View Full Version : Pog IV The Beginning
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-03-2007, 02:50 AM
In another post,
We heard Branson in the first week of October. Guys and gals that ain't going to happen unless someone or several raise their hands and volunteers to make it happen. Since this is an organization without an organization it calls for someone or maybe two or three or four someones to express a willingness to coordinate another rally.
I have already started some communications with people in the know about where we could hold our next rally, POG IV.
I have layed down some thoughts about what this groups likes, wants, and needs are from my perspective, yes a NEWBIE POGer wanna-be, and I just hope I can come up with some suggestions for the next site.
Finding a place suitable to hold another rally of our size or bigger isn't going to be easy. Most of us think we know what went into making this rally successful, but it is only going to get harder from here on out to put this thing together. Buckhorn RV Lake Resort has SPOILED everyone. Just remember you HEARD IT HERE FIRST !
I should have some suggestion sites by next week for a group or POG IV Committee to consider as the next possible Rally Site.
05-03-2007, 09:05 AM
Gary, thanks for starting on this. I'm sure you already know about Outdoor Resorts in Blue Eye Arkansas, the south side of table rock lake.
If anyone has the dates yet, let us know.
Kevin Erion
05-03-2007, 09:34 AM
I have visited the ODR in Arkansas and I think it is a great place to hold POGIV. It's about a 35 mile drive into Branson but in my opinion well worth the small inconvenience.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-03-2007, 09:46 AM
If anyone is not available to eyeball the prospective sites I will volunteer to fly or drive there to do an on-site inspection. I will just need a checklist of our needs.
05-03-2007, 11:51 AM
ORA Blue Eye, Arkansas is a nice facility on the shores of a large lake. The drive there from Branson is on 2 lane narrow roads, but it is a -plausible route for Prevosts: just need to watch branches and a roads with no shoulder. The facility as we remember from our visit in 2005, is on a gentle slope towards the lake. The office/lodge is on the top of the slope and the sites are scattered down the hillside.
At that time (2005) they were building some more sites so there was construction stuff going on.
Blue Eye, Ark, itself is just a "blink" of a town, so there is nothing really there in the way of food, shopping or fuel.
There might be other larger campgrounds closer to Branson. the Chamber of Commerce might be the place to start.
Just a thought
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-03-2007, 12:12 PM
Dale, No Dates yet, work still in Process.
Jim Skiff is working on the Table Rock ORA as we speak, making sure they could accomadate our needs, food preperation, # of available sites, meeting room to accomadate our seminars and so on.
Still looking into other possible sites for the next event.
More to come as we narrow down the search.
Gary S.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-03-2007, 12:15 PM
If anyone is not available to eyeball the prospective sites I will volunteer to fly or drive there to do an on-site inspection. I will just need a checklist of our needs.
Thanks Jon for this fabulous offer. I know Jim will keep this option open for use later, after a number of sites have been whittled down for our needs.
Gary S.
05-04-2007, 01:03 AM
Aside from the distance traveled by POG members and others, I think access to and from the site is extremely important. Additionally, we have been spoiled by POG III and everything going forward will be compared to our most recent Rally. I think we should have some basic guidelines. Examples would be; Cement pads as opposed to gravel or dirt, This is real important in terms of keeping the Coaches clean inside and out. 50 amp power , Pull-thru sites, General store, Wi-Fi, Cell phone reception,
Campground amenities; pool, jacuzzi, exercise, etc.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-04-2007, 08:46 AM
Gary's point is an excellent one and I concur. Rallies are not as much fun if we are on grass and are struggling to manage power.
From our PP experience however we have learned that the average campground, even with 50 amp service to all sites may not be capable of handling a large number of rigs. We were at a rally in the KOA south of Colorado Springs and with 200 coaches there all the campground transformers burned out. I think at 64 coaches we may be nearing a practical limit so a 200 site campground is not overtaxed. The national electric code does not contemplate every power outlet being used at its full rated capacity and the inground wires are not sized to handle those loads.
The second point is the site roads and surfaces. I hate being in a campground with gravel roads and sites. It always seems that we are not only trying to keep the interior clean, but every passing car, no matter how slow it is driving seems to raise dust.
All we have to remember is we need to be prepared to pay for the amenities we want. I'm willing.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-04-2007, 09:37 AM
Jon and Gary D, your points are very well taken and understood, and we are working towards all of those goals as we speak. We just got started checking into various sites that may or may not work out for our next event, so give us a little time to check and contemplate all venues for our next site.
And besides I am going to Vegas tomorrow for 5 days, to win me a new Liberty, or at least, bring home the first months payment. Ok, so maybe it won't be a NEW Liberty, but I am hoping to win at least enough for a used one's first month payment.
Gary S
Ray Davis
05-04-2007, 01:27 PM
When speaking with various parks, it become obvious which parks are "rally" parks. As an example, while traveling to POG3 the CA group stopped at Beaudry for one night. The people there took great pride in telling us about their rally capabilities, and indicated we should consider a rally there some day (not that I'm suggesting this now).
So, many parks are rally ready, and generally have the kind of accomodations that we need, including the ability to provide catering. One of the differences between POG2 and POG3 (not a complaint by any means), was that Buckhorn had a production line going when it came to feeding people. We got everyone served in a very short period of time. If you remember POG2, we walked through a normal catering serving line, and that took quite a while to get served.
I think as we grow, the catering aspect becomes a big part of the decision, along with all the other things raised above.
Ask the park about their rally capabillities. If they've done big rallies before, and for how many, etc. etc.
Looking forward to the next one!
05-05-2007, 01:11 AM
Jon, your correct regarding the design on 50 amp pedestals. They will usually run 4 pedestals on a 100 amp sub-feed, maybe more. Now, if it is 85 degrees or higher outside, there will be a good chance that system will be at full capacity or overloaded because everyone will be running their A/C's. If the weather is cooler, it's not a issue. Typically at rallies, they will furnish only 30 amp mximum power via Large Generators with Cord distributions and Spider box plug-ins. That would be a consideration as our Rally grows and the sites are chosen. Gary
Jon Wehrenberg
05-05-2007, 10:05 AM
Maybe this is an appropriate time to discuss rally size.
