View Full Version : Kyocera KR1 Router
Jerry Winchester
05-17-2007, 10:05 PM
Well I have decided to break down and install one of these before the California trip. And I know Mike has one in his coach (along with anyone parked next to him), but I think Mike needs this new option;
GPS Module for the Kyocera KR1 Router
Yep you can plug this GPS into the router and then everyone at the POG can follow your progress on Google Earth. How sweet is that?
Installation is simple. Place the Garmin magnetic mount GPS on your vehicle's roof:
Attach the Garmin to your KR1 and plug the KR1 into your vehicle for power:
Then we can see if MangoMike is in the Church of Love parking lot or cruising to the beach looking for Corona Kellys replacement.
Ray Davis
05-17-2007, 10:27 PM
So, that sounded pretty darn cool, until I read:
Evidently this only works with the KR1 router (expected), but it requres the use of a EVDO card (not expected). I guess that makes sense, for it to update continuously you need (1) the gps working and (2) an active internet connection via your computer.
I doesn't quite make sense that I couldn't use this via my satellite, although not while mobile!
The DataStorm users group have something pretty cool which uses google earth, or a special page on the website. We could easily incorporate something like this here (an update to Dale's map).
The DS users post their GPS position (it happens semi-automatically through the Datastorm dish in this case), and their forum software creates a google like page, viewing where members are, or also does a google earth version.
To see how this works click on
click on any users name links at the bottom, and you'll see a map with them (and any others in the area) around, at different zoom levels.
from the previous page, if you want to see the google earth version, click on the google earth icon on the right hand side of the page (near top).
It's pretty cool stuff, and we could easily do something similar. With a lot of us on the road so much, it would be a great way to keep up on everyone. The hardest part about any of us doing it is that we don't have a consistent way to put in our current location. But, I think I could work around that!
Lee Bornstein
05-19-2007, 07:38 AM
I use the MotoSat/DataStorm system while stationary.
Here's where I am today.
Jeff Bayley
05-19-2007, 08:59 AM
What are the other uses of your set up with the router thing ? I take it your using this to allow your wireless connection to work through out the bus. I use two lap tops (1 for me , 1 for Stefanny) and just use one Verizon card for each computer to simplify. The gadget on top you say............the GPS; do you know how this is different than the Microsoft Streets and Trips I use which also comes with a sensor like this ? I take it that if it plugs into your router then everyone on your bus with wi/fi get's to use the GPS.
To the Data Storm guys.
I've stopped thinking about getting a Data Storm alltogether for now. I use my connection to much while in motion and the Verizon card allows for that. I read some of the Data Storm Forums and found most of the guys had Verizon cards for back up that they fell back on frequentley. I have enough trouble keeping all the other stuff on the bus working and elected not to take on one more layer of maintainence or hair pullling stuff. I've been waiting for something "new and improved" to hit the market. Is anything on the horizon ? I can't see where it is possible to do away with the major piece of hardware since you have to beem a signal into outerspace.
Ray Davis
05-19-2007, 11:04 PM
Verizon (type) cards are fine IF:
1. You are always in a good digital cell area.
2. You don't need more than about 0.5Mb throughput
Yes, I have to agree that if you spend a lot of time on the Datastorm forum, you hear about a lot of problems. I do think a lot of that is, however, because you generally don't hear when things are working as expected. So, the majority of the reason to post on, is when you have a problem.
I think if an outsider reads the POG forum, he might also get the idea that these buses don't run either. Although we do tend to have a bit more posts about "just went here, had fun" type of stuff.
Kathy and I attended the MotoSat rally last October, in Kerrville. About 110 coaches at that rally. The one that stood out vs. a POG rally was that about 70 percent were full timers! Also, they in many, many cases raved how they couldn't have done it without their Motosat unit.
Are they perfect? No. Is there anything better? No, probably not. But, for many folks an EVDO card is plenty.
My work requirements make it such that I opted for a bigger than normal dish, so that I could get high speed internet (higher speed if I was willing to pay more for it)
Ask Ben Wilmore about his EVDO card out at Kerrville, and how he used my system to get some critical files for his new book!
The real-time tracking that this router offers with the GPS is interesting. But, I think we (POG) could still use a tracking system, even though it's not real time, and perhaps not even GPS driven. I am looking into writing something that may be usable by our group.
