800 miles without fueling however, and I can't get it in my garage if I have less than 110 gallons on board because of the steepness of the driveway.
06-16-2007, 10:48 PM
Nice post Jon. Not even one misspelled word, not one. Can't believe what I read here.
06-17-2007, 12:48 AM
I used to use Pacific Pride but not only was their prices not posted but they we alway higher than anything in town. I would alway check other local station prices and then watch my PP bill and compared the prices.
Stopped using it, found the convinces not worth the price.
06-17-2007, 01:35 AM
As per usual we all have problems here and no clear answers. I usually look for Flying J BUT Recently all the Flying J terminals are selling CITGO Fuel. You Know CITGO as in the Dictator Chavez,
If any one comes up with an alternate short of digging an oil well in our backyards please let me know.
Where's JDUB on this, he's our oil guy.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-17-2007, 07:29 AM
Jeff B had the answer.
We need to fill up at McDonalds on fryer oil. I suppose we could use the drive thru.
06-17-2007, 08:40 AM
[=win42;15006]As per usual we all have problems here and no clear answers. I usually look for Flying J BUT Recently all the Flying J terminals are selling CITGO Fuel. You Know CITGO as in the Dictator Chavez,...
Harry, Bob's with you, no CITGO stations for us:rolleyes: We tend to use the Love's Travel Stops when traveling in the south. You can earn fuel points with their points card. I know they started in OKC but I cannot remember who's fuel they use? I am sure JDUB can tell us more since he is the OK guy:D Shouldn't he be home by now??
06-17-2007, 10:29 AM
Folks, I purchase my fuel at the lowest possible price.....I and do not care who is selling it! Exxon is making obscene profits while most Americans are struggling to purchase gas to get to their jobs. Wal-Mart is the #1 importer of Chinese goods which has replaced American made products....yet Americans flock to their stores? Has our gov't stepped in to release reserves or lower fuel taxes? Of course not......special interest ( oil companies ) make huge campaign contributions. Many foreign countries enjoy the profits from American commerce, but dislike America! Just my 2 cents. Just Ken
Gary & Peggy Stevens
06-17-2007, 12:04 PM
Harry, I didn' realize that Flying J was selling CITGO fuel. How did you find that out? I try to avoid CITGO for the reasons we all know about. Are all of the Flying J's selling CITGO Fuel or just some? Is there somewhere on their website that tells us this information?
Thanks for the heads up. How is it going with your new addition? No problems I hope?
Gary S
06-17-2007, 12:09 PM
On our last two trips from TX to CA and OK to Ca all we passed were Fly. J's CITGO. We could file protests to to Flying J, but it would probably fall on deaf ears. They are probably making a killing using the stuff.
mike kerley
06-18-2007, 02:50 PM
Jon's point of having cash is to me the most important. What ever country/company you chose to support, minimize the amount by paying in cash. We always keep some cash handy. There are those times when a credit card just wont move the wheels like a twenty dollar bill will and the 5 to 10 cents a gallon discount you can receive with cash is significant.
Also, like Jon, I prefer to deal with the smaller truck stops, but never the little car fueling stations that sell diesel. That fuel has usually been around for a while and is often very dirty and poorly filtered.
Ray Davis
06-18-2007, 03:13 PM
Jim C- I did not need a wad of cash until last Thursday when I pumped $288.00 in bluevost and went in to pay with my visa card. That's when I found out!
Ken, this is a dumb question, but every time I have ever used a Flying J I've had to go in in advance, and put a credit card down, before pumping. How in the world were you able to pump, and then get the "I need cash" surprise? I've never been able to pump without going in for pre-authorization.
06-18-2007, 03:53 PM
Ken; I think you better watch this program JDUB sent us:
06-18-2007, 03:58 PM
Flying J has a card available to all rvers that can be used to activate the pump for fueling. When you use that card, you get an additional one cent per gallon discount off the cash price. Then you use your visa card to pay, and you get 30 days to boot. This was the best of all senarios.
Ray Davis
06-18-2007, 04:00 PM
Very interesting, I've got a flying J card. I didn't realize it could start the pumps. I tried other credit cards in the past, with no luck. I assumed it had to be a commerical card of some kind.
06-18-2007, 05:05 PM
I have always used my VISA and the FJ rewards card right at the pump.
Never any need to go in.
Ray Davis
06-18-2007, 06:25 PM
I had only recently got a FJ card, and evidently that is the key. I had tried Visa/MC without the FJ card, but it never worked at the pump, so I had gotten real used to either going in, or sending Kathy (with radio in hand) if we were traveling together.
06-18-2007, 10:48 PM
I just returned from Florida 3 weeks ago and they accepted the Visa each and every time. You must put in the FJ card first and then it will ask for your payment card.
I have been asked to "see cashier" and I have gone in and they ran it for me inside. I remember vaguely that when I ask why do some FJs call me inside and some don't. I think it is just a security precaution because there are some credit card scams.
As for them wanting cash after they accepted my card either inside or outside, they would have a hell of a time getting cash out me. What? Me give them Lewbucks. Sure I carry some cash but not for the noise making fluid I am purchasing.
06-19-2007, 01:50 PM
Between DC and Myrtle Beach, SC the cheapest fuel is usually at Love's at Mile 4 on the Virginia Line.
Great operation. And you can, with registration, use your Love's point card to start the pumps.
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