We have been in rallies of up to 200 plus coaches. I can say without fear of contradiction that with that number of coaches there is no way a rally can be as enjoyable as our rallies have been thus far.
As stated previously power becomes an issue. There are few campgrounds capable or willing to handle the power requirements of the typical Prevost. As a result we have ended up in fairgrounds with temporary power while we dry camped on grass.
But even if there was a campground large enough and with enough power available we have other considerations. Few have the facilities to house our seminars or to handle our meals. As a result a lot of activities require bussing. 200 coaches equals about 400 attendees and that takes about 9 or ten charter coaches. That in turn means standing in line to get on the bus and standing in line to get fed.
I think when selecting sites we should aim for one that can handle 50 to 80 coaches without compromise. Paved roads and sites, ample power, large facilities on site for dining and seminars, and in-house expertise at handling rallies.
The folks at Buckhorn have raised the bar and set the standard. Santa Fe was great, but now we know there is at least one location where they can do it better.
If we have enough group members after POG IV, I think the next logical step for setting up rallies is to set up regional rallies using the twice a year schedule, offsetting dates so if anyone wants to attend all four that it will be possible. I think manageable group sizes such as POG III will make the search for venues easier, more plentiful, and will allow attendees to spend more time on activities instead of being driven from the campground to the meals or seminars.
I see no advantage to a central rally attended by a hundred or more coaches unless all of the inconveniences associated with a rally of that size can be addressed.
05-05-2007, 06:13 PM
Wow, you all are soooo over the top. I'm still in awe at what we experienced at Buckhorn and POG IV is already in the planning !!
We thought we knew what we wanted in a bus and were just going to POG III to validate. After seeing and talking with all the knowledgable folks at POG III we are questioning our thoughts.
I guess one really BIG question is how did MM go from a staunch XL man to the H camp ?? There are several others that have done this also, so feel free to answer up. What is it ?? Cost, application, layout ?? Something else ??
Then the slide / no slide conflict was thrown up in the air by all the great layouts of non-slide buses. However we still lean toward the 2 slide bus (nice job Gary with that too cool 03 Liberty !!).
I seem to have lost my direction momentairly due to system overload with new information. And Marathon, what were you thinking with a mid-entry bus ?? Thank God you only did 4 of them...whew..:D (the wife was jumping up and down after that visit)
05-05-2007, 07:32 PM
If it would help, I will be at ODR in Blue eye near the end of this month (May). I can scout or do anything else needed for the group at that time. I am concerned about going to an owner park due to the need of so many sites for the meeting.
Kim sloan
02 Vantare still with slide problem
06 Megacab
Kevin Erion
05-06-2007, 12:04 AM
When I visited ODR in Arkansas last November, not with the bus but just to see the park, I was very impressed. It has a very large meeting room with a wet bar, dance floor and a kitchen off to the side for the catering Co. to use. It did not look that full and I guess we only need to ask if they could have the number of spaces that we need available that time of the year. As I mentioned before, the drive to Branson is a little far but there are many thing in the Table Rock Lake area to see and do. I am sure with the # of tour busses in that area we could plan a few nights into tour via busses, who knows maybe a H3 with lots of seats and a very small potty room.
A little far for the west coast group but if I have the time open, count me in, a little water skiing, canoe rides and some good food not that far away.
05-06-2007, 01:12 AM
Ok, since we are free associating..... I don't think all of our support vendors and Conversion Companies are going to want to hussle all over the United States 4 times a year for our POG meetings. We are going to take this one step at a time and not get a head of ourselves. POG will grow, but I hope we do not see 200 Coaches in October! We all are concerned growth will lead to less personal connection to POG. We will have to address ways to allow growth and keep this group as connected and commited . Personally, I like the idea of having some Seminars outside in front of peoples Buses. I hate being inside! Lets bring some Canopies for the possibility of inclimate weather or rent something.
I think two POG s a year; one somewhere out west, one somewhere out east. We'll deal with the site issues as our group grows.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-06-2007, 07:42 AM
Those are all very sensable thoughts.
05-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Gary De: Very good thoughts, I totally agree with them. Twice a year will not tax the vendors too much and all of us will be better able to make all of POGs. Lets try this format first and see what effect growth in membership has on us in the future. I was worried POGlll had too many new faces, but it went real well and some more growth would not change that. Mini rally's on right and left coasts would be a great way to organise plans for the main two rall'ys. There's my 2cents worth.
05-06-2007, 12:22 PM
POG is a unique group. It is made up of a fantastic group of people who are friendly, knowledgeable, and down to earth. With a combination like that we are going to have growth that is unstoppable. The teasing and humor on the forum is something that you don't see on other forums. That coupled with the friendships that are built at the rallies will ensure that POG will be like a run-away-train; it will continue to grow as the word spreads about how much fun the rallies are. We may not want 200 coaches at a rally, but I don't think that we can stop it. There are no other groups like POG, people will soon make the connection and join POG just to meet the cast of characters and learn how to fix their coaches themselves!
I think that the idea of 2 rallies a year is a good one; one on the right coast and one on the left coast. I agree with Gary about the mechanic's corners being held outside. The best place for a demo is AT THE COACH, not inside a meeting room.
We are blessed with a group of smart guys and gals, we will come up with a solution to this growth problem - just keep thinking and posting - the answer will be worked out in time.;)
Jon Wehrenberg
05-06-2007, 03:59 PM
I think the converters and the suppliers should chime in on what works for them.