05-20-2007, 08:37 AM
Which Verizon (type) card has the best coverage? And the best deal? Yeah, I know this has been covered before, but I need to get one and know all this changes by the minute.
Jerry Winchester
05-20-2007, 09:28 AM
I have the Broadband Access plan which is $79 per mo. and I use the Kyocera KPC650 wireless card.
I have a Verizon card, but have been thinking about adding a satellite setup. I'm currently near Sedona, AZ and the Verizon card gets between no signal and one bar. That's not uncommon when you're parked in the sticks.
If I get a satellite setup, then I'll also keep my Verizon card for times when I'm in motion, don't feel like putting up the dish (like when I'm just stopped for a moment and want a weather report), or when I fly to a city and don't feel like paying $9.95 a night to check my e-mail on the hotel's system.
I'm a full-timer and the dual setup sounds ideal... I just haven't talked myself into forking over the $5500 it might cost for the hardware/install.
From what I've heard, the upload speed will be about the same as a Verizon card (when the card has a good signal) and the download speed should be faster and more consistent in speed when compared to the V card.
I can't believe I've gone a full year without a satellite setup... I think I'd have more hair on my head if I were to have bought one from the start.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-22-2007, 12:16 AM
Which Verizon (type) card has the best coverage? And the best deal? Yeah, I know this has been covered before, but I need to get one and know all this changes by the minute.
Bill, Peg and I too have a Verizon Card for Internet Access, while traveling on the road. It has worked remarkeable well for us. We don't travel as much as lots of the guys, so we didn't get as many minutes as some of them did. We opted for the 40mg / month plan, for $40. It has worked well for us so far.
I believe Verizon has the Largest Nationwide Network coverage of any provider ?
Gary S
05-22-2007, 09:32 AM
Get a new phone while your at it!:D
Jeff Bayley
05-22-2007, 10:27 AM
I have the Verizon service with a Sprint card as back up and rarely have a change to use the Sprint card as the Verizon always works. I didn't even bring the Sprint card with me on the trip we are on now. The only place nothing seemed to work (not Nextel, Sprint, Verizon or any of it hardly) was the Grand Canyon. My Verizon card worked at the White Sands missle range where they tested the first Atom Bomb about a week before showing it off the rest of the world. Talk about the middle of nowhere. I've had very very few places I couldn't connect and I'll say the same about Verizon cell phone service.
05-22-2007, 11:55 AM
The real-time tracking that this router offers with the GPS is interesting. But, I think we (POG) could still use a tracking system, even though it's not real time, and perhaps not even GPS driven. I am looking into writing something that may be usable by our group. (posted on this thread by Ray Davis)
Jeff, Talk about coincidence. We were also at the Trinity Site (White Sands) which for the uniformed, was only open for one day on April 7th this spring. With a POG tracking system we could have at least said "howdy" if not shared a meal together.
We also use the Verizon EVDO system. We chose to use their Motorola Q phone which doubles as a cell phone and USB modem. The main advantage of this phone is that it can be placed in a window near the computer giving it a little better reception than a PC card. Either way, the Verizon network seems to have the best national coverage.
Ray Davis
05-22-2007, 03:49 PM
From what I've heard, the upload speed will be about the same as a Verizon card (when the card has a good signal) and the download speed should be faster and more consistent in speed when compared to the V card.
Ben, my suggestion is this. Don't get the F1 dish (the small dish). Spend a little bit more, and get the F2 dish. At least with a bigger dish you have the ability to pay for more bandwidth, if you need it.
The iDirect service even has emergency type of service high speed paid on a daily rate. Might be really important if the situation arises that you absolutely need high speed for a day or two?
The lower service with the F1 dish is probably fine for people who's access is not critical. In your case, I'd get a little better system, with expansion capability.
Jerry Winchester
05-22-2007, 06:11 PM
I would echo whomever made the comment that Ben needs to get a flippin cell phone first; numbnuts
The new router and GPS set up will be here tomorrow and I should have it installed in the old beater coach by the time we are wheels up on Friday.
And being this far out on the foreskin of technology, the techno-envy should be way high.
I actually have a cell phone now... it just took me a while to get a replacement SIM card. FYI: My old cell disappeared on my trip to Russia.
