View Full Version : Fuel stations, your favorites?
I am bringing back my very first Prevost (and my very first RV, might as well start at the top!) starting this Friday. I have a ~2.5 day trip from Florida to Texas starting this Friday. It occurred to me that I have never had to fill up one of these. I am mapping out the truck stops, like Flying J, but I was wondering if anyone has alternatives they like. My preference would be something like Sam's Club, as the prices are generally a bit lower than all regular gas stations. However, it seems like the layout of the pumps is probably very inconsistent from one location to another. Costco might be another option for me. FWIW, I will be signing up for the TDS fuel program, but wont have that ready for this trip. Do you always use truck stops for fuel, or do you venture out to "regular" gas stations?
10-19-2021, 10:17 AM
Well....since you mentioned Prevost, I'm assuming you are talking about Diesel Fuel. TDS Fuel program is great. Many options to choose from. Not sure what vintage coach you are buying, but you can safely plan on 800 miles between fill-ups. That should give you plenty of safety margin. (I often go 1000 miles, but that's the outside limit of my comfort zone). Pilot/Flying J, Loves, TA are all top choices. I typically stick with TA as they seem to offer the best discounts.
You will definitely want to stick to the truck fueling lanes. Trying to get into auto pumps would be a challenge. Very low canopy heights on some stations. Also, Truck lanes will fuel much faster than auto lanes. The pumps go much faster. When you get to be a pro, you will learn to use the pumps on both sides for even faster fueling. Yes, the Prevost has fueling doors on both sides of the coach! Fun to watch the $'s whizz by when using both pumps.
Enjoy your trip. Drive slowly until you get used to the braking distances, and length of the coach. Right lane and no more than 65 mph. Just fall in with the trucks in that lane.
Thanks, I will check out TA, was not aware of them until now.
10-19-2021, 07:05 PM
You may not have time to sign up for the TDS program. If that's the case stop at the Bucees just inside Alabama and then again in TX. Have a safe trip.
10-19-2021, 07:15 PM
My XL has only a curbside fuel fill. On a 160 gal tank my safe zone is 1000 miles or less. No more. TDS once had great discounts at Love's. Last year maybe longer it's been TA/Petro. I usually try to plan for TA fuel stops. For some reason the Petro's I have stopped at have all seemed more run down and had issues where I had to go inside to get pump activated due to card reader issues at pumps. Maybe not the norm, just my experience.
Joe Camper
10-19-2021, 09:12 PM
Stay out of truck stops from 6 to 9 am and from 2pm untill after dark. This is too buisy to park at the island for extended periods without holding things up which is very nice, very useful to me. Is remarkable how much my calves and lower legs vibrate and tingle after logging 3 or 400 miles at 80 and 85. Like walking aroud after a full night of rolker skating. Usually dont wait for a pump either and that sucks. Its very busy during the rush hr.
10-20-2021, 09:19 AM
The idea of using small stations for diesel fuel is not a good idea. The local truck repair shop I use said they had numerous fuel issues come in after fueling at non truck stop sources. These stations don't have a rapid turnover of the fuel causing algae and water issues. Use a location that has truck traffic which guarantees you are getting fresh fuel. Make sure you ate using a good fuel additive also. Install additive prior to fueling to insure good mixture of additive in tank.
10-20-2021, 02:41 PM
I like Loves for a rest break - they seem clean and organized.
If I need fuel, TA or Petro all the way. They have the best discount on the TDS card.
I have watched videos on Buc-ee's. Looking forward to stopping there some day!
I avoid all other fuel because of the issues mentioned in other posts unless I have no other choice.
10-20-2021, 09:02 PM
TDS app just has a banner at the top today noting .28 off per gal @ all Love’s.
10-20-2021, 09:06 PM
Bucees is a great option for sure, but for a first time Prevost/RV operator - it could be a little stressful pulling through a crowded Bucees. That store outside Mobile is always bumper to bumper. Just be careful if you go that route. There is an easy in and out TA on the west side of Mobile, but it’ll be expensive without the EFS card.