As a group however, I do not think we should build or plan rallies based on how many converters we can get to show up. I think the converters and suppliers should always be welcome, and I think they should be encouraged to participate in our seminars. I like seeing the coaches so I see no down side to their participation. But to limit the number of rallies or locate rallies just to get them to show up I think is wrong.
Right now it appears that as a group we can expect to see at least as many attendees in Branson as we had in Kerrville.
As the group grows I would be willing to predict the left side of the country could support two rallies six months apart with similar numbers and the right side could do the same. I would imagine if all the rallies were the size we just had there would be support from converters and suppliers. I questioned one of the converters at Kerrville about the size of the rally and if it was advantageous to his company, and the response was positive. He indicated it was a good size and it allowed him to talk to almost every attendee.
Rather than speculate I think Branson will be the test of where POG is headed. Going from 10 to 25 to over 60 coaches it appears clear there has been growth. If Branson pulls in the same number of coaches and a similar number are turned away, we will know what our rally plans for the future will be.
05-06-2007, 09:07 PM
It appears that the POG rally's should be quality, not quantity driven. Once the limit for that particular location has been reached then lock it down. We have a great thing going here. Let's not let the growth bug drive the bus.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-12-2007, 12:59 PM
Ok, let me begin by saying Craps was CRAP this time around. I didn't win enough in Vegas for my bus down payment, hell, I had to wear a dirty shirt I had left over home, but anyway that is behind me now. :(
I have been checking out some various sites for POG IV, and I will begin by letting you know what my requirements were for the sites. These are ONLY sites that I thought might be considered to be worthy and the final decision is still up to the People in Charge, NOT ME ! I am just the investigator, and I have an Excel Spreadsheet to prove it, if you want to see it.
Some of the requirements are: :confused:
1. Able to accomadate 50+ coaches of our size
2. Concrete Pads for the rigs, and paved roads through out the rally site.
3. Complete Catering Options for our group
4. Expected nice weather at that time of year
5. Some pull Through sites, for those towing trailers
6. Various Optional Activities near the area, ( Besides Drinking, near the coaches, which I enjoyed greatly ), ie: Theaters, Plays, Casinos, Motorcycle Rides, etc.
7. Availibility of the Rally site for our group, in October 2007
8. And finally the obvious, 50amp, cable, water/sewer hook ups
Here is the first group of sites for everyones review. Please check out the web sites, look at all the various pages, and POST YOUR THOUGHTS. If you have actually been to any of these, make your personal comments, known.
I should have a few more sites to consider early next week for review. Remember, I am not making the Rally Site decision, I am only providing OPTIONS.
1. Cherokee / Smokies KOA, N.C.
2. Sundermeir RV Resort, Mo.
3. Rayford Crossing RV Resort, Tx
Let me reiterate, these are just a few of the many possible True Rally Sites, but these do meet the requirements that some of you posted earlier as hoping to find in our next rally. I believe these will provide a fun and enjoyable POG IV Rally, up to the standards we experienced at Buckhorn Lake RV Resort for POG III.
Gary S
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-12-2007, 03:26 PM
Here are two more suitable Very Nice and accommodating possible sites for POG IV.
These Rally Resorts have all but one of the amenities I was looking for in a Rally site for us.
They do not have DIRECT Food Catering at the resort. They have Offsite Catering Companies that come in and feed small to large groups of people, at the pavilion or Tent area.
Which brought up another idea, I had not thought of. While some of the nice resorts do not have an indoor seating pavillion, like Buckhorn had, most would be able to set up Large Tent areas with seating for our entire group.
Check these two possible Rally sites out and post your thoughts.
Willowtree RV Resort, SC
Holiday Travel Park, VA
They offered us 25% Discount, NO other resorts talked about Discounts at all, but then we haven't started negotiating rates either.
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of you Mothers out there.
I would also like to give a SPECIAL THANKS to "Mr. Ken Hamill, Owner and Founder of Big Rigs Best Campground Directory ". His home site is in Buckhorn Lakes RV Resort. He has given me many of the names of the campgrounds to call and check on, and will continue to work with me if his assistance is needed. :) :)
Gary S
05-13-2007, 12:00 PM
I applaud Gary and Peggy Stevens attempt to set out some sort of criteria for future POG events. The next step would be for our leaders to use this as a "strawman" and come up with a final but flexible set of criteria, set up the old excel spreadsheet and populate with candidates. Once the list is finalized then its a lot easier to select finalist and I would venture to say this list would remain relatively intact going forward with a few annual updates.
Steve Lane
05-13-2007, 01:14 PM
Gary and Peggy,
Great job picking up the ball and running with it! I thought I would bring another of Tom Trucks suggestions over here from a different thread discussion. I could feel the thread police looming :D He pointed out that the Country Coach rally was held at River Plantation in Sevierville which is right outside of the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area. Looks like a nice facility from the website.
We attended the Parliament rally (even though we didn't have their conversion) in Asheville at Bear Creek RV and though we had a fun time visiting, touring the Biltmore Estate, etc. it is not the "place" that Kerrville was/is.
Jon mentioned that their are several nice parks in the Gatlinburg area--maybe he can present a list?
For a possible national rally, Meg at Millennium spoke with a customer who had just attended a big rally in Branson held at the ABC resort in Branson:
Check these out and see if any of them meet your qualifications in order to be added to the list.
The Willow Tree Park outside of North Myrtle Beach sure looks wonderful and is fairly new--built in 2003 I believe?
Thanks again for all your efforts......
05-14-2007, 12:06 AM
This really ticks me off. The post was so far off base on what was here as for the # of coaches, the # of Prevosts coaches, etc, etc.
What I am trying to compare is the incorrect review of my home and now he has stepped up and is reccommending all of these places for POG IV.
Maybe if I re-read the post I would have a different opinion but I doubt it. I hate to be sour grapes but his post was wrong....way wrong and the world continued to spin. I expected such. Damn, I wish I could find that post. I scanned all I could. GET A LIFE(COACH)
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-14-2007, 02:33 AM
This really ticks me off. The post was so far off base on what was here as for the # of coaches, the # of Prevosts coaches, etc, etc.