Ray, I was under the impression that the price difference between the small and mid-sized dish was $5500 vs. $12K... if that's the case, I'd rather save teh $$ and park somewhere that has net access to save the $$. The $$ is the only reason I haven't been able to talk myself into buying the small dish quite yet.
Jeff Bayley
05-22-2007, 07:24 PM
Regarding the dish vs. Verizon (or equivilent) it only seems to me to be neccessary if you need to do teleconferencing or it seems like it could be handy for Voice over IP as a substitute for a sattalite phone if you had no cell service. I reley heavily on the net for my business and find the Verizon suitable.
What I learned to do was change my browsing habits. I have a few windows open at a time and when I click one window to change it up and go the other window and look there for a minute while the one I just clicked on is downloading. Seems like you only really NEED the big gun dish for video or sound. Ray, what do you find the dish affords you ? Do you use a lot of down up up video and do you make sure your wife is asleep in the other room first ? I always found that to be a problem in close quarters. he,he
Ray Davis
05-22-2007, 08:07 PM
Ray, I was under the impression that the price difference between the small and mid-sized dish was $5500 vs. $12K
No, the mid-size dish can be gotten for about $6500 installed? Somewhere in the area. The large dish like mine is in the range you mentioned.
Jeff, I chose the dish because I made a "deal" with Pixar. They would allow me to work remotely, but I had to be online during my normal business hours, and able to get my work done without a degradation in what I do. I am also required to go through a hardware or software VPN, which adds encription to every packet, which makes it slower than normal.
As mentioned earlier, it's a matter of whether or not you have the right cellphone coverage, whether a EDVO card will work or not. There are more places in the US which have no coverage, not to mention high speed digital coverage. With the dish, as long as I have a clear view of the southern sky, I should have reliable internet service.
Just ask Ben about the Verizon coverage at Kerrville. Nice, place. High free wireless (almost useless), and Verizon coverage was spotty at best. Even in a fairly built up area, it was pretty much unusable.
If you HAVE to be online, with reasonable speed, then cellular is not the answer, at least not yet. Granted, there is problems with satelitte internet. I don't know if I've been lucky, or just because I purchases a higher end system, I've never had connection issues. I DID have a problem at Kerrville, which took me out for 1/2 a day, when a mechanical set screw came loose, and the dish wouldn't raise.
Honestly, if I were just routinely browsing the net, and checking email, then the EVDO cards are probably fine in MOST cases. But, given my deal with Pixar, if I am not online when I'm remote, then my ability to work remotely terminates.
05-26-2007, 11:18 PM
we use both the verizon evdo card and a hughes satellite.
1. if you get an evdo card, get the one with the external antenna connection. the kyocera jdub mentions above has it.
mine does not. doh!! but when the digital signal is hot, we've done upwards of 1.5mbps. thats faster than the dsl i had with my brick 'n' mortar house in virginia. the weaker the signal, the slower the connection. if you have a verizon phone, the card is $60/mo.
2. the satellite: we use a tripod mounted, .9 meter dish. i orig'ly intended to get the roof mount, but it won't work with the rv port we have in florida. the tripod mount is manual, but it's less than $2grand, with modem. plus, if you get hughes direct, its half the price of datastorm - we pay approx $60/mo.
the downside is, you gotta set it up. most times its a piece of cake, sometimes its a pain in the ass. but it works anywhere you can see the sky over west texas. i'm currently in cottonwood cove just outside searchlight, nevada, works great.
my setup is somewhat complicated for various reasons, but a simple setup is quite attainable - with a wireless access point, you can use multiple wireless computers simultaneously.
where do you get such a thing? i got mine thru a (rv friendly) dealer in clermont, fla. i don't think you can get it on a tripod directly thru hughes - they don't even want to hear the R word (RV). anytime i have issues (once really), i call the guy in clermont, we work things out, and i'm back up.
you don't get all the datastorm bells 'n' whistles, its raw access, but how often do you need all that fluff anyway?
anybody want add'l info, i'll post it.
Jerry Winchester
05-27-2007, 12:17 AM
IF you have Google Earth, fire it up then go to the "Add" button, select Network Link then paste this in the address;
Then go to the refresh tab just below the link box and select "Fly to View on Refresh
Then go to the box directly below it and select "Perodically" then make everything zero but the seconds. Put 5 in there and click okay.
