View Full Version : Cell Service
05-06-2021, 03:41 PM
Quick poll...Who seems to have the best cell service when traveling, Verizon, ATT or T Mobile?
05-10-2021, 08:01 PM
It really depends on where you're traveling. Some parts of the country have different 'best'. That's why we use one carrier for cell phones and a different carrier for our MIFI puck (FMCA TechConnect). Diversity is the secret to this issue.
05-10-2021, 11:27 PM
It really depends on where you're traveling. Some parts of the country have different 'best'. That's why we use one carrier for cell phones and a different carrier for our MIFI puck (FMCA TechConnect). Diversity is the secret to this issue.
I hear you about diversity, however what I really want is StarLink!!!
I have used OtrMobile with both AT&T and T-Mobile as a carrier. OtrMobile forced me over to T-Mobile at the beginning of the year and it was initially crappy, but has gotten much better. I have heard but not verified that if you are going to use diversity in mobile carriers that it is best to have Verizon as one of your primaries.
05-11-2021, 09:47 AM
We have had AT&T and Verizon. We have found that even in a part of the country where one was "better" than another, there are still major holes in parks or cities that we visit.
These random weak areas might be solved with a booster but I have been reluctant to add another antenna to the roof. Wish there was a product that would work with an indoor antenna or one just mounted inside on a window.
05-17-2021, 09:08 AM
Ive had all three (AT&T, Verizon & T-Mobile), using a Winegard ConnecT testing them by replacing SIM card in different locations. Will be traveling from East Coast to West this summer or at least to Utah and Idaho from Florida. T-Mobile has an unlimited of 100 GB whereas Verizon only gives you 15GB which goes fast. With all of them it depends on Cell Towers, their maps will show coverage but in reality doesn't mean much. We're in Northern Michigan right now and the T-Mobile will range from 38% to 60% data coverage while sitting still. Verizon was a little better in same spot but still the same up and down. AT&T uses Mom and Pop former telephone companies up here and in some places even though map shows coverage there is non. I even call the companies and ask them to send a boost single and in some cases it helps but most of the time it makes no difference.
As always closer to larger Cities better it works, so far T-Mobile seems to be working little better and you can set streaming on your T-Mobile App to change download speeds to save usage. We've watched at least 10 to 15 shows and movies over the past several weeks and have only used 14 GB, that includes Internet use for email and other downloads. Right now it's not working so we're using a WiFi connection from a camp site. Don't know if there will ever be anything to a connection like Fiber to a router but it's better than a few years ago.
05-17-2021, 09:26 AM
Currently I have T Mobile and my wife has Verizon. We spent the weekend in Washington Texas at a campsite and found T Mobile did not have service and Verizon did. Many time it is the opposite. But is was very interesting that the moment we drove out of the campsite on the main road T Mobile was stronger then Verizon. I think this showed me I need to add a cell antenna on top the bus to give an extra boost. Any one recommend the best equipment to purchase?
05-17-2021, 01:42 PM
Here's the gear that I am using in my rig.
Cellular Router
External Antenna
( Adapter Cable Pigtail
05-17-2021, 08:05 PM
Fred, what are the pros and cons of a separate router and antenna vs a product from Surecall or Weboost?
I assume you are paying monthly for the router?
05-18-2021, 01:21 PM
I am currently getting my mobile service from which is T-mobile as the carrier. It's supposed to be unlimited internet and so far I have used a ton of data while traveling. The router I purchased outright.
The problem with signal boosters is that they only allow one frequency to be used. IE. If you have a device that can do two channels only one of them works boosted.
In my case I simply configure my cell phone for Wi-Fi calling for when I am in or near the bus.
In my configuration I have a separate router for the bus that connects via Ethernet to the cellular router.
When I am in a location that T-Mobile sucks, I move the Ethernet cable to Wi-Fi ethernet adapter that links to the cell phone as a hotspot which is on AT&T; though it is easy to burn through the cell phones data plan.
TG Transport
11-03-2021, 06:41 AM
The SIM card in my router has gone bad and my 3rd party source is non-responsive. Who is everyone using for unlimited, non-throttled data on an AT&T SIM card these days? My Cradlepoint router is configured for AT&T so my preference is to keep using them. Thanks is advance for the help.
11-03-2021, 09:24 AM
Towson, Glen said for AT&T we are using the $50/month, 100Gig plan directly from AT&T. We do also have Verizon and T-Mobile too so we kind of rotate depending on who is stronger and how much data we have used on each provider.
11-03-2021, 09:44 AM
We are also using the $50/month plan from AT&T. Using it in their Netgear MR1100 hot spot. This hot spot also has connection ports for a two input external antenna. Our phones are Verizon. As others have said there are poor signal spots everywhere even in large cities. We rotate between our phones and the hot spot with and without the external antenna depending on data transfer speeds.
11-03-2021, 10:30 AM
I'm not aware of any truly 'unlimited' plan with AT&T. However if you're an FMCA member, they have a great plan with Sprint MIFI device that truly is unlimited. Not a SIM card solution for your existing router, but I would advise to consider changing solutions to the MIFI approach. Works great.
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