What I am trying to compare is the incorrect review of my home and now he has stepped up and is reccommending all of these places for POG IV.
Maybe if I re-read the post I would have a different opinion but I doubt it. I hate to be sour grapes but his post was wrong....way wrong and the world continued to spin. I expected such. Damn, I wish I could find that post. I scanned all I could. GET A LIFE(COACH)
Well Lew, the Post you are referring to was dated 01/07/07 @ 12:07pm and my original post started like this,
Peg and I just got back from our Florida trip. ( More on that Later We stayed at ORA in St. Lucie Florida, for two days through New Years eve, and had a great time. We talked to everybody in a Prevost that was out and about, and everyone was so nice to talk to. There were probably about 30 Prevost buses of every convertor, along with about 30 other coaches in the park. Most of them were owners at the park."
My original post was not to degrade, or malign your home or anything else about you or the ORA St. Lucie Resort. I was merely overwhelmed by all of the beautiful coaches in the park. It was more than we had seen anywhere else on our trip to Florida. You will notice I mentioned talking with many bus owners, and thoroughly enjoying their comments, and the overall hospitality of the park.
IF THE FACT that I understated the number of coaches, or miss counted them, Pisses you Off, to Bad. Get over it!
As far as MY RECOMMENDATIONS for places to hold the rally next time, they are just recommendations, I am just trying to help. YOU are welcome to jump in and take over this task anytime.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-14-2007, 06:17 AM
Whenever I'm looking for one of your old posts, I'll always check ALL THE WRONG forums first.
05-14-2007, 08:41 AM
Hey Lew, did you mix a grump pill in with your Viagra?:p What the hell does Gary's POG4 recommendations have to do with your place in Florida? A POG4 rally in Florida has never even been discussed....:eek:
Now go back to sleep...:D
05-14-2007, 09:12 AM
It has previously been extoled and conveyed that the group had no leader!:eek:
---------size is everything------small is better----------:rolleyes:
let the fun begin:D :D
Jon Wehrenberg
05-14-2007, 09:38 AM
I'll take a ride and scope out Sevierville / Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg campgrounds. I agree with the River Plantation recommendation Debi made.
From my memory I don't recall a lot of camgrounds that are friendly to big coaches in large numbers because in the area the terrain is pretty rugged. River Plantation is located on river bottom land and lays flat. It is a fairly new campground.
It will take a few days, but I'll post the results. The late October dates Ben and Coloradobus mentioned will be the dates I will focus on.
FWIW, this area has a lot of features similar to Branson in that it has theaters, outlet shopping, some great motorcycle riding venues, Dollywood, loads of amusement rides and other types of entertainment like helicopter rides.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-14-2007, 12:21 PM
Jon, the River Plantation RV Park is a nice looking resort, from the web site but the reason I did not include it in one of my recommendations is, because it does Not have Paved Sites, nor paved roads they are all gravel.
If the Gravel sites, roads is not a concern for the group, my mistake.
Gary S
05-14-2007, 12:49 PM
Gary It is not a "mistake" and we appreciate all that you are doing.
05-14-2007, 01:59 PM
[]River Plantation RV Park [/I][/B]is a nice looking resort, from the web site but the reason I did not include it in one of my recommendations is, because it does Not have Paved Sites, nor paved roads they are all gravel If the Gravel sites, roads is not a concern for the group, my mistake.Gary ]
Hey Gary, you are doing a FABULOUS job checking out locations. I only mentioned River Plantation because Truk had brought it to our attention. You are right, the sites are not paved. The road leading in is paved, there is a concrete patio next to each site, but the coach sites are gravel. How shortsighted is that for a new park???? :eek: However, the gal I spoke with just now indicated to me that they never have a problem staying full so what do I know:rolleyes:
05-14-2007, 03:52 PM
It's gravel boys and girls, but very nice and had no problem accomodating about 30 - 40 Country Coaches when we were there a few years ago.
Check it out Jon Boy, we're waiting for the A-1 critique!;)
Jon Wehrenberg
05-14-2007, 04:52 PM
I spent the afternoon cruising campgrounds.
River Plantation is booked solid. Period. It has the nicest facilities with a brand new meeting building but they are not able to even consider any groups this year.
Of all the campgrounds in the area only one seems capable of handling 50 to 60 (or more) of us. That one is Riverside RV Park and if we are serious about the Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg area that one needs to be reserved pronto. The fall colors will draw a lot of visitors.
That campground has "paved" roads (we used to call them carpet coated) but the sites are gravel. Each site has a concrete pad under the picnic table near the coach door.
The pavillion is open. There is no enclosed meeting area.
The only other campground somewhat suitable was King's Holly Haven RV Park (no web site). They can accomodate31 coaches until 10/11 or after 10/28. This campground is much more in the center of the attractions in the area. It also only has an open pavillion for meetings or meals. Sites and roads are crushed stone.
My recommendation is to lock up sites in Branson and to not delay. We are requiring so many sites that not only are we limited in campgrounds to accomodate us, but we are really pushing it expecting six months to be an adequate lead time for reservations.
05-14-2007, 05:14 PM
[ My recommendation is to lock up sites in Branson and to not delay. We are requiring so many sites that not only are we limited in campgrounds to accomodate us, but we are really pushing it expecting six months to be an adequate lead time for reservations]
Jon, thanks for checking out the sites, it is quite the tourist area. I did call Willowtree outside of Myrtle Beach and they do have paved streets, pads, and she seemed to think accomodating 30 coaches in October would not be a problem. However, it is not in the Smokies it is at the beach. There are also a lot of tourist attractions in the area. The website is quite informative:
Willowtree RV Resort, SC
It should still be pretty warm there in October. Maybe Donna or Mango can chime in on the area since Donna is from Myrtle Beach??
