View Full Version : My new H3 journey

11-10-2020, 09:23 AM
Good Morning POG,

My name is Mark Deason, and with the help of Gil (Thanks!), I've found myself in a lovely 1999 Vantare H3-45! It's quite a journey of how we got here, but I will say that without a doubt there was divine intervention the entire way (pre & post purchase.) I'm also going to state that I'm soooo happy I'm in the coach I'm in (other alternative before this was a 2001 Marathon with twice the mileage that was sold out from under me), since I'm reworking electronics and all (of which I have two sets of diagrams - go figure, blessings!)

Since it's on my mind this AM, I'll throw this quick question out here:

All the panel switches are EAO Series 31 and I'm having a hard time sourcing the bi-leds. Furthermore, I don't see any other color options than red/green, so if someone knows of alternatives (like blue/white, etc), I'm all ears. The major question is - who is making/fab the little paper inserts with the function name. I have a few that are going to be outdated really soon (Fiberoptics, cough cough) and need some TLC.

I look forward to helping and posting the transition and makeover as I go to a different battery backup system, etc.

Best Regards,
Mark D. (AKA SkinnerVic).