View Full Version : ISRI (Isringhausen) SEAT REPAIR & SERVIDE NEEDED

12-08-2022, 06:30 PM
I'd like to get my ISRI (Isringhausen) seat serviced/fixed in my 06 XL2. Seat height is finicky and lumbar support won't hold air. Does anyone have recommendations for a qualified service center on the East coast? I will be driving from VA to FL for the Prevost Expo in West Palm Beach in February so I can stop anywhere along that route.

I've gone to their website (https://www.isriusa.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.isriusa.com%2F%3Ffbclid% 3DIwAR1j2kKLP8YuVrY9z--mKzNk14U4Z9EglkaiquVj8UORznFLPbNGjWHkgs4&h=AT0Cng6T6qQtUlMkpPvm_Gzt03-1cES0BYrt2w72rVc0MKIestN1lkPdbaSBkG1rVojgUeDs4WUwD _tWaUuwo4BhEri2jWH8A14Gc4qR-KHnpbZZXqQRq0DSzebs36lVEF0-S_tNRw&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0DVlxCFcZSkvRpAwGz7Dhj1IywANwNwLh-BnGcZm4UA02kY_6NjN0NnrMDu5XjAZSWILNGVtctfZwdByg99-vRpgo5AcOk-lw9N8aoI7xFm4WPSEBDTOksrs-Dsny8d-tKLXIvhql3ljvSp-EVQ9W1WXUDPeSYOdq-M9TIUKxeWyU40L15ivqVk47SmSlhM2cNuZ5d82vKpi0VD5Yt6a o)) and tried calling but no one ever answers...


12-09-2022, 12:07 PM
I dont know of any service centers. If that is the area, I would call Prevost Winter Garden and/or Clearwater Coach and ask them for recommendations. See you in West Palm!