View Full Version : Best Brains
03-02-2006, 12:56 PM
Well, I'm not being very Geeky today. Can't figure out how to post a pix in the post area. Since you're the master how about some help oil boy.
Todays Avatar. Webasto in full arc. Zap!
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2006, 02:51 PM
This was an elusive deal. Any photo that has a web address can be posted in the body of the message. When you are typing a message, there is a small yellow box with some mountains in it. When you click on this box, a new small box comes up for you to paste the http. address into and the OK or Cancel options.
Now comes the trick. You have to place the photo you want to post onto a web hosting service. Some of these are free, some you can pay for, but the one I use is SmugMug.
When the photo is uploaded to the web, you right click on the photo, select "Properties" and then highlight the web address and right click and "Copy" the address.
Then you paste the address into the window you previously opened and then when you hit OK in that window, it then posts some kind of code into the body of the message. When you hit "Preview", you should be able to see the photo on the preview message pane and when you hit "Submit Reply", you become the "Photo Postasaurus"
I was wondering about the new avatar.....:cool:
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2006, 04:32 PM
And this information is coming from a guy that calls the rest of us geeks....?
Jerry, you need to spend more time with your slack adjusters.
03-02-2006, 06:13 PM
Thanks for the geekness.
I can't believe you can't post a photo directly from your harddrive. But OK. I went to Smug and I get a discount if I show a friends email address who is a current user - so fork it over (you can email if you don't want Ken to know your email). I'll have to also deal w/ the right clicking thing since I'm a Mac guy.
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2006, 06:47 PM
I either registered with the first one or the last one. And I think SmugMug is on the rag right now. Maybe some server maintainence. Go figure.
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2006, 07:18 PM
No, I got all that information from Lew.
He is a closet nerd wannabe who moonlights for the Geek Squad when they shut happy hour down.
I just work in the oil field.
JW at Work
Slacker at Work
03-02-2006, 08:07 PM
Slacker and Mrs. Mango at work. I was made for this business.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-02-2006, 08:22 PM
I recognize JW. He is the guy in the red coveralls with his hands in his pocket.
Why am I not surprized?
03-02-2006, 09:18 PM
Lookout I'm on a roll now, thanks to JW and SmugMug.
Jim Skiff
03-02-2006, 09:55 PM
You provided such good copy for the rally I had to go with it.
03-02-2006, 10:25 PM
Hey Jim,
Thanks!!! Can't wait till Jon sees he made front page, above the fold.
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2006, 10:39 PM
Come on Jim; His head is puffed up big already. Now he will be unsufferable. He truly is Mr. Geek.
Mango, holding Control and clicking the mouse is the same as right-clicking on windows. You can do that on any photo on-line and choose Open Image In New Window and then copy the address that appears at the top of the browser window to use on this site.
I'm amazed that you can't just post an image from a hard drive... that's why you'll find that I'll barely ever post a photo. It's too many hoops for me to jump through just to get a simple photo posted.
03-02-2006, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the MAC heads up. Posting a photo is a lot of work, but guys like Jerry are so vain they'll do anything to get their picture on the site. It's a wonder he got that gorgeous blonde to marry him. She must've been on the rebound.
Side note: Ordered the Devon organizational software from your site, can't wait to try it out. I'll be using it to organize all my vanity pixs, soon to be published on this site.
Jerry Winchester
03-03-2006, 09:00 AM
Oh this sucking up to Ben isn't going to get you off the geek list. I'm sure you have to work double hard using a Mac :eek:
Now having said that, when we finally get back to posting about the bus stuff, won't the photos be nice? And you don't have to resize them to attach, which is as big a pain as posting them on the net.
Big Kahuna? Let's see your stuff photo boy.....:cool:
03-03-2006, 11:05 AM
Ok JW, here's my favorite bus picture of all times.
Delivery day. My buddy Zimm, Bus Jon, BOB-97 and Mango. What a great day.
Jon, No comment on Einstein?
Jon Wehrenberg
03-03-2006, 01:44 PM
Huh? Some body say something? I was sleeping, dreaming about chrome plated Norgrens.
That Einstein guy wasn't me. He had hair.
Jerry Winchester
03-04-2006, 08:49 AM
I hope that is not like one of the two best days in a boat owner's life. :D A nice coach for sure.
Where are the Mothership inside photos?
