View Full Version : Legal Tax Deductions for Part time work in RV

Andy Durham
09-13-2022, 01:54 PM
My wife and I do the majority of our travel for pleasure, however, I also use the RV for traveling to facilities for business. Since our house is noisy with kids and dogs, I also use the RV as an office when we are not on the road. I am not looking for the IRS to audit me as a business owner, so am looking for what can and can not be declared as a deduction and what documentation is required. Many Thanks as this is my first post. Andy

09-13-2022, 10:45 PM
To be completely honest your CPA would be better off advising you on this subject. He/she would know your situation better than anyone.

09-14-2022, 10:29 AM
Agree with Mike. We used our RV for business several years ago and did write some of it off with the help of our CPA and tax advisors.

Andy Durham
09-14-2022, 10:56 AM
Thank you for these and I will do that. Just not sure if this might require a CPA versed in this specialty. Andy

09-15-2022, 07:13 PM
As an owner for 40 years in the trucking business with the same accountant for all those years, here is my advice. In the early years of starting our business, my wife and I used one of our bedrooms as an office. I asked my accountant the exact thing about a tax deduction for use of our home/office. His recommendation was that for the little deduction you get it sends up a red flag to the IRS. I took his advice and was never audited. I would add trucking companies being a red flag all their own. That deduction is not worth an IRS audit in my world. Figure in our president has just authorized 78,000 additional armed IRS agents to the payroll!

09-15-2022, 08:32 PM

That's 87,000. Not 78,000.

09-17-2022, 09:10 AM
Heh, Heh!! Thanks Bill. I stand corrected.

09-17-2022, 10:26 AM
You guys are so funny. Please don't let any fact checking get in the way of your humor. Cheers! :cool:

09-19-2022, 11:05 PM
Hi Andy -

In the same boat (bus) as you are in. Same situation. Our CPA has figured out how to handle it as have many others that own coaches. I can't give advice on taxes but can direct you towards information to help.