It really doesn't matter to me where we have the eastern rally but the thought occurred to me that possibly Branson should be saved for a National rally since it is a little more centrally located? I bow to the powers that be;)
05-14-2007, 05:40 PM
I spent the afternoon cruising campgrounds.
River Plantation is booked solid. Period. It has the nicest facilities with a brand new meeting building but they are not able to even consider any groups this year.
Of all the campgrounds in the area only one seems capable of handling 50 to 60 (or more) of us. That one is Riverside RV Park and if we are serious about the Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg area that one needs to be reserved pronto. The fall colors will draw a lot of visitors.
That campground has "paved" roads (we used to call them carpet coated) but the sites are gravel. Each site has a concrete pad under the picnic table near the coach door.
The pavillion is open. There is no enclosed meeting area.
The only other campground somewhat suitable was King's Holly Haven RV Park (no web site). They can accomodate31 coaches until 10/11 or after 10/28. This campground is much more in the center of the attractions in the area. It also only has an open pavillion for meetings or meals. Sites and roads are crushed stone.
My recommendation is to lock up sites in Branson and to not delay. We are requiring so many sites that not only are we limited in campgrounds to accomodate us, but we are really pushing it expecting six months to be an adequate lead time for reservations.
Jon, Is Branson the same as Riverside RV Park ? Looks Great and centrally located.
Jon Wehrenberg
05-14-2007, 06:24 PM
The discussions have covered two separate areas. Branson, MO and Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg, TN.
I would suggest all efforts to pick and reserve a site should be on Branson. I think after that rally the numbers of POG members will support east and west side rallies, with one national. It is clear from today's trip that when you say 50 coaches campgrounds have a hard time fitting us in. We really need to be working on a schedule a year out.
I do think for a spring 08 eastern rally we should be thinking about where and when right now, and in October we need to be considering the fall 08 rally.
I hope the western rallies include Las Vegas or San Francisco. That will be a good excuse to visit each.
BTW, this is just my opinion, but whenever a group member visits a campground that has all the desirable features and can accomodate a rally in April or October that information should be posted for consideration. None of the campgrounds I visited today matched Buckhorn, and only two matched Santa Fe, and one was in between Buckhorn and Santa Fe in features. The area however has plenty for everyone.
05-14-2007, 09:47 PM
Good job Jon, I don't think we are going to have the 50+ buses in either Branson or the Smokies, but I might be pleasantly surprised. We need a headcount ASAP for either place, as you indicated, the clock is ticking.
Lobster Boy (AKA Skiffer) how about sticking up a place for a headcount for either Branson and/or the Smokies? The left Coast guys may have the same problem..
Jon Wehrenberg
05-14-2007, 10:09 PM
I don't think we should have a democracy here.
I think that as long as we are going to continue to have rallies as a group we will eventually get our stuff together. But for the October rally I think someone just needs to pick the site and from that rally forward as long as we have good lead times and someone has vouched for the accptability we can visit places that are on the "go to" list.
If nothing else this proves to me that if we intend to vote on future sites we should be voting now for the April 08 site and at the October rally vote for the October 08 site.
05-14-2007, 11:16 PM
Sorry about me mixing my plavix with Gin.
The real thing that pissed me off was that I am possibly the most visible person in the park and all over the place. You knew I resided there and you left without saying hello.
I will remain out of the rally holding area choices forever. I probably have attended more FMCA rallys than any one here, not to mention nearly a hundred other pre-rallies and regular type rallies throughout my 30 years of motorhoming.
I still haven't learned to keep my damn mouth shut and keep my opinions to myself.
Sincerely, really,
05-14-2007, 11:32 PM
Oh, BTW, I have absolutely no wish to hold a rally here at my home park in Florida. Let there be no mistake about that!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
05-15-2007, 12:10 AM
Sorry about me mixing my plavix with Gin.
The real thing that pissed me off was that I am possibly the most visible person in the park and all over the place. You knew I resided there and you left without saying hello.
I will remain out of the rally holding area choices forever. I probably have attended more FMCA rallys than any one here, not to mention nearly a hundred other pre-rallies and regular type rallies throughout my 30 years of motorhoming.
I still haven't learned to keep my damn mouth shut and keep my opinions to myself.
Sincerely, really,
Lew, none of us including me want you to keep your mouth shut or your opinions to yourself. That is what makes Lew, Lew; and what these posts are for, and what make this site truly worth watching and responding too. I just wanted to make sure you understood we enjoyed your park tremendously, and that was before we had a chance to meet you.
And honestly as far as not saying good bye to you, we did not know any POG members lived there. If you will look at the limited number of my posts (when we were in ORA, Florida) you will note that I had just gotten started talking with all of you guys and had not figured out yet, that by letting everyone know where you are on the road, there is always a friendly face and cocktail waiting for you at the end of the day, No matter where or Who you are !
If ever you are in my neck of the woods, Houston, TX. just come over, and we'll have dinner, and I promise we will look you up the next time in St. Lucie.
OK I am done now. Now back on to POG IV, The Beginning. Jim Skiff, have you decided anything yet about the Rally Site?
Gary S
05-15-2007, 01:00 AM
I'm in for anything west of the Rockies. I doubt I can make it to Branson in October. The West Coast contingent can get busy for next year.
Jim Skiff
05-15-2007, 12:14 PM
Many thanks to Gary Stevens for his hard work scouting locations for POG IV and beyond. We have booked the KOA in Branson, for the dates of October 1-6 as time and locations are running out. The sites are pull throughs on asphalt. We have 56 sites.
This will be our last mid-country rally before we start the east coast, west coast cycle.
More to follow as we progress.
05-15-2007, 03:45 PM
[We have booked the KOA in Branson, for the dates of October 1-6 as time and locations are running out. The sites are pull throughs on asphalt. We have 56 sites.