10-21-2021, 10:33 AM
I think you can get the TSD card overnighted to you. call the fuel ladies at TSD.. mine came in a couple of days and I live in NC
Fuel Desk: 1-800-275-5089
Tara Rape
Direct: 903-831-8944
Cell: 903-748-6896
Gina Leeper
Direct: 903-831-8941
Courtney Mosley
Direct: 903-831-8906
10-21-2021, 11:19 AM
Just a few more comments. My wife has a process for all "new" fuel stops that we are not familiar with.......She finds the location or locations that make sense on the TDS app, then looks up the site in satellite view mode on her iPhone. That will show you the direction of traffic flow, location of the truck lanes, etc. Just pick a lane, pull in and wait if the pumps are full. If there are open lanes, then pick one and get started. No need to feel rushed. Plenty of the trucks will linger in the lanes (go get lunch, take a shower, etc.). It's common courtesy to pull forward after fueling is complete and let the next truck behind you start his fill. There will be plenty of parking space before the pumps and after exiting the pumps. Again, no rush, just obey the pull up rule when complete and that will give you time to go in and pay, etc.
Thanks, everyone. I fly out today and start my drive home tomorrow. I have mapped out my trip with rvtripwizard, which overall seems like a decent, but not perfect, tool. I have multiple options marked for rest and fill-ups, but just have not decided if going to a station on opposite side of the highway is worth it (which a few of them are). I will try to hit a few different brand truck stops to get some perspective on each one. I don't have time to expedite TDS, but I have multiple payment methods that offer 5% cash back, so I'll just do that this time. I am planning for under 400 miles per day since this is my first trip. I'll be stopping overnight in Madison FL, Biloxi MS, and Bayton TX and reach my final destination in Austin TX.
I got to say you are a brave sole that I admire. Taking a new to you RV with no or limited tools, driving that far and never had a RV (Prevost) before. Good luck on your trip and keep us informed.
Thanks for the kind words, Danj.
So far I'd say it's going well being the first time. I spent 3/4 day with Brian at Tradewinds to go over the coach (he was great), and then I left for my first destination, about 300 miles away. I should not have done that in that way. I ended up doing half of that drive at night, and I was not really prepared for that. I'll probably start another posting about this but: the headlights leave a lot be desired. For now, I an not going to drive at night.
Otherwise, I am getting more comfortable driving, but still very nervous. I am not quite used to the lack on high control one might find in a well planted car on the road. I do feel myself having to constantly correct the steering due to wind, road conditions, etc, and I think I might be not correcting quickly enough and then over-correcting. This is really only a problem above 50 mph. But it does have me wonder if I just need to get more adjusted to driving, or if I need some suspension work. Probably just me.
TA gas stations were fine, other than the phone app not working at all unless you have a commercial account (even if you put in your personal payment info). Once I have the TDS card, this will not matter. I gotta say, I like filling up without having to shut off the engine!
My A/C is either need some work or I need to adjust my expectations. I do not have bus A/C (and now I see why people like it so much). I do have 2 cruise-airs and 1 RVAC. The front cruise-air goes into something like "PS high" when driving. The dash A/C is barely useful. I try to combine this with the front cruise-air, but with the cruise-air having that problem, I suspect dash air alone cannot keep the driver area cool, even with the door closed in the middle of the coach. The RVAC seems very undersized, or just not at right level of freon. All the systems passed delta-T measurements when inspected. Rear A/C is just fine. Front A/C is actually fine when stopped.
Sorry for going way off topic...
Anyway, still quite thrilled with the coach, but fell a bit guilty not enjoying it with my wife and daughter. I am in Biloxi, MS right now, and then will stop in Bayton, TX, then finally home in Austin on today.
Thanks for all the advice!
10-23-2021, 08:31 PM
Your in the fire now. You have to relax and the reason your all over the road is because your looking down not out. You need to look as far out as possible when driving and you will be in the middle of the lane when you check your mirrors. Trust me on this.
10-23-2021, 09:26 PM
+1 on not looking down. You should check your gauges often, but if you are bouncing off the lane boundaries, then relax your shoulders, two hands on the wheel and look as far down the lane as you can. it will become vary natural soon.......