03-04-2006, 01:50 PM
I'm a little hesitant to show you the inside of the bus. You know how austintatious the Liberty designers can be:
Funny, since it has no slides, it doesn't look that big on the outside.
Jerry Winchester
03-04-2006, 08:51 PM
Funny, I thought this was the typical Liberty interior
03-04-2006, 09:41 PM
Jon's Bus. Pinto Liberty.
03-04-2006, 09:43 PM
I've gotten more laughs out of my $100, who needs the technical info. Where's Lew.
Jerry Winchester
03-04-2006, 11:55 PM
I think Lew is still at the shuffleboard tourney.........
Did you pay $100? Oh, yeh I heard they were going to charge some folks to get on this board. Liberty owners I think because they have so much more moola that the rest of us prolateriate owners. Them and Lew.
And where is Jon? Did he run out of kitchen passes? I thought he had the coach with the Hi-Lo Pinto Shag carpet?
Good BBQ in Memphis tonight.
03-05-2006, 12:04 AM
What did the rest of the family have to eat?
Were you down on Bealle Street? At which BBQ joint. We were there in August, probably at the same park next to Graceland.
Jon has be strangely silent, maybe he's on the road, or we've been too mean to him. Since you're in TN better head to Knoxville to check on him.
I've been in the office all night knocking out end of the year tax work for one of the joints. PITA.
Jerry Winchester
03-05-2006, 12:07 AM
We hit Jim Neely's for lunch and Corkey's for dinner. And we are at the RV park right behind the Heartbreak Hotel. Nice place and good WiFi. We have 6 more BBQ places to hit in three days.
Talk about a turtle head..............
03-05-2006, 09:09 AM
Jerry, The food looks great. Wish we could join you. No not forget to get Elvis's autograph.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-05-2006, 10:13 AM
I'm quietly keeping score. I have keys. I have a grudge. I have the means to give every coach at the POG the leans.
Actually I've been playing lately on a Mecedes site. A buzz that sounds like a fly started in my car and I called the dealer to find out how to drop the rear vanity mirror / light assembly. They blew me off by telling me they repair cars, they do not tell people how to repair cars.
They really pissed me off. I found via the internet a site and on that site a gentleman from the Philippines who sent me a copy of the shop manual showing the secret trick to dropping the light assembly. When I did a broken wire tie fell out. I don't know where it came from or how it got there but it took less than a minute to solve the problem.
If anybody out there is considering an S class or any Mercedes for that matter, think Lexus.
Now, back to the insults and pictures of my interior.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-05-2006, 10:15 AM
Has anybody noticed that when JW travels all he cares about is internet access.
JW, do you have a sex life? Do you get out much? We need to talk.
03-05-2006, 10:36 AM
Phillipines for a shop manual. You are a man on a mission.
They should let you loose on the Space Shuttle problems.
... and we're not worried about you giving us the "leans" we all have them already.
Note: It's even worse then you expect about JW, he now has his own BLOG.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-05-2006, 10:42 AM
I guess at the POG we are going to have to have an "intervention" for Jerry. Or would it be best to have an "exorcism"?
Ever since he figure out the picture posting thing he has been going nuts. I guess that's because he is a man of few words.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-05-2006, 10:46 AM
"I've gotten more laughs out of my $100, who needs the technical info. Where's Lew."
You mean Shorty? The guy with crotch rash from his cowboy boots? He's the smart one in this bunch and is avoiding the rest of us.
Just Plain Jeff
03-05-2006, 10:48 AM
I have an ambivalent relationship with the old Professor, but he had a great deal of common sense.
One of my favorites is: "When a man and woman enter into marriage, the woman expects the man to change and the man expects not to change. Both are disappointed."
It is up to someone smarter than I am to figure out the analogy to buses.
Jerry Winchester
03-05-2006, 08:09 PM
I appreciate the concern for all my Lew-esk issues. I guess being younger than most of the old timers, I just tend to pack a little more into each day. That plus being able to be somewhat more spontanious than the Viagra crowd, it allows me to take advantage of "unscheduled opportunites".
So Mike was still working last night until past midnight and while the girls slept, I worked on an equipment quote for Iraq, so being up with the chickens this morning was no hard feat for a 46 year old.
Now with two more BBQ meals under my belt, a thunderstorm raging outside and the "leans and sags" taken care of, I think it is time to light the Internet up and burn down some POG baddies.
