View Full Version : Floorplans
06-16-2007, 12:34 AM
In lurking and reading here, the mood/allegiences seem to lean heavily to Liberty and then to Marathon. (I have no intention of starting a loyalty war here)
There are many times that I can imagine using a coach for vacations with grandkids to go skiing or to the beach or even Disney, as well as for short trips to OSH Indy 500 and Reno.
This has me thinking that the best floor plan for my use would be a bunk coach and in particular what I think they call a star coach with a rear stateroom and 4-6 bunks.
As it appears I have a few years of work left in me, it occurs that my first Prevost may well be a bunk coach, as it will be 5-7 years before we can think of extended road trips of more than a week to 10 days.
Any thoughts, words of wisdom, or even dire warnings before I make a big mistake jumping off this cliff?
Just Plain Jeff
06-16-2007, 07:06 AM
Henry: Privately I am referred to as an old gas bag, so you will learn quickly not to make such open-ended questions.
Anyway (nodding off) the conversion market doesn't do a very good job of supporting the requirement of bunks. The common thought in the conversion business is: "Drinks for six, dinner for four and sleeps two." That's what the vast majority of quality conversions are built for because that's what people want to buy.
That being said, there are just a few bunk coaches out there which have been either custom-built or were intended for other purposes. There was a nice Liberty, I think a 97 for sale last winter in Florida with two bunks. You may wish to check with Dave Wall at Stuart to see if it is still available. The owner's name is Dick.....(forget the last name).
Should you wish to go another step down the line, you are then crossing into entertainer coaches which is an entirely different ballgame. There are two types of entertainer coaches: The good ones and the bad ones IMHO. The good ones are usually considered 'star coaches,' which means they were configured for the lead singer or performer. The bad ones are usually for the band, dancers, back-up singers and so on. A star coach can be pretty nice. We looked at Randy Travis' coach (a Liberty) last fall/winter and decided at 495K miles and the work needed to convert it to private use wasn't worth it. Pretty cool coach with an extra side door; there was a wall built between the driving compartment and the rest of the coach. Helen was good with that because I would leave her alone, but I didn't like feeling so much like an unpaid driver.
The bad coaches are usually of poor construction materials, minimal kitchen and bath facilities and are more on a par with typical non-Prevost conversion quality standards (didn't you notice how PC that statement was?)
They can be bought, usually somewhere around Nashville for reasonable money, but are very tough to unload if you wish to move into a more mainstream coach later on.
One solution to your question is to get a coach with two pull-out sofas, or a coach where same could be installed, which is NBD. Most of the sofas in coaches are pretty standard fare and are rather easily interchangeable even without a grease pit. That way, you can use the coach as a 'bunk job' for a bit and still use it later on for two.
We do know of an older coach which was custom built where there was a trap door under the salon table to the first bay where the kids slept, which was air conditioned and heated. When mom and pop put the kiddos down below, they could party all night long.
Of course, you have to remember that you had kids down there later on. But you must be younger and would remember that part.
So there you go.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2007, 07:53 AM
This is an area where nobody can answer your question. You have to determine your needs based on how you use your coach.
Jeff touched lightly on the differences, but while seemingly similar an entertainer coach with bunks is a totally different product compared to a bus conversion motorhome.
It is very rare when converters step out of their niche. It is not likely you will find many bunks in a Liberty or a Marathon or a Country Coach. Conversely you will not find a motorhome converted by a company that traditionally makes conversions for the entertainment industry.
You have only so many cubic feet in a bus, so if you feel bunks are critical plan to give something else up. Our motorhomes are designed for two, but as Jeff points out with folding sofas and other variations such as a dinette that converts into a bed, more can be accomodated. But if you select a coach with bunks, you will have a smaller bathroom, a smaller kitchen, less closet space, etc.
But beyond the differences inside the coach most entertainer coaches have substantial differences outside and in the bays. First, the entertainer coach has a longer wheel base with minimal overhand in the rear. That could prove to be a real negative in most campgrounds because to make a turn you will eat up a lot of real estate. It also tends to overload the front axle when you add your personal belongings.
