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View Full Version : Specifications for the ideal Bus Barn

12-21-2020, 01:42 PM
Building a new storage barn and would appreciate your input on the ideal configuration. Assuming you had no limitations, i.e. building codes and land area, what would you want to include in your garage?
What is the ideal overall size for just the bus, minimum size? How much clearance around the bus?
How big of door? Would you put doors at both ends if you could?
Ideal ceiling height, for room to work on top of the coach.
What considerations to give to turning radius for pulling on and off the road? My access is off a 50' wide country road through a to-be-installed gate.
What would be helpful to have installed in the garage; power, water, air, heat, etc?
Would you do an internal storage room for items relating to operating the bus? How big? How would you configure the shelving?
Undoubtedly constraints, if none other than costs, will become an issue, but trying to avoid the "damn, I wish I would have put in..." after the building is done.
Thanks for your help.

12-21-2020, 02:09 PM
While i've never had such a barn a few things that come to my mind:
- Sufficient clearance on top to get on the roof and do things (repairs)
- Sufficient clearance to be able to open all bay doors and engine door(s)
- Sufficient heat/cooling to keep things 'reasonable'. Above freezing? Below 90?
- A way to vent air in the barn after running the engine when pulling it in/out. A fan/door/window at the opposite end for ventilation.
- 50A power so you can test out any functions (A/C?) while in the barn.

Damn I"m getting jealous just thinking of such a 'home'. Good luck Chris.

BTW: Please edit your profile and change your signature to include your bus year/model. Always helps get more accurate answers.

12-21-2020, 03:17 PM
I would build the largest Structure you can, space and cost prohibiting.

12-21-2020, 06:01 PM
Chris, do an advanced search "bus barn Jamie" for suggestions. Several responses were made when Jamie Bradford built his. One thing I forgot when I made my comments, was an Air Compressor, with sufficient capacity to air up your tires. Mine is a 5hp with an 80 gal tank, and is plumbed around the sides of the building so you will have access (drops) at several points around the bus. I am sure once you post you will have many more suggestions. It's great to have your storage building near your house, for loading and unloading between trips, and for doing work on the bus while at home. Good luck with yours.

12-21-2020, 07:14 PM
Also talk to Bill Johnson, he is a Pogger. His Bus Barn has airplanes in it. Here is his Youtube Channel.

12-21-2020, 07:37 PM
Forget the house... just build your "Man Cavern"


12-21-2020, 07:58 PM
All i can say is WOW!

12-22-2020, 09:22 AM
As an airplane guy and now bus owner, I would say whatever size you decide - double it!

I received that advice years ago and boy was that spot on. LOL.

Also, I wish I had heated concrete floors . . .