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View Full Version : Campground Changes

Just Plain Jeff
06-16-2007, 07:18 AM
This is a new thread to put together some comments made elsewhere.

Since the 1990's when we first started leaving on the OTR air in sandy campgrounds, we've seen a lot change.

First, of course, none of the trees seemed to have been trimmed since then.

Secondly, sites have gone way up in price. For an all electric Prevost, however, it isn't a bad deal, as with lots of a/c and cooking, and all the electronic stuff on board, it's likely that a couple can suck down several dollars with of power overnight.

Third is that this whole visitor thing has gotten out of hand. There was some RV trade rag that ran a series of stories on this very topic. The campground owners were claiming that their insurance required them to charge for any person in the campground due to liability reasons. I think this is fake excuse for charging an extra couple of bucks. I brought my grand-daughter to a campground in Vermont to meet up with her parents, for literally 1 hour and all three were charged for 'non-overnight visitor status,' which frankly I thought was a gouge, considering I was staying there for a week. Helen, in her infinite wisdom stayed home and avoided the entire debacle.

Fourthly (sigh, last point) there was a movement beginning just a few years ago which was openly stated to not allow any coach in parks which would be 10-years old or older. Furthermore, some parks had a clause which allowed them to discriminate based on the condition of the camper itself. I guess they were trying to keep out what they could indvidually determine was riff-raff. Bad policy, as we, as trailer trash, were always allowed in, so it just goes to show.

We met a very nice couple in CT who had converted a standard school bus, a very nicely done job in cherry and Corian. They quickly found out that between CT and Florida just about zero campgrounds would allow them to stay. They hadn't figured on that occurring, and were very disappointed with the discovery.

What we did find, even with a Prevost over ten years old, was that the parks didn't seem to care about the age, as the "Prevost" deal seemed to over-ride their concerns about having weird people in their park and creating trouble.

Just goes to show.

Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2007, 08:04 AM
There are developments around the country that have deed restrictions. Those deed restrictions dictate whether you can park cars in your driveway or hang clothes outside on a clothes line. They mandate the length of your grass, and even what colors you may use to paint the trim.

Campgrounds are the same way. The owner (and the clientele) determine what they will or will not allow, and they then enforce the rules, sometimes not equitably.

If we use a campground we tend to prefer one that does maintain a certain level of quality. We have been in campgrounds that let "guests" in without restriction and find it is not a lot of fun to be stuck next to an 18 foot camper with about 12 beer drinking folks and their undisciplined kids. We prefer to not be in campgrounds where most of the campers in there are so old or poorly maintained that they look like they would fall apart if you moved them. That is our choice.

I hope places like Buckhorn keep letting us in although we passed the 10 year mark, because that is the type of campground we like. If they don't we will try to find the next best thing. Wal-Mart.

06-16-2007, 08:50 AM
Just think of the poor campground owner who looks out the window and see's JDUB heading his way with a stream of toilet paper stuck in has pants and a chicken on his dash!:eek:

Protective Covenants would be in order.....:p

06-16-2007, 10:02 AM
JPJ and Jon,

Sounds to me like you guys are nibbling at the edges of your political persuasions. :eek:


Yeah, but he drives a Prevost so he must be okay. By the way you get a demerit for fibbing in your signature, Big Red is sold, remember? :p

Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2007, 02:39 PM

I don't know about political persuasions, but as old farts we know what we like. We have run the gamut of campgrounds just the last few months and have gone from some really trashy ones to some of the best ones.

We have learned over the years we want 50 amp so we can be energy hogs, we want to park where there are a lot of high end coaches so we do not stand out, and we really prefer campgrounds that don't allow fires (the smoke kills both of us) or late loud parties next door.

I guess that means we would tend to vote for Alfred E. Neuman.

06-16-2007, 07:44 PM
What we did find, even with a Prevost over ten years old, was that the parks didn't seem to care about the age, as the "Prevost" deal seemed to over-ride their concerns about having weird people in their park and creating trouble.

Just goes to show.

that is only right if they even know what a prevost is. we have had three occasions where they asked make and year. the first time she still asked me the year after i told her prevost. stupid me says '92 and she says we can't come!!!!! when i told her if she didn't know what it was, she wouldn't know the year. so i sent a pic and got a wonderful note back from the mgr.saying they would love to have us there - NOT!
i now say 97 if they still ask after hearing prevost. so far, no one has questioned it.
we do prefer the more rustic out of the way places, though - the hoity-toity crowd doesn't impress us. we have met some great people we would otherwise not have.