Since the primary purpose of the coach is to let the passengers get some sleep while the professional driver brings them to the next venue, it may have a walled off driver area. It is unlikely to have the holding capacity in the fresh and waste water tanks. It is likely to have two generators, but not bus over the road air, relying instead on using the generator to power as many roof air units as necessary to keep things cool. In fact, instead of sophisticated electrical systems entertainer coaches are unlikley to have a lot of battery capacity, but will rely on a lot of generator use.
You will have a lot of bay space because entertainers require that for equipment or instruments. You will lack awnings so plan on spending money for them.
As Jeff points out the entertainer coaches are not built to the quality level of the motorhome conversions because they are business tools, not second homes.
What you need to do is search the internet and find places where you can actually see both types, preferably in large quantities so you become educated in the differences. And there are many. Focus on the floor plans, the equipment, the systems and features that are important to you. Also consider all the ways you will use the coach and try to determine if it will work as you intend to use it. No matter what direction you choose to go I will assure you that it will be a compromise.
06-16-2007, 08:34 AM
Go to and you will see many entertainer coaches of all configurations. Contray to our belief, it appears to me that they are no bargains, but in many cases have a price that is higher on the average than our coaches. Check it out.:confused:
06-16-2007, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the information,
I think I would find the layout of a "star coach" very functional for my anticipated needs, but was concerned that they have the support systems, meaning the water capacities, heating, and cooling systems and power requirements that I might need.
06-16-2007, 12:32 PM
Ted, Something else that might satisfy your needs is, instead of pulling a toad. Have a "TOYBOX TRAILER" made up with Bunks and Air and Heat etc. powered off the Bus for sleeping only. Everyone rides in the bus and uses bus plumbing and cooking/eating. When the family and or friends are not with you connect the toad and have a regular party for two. With a 40' Bus and a 25' Trailer you would have the best of both worlds:cool: :D
You could even leave the guests in Vegas "with the trailer" while you and your wife toured California:eek:
OR: Don't go the custom route just pull an appropriately sized bumper pull camper trailer for "them" :eek: You would have to be a strong individual thouth to get over all the remarks you would get from the last combination!
06-16-2007, 02:33 PM
We just bought a '91 Marathon with a triple bunk setup. The coach was ordered that way by the original owner who is a singer, George Strait. Some minor alterations were made by a subsequent owner, i.e. full size refrigerator etc. We expect that this floor plan will work well for us as we will be traveling with small children.
We did look at some other coaches that had similar setups, most of which were not originally built as bunk coaches, and you could tell.
In that we are totaly new to this stuff and have a very steep learning curve in front of us, I would defer to the others on this site who seem to know this stuff inside and out.
Jon Wehrenberg
06-16-2007, 02:58 PM
AJ has one of the rare coaches. That is a motorhome with bunks.
It is highly likely he has some compromises in his interior, such as losing some kitchen or bath space or closets, but he probably has all the motorhome systems we have so his is likely a second home with multiple bedrooms as opposed to a more conventional entertainer's coach that is unlike ours.
AJ, did you ever check it out to see if this coach was featured when new in the FMCA magazine, and if it originally had four captain's chairs in the living room?
06-16-2007, 04:07 PM
It was featured, although I haven't seen the magazine. It originally had blue interior and had a wall behind the driver. The previous owner had the wall taken out and redid the interior with more neutral tones. The previous owner also put in larger capacity fresh/holding tanks. Marathon set it up with 4 Cruise Airs, one dedicated for the bucks, that one was removed because it was unnecessary and it freed up space in the bays.
Indeed, there is a tradeoff in the layout, we have a smaller bathroom and a smaller kitchen area, both of these areas seem very functional despite there smaller size. For us the setup should work well.
P.S. I bought a George Strait CD... Not bad!
Joe Cannarozzi
06-16-2007, 07:04 PM
Jon, these trade-offs and layout w/the wall behind the driver sound familure?
AJ once again you did great. When I look at yours, VERY little was compramised. From mid ship forward is standard. We too have a small bathroom but it wasn't ti'll another POGer, who full times, suggested that he wished his was our size that I began to appreciate the extra space it frees up. If it were mine I think Ide be dying to get a copy of that mag. issue:cool:
03-12-2008, 06:14 PM
If anyone is looking for a Prevost with bunk beds there is a 2007 for sale on the Newell website ( asking price is $995,000. It is an H3 w/ double slides with a Bandon floorplan.