Tonight's Dinner - Central BBQ
03-05-2006, 08:24 PM
Poor Mango
Doing his taxes for one of his joints. Now come on !! How long does it take to open a cigar box and count the days proceeds? Do you think the rest of us were born yesterday or something.:rolleyes:
As for locking the compartments, I WILL lock them at the POG rally for sure with spray dye.:(
Jon Wehrenberg
03-06-2006, 08:35 AM
You'll be safe Lew, even with them unlocked.
Jerry will be in his coach trying to get an internet connection, Mango will be trying to get his Webasto working (again), Ken will still be trying to post pictures, JPJ will still be trying to figure out the meaning of life, Ben will still be trying to figure out his new Liberty, and Tom will be polishing the bugs off the front of his new bus. And me and Roger will be swapping tales about east TN.
I think the one you have to watch out for will be Skiff. It's the quiet ones you have to be careful of.
Jerry Winchester
03-06-2006, 09:10 AM
I know Jon is trying to get me to swing at a pitch in the dirt, but I have to take into account that the Internet has been around a lot longer for me, when viewed as a percentage of my overall age, than some of you (probably not Kevin and Ben) and thus it doen't scare or mystify me as much. :D Lew are you out there?
Now having said that, this RV park has about the best WiFi of any park I have been in and without it I would not be able to defend myself from the the Evil Photo Posting MongoMike who I am sure is still asleep on this Monday morning.
But we are having a large time in Memphis. :eek:
Jon Wehrenberg
03-09-2006, 08:40 PM
Where are you JDUB? Am I going to end this day without you insulting me?
03-09-2006, 09:18 PM
Man, To keep up with guys I figure I have to get a gun (or shotgun), CDL, Air Pocket Door, some boys in my family and perhaps a plane. You guys are wearing me out.
03-10-2006, 07:38 AM
Hey Jon, listen...... I hear air leaking from your pocket doors depleating your aux air tank! Oops, I just heard my wife slam the MANUAL bedroom door. I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy..
No bugs for me at POG, I made a deal with Mango to import his used cooking oil and I'll spray it on the Coach. Then the little love bugs will just sliiiiiiiiiiiiide off. Remember, the last thing to go through a love bugs mind when he hits your Coach is his butt hole...:p
Geez, now you got me caught up in this crap!:D
Jon Wehrenberg
03-10-2006, 08:28 AM
I drive so slow I have to wipe the bugs off the back of the bus. They keep hitting me.
Jerry Winchester
03-11-2006, 04:11 PM
Just hanging out at the Big XII Tourney, but the dry camping is about to end. One other Prevost in the lot, but it is all done up in TT regalia, so we have avoided them.
But while I have been hanging, I fixed the swivel release on the passenger seat, lubed the locks (for Lew) and had to rip some hiney for some dip wad trying to park a car so close to my coach that we couldn't get the door open. Morons everywhere.
So to close, we need a shot over the bow for Jon; how do you harpoon a guy with so many anal qualities? I'll work on it. We may need to allow for a coach inspection at the rally with the winner being knighted Jon W Anal Master for the weekend....
03-11-2006, 04:27 PM
Damn, I better get rid all my TT stuff before the POG rally. I really like those neon beer signs not to mention my statues of Mickey, Minnie, and the seven Darwfs that glow in the dark. I bet it is okay to have that OSU flag and cowboy bumper sticker?
Jerry Winchester
03-13-2006, 12:08 PM
Oh, I was flying the flag, but all my a-hole OU buddies decided to put little UO stickers on my windshield. When they came by to gloat and asked what I was doing, I said, "Hey I am moving up closer to the arena. With these OU stickers on the coach, I am now eligable to park in the handicapped spaces"
That shut the wagon mascot faces up.
Jerry Winchester
03-18-2006, 07:27 PM
Time to stretch this post out a little longer. Where is everybody? I go out of the country for a few days and this place dries up. What gives? I would tell Jon that I did log on while I was in London, but then he would run that whole Internet obesessive/compulsive thing on me, so I didn't post. :D
But we did get to make a semi-emergency landing in a 777. The engine started vibrating, so we circled until we burned enough fuel off to land (we were right over Alexandria, so I said just dump it and MangoMike can seine it all up for the Mothership) and then we stopped in Newark and changed planes and continued on to Gatwick. Sure screwed up my nap.:mad:
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