This will be our last mid-country rally before we start the east coast, west coast cycle. More to follow as we progress]
Great Jim, count us in! As it happens, our Morgan World Championship Horse Show starts on the 6th and is held in OKC which is only 4 hours from Branson...Bob can just shuttle me over there, won't he be thrilled? LOL :rolleyes:
Joe Cannarozzi
05-15-2007, 07:26 PM
If the growth of POG dictates booking rally spots further in advance, the further in advance we plan these rallies the easier it will be for us to make some.
We would be up for the Smokies for next fall and have always wanted to see the fall colors in New England too. We have never been North of New York City.
Charleston also sounded very nice. A spring rally there would avoid the risk of hurricane.
Branson is only 8 hrs out for us, we can make that.
Kevin Erion
05-15-2007, 07:44 PM
I'm in, our last race in 07 is the weekend of September 15-16 at Laguna Seca, Northern California. I don't see any reason not to be there.
I can't wait, I might have to fly the better half in for the last few days with the kids.
05-16-2007, 01:06 AM
Kevin , your going to make it hard for me not to be there. Good idea about the flying as the kids get bored very quickly at dad's Rallys.
05-16-2007, 01:53 AM
man! what a thread! what a ton of work you all have put in. i have been researching places myself - obviously way too late!!! many thanks for all the hard work and hours spent trying to put this together. kudos to you all.
count us in - we WILL be there. and let it be known: if bill doesn't think we can make it, will someone pick me up at the airport?
my cousins fulltimed for about 8 years and now live part year in branson. maybe i can borrow their rig:D
thanks, again for everyone who worked so hard on POGIII and already for IV.
see you in oct.
Joe Cannarozzi
05-16-2007, 07:48 AM
I have been notified by my wife that we will not be attending any rallies until I finish pollishing the stainless on the bus.
We got it with a brushed finish. I got the front and back buffed. The remainder is gonna be no small task. Ya think she has contracted MPD or what:eek:
05-16-2007, 09:19 AM
[QUOTE=bill&jody;: if bill doesn't think we can make it, will someone pick me up at the airport?
Jody, no problem, I will pick you up at the airport if your pony tail guy wants to stay put:D No need to borrow your cousins coach you can stay with us! BTW, maybe you would be interested in doing a craft segment showing us the beautiful things that can be made when you become addicted to the wonderful world of stamping/scrapbooking ??
05-16-2007, 10:51 AM
Joe that sounds a little demanding from her! Tell her that she has to lower the bar a bit. Polishing the exterior of a bus is no small task, we might never meet you guys!
05-16-2007, 02:02 PM
Jody, no problem, I will pick you up at the airport if your pony tail guy wants to stay put:D No need to borrow your cousins coach you can stay with us! BTW, maybe you would be interested in doing a craft segment showing us the beautiful things that can be made when you become addicted to the wonderful world of stamping/scrapbooking ??[/QUOTE]
hey, deb, you're on! for the airport pick-up and maybe even the couch! i'm a really good guest . . . sorry bob, i don't wash the coach:eek:
as for stamping - i'm always up for a class. i was out of commission for a while with my wrist but i'm ready for POGIV. i'll have to get jim to put something on the schedule.
i think we are headed out to el morro national monument today. whoo hooo.
05-16-2007, 06:23 PM
I have been notified by my wife that we will not be attending any rallies until I finish pollishing the stainless on the bus.
We got it with a brushed finish. I got the front and back buffed. The remainder is gonna be no small task. Ya think she has contracted MPD or what:eek:
Hey Joe, I think it takes Marathon one week to polish the SS:eek: :eek:
05-17-2007, 12:07 AM
Marathon jobs out the polishing on new coaches to a company a few miles away. They have a large crew of hard working fellows from south of the border who do all the dirty work.
06-28-2007, 09:18 PM
Thought I would put a couple of ideas out here to see what others think.
I thought it might be a good learning experience to have a portable scale at the rally one afternoon, so owners could weigh each tire or tires on the drive to see where they should be running their air pressure based on the size and to see if their is a weight problem in any area.
On finance, thought if we had a CPA to run through the business side of owning a bus, e.g. deductions, licensing, insurance. All of us have different uses for our coach; just find out how to maximize ownership.
Just Plain Jeff
06-28-2007, 10:03 PM
Good idea Dale:
Friggin' Shookie, The Man, BROUGHT his CPA with him when he picked up his new coach.
What a guy!
Shookie: How 'bout it?
06-29-2007, 10:06 AM
I think the weighing idea is excellent. I tried to get that for the POG III, but the man with the scales was out of town on those dates. Also, I am presently just 30 minutes out of the Branson area. I know someone who works as a tour guide (with transportation etc) in the area. If the group is interested we could set up tours etc.
Let me know.
Jim Skiff
06-30-2007, 12:43 PM
That sounds like a great idea. Let us know and we'll put in on the agenda.
Rally Registration forms have been mailed out to members who have attended previous rallies or provided us with a mailing address.
If you are not sure if you are on the list drop me an email and if I haven't sent one I will. (If you got Gary's POG III DVD, you're on the list.)
Space is limited so before we open up registration on P-stuff, POG members will have the first opportunity to attend.
In addition to the swimsuit competition we are developing the agenda.
(October 1-6, 2007 Branson, MO)
06-30-2007, 01:39 PM
In addition to the swimsuit competition we are developing the agenda.
(October 1-6, 2007 Branson, MO)
You know it's enough work to get the bus ready for these excursions...
but to also go on a diet. Man, this POG stuff is getting hard.
06-30-2007, 06:38 PM
Hello Jim,
I will get all of the info reference the excursion into Branson. Do we want her to include a show?
Also please count me in for POG IV. I am on the road and may not get the mail for a while.