03-12-2008, 06:30 PM
Tuga, Marathon seems to be the one converter that is not shy to do a bunk bus and do a spec one at that. I have a friend who has an 07 Marathon XLII bunk bus. He loves it. He even told me how I would love it with kids but at some point when the newness wears off and you get the itch for something new it will be a hard sale and the dealer will eat you alive on the trade in. If kids are an issue, too me its hard to beat that lil setup Sting has. But I monitor the Marathon site pretty often and it really surprises me how they will do a spec coach in the bunk floorplan. But as mentioned by them, as well as, other converters I talked too is that they are dealing more and more with the late 30s and 40s age group with kids. With that trend, I guess it should not come as a surprise when you see a spec bunk coach, but I think when resale or trade in comes around is where the problem may come in. It seems that the younger generation wants it new and they want it now, even while raising kids. It certainly seems that way in the housing market. The secondary market seems too and usually is dominated by a more conservative and cost conscience group without children( not in all cases, I speak in general ) which a bunk bus would not fit into their plans.
Kevin Erion
03-12-2008, 07:02 PM
I looked for about 1 year for a used Marathon Bunk Coach, they only made 14 from 01 to 05, 4 are XLII non-slide models. I know there where 3 folks , myself being 1 that wanted a bunk coach. LOC, I think was another. I am not afraid of the resale on the one I bought because there are more and more younger Families that want to experience a Prevost. Another way of looking at it, I have one of only 4 made, maybe worth a little more? Time will be the test on this one.
03-12-2008, 07:19 PM
Kevin, I am 42 and I agree there are more and more guys with families jumping not just into the RV ranks but the Prevost ranks too.
03-12-2008, 08:09 PM
You are right about bunks being a turnoff for some buyers; full-timers without kids, etc. They would prefer the extra storage or closet space.
Last summer @ Oshkosh Newell had a bunk bed show coach, and I think that it sold that weekend. It had a TV and headsets in each bunk and the bunks were 80" long. The Newell salesman that I was talking to told me that bunks are in demand which explains why Marathon is building some spec buses with bunks. I think that my grandkids would love bunk beds with a 15" TV in each bunk. You are right about the demographic changing to younger buyers (who of course have kids). I have read that in RV Business magazine.
The RV business is all about change and innovation. People want something new and exciting; why buy a coach with the same amenities as last year's model. I agree with you that bunks may not be for everybody, but I think that they will have a following with the younger crowd.:)
03-12-2008, 09:13 PM
Just to add to the bunk coach and "younger family" point....I am 37 and we have a 4 and 7 year old. We are designing/building a new triple slide H with bunks. We just picked up a bus to fill the gap between now and when it is completed. We love seeing the country with our kids and as much time as I spend in airports I can do without them in my off time and the bus gives us flexibility in our travels we could not get out even the use of private aircraft....try loading 2 harley's in an airplane or attaching a rubicon to the back (or doing both) and head to the mountains or wherever....and I have a blast driving it and meeting people.
Sting, awesome bus, I love the bunkhouse approach but my wife just would not go for it with the kids as young as they are...oh well.
03-12-2008, 09:17 PM
Who is converting your new bus? Thanks for the compliment. But I could not tell from your post if you thought I had bunks or not. If so I do not have bunks. If not, sorry for the confusion-lol. By the way welcome to the new coach club and exposing your age-lol. It is really becoming apparent that there is some truth to the young family movement going on in the converter world.
03-12-2008, 09:21 PM
Marathon, Sorry for the wrong term "bunkhouse"...I meant the "hideout" in one of your bays.
03-12-2008, 09:26 PM
I have seen the bunk floorplan before. There is a guy about an hour from here who bought one about a year ago. Marathon set it up so we could meet. I went to his home and he loved it. I think the having the toilet sink and shower in an enclosed room is a neat idea. Who did you deal with?