It will zoom in on the JDUB coach sitting in Tucson.
05-27-2007, 12:41 AM
The future is here. This is going to be just the begining of how we can keep an eye on jdub.
jdub are you going to keep posting this info?
I think I was within a spot of you when we were there last February.
I just think this stuff is cool!
Jerry Winchester
05-27-2007, 12:59 AM
You missed the point. I don't have to post it. It posts thru the KR1 router every 5 seconds, so the GPS info is updated and when we are going down the road, the Google Earth pic will just move along with the "X" marking the coach location moving as well. As long as the router is plugged in and the GPS is plugged into it, the location is live.
05-27-2007, 09:09 AM
Ok, now I got it! It takes me a while.
05-27-2007, 10:22 AM
Hey Anaconda Boy, I'm in CLT and I couldn't get your link to work! I just wanted to zoom in and see you playing with your sewer hose while the girls keep their distance...:D
Jerry Winchester
05-27-2007, 10:40 AM
I had to shut it down last night as the neighbors on both sides were pirating my WiFi. It is back on this morning and I am looking to encode it so I don't get the JPJ / MangoMike thing going.
Don't you have some Weasel Piss to consume?
05-27-2007, 10:41 AM
Tom, He probably has it off. You will just see his location since its a position feed and not a video....I think
05-27-2007, 11:06 AM
Locked and start rolliing!
Jerry Winchester
05-27-2007, 11:19 AM
Well I will be in Tucson until tomorrow morning, so it won't move until then. Check about 9 local and we should be on the road.
05-27-2007, 11:24 AM
Now thats a bummer...I was planning on seeing you shove off mate!
05-28-2007, 11:45 AM
Hey Jerry, Is you ETD still around that 0900 local time?
05-28-2007, 01:21 PM
Hey all, Jerry's setup is just to cool. you can watch his every 5 second move.
05-28-2007, 01:44 PM
Ray, Could you add a site like that to the personal profile area, for anyone with the capability.:confused:
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-29-2007, 01:45 AM
Hey Jer, I guess if I am operating Google Earth correctly, you and the girls are in Chula Vista, CA at the present time?
Hope things are going well for you, and your not having any insurmountable problems with the bus or your trip so far?
Enjoy and keep looking towards the ski and waving. We are watching you! :D
Did you get a DVD with all the pictures I took at POG III? Hope so, and hope you and Rae enjoyed them?
Gary S
Jerry Winchester
05-29-2007, 01:58 AM
Yep we hit Chula Vista late this evening after a pretty good haul from Tucson via the copper mine at Ray.
Got the photos and they were great. Rae put them on her computer, but hasn't seen the need to give me the disc back.
05-29-2007, 09:02 AM
Jerry, I'm going to mark all the rv parks that you stay in along the way. You just have to say if there a keeper or not.
05-29-2007, 11:54 AM
I feel an airstrike comin' on.
05-29-2007, 12:05 PM
Jerry, If you setup a WEB-CAM I won't have to go to Ca.:D ;)
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-29-2007, 05:36 PM
Jerry, If you setup a WEB-CAM I won't have to go to Ca.:D ;)
Yea but Jim, did you ever think that what happens in or around Jerry's camper doesn't leave that campground ? National Security and all ? :eek:
And besides if there were video running, Jer couldn't be his STICKY old self, he would feeL compelled to be a good BOY ? NOT !!!!!
Gary S
05-29-2007, 06:05 PM
Jerry, you have to keep burning the diesel, its kind of boring when your not moving! ;)
Ray Davis
05-29-2007, 07:27 PM
Ray, Could you add a site like that to the personal profile area, for anyone with the capability.
Jim, it's my intention to put some way of putting your location, and tracking with either google earth, or google maps.
JDUB, one thing, when I do as your instructions indicate, it's zoom's in WAY too close, where I have to back out about 5000 ft, to even see a road. I think it's showing you in Chula Vista right now (Tuesday , 315PM)
You gonna be in Southern CA (Orange County) at all soon?