06-30-2007, 08:23 PM
Talked to Tim (a future POGer) he is at the KOA in Branson and said that he didn't see how all the bus's are going to fit. He is in a 70 pull thru and he is hanging over into the street on the front and back. He said about 8 feet over in the front and 6 feet in the back. He bent his trailer jack getting into the park. He said they have two 18 inch wide pads that you drive on. He said I should give a heads up as to the rally being held there. He said don't bring a trailer because there just isn't room.
I post back in a few days
Joe Cannarozzi
07-01-2007, 12:34 AM
Dale your cracking me up here trying to do the math.
70 ft.- if he is in a 45 and has 20 foot of toad that should leave 5, right? So if you take the 8 plus the 6 plus the 5, that would make a 19ft discrepency:confused:
Im thinking of an Elmer Fud quote. Thewr is somsing squewy going on awound hewer:eek:
Thanks for the heads up.
07-01-2007, 11:57 PM
70 plus 8 plus 6= 84. Is this correct Dale. Was Tim saying he was trailering a total of 84 feet. Also, what is the width of each site and are there trees, rocks, etc. blocking the angle of the entrance or exit to the sites.
07-02-2007, 12:01 AM
Hello Jim,
I will get all of the info reference the excursion into Branson. Do we want her to include a show?
Also please count me in for POG IV. I am on the road and may not get the mail for a while.
Hi Kim. Are you still on vacation or are you heading toward another horse show. What was the outcome on the slide sticking problem? Any more problems.
07-02-2007, 08:57 AM
Hello gary,
We have not yet returned to Florida. We have been to horse shows and some vacation. I just fly back to NJ to work either every or every other week for a few days.
Here is the outcome from the slide problems (probably should also post under the Prevost Shell area).
1. they had to dismantle the entire slide, both salon and bedroom.
2. They updated the pins from 5 degree to 7 degree.
3. Since this was early double slide they changed the support of the slides
4. New seals front and back.
5. Took apart and replaced the interior of the coach.
the best part was the price. Prevost goodwilled the entire job. The company was excellent and the work was great.
07-02-2007, 06:39 PM
Kim and I are going to check out the KOA within a couple of days. I can post on the condition.
Tim has a 40 coach plus a 26 foot total lenth trailer 76 feet. They said his spot was 70 foot pull was not! He hung over on the front and back 13 feet total. Their spots are not as big as they say. I will post tomorrow.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
07-02-2007, 06:46 PM
Kim and I are going to check out the KOA within a couple of days. I can post on the condition.
Tim has a 40 coach plus a 26 foot total lenth trailer 76 feet. They said his spot was 70 foot pull was not! He hung over on the front and back 13 feet total. Their spots are not as big as they say. I will post tomorrow.
Dale, take pictures if you can and post them, for a Complete Visual of the sites.
Gary S
Jon Wehrenberg
07-03-2007, 08:41 AM
I think this should be a wake up call to all who are interested in continuing with rallies.
As a group we are not going to fit in or find good accomodations in a large percentage of campgrounds. So we have to be selective. When sites for rallies are chosen (cities) we have to insure the campground can handle the number of coaches plus we have to insure the campground has suitable sites with 50 amp power.
For Branson we got what was available. Six months is not enough notice so we ended up with the KOA. It is my understanding the April 2008 rally site has been chosen and the campground reserved. That is good. We shouldn't be waiting for next spring to come up with the October 2008 rally because by then it will be too late. We need to be doing that now.
I'll start this by suggesting Las Vegas.
Maybe a new thread should be started because this topic needs to be resolved. Branson will not be an indication of whether we are large enough to have east and west rallies because space is limited, and if we wait until April to figure it out it will be too late to reserve for October.
Joe Cannarozzi
07-03-2007, 06:28 PM
They have a bus rally in Arcadia Fla. every Jan. and rent a large piece of property for all the same reasons.
Mabye we should concider going the same route and find ourselves a nice spot we can call our own for ocasional rallies.
It would really open up many possibilities.
Lets see.................. 60 busses or so at 300 or so each that's 18000. With the inexpensive price of land in central Tenn. (still at 1500 an acre in many places) that would be enough to cover a mortgage on 40 acre or better for the whole year.
It could be avalible to club members year round. We could rent to other clubs for rallies when not in use. It's nice to see new places but also just as good to find a good spot we can get familure and comfortable with too.
We could spend the years buying land and developing camgrounds of our own for our rallies and then sell for profit instead of handing places like the Branson KOA 10 large for 5 days.
I know..........I know, can't help it.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
07-03-2007, 06:48 PM
They have a bus rally in Arcadia Fla. every Jan. and rent a large piece of property for all the same reasons.
Mabye we should concider going the same route and find ourselves a nice spot we can call our own for ocasional rallies.
It would really open up many possibilities.
Joe, in my opinion, putting your 45' Prevosts out in a pasture, would not be the same as holding the rally in a campground that is already set up to be a RALLY PARK. :eek:
A true Rally Park is a campground that has all the amenities to accomadate comfortably and completely, an entire group, whether it is 10 or 300, 20' or 75' and at the level of convience and excellence that everyone paying to come to that rally would expect!
I don't know because I have not been there, but I was told by an authority that the Branson KOA was not a Rally Park, and we would likely encounter several problems, that we would not encounter at other qualified Rally Park campgrounds.
Sorry, but I just don't feel like the KOA in Branson or a Field is the place we should be holding the type of Rally everyone enjoyed when they were at Buckhorn.....:(
I better quit while I am behind..... SORRY EVERYBODY.
Gary S
07-03-2007, 07:43 PM
Tiger Run RV resort in Breckenridge, CO is a nice rally park. I have attended a rally there, and it is very nice. There are about 400 sites so they should be able to accomodate us with advance notice. Also, they have a 12,000 sq ft clubhouse and indoor swimming pool for the Bikini Contests!:D
Possible other locations:
ORA Indio, CA - 424 sites
Hacienda RV Resort, Las Cruses, NM - 113 sites
ORA Lake Toxaway, NC - 111 sites
ORA St. Lucie, FL (Lew might make that one)
How about a rally/tour of the Prevost Car Co. factory in Quebec City?