03-12-2008, 09:36 PM
Someone being able to enclose themself completely in a bathroom/shower so others can still move through the bus is HUGE for us. I may have 6+ people sleeping in it (2 couches that fold into beds along with the bunks) at a Nascar race or Sturgis, we like to take a set of grandparents every now and then on a trip with the kids. Chad Dupuis @ of your fellow Lousianians. Marathon as several new bunk XLII's but we decided we like the extra room of the H below with all the i mean "stuff" we have to drag along with the kids.
03-12-2008, 09:40 PM
Go ahead Chad. Chad sold me my Affinity when he worked for Buddy Gregg. Tell him Todd says hello. We talk every so often. Where are you located?
03-12-2008, 09:42 PM
We are in Austin, I will tell him you said hello.
Because we travel with the M&M's (our 9 and 7 year old sons), we (read I) wanted a coach with bunks so that I could use the front of the coach while everyone slept. I looked far and wide and considered motorhomes with bunks (rare) and entertainer coaches. I agree with JPJ and Jon about the entertainers. Most of the coaches are not well built for camping. They have smaller holding tanks, very small gallies and refrigerators and the systems are inferior. They do a great job for a hauling a large group from venue to venue, but not the best for camping. I looked at a number of entertainers and talked with a number of the coach builders and owners. There are some coach builders that do a nice job, but many use lower quality materials and more short cuts in building the coach. Hemphill Brothers and Senator Coach were the two that I was the most impressed with, but I didn't go the entertainer route. I even got quotes and bids from two converters in Texas for bunk coaches (Outlaw Conversions in Stephenville and Texas Custom Coach in Pipe Creek). Both Outlaw and Texas Custom are motorhome converters, but were willing to do a bunk coach. The cost for a new conversion ($790k to just under $1MM) was beyond my pain threshold, so I kept looking. I found a Millennium double slide XLII that was originally built with three bunks and a separate toilet with sink and a separate shower with sink so that the full coach could be used while someone is in the shower or toilet. The prior owner had replaced the bunks with a closet, but that was easy to remedy. We left the lower drawers of the closet, but then restored two bunks. The great thing about our set up is that if a future owner has no need for bunks, we can put the closet back in with about five hours worth of labor. We also have two large electic couches up front that in a pinch could sleep four kids or two adults very comfortably. You may also want to consider looking at a Millennium. Many of their coaches have a floor plan where the toilet (private), sink and shower (both open) are on the same side of the coach with a large closet located opposite. The closet is large enough to be replaced with three bunks. I have seen one coach that had this floorplan and had the bunk conversion done. I even talked with Millennium about doing this to a coach in the event that I found one. They said it could be done pretty easily (I think the off the cuff estimate was around $10K and I think it could be done for less). I also looked at the one of the same Marathon bunk coaches that Kevin did (neither of us bought it) and a Liberty. The bunk coaches are rare and according to Marathon they trade pretty quickly. I even tried to have Marathon contact existing bunk coach owners to see if anyone was looking to sell.
03-16-2008, 11:22 PM
The Marathon bunk coach at Newell is sold...Marathon has 2 new XLIIs with bunks and 2 used ones as well in stock.
I would call Marathon before believing what is in stock on their website. They are known for not updating the website in a timely manner especially for the used units.
03-18-2008, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the information about bunks versus entertainers. The more I look into this, the more I think an entertainer/star coach would not have the systems I think I would be happy with.
Thanks again.
Jim Skiff
03-18-2008, 08:42 PM
Ted & Lynne,
Bob Makin of Panterra Coach said today they will probably be bringing a bunk coach to Sevierville. I am not sure of the make and model at this time.
03-22-2008, 08:44 AM
I love your coach. I believe I was looking at the same coach last fall, it was listed with an independent dealer not Millennium, correct? I called the dealer after the first of the year and they told me a lucky texan got it! It appears you got a pretty good deal.
I am in a similar situation with three kids and a dog. The only change I would have made would be a convertable rear stateroom.
03-22-2008, 09:00 PM
You say you're interested in a BUNK coach!
Check this one out: Alan Jackson's Prevost! 00209766055
And, it only has 745,000 miles on it. And, it's yellow!
03-23-2008, 05:14 PM
I saw that one, but was hoping to get one that was already broken in.
Jim Skiff
03-25-2008, 07:34 AM
We just listed this bunk coach from Panterra.
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