05-29-2007, 07:28 PM
Yea but Jim, did you ever think that what happens in or around Jerry's camper doesn't leave that campground ? National Security and all ? :eek:
And besides if there were video running, Jer couldn't be his STICKY old self, he would feeL compelled to be a good BOY ? NOT !!!!!
Gary S
Gary, Then a spy web-cam sounds like the right thing in this case:p :D :eek:
Jerry Winchester
05-30-2007, 12:23 AM
Mine zooms in too much as well and I haven't had time to call the 3GCOM guys to ask why. I tried to reset the altitude, but it somehow defaults back to zero (way too close).
I am headed your way in the morning, so for Dale, the live show will begin around 9am PDT.
I spoke to Jello Jeep this afternoon and we were going to see about a Friday dinner opportunity for the SOCAL POG folks. I don't know who would be interested, but I think Warren and his wife are up for it. Anyone who's up for it, call me on my cell phone 713-410-9324. I will be at the Anahiem RV Resort tomorrow until Sunday.
Ray Davis
05-30-2007, 01:15 AM
I think Friday would work for us. Let me know if you're going to Disneyland on Friday. If I can steer free in the morning, I can sign 3 of you in which will save you $250.00.
Call me 949-463-0707
Ray Davis
05-30-2007, 01:18 AM
PS: Learned a little bit about Google Earth. The file which uploads to your site only includes your latitude and longitude. It doesn't include a "viewing position", which could be used to set the altitude. The GPS is sending a zero elevation, and that's what the google view is using.
I just set a reasonable view, and turned off the follow on refresh. It will still refresh, and I'd see you move, but I'd have to manually follow.
Double clicking would set me over you (albeit at zero altitude!), in case I lost your position.
PPS: It might be possible to monitor progress on google maps, rather than google earth, which wouldn't have the elevation issue. Google maps evidently supports a subset of the Google Earth protocol. Still have more to learn before knowing exactly.
05-30-2007, 01:20 AM
FWIW, we booked a hotel right on the lot there at Disneyland so we don't have to fool with Friday traffic going home.
Will be there mid day, or early afternoon I reckon.
05-30-2007, 09:47 AM
To you folks in Southern California that may have din din with the JDUB. Have you seen this guy eat? I think he may still be eating to be play Football. Stay away from the Tacos.
Ya'll gurus get together and figure out how to solve the zoom problem. I got it to work maybe once correctly then zoomed in way to close. Scary.
Ray Davis
05-30-2007, 11:59 AM
Let me know if you're going to Disneyland on Friday
Actually Thursday or Friday woudl probably work, if you want to be signed in to D-land.
Jerry Winchester
05-30-2007, 12:23 PM
Much thanks for the Disney offer. We have the Southern California pass which gets us into the San Diego Zoo, Disneyland and Universal Studios and they are good for this week, so I appreciate the offer.
Are you going to be able to make dinner Friday? Any ideas about a spot?
05-30-2007, 12:46 PM
Hey Roger,
There's no problem enjoying a few Tacos with Jerry (although it's not unlike watching a Pirranaha feeding frenzy on the Amazon River) the only issue is riding with him after the feast. Beanomobile City.
Jerry Winchester
05-30-2007, 12:58 PM
I thought that was why they put those big exhaust fans in your coach....
Actually, we ate some crappy seafood last night, but I was up on dawn patrol on the troll for breakfast burritos this morning. Now that will be good later, but I had to stop at Starbucks for some iced tea. Talk about an ordeal. I have never been in one, but that has to be the most anal bunch of coffee drinkers around. It wore me out just standing in line listening to them grill the staff about how they were making these goofy coffee drinks.
Go figure.
Ray Davis
05-30-2007, 06:16 PM
I think we're on for Friday night. Kathy's sister has been in and out of hospital recently, and that might throw a wrench into the works, but for now planning on it.
As to where? I'm not really familiar with restaurants right there. There used to be a really good BBQ place right around the corner, but that seems to be gone now? (according to google). There's several restaurants in Downtown Disney, but they are a bit pricey, and would be really busy on a Friday night. I'll have to do some asking around.
What type of food are you wanting (besides tacos?)
Jerry Winchester
05-30-2007, 08:07 PM
My only requisite is that we can find a place that will afford us the opportunity to visit and not have to yell above the crowd. A good pizza place works for me, but anything from the BBQ or TACO food group works for me.