Just my .02
Joe Cannarozzi
07-03-2007, 08:15 PM
Gary what are you apoligizing for? I think I can speak for everyone when I say that all of your efforts are greatly appreciated.
I'll agree with most of your thoughts.
I often do not hesitate to voice my frequent ideas:)
I should a listened to grandma and paid attention in school:rolleyes:
Ya know nessessity is the mother of invention.
We would never have a problem with primitive campgrounds, done it many times, lots of great memories, never saw any cows at the doorstep!
I think it would be a mistake to judge one rally off another. Its about the people and the memories.
07-04-2007, 01:44 AM
I wouldn't freak out about Branson. It's only one park and one rally. We're all used to making do with whatever comes our way. Comparisons are unfair and just a waste of time. Lets move forward from here with future site suggestions. How's about Montana, or maybe Canada?
Jon Wehrenberg
07-04-2007, 08:53 AM
I hope we do not get hung up on whether the KOA is up to our standards.
It is a campground / RV park and as such it will accomodate us. Will it match Kerrville? No, but who cares. As long as we have 50 amps and a place to have our various activities it is good enough.
If we as POG want Buckhorn quality venues we need to be identifying them and then reserving spaces a very long time in advance. We got the KOA in Branson because we did not decide far enough in advance to have much choice in campground selection.
Lets focus on the schedule and activities for Branson, and to avoid future concerns start planning locations for future POG rallies so campgrounds can be reserved sufficiently far in advance so we have the ability to choose the best.
07-07-2007, 08:39 AM
Good day everyone,
Dale and I visited the KOA in Branson. Sorry but no pictures available from me since I did not take a camera. Dale may have in his visit, but is having problems getting on internet.
Here is the situation:
1. If you are towing a trailer be very careful on entry since will drag hitch. We would recommend going in the exit.
2. There are 40-45 spots that will handle 40 foot rigs. The 45' ones are going to be tight, I counted 16 sites that I think would work. that number was included in the 40-45 sites.
3. Slides, awnings are going to be very difficult.
4. Seems to be good power from what people who were staying at the campground stated.
5. Significant traffic around the area since the directions into campground take you through Branson.
Some possible suggestions for the problems:
1. There is a flat empty lot next door. Maybe we need to use it not only for trailer parking, but also for coaches. Electric might be available. If not certainly dry camping would be possible.
2. There are other campgrounds near by that might handle overflow.
3. there is an Outdoor resorts around 30 minutes away that some of us own lots in. Maybe we set-up shuttle from there is enough people stay there.
These are only some suggestions that Dale and I discussed. The people running the KOA seem very nice. The area should be beautiful in early October.
Just Plain Jeff
07-07-2007, 11:52 AM
In speaking with Jim Skiff yesterday, there is going to be a 40-coach limit at the KOA and overflow will be elsewhere. There were more slots at the ORA, however many members did not want back-in sites, so the pendulum went to KOA.
So, the park is booked for POG IV. If you want to be at the KOA, it's a good idea to get your booking in soon to insure you are onsite. There will be an accomodation for those who wish to stay off-site. Jim's working that up now.
There are also cabins for non-owners at the KOA, in order to accomodate all.
Any comments or questions, you can drop a note to Jim Skiff at and he will do whatever he can to accomodate your specific needs.
Thanks much.
Joe Cannarozzi
07-09-2007, 06:32 PM
Did everyone who requested a regestration form for Branson recieve one or are there others out there like us who still have not:confused:
After 2 requests we were wondering.
07-10-2007, 12:26 AM
HI Joe, I recieved one a week ago. i don't think I will be going, so I can send you mine, or just call Jim Skiff. Gary
07-10-2007, 08:51 AM
Gary, now you just re-think that and make plans to go! ;) We'll get Joe there.
07-11-2007, 02:22 AM
Hi Dale. I definately want to be there, but I may be over commited. We'll see.
07-11-2007, 01:15 PM
Jim has asked Darl Wilson and myself to look into sites in our regeion for a future Rally. We will be getting together soon to do that.
I have great reservations toward doing a rally in Reno or Las Vegas or other gambling meca's. Nothing against gambling or those areas, but it will scatter any group to the various surrounding activities. We have a rally in Reno with our RV group each year and the togetherness is non existent.
The success of our rallys to date stems from a day to day full participation.
Do visit those two cities to or from a rally they are great fun.
That said we will do our best to find a site in our area's that will provide adequate facilities, power, space, paving and weather.
07-11-2007, 03:29 PM
Welcome home Harry. I hope you and Shirley had a great time!!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
07-11-2007, 03:33 PM
Harry, don't forget to add a nice Avatar of your new bus to your signature file.
How did it do on the trip back home? I'll bet you guys love it!
Gary S
07-11-2007, 03:41 PM
Welcome home Harry and I agree with you about no rally in the casino parks. That is a one on one activity between the gambler and the money collector not a group activity:)
As you said go before or after we enjoy each others company at a focussed rally.
07-12-2007, 01:32 AM
Hi Harry. It's all about getting us together and having a good time at a great location. There are so many places in the West, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, & California.
07-14-2007, 02:54 PM
As for the objection about meeting in a gamblers meca like LV or Reno. Casinos are now everywhere and but are just more abundant in Nevada. If people are going to scatter to casinos and not take part in the meetings, dinners, and seminars, that are part of the POG get-together then they would do the same thing if there were some sort of diversion at another location. The rally activities should be interesting enough to captivate the attention of the members without them wandering off, helter-skelter, in all directions. After having Nevada as my home for almost 2 decades I understand that some folks cannot seem to get out of the casinos but I do not think that the majority of the people in our group would abandon the rally to spend 24/7 in a smoke-filled casino. I know, opinions are like noses, everyone has one one! This is mine for whatever it is worth
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