Joe Camper
10-23-2021, 10:09 PM
Yo Andrew Ill be in Smithville for a week starting Monday then in New Ulm for prob 2 weeks after that working on a few buses there. Think thats less than an hr from Austin. U r welcome to come out and meet a bunch of your Texas Prevo neighbors. Get a better idea what uve gotton yourself into.
Pete,Loc, Robert and Joe from houston everybody but Pete will be there with bus.
Smithvilles even closer u r welcome there too.
I could also hook u up with 2 other Austin Prevo guys i stop at if u were interested i know they would be.
Thanks for the additional suggestions.
I have good news and bad news. The good news I got to Austin just fine. The bad news is the last 100 feet of my 1200 mile trip I scraped the side of the coach with my house's gutter. I am totally dejected at the moment. I can't believe I made it 1200 miles with no incident and then at the last 30 seconds I f*$%? up. Maybe tomorrow I will not feel so terrible. I suppose it can all be fixed, and I have full coverage insurance. I just feel bad for this coach making it 20 years with what seems no incidents, and in the first 4 days I do something really stupid.
Joe, thanks very much for the invitation, but I am pretty booked up for the next 3 weeks. If you happen to plan a trip in TX area in the future, I would certainly like to meet you and possibly schedule some of your services. Also, it would be great to get contacts of some Austin-area owners.
In spite of this unfortunate incident, I do plan on doing a road trip with two friends in two weeks.
The final leg of my return trip was good overall. Going through Houston was not bad at all (was very surprised), and I enjoyed vary much going west on US-290 to Austin. Each time I drive the coach, I get a little more used to it. And, hopefully, I have learned to never assume "I have enough room" again, no matter how tired or how few feet I have left to complete my trip.
10-26-2021, 02:40 AM
i took my 1000 ilw voyage with no tools...broke down 7 times...Vanner equalizer issues =)
10-26-2021, 06:12 AM
Travel formual
Tools = $ saved
No Tools = $$$$$$$$$$$$$ spent
Joe Camper
10-26-2021, 09:04 AM
Let me know if u want me to give them your number or I can send u their info. A couple R Poggers most r not.
10-26-2021, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the additional suggestions.
I have good news and bad news. The good news I got to Austin just fine. The bad news is the last 100 feet of my 1200 mile trip I scraped the side of the coach with my house's gutter. I am totally dejected at the moment. I can't believe I made it 1200 miles with no incident and then at the last 30 seconds I f*$%? up. Maybe tomorrow I will not feel so terrible. I suppose it can all be fixed, and I have full coverage insurance. I just feel bad for this coach making it 20 years with what seems no incidents, and in the first 4 days I do something really stupid.
Joe, thanks very much for the invitation, but I am pretty booked up for the next 3 weeks. If you happen to plan a trip in TX area in the future, I would certainly like to meet you and possibly schedule some of your services. Also, it would be great to get contacts of some Austin-area owners.
In spite of this unfortunate incident, I do plan on doing a road trip with two friends in two weeks.
The final leg of my return trip was good overall. Going through Houston was not bad at all (was very surprised), and I enjoyed vary much going west on US-290 to Austin. Each time I drive the coach, I get a little more used to it. And, hopefully, I have learned to never assume "I have enough room" again, no matter how tired or how few feet I have left to complete my trip.
I know it's hard to accept the minor accident. They are called accidents for a reason. Brush it off and roll on.
10-26-2021, 12:41 PM
So close ... Joe, I will be in Kerrville then College Station through the 13th. Are you staying in Texas mid month?
Joe Camper
10-26-2021, 10:30 PM
I want to be home in Chicago by around Nov 15th. Wont be done with the current patient till the weekend My next stop is a new patient time could go either way and theres 4 others between that stop and home. 3 of the 4 should be 1 day repairs but we r talking about Prevo here. So Maybe. My last stop is back in Abaline. Be there on the 13 th and u can have 2 days max.
10-28-2021, 11:12 AM
No worries. We are going to catch up some time. Travel safe.
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