And Downtown Disney is fine as well. What's time to a hog?
Ray Davis
06-05-2007, 02:48 PM
Your URL no longer is found, so google maps still puts you in Anaheim?
Your "tracking" friends are wondering?!!! :D
Jerry Winchester
06-08-2007, 12:57 AM
We are in cell hell here near Yosemite but should be back on the road in the morning, so the router + GPS should start working when we get back out of the mountains.
Ray Davis
06-08-2007, 03:08 PM
I'm curious, shouldn't there be a file from your last reported position? Because the URL doesn't exist (that xml file with your position), my google look fails, and you are still listed in Anaheim.
I would have expected that the position would have stayed from your last place.
I'm still looking at space B2 near Disneyland!
Jerry Winchester
06-08-2007, 05:47 PM
What does it show now? Maybe it needs to be refreshed or restarted. I am out in the middle of the Mojave watching Rae drive towards I-40.
Seems to be working on this end.
Ray Davis
06-08-2007, 06:25 PM
Well, at this moment I show you in the middle of the highway somewhere. But, I continuously get error messages indicating the fetch of your URL file failed. It doesn't show you moving, but now in the middle of the freeway!
Looks like highway 58, north of 15.
Ray Davis
06-08-2007, 11:46 PM
Good talking to you on I40 today JDUB! Looks like you just pulled in to Railside RV in Williams?
Jerry Winchester
06-09-2007, 02:37 AM
Yep we put in about 12 hours of driving today and ended up in Williams at Railside for the night. We stayed here last year and they show a movie and serve popcorn at night and there is a local taco shop that needed our patronage, so we had dinner at the Route 66 Diner and watched The World's Fastest Indian.
All the way to OKC tomorrow, so lots of miles ahead.....
06-09-2007, 08:15 AM
12 Hours Jerry, That's way harsh:eek:
Jerry Winchester
06-09-2007, 12:26 PM
No step for a stepper. Anyway, Rae is driving and I am laying on the couch surfing the Internet. What's harsh about that?
Other than the fact we left Williams at 5:30am and there were no breakfast tacos so I had to eat peanut butter crackers and Mountain Dew.
06-09-2007, 02:42 PM
Well in that case, KEEP THE PEDAL TO THE METAL. Where are you headed any way? Vancouver, BC !!!
06-09-2007, 11:54 PM
Such a great diet for such a learned person.
How long does the (forgive me, I've used this nomenclature before and use it now as a funny saying) Diesel Dyke drive at a time?
I have the utmost respect for Rae and mean nothing mean or harsh. I wish I had as much respect for you as I have for her.
I have a Verizon card, but have been thinking about adding a satellite setup. I'm currently near Sedona, AZ and the Verizon card gets between no signal and one bar. That's not uncommon when you're parked in the sticks.
If I get a satellite setup, then I'll also keep my Verizon card for times when I'm in motion, don't feel like putting up the dish (like when I'm just stopped for a moment and want a weather report), or when I fly to a city and don't feel like paying $9.95 a night to check my e-mail on the hotel's system.
I'm a full-timer and the dual setup sounds ideal... I just haven't talked myself into forking over the $5500 it might cost for the hardware/install.
From what I've heard, the upload speed will be about the same as a Verizon card (when the card has a good signal) and the download speed should be faster and more consistent in speed when compared to the V card.
I can't believe I've gone a full year without a satellite setup... I think I'd have more hair on my head if I were to have bought one from the start.
Hello Ben,
I am having a High gain antenna system installed right now in My 99 marathon out at the factory. The system includes an external omni-directional 70db antenna, cables connections, a cellular booster and a internal antenna, see attachment. This will allow us to receive weaker signals up to 50 miles and boost them up. When used in conjunction with a high speed air card, Verizon USB 727 and a Glbal MB6800 router we should get a decent internet connection, we are hoping anyway. Here is the info on the Antenna system. Power Max Rv Cell Booster 70DB Dual band 3 Watt Repeater 4KSBR-50M from 1-877-594-5766 for about $700 I think. I will give you some feedback in jan. when I pickup the coach in Oregon at the factory. Bruce
11-30-2007, 11:35 PM
huges satellite dish on a tripod can be had for under $2k. plus $60/mo.
i use a verizon wan card as well.
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