View Full Version : I-16 Shutdown
07-15-2021, 10:14 PM
The interstate is closed from Exit 71 to Exit 78 in both directions. A large dump trailer hit the GA 86 bridge and shifted it 6 feet. This is west of US 221/GA 56 Exit.
Goal to reopen single lanes in each direction by this weekend. Full travel on both sides should return by or before July 24. The bridge will come down.
Signed detour currently installed…
Westbound Detour:
Take Exit 78- Turn Right onto Highway 221 North, Left onto US 80 West, go through town of Adrian, Left onto State Route 15, Re-Enter I-16 at Exit 71
Eastbound Detour:
Take Exit 71 – Turn Right onto Highway 15, through Soperton, Left onto State Route 46, Left onto State Route 56, Re-Enter I-16 at Exit 78
Given traffic volumes, we also encourage folks to find a totally alternate route beyond this official detour.
07-16-2021, 10:04 AM
Have another dump truck run it the opposite direction. Easy fix.
Buddy Brown
07-16-2021, 05:02 PM
Somebody's insurance is going to really be happy about this claim:mad:
07-16-2021, 05:52 PM
Triaxle dump trucks. Heh! We call them dragsters in our industry. Up here in Pennsylvania they are everywhere and always speeding. Accidents are common. I rarely speak negatively about my industry but the drivers drive them like sports cars. Not good! I always stay well behind them since stones are always dropping off. Drivers rarely take the time to clear off their gate or look for rocks wedged in between tires. In my early days I ran dump trucks and we always were careful about speeds and loose material dropping off. They carry almost the same weight as a five axle semi only on four axles.
07-16-2021, 08:53 PM
Still wondering how this truck struck bridge unless driver failed to completely lower the dump bed.
Triaxle dump trucks. Heh! We call them dragsters in our industry. Up here in Pennsylvania they are everywhere and always speeding. Accidents are common. I rarely speak negatively about my industry but the drivers drive them like sports cars. Not good! I always stay well behind them since stones are always dropping off. Drivers rarely take the time to clear off their gate or look for rocks wedged in between tires. In my early days I ran dump trucks and we always were careful about speeds and loose material dropping off. They carry almost the same weight as a five axle semi only on four axles.
Joe Camper
07-16-2021, 10:30 PM
That looks like its a scrap metal load in a steel dump trlr. Not a gravel buggy. Sheared the dump body from the trailer frame right at the hindge at the back. The frame and wheels r still attatched to the tractor not pictured and the back of the dump body is parked on the pavement. The white stuff on tge pavement is prob oil dry from when the lift cylinder got hammered thats like 30 gal of hydraulic when its extended. Seen that done before. Imagine following and watching the box going up!!! At leaste 2 different mistakes for sure. The up control had to be in position and the P.T.O. control had to be on. The box looks like its a real buzzard. Lucky. If it was old and wore out it prob saved the driver from a very abrupt stop and sheared off mercifly. Seen when that doesnt happen too.
Waste managment put a pto contol on alot of their equipment with automatic trans that would automaticly disengauge the pto as soom as u came out of neutral. Sounds great but was a real PITA for drivers that often deal with sticky stuborn loads.
Cant fix stupid.
Truckers r totally underpaid and this is what can result.
07-18-2021, 09:56 PM
I don't know why they'd tear it down. Replacing it will take months. Connecticut has been building new bridges beside the hiway, even on steep enbankments. When they are ready they close the hiway tear down the old one and move the new one in place in 48 hours. This one looks like it only needs to be jacked up and moved back into place.
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